Evil Stepsisters' Revenge

Midnight Kiss

Evil Stepsisters' revenge


My hand rapidly quivered as I realized what I had done. However, my voice stayed steady and strong.


“Don't ing give me any talk about how I'm the selfish one when none of you stopped to ask me my side of the story. Don't act all high and mighty just because you are celebrities. Don't ing judge me when you know nothing about my life. And don't EVER call me a selfish when you don't even know half of my life story,” I turned away from them with tears in my eyes, going towards the fridge, still starving for some kind of depression food to eat away my sorrows. Not wanting them to see how weak I was, I stealthily wiped my tear.


I quickly grabbed a bowl, a spoon, vanilla and strawberry ice cream, Pepero, and a banana, placing it on the island in the center of the kitchen. In silence, I created my sundae and began devouring it.


SHINee stayed where they were, dead silent, staring.


“You know it's not polite to stare,” I coldly stated as I stuffed my mouth with a heap of ice cream.


The five of them just eyed me as I continued to eat, then left the kitchen, obviously still mad at me. Onew gave me the death glare as he rubbed his cheek which had a bright red hand-print on it. It seemed so imprinted on it, that it looked like a vivid tattoo.


I heavily sighed, shoving my bowl of deliciousness away from me. Sadly, not even the sweetness of ice cream could cure the stinging words they had said.


Why do they always bring up the California rich girl act? I'm not even that spoiled. Just because I'm from Cali doesn't make me one of those valley girls who shops non-stop, parties like there's no tomorrow, gets wasted, and wakes up not knowing where she is with a stranger beside her. If only they really knew my life, then they would be scarred for life.


Secondly, I am a really respectful girl! I just don't let people step all over me, nor do I keep silent when I have something on my mind or if I strongly believe in something different than another person. Like a tough warrior, I defend myself. If I played the role of Cinderella, waiting for a savior all my life, then the continuation of my nightmare with him would still be going on today.


I shoved my bowl away, no longer wanting to eat it. Bringing up the thought of him makes my yummy sweet suddenly taste bitter.


I decided to clear my mind and lock myself up as a prisoner in my room. Maybe playing the guitar will distract me?






As I finished singing and playing the guitar, I sat their quietly, without moving. Too me this song always had a really inspirational and strengthening, yet kinda depressing, song. Sure, I'm not in love with the original singer's voice, but trust me, I've heard worse voices than Miley Cryus. Anyway, I guess there was always one person that came to my mind whenever I sang it...




He was always there for me whenever small things reminded me of him. Though Kai never asked into deeper question about the guy or what happened, he would sit there patiently, hugging me, comforting me. Slowly, but surely, I opened myself up to Kai and told him the terrifying experience. Kai wasn't the type to interrogate people or dig deeper into their pasts, he just listened. But honestly, I'm glad that's all he did.


I glanced at the clock to see that it was already 4!


Wow, I've been playing the guitar for a while. I felt the painful calluses beginning to form on my fingers, engulfing them in torment as they started to discolor to an off-purple.


Suddenly, my stomach loudly grumbled... I forgot, I never finished my ice cream, nor did I eat lunch. Crud. And here I thought I would manage to lock myself away from SHINee, but I couldn't even last a couple hours.


I gave up my stubborn urge to remain in my sanctuary, however; my roaring stomach told me otherwise. I walked out of my room with a spy-like skill, cautiously making my way across the hallway towards the stair, when I sudden heard laughter.


It was familiar high, feminine laugh which rung like a soft sweet wedding bell. Smooth and sweet like honey, it floated in the air creating a melodious tone.


Wait a minute. I'm the only girl that lives in this house.


I scurried down the steps, frantically curious as to who it was. Only to be disappointed to walk into the kitchen and find Luna, Sulli, Krystal, Jessica, and Yuri with their arms wrapped around the boys, staring at me.


“What is she doing here?” Luna tried to cover her venomous hiss with an innocent curiosity, to bad I saw straight through it.


“Oppa~” Sulli pouted to Taemin, “I thought you said you only invited the five of us,” Taemin just tickled her chin, obviously pulled in by her cuteness. I just rolled my eyes.


“Well, we were hoping she'd stay locked up in her room,” Minho coldly explained, glaring at me, obviously screaming for me to get the heck out.


“You can't keep a good girl down,” I stated, with no emotion or expression in my voice.


Luna snickered, “Yeah, because she'll act all innocent and try to take others' guys,” She protectively wrapped an arm around Onew, who just pulled her closer.


“Can you really call yourself a good girl after everything you've done?” Taemin questioned.


“Well, considering you guys don't know anything about me and are just throwing conclusions, then yes, I believe I'm better than the ten of you combined,” I shuffled over to the fridge opening it.


Someone harshly slammed it shut. I looked up to find Key leaning against the fridge, staring at me with cold eyes.


“Just give up the act. The girls told us about how you threatened them, saying that they should stay away from us because you want us for yourself,” Key spat.


“Yes, I'm putting up an act and I want you guys all for myself,” I sarcastically stated.


“See she admitted it!” Krystal yelled. I just gaped at her complete and utter stupidity, tired of this game.


“If that's what they want to believe, they can believe it,” I glanced back at Key, “Since after what you guys put me through, I'm definitely obsessed with you,” I sauntered over to the pantry since Key obviously won't let me eat from the fridge.


I opened the door, but to only be stopped by Jonghyun who closed the door.


I just looked at him, “What are you actually gonna talk to me?”


Jonghyun just gave me an piercing, icy dirty look.


“God,” I just impatiently walked away from the pantry, picking up the phone to order take out.


Taemin quickly snatched the phone away and tauntingly hovered the metallic phone over my head, “We can do this all day if we have to,”


“And I have the time,” I walked towards the exit to grab my cell phone from upstairs in my room.


Onew blocked me, “So do we,”


Minho stood beside Onew with hands his pockets, “Apologize to the girls,”


I glared, “No,”


“Yes,” Key stood beside Minho.




“Yes,” Taemin stood on the other side of Onew.




Jonghyun then stood beside Taemin, “Apologize. Now.” Furiously, he hissed at me with eyes filled with flames of pure hatred and anger.


I stepped closer to Jonghyun, “Make. Me.”


With no hesitation, Jonghyun violently grabbed me, shoved me against the island, and like a cop he hand-cuffed my wrists together, tight.


“Ouch,” I flinched in pain, “What the heck do you think you're doing,”

“I'm tired of you and your stubbornness! Apologizing isn't going to kill you! You act like this is a life or death matter when all it takes it to simple words! I stayed silent earlier, but now I'm not holding back what I think of you anymore. Like everyone else says you're a pampered California princess who thinks the world revolves only around her, however, that illusion easily disappears as I see the rotten you are,” He shoved me to my knees in front of the girls, who had enormous smirks plastered on their fake plastic faces. “Now apologize!”


The five of them smiled evilly at Jonghyun's actions, glad that someone finally decided to take the upper hand and make me apologize by force. Clever and cunning, these girls easily managed to have the guys hate on me more than they had earlier; thus creating a deep and infinite loathing for me.


I looked up at them, still on my knees with Jonghyun fiercely pressing my arms against my back.


“Never,” I stated, glaring at them.


With that Jonghyun snapped, he briskly threw me over his shoulders.


“What are you doing?! Put me down!” I screamed, kicking as much as I could, struggling.


The guys let Jonghyun passed as he left the kitchen, now going up the stairs. The big potato sack on his shoulder (aka me) strained to break free, but nothing worked.


Before I realized it, Jonghyun slammed me down on his bed, I was in Jonghyun's room.

(Jonghyun's Room)


“Ow,” I roughly landed on my handcuffs, “Let me go!” I tried to break free from my , only to cause my handcuffs to roughly chafe against my tortured wrists.


Jonghyun covered my mouth with his hand, hovering above me, “Shut. Up.”


Sweet and playful Jonghyun has left the building, taking an alien ship to an unknown galaxy farther from the Milky Way, never to appear again.


I stopped talking, stopped fighting, just laid their on Jonghyun's bed motionless. One of his hands was three inches away from my face, plastered to the bed with forceful anger. With his muscular body hovering over mine, I couldn't help but longingly gawk at his tight gray v-neck that hugged him, showing every crevice.


Jonghyun removed his hand from my mouth and with a glare stated, “You know you're really stubborn. Do you hate apologizing or something?”


“Seriously, would I be this stubborn about something as meaningless and small as an apology?” I asked.


“Well, I don't know. Movies make California girls all look like es,” Jonghyun shrugged.


“Why in the world did you base how I act off of movies? Not all Californians act like that!” I yelled at him for his stupidity.


“I did it because I needed a sense of knowing what you would be like!” He screamed at me, however he slowly began to mutter, “Since we were gonna be living with a girl, I just wanted to prepare for what it would be like,”


I heavily sighed, “All girls are different. And the only way you learn about them, is by personally getting to know them,”


His innocent, shy boy appearance soon disappeared, “Speak for yourself. You were the one who ended up directly or indirectly hurting six people dear to me without knowing them, including your dad,”


I propped myself up on my elbows so that I was inches away from his face, getting up close and personal now.


“Fine,” I began, “Sure I hurt my dad, and trust me I regretted it, especially since you five swore to make my life hell after that. However, don't make false accusations when you don't even know the story,”


Jonghyun was about to open his mouth to speak.


“Don't talk.” I commanded, “Don't judge people without actually living a day in their shoes. Don't judge a person by their cover, by their outer appearance. Don't judge a person by rumors and whispers you might hear from unreliable resources. Don't judge me, because you guys haven't even known me for a week and yet you have the courage to make as many accusations as you please, thinking that it won't affect me at all. I'm glad that you care about you're friends' Jonghyun, but don't use tactics like this to just squeeze an apology out of me, because I'm never going to apologize to them,”


He stared into my eyes, probably trying to beg me to tell them I'm sorry.


“No, no matter what you say I'm not apologizing. I mean seriously, why do-”


“You talk way too much,” Jonghyun growled, rudely interrupted me. Suddenly, he shut me up by pressing his lips lightly against mine. I wanted to shove him away, but I couldn't with the cuffs restraining me. Realizing I wanted to escape from his hungry lips, Jonghyun cupped my face, pulling me deeper into the kiss.


His hand slowly creeping up my leg, I screamed into the kiss, causing Jonghyun to smirk as he pulled away.


“Are you gonna apologize to them now?” He smirked, his hand stopping at the bottom of my shorts.


“If I say no what are you gonna do about it?” I hissed. There was no way I'm going to ask forgiveness to those girls! NO WAY!! Didn't Jonghyun listen to my lecture earlier? They should be apologizing to me for placing me in this situation!


“I'm gonna go farther than I did just a second ago,” He whispered seductively in my ear, “And once I start I can't stop,” He blew into my ear.


“Ah! Okay! Okay! Geez, just let me go and unlock the cuffs!” I loudly yelled, definitely not wanting to get by Jonghyun.


He obviously read my mind and smirked, “It's not if you enjoy it,”


“Be glad that my hands are tied behind my back, because by now you'd be on the floor cowering in pain,” I threatened.


Jonghyun just chuckled, grabbed the key's from underneath the green couch on the other side of the room. My hands were freed!! I gently messaged my aching wrists, which had red marks all over them.


“Ow,” I flinched at the pain, “Why do you even have those?”


He grinned mischievously, raising an eyebrown, “Do you really want me to answer that question?”


“Ew,” I quickly got up, bolting out of the door.




Downstairs. In the Living room. All five of the girls sat on the couch, SHINee behind them crossing their arms, glaring at me.


I was on my knees.


The girls smugly smirked in delight, overjoyed by my cooperation.


“Sorry for what I did,” I mumbled.


“I'm sorry what was that?” Yuri cupped her ear, leaning closer.


“I'm sorry,” I said a little louder.


“Could you speak up?” Krystal smirked. Her voice sounded perfectly innocent and sincere, as if she coudn't hear me. However, her face gave away everything. Too bad SHINee was only glaring at me, missing the proof that they were obviously just doing this because they had a strange hatred towards me.


I just glared at them. I will not say it louder! This is the loudest it's gonna get, if you don't like it you can just deal with this apology.


“____, we're waiting,” Taemin's icy glare scared me. I just gave up. These girls obviously were truly obsessed, I mean in love with these five boys. Might as well let them get what they want, the boys don't really matter to me anyway. Plus, if I ratted the girls out now, SHINee wouldn't believe me and hate me even more. So either way you look at it, I'm at a dead end.


“Fine,” I looked directly at them, giving the most sincere stare ever, “I'm sorry for acting like that earlier. I'm sorry I was jealous of you girls because you had SHINee to yourself. I'm sorry for being the Californian brat I am. I'm sorry for hurting you guys in anyway. Can you forgive me?”


They girls jumped up and down in happiness.


“Thank you~” Krystal gushed at Jonghyun. “Without you, she wouldn't have apologized,”


“No problem, Krystal,” Jonghyun winked at her, “It was fun,” His emphasis on fun, gave me the chills.


All the girls went up to hug their opposite, gushing, giggling. I just stuck out my tongue in disgust, ready to leave this sickening scene.


“Wait, ____,” Luna smiled, “We wanted to give you a present,”


“You girls are really sweet,” Onew complimented them.


“Come on,” Jessica grabbed my arm, pulling at me to follow them into the kitchen. They sat me down on one of the chairs surrounding the island.


“We wanted to give you a smoothie,” Sulli smiled, placing it on the table in front of me.


“You know they can't hear us. No need for your fake act now, just drop it,” I scowled, extremely exhausted because of all this unnecessary dram.


Sulli's smiled turned into an evil smirk, “I was just trying to be nice,”


“Nice try, but you're not fooling me,” I strongly stated.


“What a clever girl,” Yuri 'complimented', “Too bad we're smarter. As I said earlier, mess with the boys and your giving yourself a free ticket to Hell,”

“Okay, so last time I checked I didn't do anything to them,”


“Don't act dumb!” Luna snapped, getting in my face, “We all heard you seduce Onew, causing him to drop his innocence and turn into a manly beast,”

I snickered, “Really now? If you must know you're precious Onew initiated all of it,”


Luna snarled, “First of, Onew isn't like that. He's a kind and innocent gentleman who loves chicken. His sweet voice comforts the tears of any girl. His charming personality makes you wish that all boys were clones of him. Secondly, you're definitely not his type. He doesn't go for the desperate s,”


I laughed, “So he goes for the classy s? Meaning you?” I questioned.


“Yah!” Luna barked furiously, “I'm not a !”


“Denial,” I began to reach for the smoothie, thirsty for a delicious, refreshing beverage.


Suddenly, Luna grabbed the cup away from me, gripping it with anger. Her red face boiled with pure anger and hatred, a dark aura surrounding her. Before it calculated fully as to what she was going to do, Luna launched the drink in my direction. Pink strawberry-banana smoothie dripped off of my body. It soaked into my clothes, causing my skin to get goosebumps and pretty much freeze.


I gasped in utter outrage at her Glee-like act. I was the loser from the school glee club, who enjoyed singing and dancing. Luna was the preppy cocky Cheerio who couldn't wait to destroy my life along with her y posse, slushy-ing losers, nerds, geeks, and anyone they despise 24/7.


“Revenge is sweet,” Luna used her finger to wipe off some of the smoothie, tasting her sweet vengeance.




Cute plump pikachu ◕ ‿ ◕

Thanks for reading.

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KimJonghyunx #1
Chapter 49: 3rd time reading and I still love it. Update soon please x
Chapter 49: I love the cherry coke couple hahaa... Update soon author-nim :))
Blingsterswds781 #3
Please update soon author-nim!! You got one more subscriber :D
zettyez #4
Chapter 49: I love cherry coke couple! U got 1 more subscriber authornim!
chekkuame #5
Chapter 49: hehe Nice! Minho belongs in a swimming pool. I like both couples. Keep it up, author-nim!
chekkuame #6
Chapter 48: Ah cute! hehe I won't unsubscribe. I'll wait for you! And Jonghyun... <3 Just kidding!
Naviky #7
Chapter 48: Aww so nice! Ugh i love shinee those dorkie adorable boys xD please update soon!
locketblingermvp #8
Chapter 48: lol that is just so cute! >< glad you updated!!