
Targeting the Moon

“GET OUT.”  

Jungkook raised his hands in front of his chest defensively. Jimin looked at him, eyebrows furrowed in discontent. He had been here for less than five minutes so why was he so angry?? 

“Hey, shouldn’t you be a little more grateful that I’m joining this so-called club of yours? Which by the way, seems to be having issues of membership, no?” Jungkook scoffed, annoyed by the shorter male’s reaction.  

Park Jimin got up from the quilt and glared at him, “Look Jeon Jungkook, you made it pretty clear that you didn’t want to talk to me so then why draw this out? Leave!” 

Jungkook pushed his tongue against his cheek as he thought. He could do as Jimin said and just leave. He didn’t want to become friends with him after all. Who even needed friends? Besides, being in such a private space with Jimin could either help move his plan forward or be a dangerous, incriminating action. It was a gamble, but Jungkook was feeling lucky.  

He shrugged nonchalantly and moved around Jimin to sit on the quilt. He grabbed one of the nearest books and stared at it. He rubbed his eyes a few times before finally understanding what he was looking at.  

“So... you’re looking for constellations?” 

Jimin walked over and yanked the book forcefully from his hand which surprised Jungkook. Where did the bubbly, almost obnoxiously sweet guy from earlier go? Jimin now stared at him with a cold, piercing gaze. It almost seemed like a completely different person.  

“Look Mr. Jeon, if there is one thing that I hate, it’s people interrupting the times I have to myself. And you are doing that right now. Leave. Now.” 

Jungkook felt a cold shiver run down his spine at the other’s voice which was laced with warning. A fighting instinct welled within his chest and he reached for his hip only to find no weapon. Jimin’s eyes glinted in the darkness and Jungkook his lips, making a split decision.  

“What if I wanted to be here?” 

Jimin raised his eyebrow, giving him enough time to continue.  

“I like space...and stuff.” 

Jimin laughed, rolling his eyes, “Name one constellation.” 

Jungkook bit the inside of his lip. He had learned a few constellations in grade school. Now if only he could remember any of them. That would be super. He racked his memory, trying to remember any of the names from the book that was now in Jimin’s, surprisingly small, hand.  

“I like...” He glanced at the book in his hand which was loosely open, “ANDROMEDA!” 

Jimin blinked and sat down next to him, still keeping some distance, “So you do know them...” 

Jungkook tried giving his most convincing nod. Jimin’s serious face broke into a smile and Jungkook sighed in relief. If he somehow made Jimin hate him, then it would be harder to obtain information about his lifestyle.  

“In the myth, she was going to be sacrificed to this big sea monster but Perseus came and rescued her.” 

Jungkook kept nodding.  

Jimin looked at him and sighed, “Sorry about my outburst. I really had begun to think you were a jerk.” 

Jungkook looked up at the sky, leaning back on his arms. Jimin did the same, staring intensely at the moon. The night was filled with short, awkward chatter, neither of them feeling fully comfortable but at least not alone. 


“You know, new guy, if you stare at him any harder people will start thinking you hate him or you’re in love with him.”  

Jungkook snapped his head to the left, the straw from his banana milk carton still in his mouth. A guy wearing a hoodie over a mop of unruly blond hair was leaning over the table. His arms were folded under his cheek, and he stared straight ahead with an unamused, blank gaze.  


“You’re staring at Park Jimin too long. I mean, I know he is cute, but I doubt you are his type.”  

Jungkook almost spit out his milk. WHO? 

The guy remained unfazed by the series of expressions that flashed on Jungkook’s face. He pulled the hood over his head and curled up slightly, as if going to sleep. This was a lunch table and this guy didn’t even have lunch- 


“I wasn’t staring!!” 

The mound of a stranger didn’t budge. Jungkook huffed but decided to calm down and think more rationally. What was wrong with him? He was forgetting that this was a mission and therefore, every move had to be carefully planned out.  

“You seem to know him well then.” 

The blonde shifted slightly and peeked his small eyes at Jungkook. “No, I don’t know him well. I know the other one.”  

He buried his face in his arms again, trying to get comfortable. 

The other one? He looked back to Jimin who was eating with three other guys. One had bright copper hair and large, noticeable dimples. Ah yes, the dimpled one. Jung Hoseok. He was on Jimin’s left. On Jimin’s right was Seokjin. The last person had their back facing towards Jungkook but he didn’t need him to turn around for him to know who he was. The blue hair said it all. Vante

Jungkook looked back at the mound of a person. He could be useful after all.  

“Which other one?” 

The boy groaned in frustration, giving up on his dream to nap through lunch and sat up with a rather annoyed expression on his face.  

“Look I know you are new and all so I’ll make this quick. If I tell you, then you leave me alone to sleep, deal?”  

Jungkook nodded and the guy brushed back his messy hair. He hadn’t seen him in any of his classes before so he knew he must be from a different department.  

He pointed to Seokjin, “Kim Seokjin, school prince, deemed the most handsome member of the school. He is very rich and his older brother is the heir to their electronics company. 4-D. Looks calm, is crazy.” 

He moved his index finger to the other side, “Jung Hoseok, star dancer. Comes from a humble background but is smarter than a lot of people deem him to be. Multi-talented and my childhood best friend. Looks crazy, is crazy.”  

Jungkook raised his eyebrows in surprise but before he could ask, the guy moved on to the next person. “Kim Taehyung, vocal powerhouse. Kid’s got a lot of skill. Looks calm, is crazy.” 

Jimin suddenly remembered where he had seen him before. He vaguely remembered him being in the same class as him and Jimin. Their last class of the day. 

“And you already know his best friend, Park Jimin. Heir to one of the biggest biomedical tech companies in the country. Heck of a singer and dancer. Looks cute, is probably crazy.”  

Jungkook froze. That... 

“I see a lot of questions forming on your face so I’m just gonna go.” 

Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts and looked up, “Hey wait, what’s your name?” 

The guy didn’t even bother to turn around. 

“Min Yoongi.” 

Jungkook repeated it to himself multiple times. He was a valuable source of intel.  

He focused on Jimin again who was curled over in laughter over something Vant—Taehyung had said. So, he was an important heir. For some reason he couldn’t image someone like Jimin seated at a CEO desk. It just didn’t seem right. But regardless, why would the government want Jimin taken out? What had he done? 

Jimin’s dark eyes met his for an instant and Jungkook immediately looked away. After the club incident two days ago, he had been avoiding talking to him once again. He looked up again to see Jimin still looking at him. He felt his skin prickle and he stood up, pretending to brush himself off and threw his trash away before turning in the opposite direction.  

Jungkook gave a long, drawn out sigh as he finished sweeping the remainder of the room. For his last class, he had been tasked with cleaning up after everyone left. He had purposefully dragged it out longer than normal so that the giggly girls would finally give up and stop hovering near the door waiting for him to come out. He hadn’t blatantly ignored Park Jimin this time. Instead, he had given a few nods of agreement when he was asked certain things. Yes or no answers still formed a connection between them, even if it wasn’t exactly “friendship.” 

He thought Jimin would hang around and try to convince him to be friends again but instead he walked out with his arm wrapped around Taehyung’s shoulders. Jungkook sneered, ignoring both of them. He could hear their laughter as they walked down the hall and then hours later, he was still in the room. Alone.  

The sky had morphed into a silky blend of pink and orange as the sun began to set. He figured that he should head back home soon. His mother wasn’t going to be home for the weekend as she had to travel to see a specialist and she had vehemently refused for him to accompany her and miss class. Today was the first day in a long time he would have to come back to an empty house. In a way, he didn’t want to go home. It was a painful reminder of what could happen if he didn’t get his mother the treatment she needed. If he didn’t complete this job... 

He packed the cleaning supplies back in the closet and closed the classroom. The hallways were empty and most of the students had either gone home, were in after school program in another building, or were jammed in the library studying. Maybe if he had a normal life he too would be worried about the simpler things... 

He walked down the hallway and to the stairs. From the window he could see the soccer team practicing in the field. He recognized Jung Hoseok and Kim Taehyung among the crowd. What did that Taehyung not do? 

Jungkook quickly climbed down the stairs, thankful that no one was in the hallway. He went to the lockers and got his book bag. He stuck his hand in to feel for the familiar cold jaggedness of his keys to no avail. A feeling of panic welled in his chest. Where were his keys??? 

He began looking carefully through every bag and compartment before holding his bag upside down, emptying it completely. No keys. He bit his bottom lip nervously. Would he have to try to break into his own home? Despite being a hitman, Jungkook didn’t know much about infiltration. Taemin and the others usually took care of that part if need be. He could only do the basics but even that was a big uncertainty. Suddenly, he remembered that in his rush to leave his house this morning, he had shoved his keys into his gym bag instead. The gym bag which was in the now closed gym.  

So it was either break into his house or the gym. But he could more easily play off trying to break into the gym than into a house where his neighbors didn’t even know him.  

He groaned, cursing his forgetfulness and made his way to the gymnasium which was near the soccer field. He made his way over carefully, making sure no one noticed him. He tugged on the door, mentally preparing to try and break in. Yet, to his surprise, the door opened. 

He forgot that this was a performing arts school so there could be people practicing even this late in the day. Yet, the main dance halls were on the second floor. On this floor, there was only one dance studio but it wasn’t really used or so Seokjin had told him.  

The door to the studio was open, and there was music coming from inside. He didn’t recognize the song, but he could tell that it was in English. He would just walk by and hopefully not be noticed.  

He brushed his dark brown hair aside and took powerful strides towards the studio at the end of the hall which was adjacent to where his locker was located.  

Suddenly, a voice started singing along. It was a soft, sweet voice like silk running through Jungkook’s ears. The person hit a strong high note, making Jungkook question the gender of the mystery person since he really couldn’t think of anyone who had a range like that. It was almost angelic? 

In his trance, he kept scooting closer towards the door, drawn in by the melodious voice. He could clearly see the outline of a male, dancing to music and singing along to the chorus. Despite that the room was mostly filled with shadows cast by the dimming sunset, the person was unmistakable.  

It was Park Jimin.  

He held his breath as he watched Jimin’s body move gracefully as he executed sharp movements with ease. Jungkook ducked his head back so he wouldn’t be caught, feeling his heartbeat quicken slightly. It was probably the fear of being caught. He could hear Jimin’s heavy breaths as the squeaking of his shoes sliding against the linoleum increased. Then, out of nowhere, there was a loud thud. The song eventually stopped and a new one played, but there was no new sound from Jimin.  

Jungkook bit his lip. Had he been caught? Jimin was probably staring at him right now with that same cold expression from that night.  

“... if there is one thing that I hate, it’s people interrupting the times I have to myself.” 

Still, if he had found him out, he would have probably made some loud remark about him watching him... 

He didn’t dwell on the thought any longer and poked his head around the door frame again. Instead of meeting a daunting gaze, Jimin was crumpled on the floor, face down. Jungkook froze in shock, not expecting this at all. He rushed into the room, turning Jimin to face up. Blood was dripping from his lip. He had probably fallen down and his tooth had cut his lip upon impact. Yet, for him to have fallen like this meant he wasn’t able to brace for the impact... 

Jungkook instinctively patted his body for any possible wound and found nothing. He sighed in relief. His pulse was there and he was breathing, albeit with slight difficulty. He knew somehow Jimin would have to die one way or another if he was to save his mother. If he had suddenly passed like this, things would be better. It had only been a week since he had joined and things could be over without him really doing anything. So why was he panicking? 

The brunette shook Jimin gently, trying to wake him up.  

“Park Jimin.”  

He shook his shoulders harder, but Jimin’s head still fell limply.  

Jungkook tried stopping his voice from shaking as he squeezed his shoulder. “Park Jimin!!” 

Amid his panic, Jungkook noticed something peculiar. The position of Jimin’s body oddly resembled something...


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Hello! Just wanted to check in if people were actually enjoying this or not and if I should keep going. I might just still write to get this story idea out of my head.. anyway, have a good day :) To the subscribers, you are angels ; ^ ;


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Aricaea #1
Chapter 4: It's really cuteeee, keep the good work going ;w;<3