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[BREAKING] Re-cap of the S.H.I.E.L.D
panel interview 2047: hello, Young Avengers Initiative!

By Georgia Harries and Nick Palmer
March 13, 2047 at 1:05 PM

S.H.I.E.L.D representatives Agent Kevin Allistair (left) and Agent Chadwick Andrews (right) answering questions about the allegedly new project of S.H.I.E.L.D called 'The Young Avengers initiative'. (Photo by: Scarlett Letterman)

This is it; the first ever S.H.I.E.L.D panel interview for over a decade has started once again after the 35th anniversary of the formation of Earth's mightiest heroes, The Avengers. The world is a pretty peaceful place after the said superhero group's disbandment, but a wave of mysterious murders and the high spikes of missing people around the U.S had disrupted it. 

Many feared for their lives as the group of superheroes who we counted on for these situations are long gone; but, there may be hope for all of us; as S.H.I.E.L.D's current director, Joaquin Fury, stated in the nearly two-hour long panel that there will be a new group protecting Earth.

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The panel starts with the introduction of the few selected S.H.I.E.L.D officials that was chosen to represent them (them being S.H.I.E.L.D). We are introduced to S.H.I.E.L.D offcials Warren Bates, Maria Spellman, and Howard Potts; S.H.I.E.L.D agents Kevin Allistair and Chadwick Andrews; then S.H.I.E.L.D's current director and son of Nick Fury himself, Joaquin Fury. The panel started with rather simple questions; like how is S.H.I.E.L.D preparing for any hypothetical attacks on Earth, their favorites colors (To which Joaquin replied, "Green."), and many much more--and here are the highlights:
  • S.H.I.E.L.D has numerous strong leads for the recent murders and missing people reports, Agents Allistair and Andrews answered the question. "We do have strong leads for the cases," said Allistair, "And there is solid evidence that states the murders and the recent disappearances are connected. But we do first try to validate these things before moving on and starting an official investigation."
  • Director Joaquin Fury is single! Listen up ladies, the resident 'cutie' director of S.H.I.E.L.D admits that he's single; "I don't think I would like to be in a relationship though," said Fury. "Because I would like to focus more on my job."

And the news you've been dying to hear about: The Young Avengers Initiative. Director Fury took time to explain S.H.I.E.L.D's newest project.

"We, no doubt, grew up in the years of the Avenger's golden years." said Fury. "We all witnessed their adventures to save our home turf. And so, for the 35th anniversary of their services to this planet, we woud like to make a homage to them; we would like to make a group of exceptional and skilled individuals to continue their legacy--individuals that they can give their mantles to.

And so, we had made the Young Avengers Initative. They may not be the same as the Original and New Avengers, but we are damn sure they will protect the Earth too!"

The panel ends with Director Fury's shocking words: "If there's any kid out there--whether you noticed you have a special gift or specially skilled; give S.H.I.E.L.D a call--who knows, you may end up being a Young Avenger."

 S.H.I.E.L.D   Joaquin Fury   Avengers   Young Avengers    Re-Caps 

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MaryHughes23 ↑ 234K ↓ 14K  | commented 1w ago
Finally, we get to have new set of heroes! I hope they live up to the Avengers name, though.

leighannesjane ↑ 3K ↓ 679  | commented 10mins ago
i hope they have cuties in the team

MargaretPinnock ↑ 3.6K ↓ 459 | commented 9hrs ago
Do they have Morgan Stark's kid there?
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RedSparrow19 ↑ 10K ↓ 509K  | commented 3w ago
wE don need no suprheroes!! they always break stuf! their just a bunch of kiddies hoppin around whining about not being in their cellphones. kids these days.
↑ 50K ↓ 1K  | replied 8hrs ago
       Well, they still contribute in the country. How about you?

You ↑ 999K ↓ 622K  | commented 6mins ago
well, this is fun; i'm one of the young avengers, and we'll have our first mission next month!
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📢 : hey y'all, sorry for being inactive! school is really hectic for the past couple of weeks and i wasn't able to have a break. anyway, i'm sure i you're tired of hearing this, but, i'll be postponing the application for the villains for the meantime. sorry!


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and omg im so sorry i've been slow on my app??? SKSKSKSK im not too sure if i can give a boi for the collective or leave him as an almost anti hero or??? we'll see!!! but i swear imma start working on my app again little by little!!!!!!
peakachu #2
Chapter 10: OKAY WHAT TAE'S A VILLAIN?????
(also oWo the collective???? sounds super freaking cool)
Chapter 3: ok 2 questions
1. how much of the marvel mcu do we actually have to be familiar with?? i know a lot abt the comic universe but i havent rly seen the marvel movies
2. does the cpt. america plotline's fc have to be partially white? bc that's the only plotline that explicitly says child and not child/prodigy
Chapter 4: ah , found another fic to consume my soul
Chapter 3: How am I supposed to write an app when I can't even decide a plotline TT
Chapter 2: Getting so excited for the villains app!!!
Chapter 7: oh wow i just stumbled upon this and i can't say i regret it
and gee, i really love your writing style! the first teaser that looked like the news article really confused me cos i genuinely thought i accidentally opened an article online and i realized i was still on aff LOL and with this second teaser, i just gotta say that your writing style is *chef's kiss*
so all in all, thanks for creating this fic this appealed to the inner marvel nerd in me
i love reading spec scripts so i'd think that'd be an awesome idea esp if the teasers were written in that way. ia w/ wishesque that regular prose would add more character insight but i trust u w/ whatever writing style u choose!
oh ?? ? worm ? honestly do what u want my dude it would be cool to see either one! but i think regular prose would let us get to know the characters more than a script....... us martha(s) are down for anything though
and i had a Question for the steve rogers plotline/free plotline !! if my chara is steve rogers' direct son (idk if u saw my timeline blog post before i changed it to friends only) would it be the free plotline or the cap plotline?
mello_marshmallow #10
Chapter 4: Hi. After reading the cheatsheat and skimming through the turn in layout. I just wanna know what the difference between powers ans abilities is.