the beginning

shut up and drive

He did not think much before he took the bag with all his clothes and the stuff he needed from the bed, and even though he felt he was losing everything he had worked for all these years, he knew he was doing well. At this point, a breakthrough in his life was about to happen, because it was time to stop playing this game so called "life" safely.
The sound of hurried footsteps was heard throughout this large, richly-presented apartment, but they were determined - chaotic, but still - determined. That's how Yoon Jeonghan felt, rushing toward the exit door. He knew he would come out and lose everything behind him. He knew that he was going to a certain ruin, passed only on the money that had been left in his bank account, and there were not many of them either. Nobody in their right mind could do that, and he did it. Really, he gave up his comfortable life, why?
He left the building, then quickly packed himself onto the trunk of a bike. He made sure for the last time that the shoulder bag would not slide off while they were driving, and then with a big smile on his lips he wrapped his arms around the waist of a man who was sitting in front of him.

"I've been sure that we'll end up this way, even if we have not talked to each other for the good five years," laughed the man who happened to be Choi Seungcheol - Jeonghan's ex-boyfriend from college times, combing his light ashy brown hair that was shimmering in the sun, beautifully. Jeonghan could not just take his eyes off him.

"Just shut up and just go," he told him with forced indignation in his voice to poke the other side, still smiling discretly.

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