Act Two: Bungee Jump of Determination?

The VIXX Observational Diaries

Color Coded
Regular text: Seung-Dal/anyone other than the 6

Italics: denotes narration and Seung-Dal's observations
Red: Taekwoon/Leo
Purple: Jaehwan/Ken
Green: Wonsik/Ravi
Dark Blue: Hongbin
Baby Blue: Sanghyuk/Hyuk


In regards to the definition of teamwork, the submitters on myDOL, referred to as Angels would post requests. One particular request was that they become myDOLS who understand each other well. 

Taekwoon, who was seated next to N made no attempt at engaging the others and continued to be in his own world that existed only in his mind. I assumed he was starting to question what had he done to deserve to be surrounded by these idiots. N continued to blabber on, and I silently wondered if this guy either had a lot to say or maybe he liked hearing himself talk. 

"For example, me and Jaehwan. You ask what is N's favorite thing?

"3....2.....1 porn."

Jaehwan shouted without even an ounce of hesitation.

"Is it okay to hit him?"

N asked the poor sap who was charged with filming these soon-to-be idols before immediately swiveling his head and shooting Jaehwan an expression that would later be known as 'N's Stank Face'.

"How about Jaehwan and Ravi try?"

N, who just moments ago was giving Jaehwan the stink eye, was now volunteering others to take part in his little 'Get-together' game. 

"Let's do a practice game with something simple."

Hongbin found an opportunity to once again voice his opinion.

"Oh boy, another country less heard from." 

"Ravi's favorite singer is" 

"3....2...1 Chris Brown"

"3....2....1 Chris Brown"

"That was just a practice round. The body part Ravi is most proud of is...?



I had been silently listening to the boys play their little game and was sipping on a protein shake and nearly choked on my straw at hearing the huge disconnect between the two of them. 

"The pattern on the underwear Jaehwan wears the most is" 

Seriously, what kind of questions does this leader have?-- on second thought... nope, nevermind, I'm not sure I even want to know. 



"You don't even own leopard print undies!"

"He does, you just have never seen them."

"The next team is.... Hongbin and Sanghyuk."


Jaehwan suddenly yelled again. The vocal range on this guy was something else, I bet if he was properly conditioned he'll make it far.....

"They haven't even started yet."

Ravi spluttered. 

"The outcome seems doubtful but.."

N cleverly interrupted Ravi 

"These two are still awkward".

Ravi interrupted N. 

"You both need to put your hands together, you have to face each other." 

Even just facing each other the atmosphere surrounding Sanghyuk and Hongbin becomes very awkward.

"Sanghyuk's blood type is?"


".....How am I supposed to know that?" 

"Hongbinnie-ah's favorite color is?" 



"Hongbin said Navy, and Sanghyuk said Blue, wouldn't that be right?" 

"I think it is, wow even these two can get right answers."  


After the game was over, Jaehwan returned to his original seat and Sanghyuk and Hongbin sit apart from each other again. Greater than the distance from which they are sitting the distance between their hearts seem even further. So in order for these two to get to know each other better Sanghyuk and Hongbin still need more time. 

After traveling the two hours from Seoul, they arrive at the location. Even I was not informed of the place that the six were going to participate in the mission that Uncle Hwang has prepared for them. The first part to the teamwork training was to test their determination by bungee jumping fifty meters.

"Okay so, the first to jump will be Taekwoon..." I declared and was interrupted by another soon to be idol. (Seriously, this was becoming a frequent thing wasn't it)

"Why me?"

"You're going first."

"I don't want to.."


"I don't want to..." 

Due to Taekwoon's strong opposition to going first the boys play Rock-Paper-Scissors to decide the order in which they will all jump. And thus, Ravi was chosen to go first. 

"I can't do it, why am I first?" 

Something about the disconnect between the rapper's appearance and actual personality was actually quite adorable. Something that I decided that would not be shared with anyone else. Amidst the chaos that had become of the jumping order, Sanghyuk suddenly asked. 

"Is it okay for me to go first?" 

I almost saw sparkles in Ravi's eyes at the prospect that he did not have to be first after all. 

"Sanghyuk said he wants to go first." 

It almost seemed that the Magnae Sanghyuk had some real Cajones since he was the only brave enough to go first. With confidence, 17 year old Magnae Sanghyuk volunteers to go first. With his hyungs cheering from behind Sanghyuk stands on the jump platform. Brushing aside all of the pressures that he had accumulated up until now he faces the challenge bravely. Sanghyuk, is the first to complete the training to confirm his determination for debut. Motivated by Sanghyuk, Hongbin heads to the bungee platform. 

"So how do you feel right now?" 

Honestly, a part of me was indifferent about the members' feelings at the moment, but since I was given the task, I did not accept failure, at least not without having a go at a challenge. 

Determined to stand, but after thinking about it Hongbin's body won't follow through.... with some minor hesitation Hongbin, who was inspired by Magnae Sanghyuk's challenge also succeeds. 

I know it's a rather cruel thing to openly admit but it would be even worse if I were to deny it. I smirked ever so slightly because, for the first time, I was seeing Mr. Serious-Chic-Taekwoon appear extremely nervous. It was impressive that he had opted to have the equipment around his ankles. He peers over the edge of the platform again, after taking a deep breath and letting out a couple of 'WOWS' he stands on the platform. With a loud yell...he freezes.?

Apparently, the bungee jump challenge is more difficult than it looks, on his second try Taekwoon jumps off and lets out an unusually loud, and feminine scream. Terrified and nervous, Ravi who can't jump. After taking a minute to clear his head he challenges again. On the way down his arms flail and flap much like a flightless bird and somehow manages to flip. 4 done, just 2 more to go.

In order to overcome the feelings of nervousness the bungee jump training that was prepared by the CEO. Jaehwan, after being more or less pushed off the platform by the instructor went down in what I could only describe as the derpiest four-limbed starfish. 5 or the 6 have succeeded in jumping all who was left was the leader. 

"AHHH...What am I going to do. There are many people who have debuted without bungee jumping"

" You do know that this training was specially prepared by your CEO right?" 

My patience was beginning to be tested. All but one have succeeded in jumping, and I was more or less going to be extremely 'pissed' if N was the only one who failed. 

"Where is HE now? Why isn't HE here?" 

N responded to my explanation with a voice that gave me the impression that he was trying to be angry but wasn't very effective because of how frightened he was. To preserve N's pride I will omit the exact reactions that he displayed up until the very moment he jumped. 

Through the bungee jumping, they are able to relieve the stress and have become myDOLS with new confidence. Another mission is delivered to the myDOLs who have just finished bungee jumping. 
















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Chapter 6: Hmm, just from a reader's pov, I'd love to see the dialogue between the others. That said though, it's not always easy to do so from a writing perspective. I say do what you think is best. If you're having trouble, maybe try to imagine you're each member and think of having to relay how you felt upon your first meeting of each taking into consideration their individual personalities and how you as the member, could possibly feel. Just a thought though. Great chapter, it's very conversational, I feel like the dialogue flows well, I like the choppiness of their thoughts. Each person is at a different point about the same situation, it's nice to see how each one perceived it. Oh one more thing, the pairings you did, did you have a reason for picking the pairs? I find that interesting too!
Chapter 5: Good job with this so far, your descriptions are great. Just to make sure I'm thinking of this the right way, the reader is watching all these things take place and is writing about it in her diary/journal correct? And that she is in some way now connected with the company, but to what degree hasn't been revealed to us readers just yet. I just want to make sure I'm on the right page. Ahh sorry I'm so late in reading, anxious for the next chapter!!