2-Act Three: Pair-work

The VIXX Observational Diaries

Recap from last time...

Another mission was to be delivered to the myDols who have just finished completing their bungee jumping mission.


"N and Jaehwan" One of the staff members began handing out the members name tags. "What do you think this means?" A pause and Ravi was the first to answer. 

"We have to do something in pairs?"

"You aren't just people in the same team, you have to continue to live together I think you all have had this kind of experience when you were in school."

The second part of the team-work training for myDols, three pairs have an intimate talk and will use a velcro strap that limits the pairs to have to walk in synch.

"Where are we going?" Ravi had been paired with the mostly silent Taekwoon. "Let's try going over there." Ravi, at this time, would be talking for both of them. 

Now only Sanghyuk and Hongbin's team remained. With the two left alone together the atmosphere becomes even more awkward than before... First trying to match their steps Sanghyuk and Hongbin attempt to hobble somewhere. The two don't even talk to each other, what is the reason for the awkwardness?

"Shall I hold on to it?" Sanghyuk spoke up and offered to hold onto the camcorder.

"Go ahead" Hongbin responds almost in a cold tone. He pauses and starts the conversation. "You don't have anything you want to say? 

Sanghyuk finally opens his mouth to answer Hongbin's question

"When we first joined as new members, I said something like 'what should we do about this?' and at that time you said people who are attentive are good. the parts that I'm not too attentive in.... or is there anything you think I should change. Speak truthfully."

"Honestly, while you were practicing continuously it seemed like you couldn't focus at all. Because I didn't know what I could do to help you.."

"When the hyungs would say things like 'why do you think like that?' I hated that. I was afraid of becoming close."

"You should make up your mind already. setting the same goals is just the beginning. So if it's like that, you should say something so we can support each other while practicing. You're younger, and I must have been too hard on you.."(More like you were being snooty towards him because he got chosen and not your friend) 

"No, it's not like that." 

"I'm sorry." 

The first time having to talk about their true feelings. The myDols finally understand each other. What kind of future waits for them? We will continue to look forward to it. This is just the beginning for them. 



A/N I'm sorry that this chapter is so short, I couldn't find any dialogue for the other pairs 'heart-to-heart' conversation. I guess in the comments you can voice your opinion on whether or not I should come up with some appropriate dialogue for the N/Jaehwan, Ravi/Taekwoon 


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Chapter 6: Hmm, just from a reader's pov, I'd love to see the dialogue between the others. That said though, it's not always easy to do so from a writing perspective. I say do what you think is best. If you're having trouble, maybe try to imagine you're each member and think of having to relay how you felt upon your first meeting of each taking into consideration their individual personalities and how you as the member, could possibly feel. Just a thought though. Great chapter, it's very conversational, I feel like the dialogue flows well, I like the choppiness of their thoughts. Each person is at a different point about the same situation, it's nice to see how each one perceived it. Oh one more thing, the pairings you did, did you have a reason for picking the pairs? I find that interesting too!
Chapter 5: Good job with this so far, your descriptions are great. Just to make sure I'm thinking of this the right way, the reader is watching all these things take place and is writing about it in her diary/journal correct? And that she is in some way now connected with the company, but to what degree hasn't been revealed to us readers just yet. I just want to make sure I'm on the right page. Ahh sorry I'm so late in reading, anxious for the next chapter!!