1- Act One: All According To MyDOL Angels?

The VIXX Observational Diaries

Color Coded
Regular text: Seung-Dal/anyone other than the 6

(parenthesis and small text): Seung-Dal's own personal and sometimes snarky comments 

Italics: denotes narration and Seung-Dal's observations
Pink: Hakyeon/N
Red: Taekwoon/Leo
Purple: Jaehwan/Ken
Green: Wonsik/Ravi
Dark Blue: Hongbin
Baby Blue: Sanghyuk/Hyuk

Overall, the impression that I had of the new group was unbelievably disappointing. This was not to say that they lacked the talent, it was simply because they were lacking the most important thing about being a group.

Once the members had been selected they immediately begin preparing for their debut. Curiously the members monitor the formations in their choreography. 

"This movement wasn't synched, the formation was messy, Hongbin, your movements were too small" 

N began reviewing the recording of their practice and was quick to point out the mistakes. 

--Individual interviews --

"When some of the original members left, my role became bigger(what did you expect? you are trying to be an idol, that isn't some easy walk in the park you know) 

"I could feel it. Our debut approaching." 

21 days before their debut MyDOL. HWAITING! 

"Let's check the MyDOL club, MyDOL Angels" N, when the members were taking a short break from their practice acquires a laptop(a rather nice laptop to boot) Sanghyuk was looking at the screen over N's shoulder like the tall awkward baby he is. 

"OH, MyDOL service guide"(Dude, either you are technologically impaired or you are just easily impressed) 

"The 'order-made'-MyDOLs. Because of the missions from the MyDOL Angels soon they can become perfect idols. What will be the mission from the MyDOL Angels today? 

"Angel's mission bulletin. The MyDOL reflexes?

Mission: Makeover#1 Body management. The requirements for idols consist of having a nice body. What will be the results of N's test? For the sake of body management, body composition analysis is essential. 

Today the MyDOLs are joined by Kim Seung Hyun, a health trainer. 

"Looking at this, you've gained weight." 

"Yes, I've gained 1kg." 

"Only your fat has increased." 

"No, I don't think so." 

"Your body fat is around 10%. Ideally, for a good body, it should be between 5-8%."

What kind of results will the other members have? The condition of the MyDOL's bodies are 

"Because you often use your lower body during dance, the results show that the muscles in your lower body are above average." (There is a reason why Ravi is the Lead Dancer)

Body management starts for real. Looking at Taekwoon's arms his veins have become visible. Ab King Ravi won't lose. Ab exercise start. Because they train the lower body during dance MyDOLs focus on developing the muscles in their upper body. Looking at their serious expressions to accomplish the mission Angels should be happy. MyDOLs you are sweating, show us the results of your exercises. Finally, the 'chocolate abs' are complete. 

For the sake of my sanity and wellbeing, I will have to end this diary for now. Stay tuned for the next update. 


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Chapter 6: Hmm, just from a reader's pov, I'd love to see the dialogue between the others. That said though, it's not always easy to do so from a writing perspective. I say do what you think is best. If you're having trouble, maybe try to imagine you're each member and think of having to relay how you felt upon your first meeting of each taking into consideration their individual personalities and how you as the member, could possibly feel. Just a thought though. Great chapter, it's very conversational, I feel like the dialogue flows well, I like the choppiness of their thoughts. Each person is at a different point about the same situation, it's nice to see how each one perceived it. Oh one more thing, the pairings you did, did you have a reason for picking the pairs? I find that interesting too!
Chapter 5: Good job with this so far, your descriptions are great. Just to make sure I'm thinking of this the right way, the reader is watching all these things take place and is writing about it in her diary/journal correct? And that she is in some way now connected with the company, but to what degree hasn't been revealed to us readers just yet. I just want to make sure I'm on the right page. Ahh sorry I'm so late in reading, anxious for the next chapter!!