1st Day with the Assassins: Missing part 2



A treat for everyone.. A very very long update..







"What do you mean she is MISSING MAKNAE??!!!!" Jae shouted the moment Changmin said those words. He just look at his hyungs guiltily for lossing his favorite noona.



"You do know how dangerous for her to be alone! All you need to do is watch a petite girl yet you still manage to loss her??!! MAKNAE WHAT WERE YOU DOING THE WHOLE TIME YOU ARE WITH HER??!!!" Another yelling came from Jae.. The other are openly giving him deathly glares.



"WE ONLY GIVE YOU ONE TASK TO DO AND THAT IS TO LOOK AFTER HER!!... ONE SIMPLE TASK THAT ANY SANE MAN CAN DO!! AND NOW YOU'LL TELL US SHE IS MISSING!! MMMAAAAKKKKNNNNAAAEEEE!!!" Jae angrily shouted at Changmin who's now starting to bite his nails from nervousness..



"Jae hyung... she's... she's still here... I think...." Changmin said while trying to formulate a very good reasons in his head on how to explain to his hyungs about their missing fairytale princess.



"YOU THINK??!! YOU JUST THINK?? Did you even look for her??! And how do you know she is still here??!!" Now it was Yunho who shouted at Changmin who's already cowering at the corner who's praying so hard that Dara would come out now from her hiding place..



"I did look for her.. but I can't still find her... And I know she's still here since none of the alarms have been set off. If ever she decided to walk outside far from the house, I am sure she could have step on to one of the alarms but nothing.." Changmin said in an instant..



"Maknae start praying now that nothing happened to Dara or else you will gonna get a good beating from us! Did you even try to check the CCTV??" Yoochun said and then everyone had this hope face that they might be able to locate where she is.. But Changmin just look at his hyung..



"Aamm.. Have you forgotten that the keys are with noona since you don't trust me in entering that room without being accompanied by anyone of you.. And noona will only give it to me when there's an emergency only." After they absorbed what Changmin said everyone slapped their heads upon remembering it..



"Do you think she's inside the secret room?" Junsu asked the other boys..



"She can't go inside there, it has a sensor as well. You do know well that we need the keys and our finger print to be able to get inside." Yoochun said..



"How did you lost her?!" Jae asked Changmin in a very controlled voice.



"We got bored waiting for all of you so noona decided to just play hide and seek.. And when it's her turn already to hide, i... i can't find her anymore.. We had an agreement of no going out and I have search the entire house already but still I can't find her.." Changmin said as he bows his head..



"This argument won't bring us to nowhere. Let us search the entire house again and if we still can't find her then we start searching outside. Maknae, how long have you been looking for her?" Yunho asked calmly this time..



"For two hours already..." He said in response where Jae, Yunho & Yoochun instantly spurted some string of curses before they hurriedly search for her leaving Changmin dumfounded on his spot with Junsu.



"You do know that the two hours are very crucial right MAKNAE?!! She could probably committed suicide at that time! Why you didn't call us anyway?!" Junsu yelled at Changmin who's ready to pounce their maknae..



"Oh come to think of it. Why didn't I call you?? Ah.. Because I was busy looking for her.." Changmin said in her calmest tone which earned a hard whack in his head from Junsu..






"OW hyung!" Changmin whine after being hit..



"If you want to still live long then better start looking for her again and don't ever mention to them about not calling us to inform her that she is missing, or I swear maknae I ain't gonna stop them especially Jae from skinning you alive! Now start moving!" Junsu exclaimed.



Then the five are now turning their mansion upside down hoping they could find Dara. Changmin went to places where he didn't search. The boys even went to look for her in some places where they think she will fit. Seeing her being as small as she is, the chance that she might be hiding in an unexpected places is very high..



"Seriously Junsu.. Washing machine???" Yunho asked while looking at Junsu like he just gone crazy..



"Yunho, seeing how small she is, she will definitely fit in here without a doubt. But for sure she will not fit in the dryer.."  Junsu answered and started scanning the laundry area which Yunho just shakes his head and chose not to comment anymore and walks out.. 



On the other side of the mansion.



"Yah! What do you think of my sleeping beauty, a food!" Changmin shreik upon seeing Yoochun checking on the fridge then to the cupboards..



"She can fit herself at the fridge or even one of the cupboards so why not check in their.." Yoochun reasoned out..



"If she's inside that fridge then she's probably dead by now because of hyphothermia!" Changmin exclaimed again..



"Don't you ever mention it to her because if she finds it out that she can die by just staying at the fridge, we might find her one day in there LITERALLY drop dead cold!" Yoochun exclaimed and walks out living Changmin alone in the kitchen.



"If we found her... *sigh* SLEEPING BEAUTY NOONA!!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!" Changmin shouted at the end as he is really getting frustrated every single minute pass but until now no sign of her.



While Jaejoong is now checking his room.. The last he checked was his closet then after looking at it he slammed the closet so hard because like Changmin he is frustrated as well..



"AAAAHHHH!!! MAKNAE I WILL KILL YOU IF WE STILL DIDN'T FIND HER IN A MINUTE!!!" He shouted and stomp his way out from his room..










The sudden loud bang of the door waken me up which causes me to hit my head at the wall.



"Ow! What the hell! Ooohh.. So dark... Where am I?" I started thinking why am I here at the dark and very small place... Then everything came crushing to me upon feeling all the hanging clothes above me...



"Aigoo... So Minnie hasn't found me yet.. I fall asleep again in this game.. Good thing I decided to take some stuff with me... How long have I been in here.. Minnie must be so worried now.... Ow... Ow... Ow.... My body is getting numb... Minnie.... help...." I started talking nonsense and after I end up calling Minnie because I am starting to feel that my body is getting numb.... By as of the moment my voice can't produce a loud one yet.. Aigoo..



"Minnie..." I tried calling him again in a bit louder voice.. I can hear outside shoutings and I think things being thrown out or smashed.. I don't know but I know for sure I can hear banging of things.



"MINNIE..." I yelled again.. argh.. My body... everything is getting numb.. Aisht why did I even try to sleep in such a fetal position..



"MMMIIIINNNNIIIEEEE... HHHHEEELLLLLLPPPP!!!!" Once i felt I can shout already, I shouted as best as I can before this numbness spread all over my body.. Argh! Where is he!...



"MMMMIIIINNNNNIIIIIIIEEEEEE........" I wasn't able to finish what I'm about to yell again when the door of the closet suddenly opened..



"Dara??? Dara is that you?? Are you here???" That's Jae Oppa for sure..



"Sleeping beauty noona where are you!" That's Minnie..



"YAH RAPUNZEL!!" That's Junsu Oppa...



"Snow White??? Is that you??" It's Yoochun Oppa..



"Cinderella, talk please.." And that's Yunho Oppa..



"I'm here.. help.. Can't move.." I said in a bit louder voice so they could easily find me.. Then all the boxes infront of me was removed and a little bit light come into my spot enough for them to see me a bit but the problem is it would be hard for them to take me out since they are too big for them to fit in where I am hiding. Staying at the farthest and smallest area of his closet has it's advantage and disadvantage.



"ARGH! What are you even doing there. And how did you know this area of my closet!.. Aisht! Come here and start moving.." Jae Oppa said once he saw me in my fetal position and offered his hands but since I can't still move I just look at him with pitiful look..



"Oppa, I can't move.. My body went numb..." I said then he sigh as he drops his hand and look at his back. Though I can't see the other boys I am pretty sure that he is looking at them..



"She can't move.. Her body went numb which i wouldn't be shocked since she is already staying their for more than two hours already.. Who's smaller that can fit in here to just pull her out??" more than two hours?? I slept for more than two hours in this place.. Oh, so that's why my body numbs.. Aisht! I would never ever gonna play with Minnie again..



"I'll try hyung, since I am more skinnier than the four of you." I heard Minnie said..



"Just pull her out and do it carefully maknae.." Yunho oppa said.. Then when I saw Minnie, my blood boils suddenly..



"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!! I AM NOT SO GONNA PLAY WITH YOU EVER AGAIN!!!" I shouted at him in an instant which he was taken aback..






"THEN HOW COME YOU BECOME AN ASSASSIN??!! YOU SHOULD BE GOOD IN FINDING PEOPLE!!" I answered back.. But he ignore me and then he holds my feet and slowly pull me out from my spot but once he touched my feet...



"Kkkyyyaaahhhhh.... Hahahahaha Minnie... Not there.... Hahahahahaha.. it tickles... hahahahahaha.." I started laughing like a complete idiot because just a seconds ago I was so mad and yelling at him..



"She's gone crazy! Yah Rapunzel stop laughing!"



"I can't! Hahahahahaha.. Minnie is.. hahahahahaha.. tickling me.. hahahahaha!" I said then slowly I can feel my body is starting to relax... Probably because of my laughing..



"AISHT NOONA! Stop moving!" Minnie exclaimed.. But I started kicking him to let me go because I can't stand his hold.. But I can't help from laughing.



"Hahahahaha.. Let go... hahahahaha.. of me... hahahahahaha... then!... hahahahaha.. you.... hahahahaha... dimwit!....hahahahaha.." After I said those he drop my feet and I instantly stop from laughing.. Now half of my body is already shown to everyone but half of my body is still inside.. Then when I exposed myself to everyone, I suddenly put my hands to my eyes because of the sudden bright light. But before I could look at them, I very angry voice greeted me.. Oh-uh...



"From now on, YOU ARE NOT GONNA PLAY HIDE AND SEEK ANYMORE! UNDERSTAND?!!" Jae Oppa said.. I pouted of course then remove my hands on my eyes and then Minnie help me up.. But when I look at all of them their face change.. No one is looking at me angrily but it was something else.. Then I saw how they tried to compose themselves.. I look at them curiously.. Why sudden change of mood..



"Go and wash up and we will prepare the dinner.. Boys, come on.. We have lots of things to arrange outside..Will bring your bag of clothes in here so you could change into your comfortable clothes.. come on..." Yunho Oppa said then drag all the boys outside..



"Eh??? Weird.. Well, I better wash up then.." I said to myself and ignore them.. I went straight to the bathroom and when I close the door, I look at myself in the mirror first... And when I saw my face, I clearly understand now why they look at me weirdly..






Staring at myself infront of the mirror for long didn't help at all. I look horrible.. My puffy eyes and dried tears are very visible.. I totally forgot that I fall asleep because of too much crying and I forgot that I easily get puffy eyes when I cried hard especially when I fall asleep after..



"Guess, I can't do anything with it anymore.. They saw me like this already so why not just act like nothing happened right? They seemed to pretty know that just saying nothing would do better.." I thank to myself at the mirror and then shakes my head after. Then I started removing my clothes to have a shower..








"No one will open up about what we saw awhile ago.. Just let her open up.. Are we clear??" Yunho said to the boys once they step out of Jae's room..



"NEH!" Only Changmin who answered while the others just nodded..



"Now, Jae you start cooking for our dinner and the four of us will clean the mess." Yunho said..



"Why me again?? Why am I always cooking in this house??!" Jae complained.



"Because you are the only one who has the talent to feed us healthily and we don't want to cook for you because for sure we will hear an endless cooking lessons from you for your every single bite.. Now be nice and cook us healthy food especially to our fairytale Princess.." Yoochun said..



"Oh.. Wait.. I'm gonna ask Sleeping Beauty noona what she wants to eat.." The he rushes to Jae's room..






"Noona!!! What do you want for dinner??!!" Changmin shouted after pounding his fist on the bathroom door to get Dara's attention because he can hear already the shower.. Good thing Dara heard him and turn of the shower first...



"WHAT??" Dara shouted.



"What do you want for dinner??" Changmin answered back..



"I want Pasta.. And Bibimbap(mixed rice) and Bulgogi (marinated beef BBQ)... and Kimchi (fermented cabbage) also!.." Dara shouted..



"YAH NOONA! That's a lot!" Changmin exclaimed..



"YOU ASK ME THEN YOU PREPARE IT!! GO AND DON'T DISTURB ME ANYMORE!!" Dara shouted and turn on the shower again..



"FINE!" He shouted but doesn't care anymore if she heard him or not.. Then he return to where his hyungs are waiting for him.. When they saw Changmin they look at him in an instant..



"What does she wants?" Jae asked..



"Noona said.. She wants Pasta..." Min started..



"That's all?" Junsu asked..



"She want's Bibimbap(mixed rice) also.." Min said..



"Bibimbap and Pasta only?? It's a weird combination.." Yoochun said..



"She wants Bulgogi(marinated beef BBQ) as well probably to go with the Bibimbap.." Min said again..



"Is that really all?" Yunho asked..



"Ani.. She wants Kimchi as well.. Probably to go with the Bulgogi.." Min said..



"MAKNAE! Why don't you tell us what she wants not say it one by one!" Jae shouted..



"But all of you are cutting me off everytime I say the food she wants.." Min reasoned..



"Argh! Is that all??" Jae asked this time since he will be the one to cook..



"Aaahhh.. Add Japchae(Stir fried noodles) and Yangnyeom Tongdak(Seasoned fried chicken).. And that's all.. Oh did you buy noona's ice cream? She will have it as her dessert for sure.." Min said..



"Wow.. For a small girl sure she eats a lot.. Does she have an appetite like Maknae??..." Junsu said..



"Are you sure that's what she wants??" Yunho look at Min curiosuly.. Jae did the same as he wants to know as well..



"Neh.. But Japchae & Yangneom Tongdak is for me and the rest is for her... So Jae hyung start cooking now.. I'm gonna start cleaning the rooms.. Bye!" Min said and run to his room before Jae could shout at him.. When his gone..



"MAX CHANGMIN!! COME BACK HERE AND HELP ME COOK THEN!!" Jae shouted which only recieved a slight laugh from the boys and a pat on his back..



"We will just clean the mess here and you can start cooking.. We will eat outside and will cook the bulgogi there. We will help you once we are done.. Just start cooking the hard ones first.. Arasso?" Yunho said..



"FINE! Do it faster or else if you will not help me, all of us will eat late.." Jae said and went to the kitchen to start cooking.. The 3 who was left went to their rooms to start cleaning and fixing the mess they did when they look for Dara..



After half an hour, the boys was able to clean the mess they made and now Yoochun and Changmin are already helping Jae in cooking. Yunho and Junsu are preparing the table outside the house since their having dinner at the veranda where they can see the view of soul and where they can have their bulgogi while Dara after washing and wore her comfortable clothes she also started cleaning Jae's room upon seeing how messy it is..



"Aisht! How come this room got so messy. All I know we cleaned this awhile ago.." Dara said but she just shrug it off and started cleaning the room..



"SLEEPING BEAUTY! SLEEPING BEAUTY! Are you done??..... Oh?? Wanna help?" Min happily skipped inside Jae's room and when he saw his Noona cleaning he frown and offered help.. And since Dara hates cleaning she look at Min with smile on her face..



"Minnie, I don't know how to clean.." Dara said and pouted after..



"Oh.. Ok.. You can go outside and I'll just clean hyung's room.. Jae hyung is cooking the foods you want to eat.. And your ice cream is there as well.." Min said.. Then suddenly she jump from her position and went to Min..



"Really???" She excitedly said..



"Neh.. There are fruits as well.." Min added.



"Kkkyyyaaaahhh.. I'll just go outside... Se you later Minnie.. Bye!!" Dara said then run to where the kitchen is leaving Min shaking his head and then started cleaning the room...



"OOOPPPPAAAAA'SSS!!! Where is my Ice cream??? What fruits did you buy??" Dara suddenly said making the boys in the kitchen jump from their spot as they were startled by her loud voice..



"YYYAAAHHH!!!" Jae and Yoochun exclaimed..



"Oooppsss.. Sorry... So, where is my ice cream? And what fruits did you buy? Can I have some now??" Dara said not minding the angrily look that they are giving to her..



"NO! You have to eat dinner first before you can eat ice cream.. Now go to the veranda and join Yunho and Junsu.. we are almost done here.." Jae said and then went on that what he is doing and not able to see her pout..



"But... I..."



"Later snow white.. Arasso??" Yoochun said as he cut her off before she goes on drama again to them to get what she wants..



"FINE!" She finally surrendered and stomp her way to wher Yunho and Junsu is living Jae and Yoochun laughing at the defeated fairytale princess..



When she arrived at the veranda she just sit at one of the chairs pouting and cross her arms on the table and rested her chin on it while looking at the view of Seoul..



"What's the matter Cinderella??" Yunho asked worriedly upon seeing her sullen face..



"Beast Oppa, didn't allow me to eat ice cream.." Dara said and pouted..



"Aahh.. It's because you have to eat dinner first.. And beast oppa??" Junsu asked why is he giving petnames now..



"Oh it's Jae Oppa.. Since i will be Beauty then I will really call him Beast Oppa from now on because he is like a very strict and overprotective ahjussi.. aisht! But Oppa, nothing will happen to me even if I eat ice cream before dinner.. Let's just say it's my appetizer.. Please?? Can you sneak a little bit of ice cream for me??" Dara said looking at the boys with her bambi eyes and with an aegyo.. The boys just laugh at her..



"Sorry Rapunzel.. Even us won't allow you too.. You have to eat dinner first and you can have a lot of ice cream after.. Arasso?" Junsu said..



"Why does everyone I meet don't let me eat ice cream before I eat my meals! They are not trheat to my life anyway!!" She exclaimed and she started thrashing her hands and stomp her foot while on the sit indicating she is throwing tantrums for not getting what she wants but in return the boys just laugh and find it cute..



"Aigoo Cinderella.. It's because you will loss your appetite if you eat Ice cream first.. Now be a nice princess like you should be and let the ice cream wait for it's turn.." Yunho said and Dara just ignore them while pouting..



After couple of minutes the food arrive but Dara is in foul mood already for not getting what she wants.. Though she wanted to celebrate seeing the food infront of her, she just choose to keep her silence to make them feel she is not happy for not letting her eat the ice cream... But she still eat buts she didn't talk to anyone and even look at them. The boys are already giving signals about her sudden silence but they let her sulk and just do their normal thing they do when they eat dinner. They keep on talking not minding the grumpy princess with them but once in awhile they silently laugh seeing her foul mood. When they are almost done eating Changmin went to the kitchen to get her ice cream and strawberry for their desserts.. Once the boys saw him they all just look at Dara then smile..



Changmin then took his seat beside her.. Dara didn't notice the ice cream and the starwberry that Changmin brought because she is busy looking down while eating.. Then Jae took a bowl and put a lot of vanilla ice cream then took two strawberry to and put on top of the ice cream and then took another strawberry and cut a fine straight line and put also on top of it thus creating a happy face.. Everyone just smile at Jae's artwork and slowly he put it infront of her.. She saw how her eyes blink couple of times and her face suddenly lit up... Then when she recovered she look at the boys who are trying not to laugh at her reaction.. Then...



"KKkkkkkyyyyaaaahhhhhh!!! I love you all!!!!!!!!" She then clapped happily and shouted as well which the boys can't help but laugh out loud.. Seeing her happy makes them happy too..



"So you love us now.. Just awhile ago your practically ignoring us.. tsk tsk.." Yoochun said..



"Of course, do this everyday and you will hear it to me too everyday.." Dara said then started devouring her ice cream. Which Yunho can't help but mess her hair which she didn't mind..



"Aigoo.. You are such a baby.. From now on you will not play hide and seek anymore, arasso?? We panick when we thought you are missing.." Yunho said... Though among them it was Jae who's the most worried about the thought of not seeing her anymore..



"Oh trust me Oppa, I won't play with Minnie every again. He you know.. But how about the four of you, are you good in playing hide and seek??" Dara asked them and when she look at Minnie, he has this look who's about to throw a tantrums again..



"WWAAAHHH!!! Sleeping Beauty Noona!! I still want to play with you!! I promise next time, I'm gonna find you faster than you thought!!" And true to what everyone thought, he started protesting again which all of them can't help but laugh..



"Aisht! Stop you two.. You might end up bickering again.. You Rapunzel, if you make us worry again I will cut your beautiful hair! understand??" Junsu said...



"Then I will not be a Rapunzel to you then if you cut my hair.." Dara playfully answered..



"Yeah.. I will call you Mulan if that happens.." Junsu said then everything stopped from what they are doing... They can't believe Junsu being fan of fairytales and other girly cartoons.. The names she got are just because they are all very popular and only newborn kids don't know this thing yet.. But Mulan is not that popular at all..
















"Amm.. I'll finish this inside..." Dara said when she recovers first and stood up and brought the bowl of ice cream with her ignoring Junsu..



"I'm coming..." The four boys said instantly and stand up as well to join her...



"YAH!! What's wrong with you all!" Junsu shouted seeing the 5 already getting inside the house..



"WE DON'T TALK TO GAY'S!!!" The 5 shouted leaving the dumbfounded Junsu at the veranda...



"I AM NOT GAY!!!!!"






Hope you enjoy this..












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juzwannaread #1
Chapter 8: Oh boy, it's too funny. I was a bit skeptic at first but got myself cracking up around Chapter 4. This is too cute and hilarious. Aisht! I just wish this one got more updates... or better yet, was completed. But thanks for the laughs
betchay1131 #2
Chapter 8: WHOA so cute,,hope dara can have her happy ending..her life was so tragic..update please kk Thank u^^pyong
please update the story, authornim :) I'll be waiting, thank you.
greiyz_14 #4
Chapter 8: Wow please update please authornim
Chapter 8: authornim wer are u can u update this story again i miss this and its cute even though it makes me cry its still cute and good story if u have time update this soon hope u still continue this thanks in advance
jennypish2012 #6
Chapter 8: Cute!..hahahaha.. I'm loving this story authornim.. Update please.. Thank you
red_rose_knight #7
Chapter 8: LoL ^_^ i laugh so hard in this chapter. different names for dara based on a farytale... hahaha! they even call junsu oppa gay! that hilarious!
sherryperry #8
Chapter 8: Ghahhddddd....!! This story are hilarious,funny n the best....authornim plssssss......update ...!
bluefairy07 #9
Chapter 8: ohmygahhdd i love this story so much..author=nim please update this please..i beg u authornim...pretty please~~~~~~
Chapter 8: Please update this story Authornim, this story daebak!!