1st Day with the Assassins: Missing








After having a brunch (Breakfast & Lunch) since we all wake up late already the Oppa's decided to get my stuff and they didn't let me come because they said that it's too dangerous and they don't want to take risk that their enemy might see me with them. Oh it take us hours of arguing & a little bit of drama before they won and leave me with Minnie.






"BUT I WANT TO COME!! AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO BRING EVERYTHING! I bet you all in between 7 Days up to 14 Days you all gonna leave me too.. So no need to get all my stuff so that when the time comes you will leave me, I still have a place to stay!" I told them.. It was too late for me to withdraw what I have said.. But atleast they knew what I am thinking.. They look at me with questions in their eyes except Minnie who's about to throw tantrums again..



"NOT GONNA HAPPEN SLEEPING BEAUTY NOONA!!!!! I WON'T ALLOW IT!!" Minnie again had this OVERLY EXAGGERATED reaction towards this issue. When it concern me leaving them expect Minnie to be the first one to voice out his disapproval to what I am saying even if I am the OLDER one between us.



"But.... Aarghh! I know you are curious why I don't want to give up that apartment and why I told you all that you gonna leave me all soon.. You see, I have no one beside me.. You all knew that already.. Everyone left me after my... after... after my.... fiance died....." I saw how their eyes suddenly gone big when I mention about my fiance.. I didn't let them speak as I continue my story.. And soon I found myself telling them about my family up to I left our mansion, I cried infront of them again when I mention about how everyone turn their back on me because of one stupid mistake that cost my fiance life.. I didn't mention any names and leave some details that needs to be kept to them..



"I was really really really stupid back then. I don't know why did I allow my bestfriend to kiss me.. I won't blame him for that since I was really out of my mind when that happens because I just lost my Parents along with my younger brother.. I was so lost... Then starting from then on my life was never been easy for me.. I feel like I'm being punished for what I have done, I don't deserve to be happy nor to be acquinted to anyone. That's the punishment that I am receiving the moment I step out from our house. You see you are not the first one who save my life when I tried committing suicide.... I don't even know now how many times I attempted killing myself and being saved also.. The first one who saved me was an Officer... you know they became my friends instantly like you also.. 5 Police Officer became my family that time..." When I mention the police I saw how they stiffined especially when I mention they are my friends...



"Don't worry we don't have contacts anymore because they left me after 7 Days of being together.. I hate them at first because they didn't say goodbye to me.. They just disappear like that and no one did ever contact me after that.. Then it happened again and again and again.. I tried committing suicide couple of times and always being saved.. But everyone left me after 7 Days but there is 1 who stayed for 2weeks with me which I thought would never leave me but I guess I was wrong. He is a gangster and he taught me a lot of stuff even cursing you know.. I... I was so hurt when he left me.. I was slowly trying to get back into shape again but for the nth time my world crashed again when he left me..*took a deep breath* I think that's enough for now.. I am not ready to open up everything to you.. Atleast you know a little bit of me, why I am like this..." I suddenly stop because I may not be able to control myself again. I didn't tell them what my real name is and I will just let them find out who I am really. They are assassin and I know they can easily find out who I am.



"Dara, we are actually happy you open up to us. Even though you didn't tell us everything we are just glad to know a bits of you. But we promise you, we won't leave you like the way those people did.." Yoochun Oppa said....



"That's exactly the same thing they said but yet they still all left me.. Please.. I am begging you, when the time comes that you will leave me.. Can you just kill me by then?? I don't want to go through another pain of being left alone.. I'm tired of being positive that I will find people who will stay long with me.. I'm already broken..... don't shred me into pieces anymore..." I was looking down and tears started falling again in my eyes..



"I told you.. We won't leave you.. Trust us this time.." I am definitely sure that's Jae Oppa's voice.. I wipe the tears in my eyes and look at him straight to his eyes and there I saw how he look at me worriedly but along with it I heard the loud thumping of my heart.. I look away instantly as I felt a little embarrass for looking at him for long.



"Please don't make a promise anymore.. It will hurt me more.." I instantly said to hide the embarrassment I felt awhile ago..



"Ok.. Why don't we have a bet on that??" Junsu Oppa suddenly said making all of us look at him like sort of he lost his mind..



"BET??" I asked since the 4 are probably busy killing Junsu Oppa mentally for his idea in this kind of moment.



"Yeah.. A bet! When 14 days pass and we are still here with you, YOU WILL FOLLOW OUR RULES! That includes, giving up your apartment. You have to give up your work if you have one. Live with us forever etc etc etc.. We will set rules more on our 15 days of being together.." Junsu Oppa said.. Well fair enough but what if they leave me before the 15th day arrive??..



"Sounds good to me.." Yunho Oppa said..



"But if you leave?? And what if you still leave after the 14th Day pass??" I asked..



"You can look for us and we will give you rights to do what you want to us for not keeping our promise. You can kill us also if it will make you happy. It's up to you. You can even rat on us to the Police just to make even to you. But I am telling you now.. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! We will try our very best to stay on your side for long or forever if you will allow us.." Jae Oppa said...



"Neh Sleeping Beauty Noona.. We won't allow it to happen! If ever my hyungs decided to leave, I promise to you also I WILL KILL THEM and go back to you.. Then we can have a happy ending.. Minnie & Sleeping Beauty live happily ever after without the 4 erted Ahjussi!!" I will ask you all, is Minnie really an Assassin???



"YYYYYAAAAHHHHH!!!!" I laugh seeing how pissed they are again.. Minnie always makes me really laugh and the pain in my heart sometimes are forgotten because of him..



"Ok.. But before I agree... On those 14 Days, I will make your suffer already of letting me stay here.. Just in case you suddenly disappear atleast I already took an advance payment for leaving me.. Don't worry I am not that bad though.. I'll just give you headache for 14 days and we will be all normal when the 15th day arrive.. Deal??" I cheekily said.. There is no way I will wait for them to leave me. I'll make sure they already paid in advance for leaving me.. How many people pass in my life who promised the same thing but in the end they all left me??.... A lot.. Now if this 5 agree on my deal, I will surely give you a quite a show every single day..



"DEAL!!" The 5 said which in return I smile at them evilly.



"So we are done with this talk.. Snow White, draw on the paper your apartment and tell us what do we need to bring.. Mark the places where your stuff are so we can pack easily.." Yoochun Oppa said.. Aigoo I thought they already forgot my fairytale name except Minnie.. I guess because we are over with the Drama then we can go back to this Fairytale land..



"Arasso... Can you buy me Vanilla & Strawberry Ice cream.. Oh can you also add ramen?? Lot's of it.. And I don't pass a day without eating rice.. So you should have rice in here.. I usually eat rice either Lunch or Dinner... What else???" Actually I am starting to get all bossy since I have 14 days or probably lesser than that to work on my Deal.. kekekekeke..



"YAH RAPUNZEL!! We just had agreed on the deal and here you are making your move already.. It should start tomorrow!" I glare at Junsu Oppa..



"I WANT NOW!!!!!! ~Looks at Minnie~ Minnie, I think they are lying when they agree with the Deal. Those are my favorite foods. I want them today.." I look at Minnie with those pitiful eyes with a LOT of aegyo.. I swear NO ONE had ever resisted my charms.. And I am pretty sure with Minnie's love for me, it would be more easier..



"YYYAAAHHH!!! Bring my Sleeping Beauty Noona her foods!! Or ELSE I WILL SHARE YOUR DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS TO HER!!!" I smirked at Junsu Oppa after Minnie gone wild again.. But I suddenly change to pitiful look when Minnie suddenly look at me..



"SHE'S A DEVIL IN DISGUISE!!" Junsu Oppa shouted the moment he saw how I easily change the look in my face.. You haven't seen my worst yet.. I'm raised by my family properly but I am raised also as one of those spoiled rotten kids since I am the only girl in the family.. I know how to play my childish side pretty well..







"Minnie.. I'm bored..." It's been two hours passed when Oppa's left me with Minnie..



"What do you want to do Sleeping Beauty Noona??" He asked while our eyes are on the TV. When they left me with Minnie, all we did was eat and watch T.V. and I am really really bored now..



"How about let's play??" I asked Minnie and look at him..



"Eh? Play?? What are we gonna play?"



"HIDE & SEEK!!!!" I said excitedly.. Me & my brothers usually play hide & seek in our mansion and I always won.. Appa & Omma always laugh at my brothers when they all gone mad for not finding me.. Upon remembering them again, the pain I was really trying to avoid came back and this time it's worst.. I compose myself from breaking down infront of Minnie instead I showed him my smile..



"Arasso.. Arasso.. But only inside the house... No going out, ok???"



"Neh... Let's do rock, paper & scissor to know who will be the 'it'.." I said and I hope I win..



"Ok.." Minnie said and then he faces me so we could do it.



*Rock, Paper & Scissor



"YYYAAAAHHHOOO!!!!!" Minnie shouted the moment he won.. I pouted...



"Why did you choose Scissor!!!!" I shouted at Minnie while stomping my foot..



"Yah Sleeping Beauty noona, I have rights to choose whatever I want! Now close your eyes so i can hide!!" I need to distract him so I won't be the 'it' first.. I look at him again with those pitiful look..






"Noona, that won't work on me this time! Now close your eyes and BE FAIR!!" Minnie cut me off instantly before I could even start my plan.. SO I guess, I have to be the 'it' first..



"FINE!" I stomp my foot and face the wall and closed my eyes..



"You better hide carefully Minnie, I'm very good at this.." I told him before I start counting..



"Arasso.. I'm good in hiding too.. Now start counting.." Then I heard Minnie started walking away from me. I think that my cue to start counting..



"1...2...3......." I started counting but I make sure I heard his every footsteps he make so I could know where is he heading.. kekekekeke



"98...99...100... Make sure you are hiding in a good place Minnie.." I shouted and smirk after.. But I am currently walking to where I heard the footsteps and this time I will trust my first instinct.. I am now looking at the 5 doors.. 2 doors at both side and 1 door in the middle..



"Minnie....I'm coming!!!" I said in a sing-song voice.. Slowly I look at the 5 doors and there is one door opened.. Instead of taking that door I open the next one on my right side.. I open it quietly and base from the room, I think it's Yoochun Oppa's room since his room is full of his pictures.. He doesn't love himself that MUCH.. Take note of the dripping sarcasm in their..



"Hhhmm.. Where is Minnie.. His probably not here.." I said and then walk near the door and closed it..





1minute pass...


2minutes pass...



"Kekekeke.. I'm smarter than you Noona..." Minnie said and went out from the huge curtain.. Big mistake Minnie...



"BOO!!!!" I shouted the moment I saw him..



"AAAHHHH!!!!" He screamed and clutch his chest instantly which I end up laughing my off on the floor..



"HAHAHAHA!! Your face is to die for Minnie... hahahahahaha" I keep on laughing while looking at him..



"YAH!! I thought you already went out!" Minnie shouted with his annoyed look since I found him easily..



"Well, first I saw all the doors are closed in this side a while ago but then you decided to leave the other one opened but my instinct told me that the next door is where you are.. Since it would be too stupid to get inside the room without closing it. You think I will fall on that trap?? Sorry Minnie but I'm very good at this game.. Now it's my turn to hide.. Start counting Minnie.." I said when I stood up and stop laughing..



"AISHT!! I'll get back on you NOONA!!" I laugh again after hearing him..



"ARASSO! That if you can find me faster than I find you.. I'm good Minnie.. Vvveerrryyy Ggggoooodddd... Should I take a pillow with me, just in case you'll take too long to find me??" I said to annoy him more..



"YAH!! I'll find you easily!! Go and hide now! I'm gonna find you in a minute Noona!!" I laugh so loud hearing Minnie's angry tone.. Aigoo.. Men's Ego is something neh??..



"Arasso.. Bye Minnie!!!" I shouted then started walking out of Yoochun Oppa's room. Then I heard Minnie started counting.. I opened all the doors including Yoochun Oppa before I went to the other side of the house. I went to the closet where the pillow, mattress & blankets are placed. I took few and went hurriedly to Jae Oppa's room and hide in his closet.. Since I am small I hide at the farthest and darkest part of his closet. I put the box infront of me to cover myself and above me are all Oppa's clothes.. By the time I lay down, I can already hear Minnie's footstep..



It's been minutes pass but still Minnie hasn't found me.. And when he finished checking Jae Oppa's room that's when I let my tears fall. How I wanted to go back to where I used to play like this with my brothers. How my Mom & Dad will join in looking for me since I always end up sleeping at my hiding place everytime we are playing hide & seek. This are my memories with my family. A precious memory that can't be equate to any amount of money. A priceless moment. Even if we are already old enough we still found ourselves playing this childish game..



I keep on crying as I remember all my happy moments with my family but now, I am in so much pain that no one can make me feel good. I tried so hard to not sob loudly because Minnie might hear me and I know for sure he will be worried as hell again. I maybe happy to look at but everything I do is just to cover up the pain that I am feeling inside. I can do this all day of looking happy but there are moment also that I need to let things out..



I don't know how long I am already hiding in this spot and also crying that I got tired already and let sleepiness take over. I position myself properly and close my eyes. Minute pass I doze off..




*Jae's POV*



We just arrived to our place and we have lots of things to do. There are things we want to discover after taking Dara's things from her apartment. We took precautions when we took some of her things in her apartment and we were right when we caught a car following us. It must be our enemy so we tried our best to lose them on the busy road. After making sure no one is following us anymore we decided to go home. It's already dark when we arrive and now we started walking out of the garage and went straight inside the house.



The 4 of us talk about how we should take care of her. If nobody knows what she is going through right now, everyone will think she is Bipolar. The moment I saw her and look straight into her eyes all I could see is a dead eyes. Everyone can see how she is trying her best to look happy and comfortable with us but those are only her facade. The eyes tells it all, physically alive but her soul is dead.. And we are glad we are assassin because we can read people easily.



Once we step inside the house there we saw how Max suddenly got frozen. He look at us with wide eyes and stop from pacing around the room. With that look I know something BAD happened and only stupid won't know that Dara is somewhat involve since we can't see her and can't hear her loud voice..



"YAH! What's wrong with you maknae??" Yunho asked.



"Maknae???? Where is Dara???" I ask instantly...



"Ammm.. Mi.... Mi-Missing???"








Update for all.

Hope you will all like it.







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juzwannaread #1
Chapter 8: Oh boy, it's too funny. I was a bit skeptic at first but got myself cracking up around Chapter 4. This is too cute and hilarious. Aisht! I just wish this one got more updates... or better yet, was completed. But thanks for the laughs
betchay1131 #2
Chapter 8: WHOA so cute,,hope dara can have her happy ending..her life was so tragic..update please kk Thank u^^pyong
please update the story, authornim :) I'll be waiting, thank you.
greiyz_14 #4
Chapter 8: Wow please update please authornim
Chapter 8: authornim wer are u can u update this story again i miss this and its cute even though it makes me cry its still cute and good story if u have time update this soon hope u still continue this thanks in advance
jennypish2012 #6
Chapter 8: Cute!..hahahaha.. I'm loving this story authornim.. Update please.. Thank you
red_rose_knight #7
Chapter 8: LoL ^_^ i laugh so hard in this chapter. different names for dara based on a farytale... hahaha! they even call junsu oppa gay! that hilarious!
sherryperry #8
Chapter 8: Ghahhddddd....!! This story are hilarious,funny n the best....authornim plssssss......update ...!
bluefairy07 #9
Chapter 8: ohmygahhdd i love this story so much..author=nim please update this please..i beg u authornim...pretty please~~~~~~
Chapter 8: Please update this story Authornim, this story daebak!!