Final Shot

Fine Line


A year passed.

Since their first and last phone conversation back then, they never contact each other again. Hyunki was more than hurt during the first few weeks since Myungsoo did nothing to get back to her, or at least to apologize for lying, for betraying her, for breaking her heart.

But as times passes by, she knows she has to be strong. Shedding her tears for the guy who doesn't even appreciate her is a big waste, so Hyunki moved on after a couple months. She is one of the top students in her university; she represents the university in lots of drawing contests and won lots of medals. She didn’t let anything to stop her future from shining. Even Myungsoo and his broken promise.

It's not easy to shove him away from her mind since INFINITE is suddenly popular now, and they won for the first time with Naekkeo Haja a few weeks ago. But Hyunki decided her future is not for anyone to mess with, so she works hard for a better tomorrow, despite of the wound Myungsoo gave her heart last year.

One night, Hyunki is standing in front of her tall mirror, fixing her shoulder-length hair. She's a natural beauty so she only apply a thin layer of make up and she looks so stunning that night with her long, white dress.

Last two months she met her old crush from high school. Karam, one of the guys she rejected earlier because of her weird relationship with Myungsoo.

It seems that the guy is still interested in her and after two months, he asked her out for a dinner. Which is tonight.

Karam already told Hyunki what he feels towards her the day before. He even said that the dinner tonight will be a mean for Hyunki to answer him. Attend the dinner, for 'yes'. Ignore the dinner, for 'no'.

Since he's a nice guy, Hyunki thought she should give him a chance.

Carefully, she steps down the stairs and walk to the front door. Her parents are not at home. They were out for an important matter. Hyunki doesn’t know what that important matter is, but that's what her parents said before they leave an hour ago.

"I'm going to be late!" she muttered as she put on her white heels.

Quickly, she opens the front door, only to find  Myungsoo standing in front of her, holding a guitar too.

"M-Myungsoo..?" she stuttered the guy's name.

"Annyeong," the guy in front of her gave her a heart melting smile as he bows a bit. The smile that make all the fangirls go crazy.

"Annyeong.." Hyunki replied, her heart beats so fast at the same time. After two years not hearing anything from him, after two years of a weird relationship, after another year without him, Kim Myungsoo is now standing in front of her.

"Before you go anywhere, can I take you to .. a park maybe..?" he asked all of a sudden, assuming the girl is going somewhere since she's wearing so nice.

"A park..?"


"B-but.. I'm late, someone is waiting for me.." Hyunki said and she sounds guilty. She had been telling herself that Myungsoo is no one in her life, but right at this moment her heart is beating messily for this guy she thought it'll explode really soon.

"Well, just here then. I won't take long," he said as he winked his iest wink ever, killing Hyunki slowly from inside.

"What do you want actually, Myungsoo?" Hyunki asked, trying hard to hide her sudden happiness seeing this guy right now. The guy who had disappointed her back then.

Myungsoo said nothing. He cleared his throat and slowly closed his eyes as he begins to pick on his guitar. A soft melody hits Hyunki's eardrums and the moment he opened his mouth, Hyunki hears nothing else except for a very soft, gentle singing of his. It's a song that she had never heard of before. As much as she is hating Myungsoo, unconsciously she is following each of INFINITE's songs from comeback to comeback up until Naekkeo Haja, with them winning for the first time a few weeks ago. And the one he is singing right now, is not any of those songs they ever performed on stage, Hyunki is sure of that.

When Myungsoo finally comes to the chorus, Hyunki is trying real hard not to feel touched over the lyrics. She doesn’t want this guy to know that her heart, after all, never stops beating for him.

This place is a paradise only if you’re here
A paradise that has locked you in against your will
A sad paradise that you won’t go if you’re awake
A paradise that we can be together forever, oh

"This.. is our new song," Myungsoo said as he opened his eyes.

"Oh.." Hyunki nods, slowly.

"It will only be released next month. But when I first got the lyrics, I know I have to sing it for you, sooner or later. Eventhough I no longer have any place in your beautiful heart," he said, trying to fake a laugh.

"You asked for this," Hyunki responded coldly and Myungsoo quickly shook his head.

"I.. I never forget the promise I made to you. Trust me," he said and somehow, after blaming him all this time, Hyunki sense honesty in his eyes.

"I'm listening," she said, putting on a fake, cold expression on her face.

"I, I don't know how to explain this. It might looks like as if I'm selfish.. But you know, my friends and I suffers a lot at the beginning of our career. We didn’t get enough recognition thought we work our lungs out. We're.. putting high hopes in each of our comebacks, but it just.. not enough to satisfy people. We failed to live up to our title as the hoobae of EPIK High.."

Myungsoo took a deep breath, and Hyunki knows all those memories hurt him. He knows how hard INFINITE works back then, but is still underrated for whatever reason the blind KPOP fans has for not recognizing their talents.

When they finally won something for their hard work, when they finally earn what they should get since earlier, why did she has to make Myungsoo talked about all these pain?

For the first time in her life, Hyunki feels guilty for what she had done eventhough she has no intention to do so.

"I.. I can't come here and ask you out with such.. such situation, right?" Myungsoo suddenly suddenly asked as he looks straight into Hyunki's eyes, causing the girl's heart to skip a beat.

"I mean.. I have nothing to offer.. I feel like I am no one in the field I've chosen, how in the world can I ask you out..? I have nothing I can be proud of.." he asked again, and he sounds weak his sentence came out almost like a whisper.

"Myungsoo…" Hyunki said his name unconsciously as she learned the reason why he stopped talking about his promise.

"Fortunately.. we're getting what we had hoping for these days.. At least we won. I can see our names on magazines and websites.. so I thought it won't be too embarrassing if I were to ask you out now.. to keep my promise.." Myungsoo said as he took Hyunki's hands in his.

Quickly, Hyunki squeezed her hand off Myungsoo's grip, causing the guy to get shocked a bit.

"I'm.. I'm sorry. I .. after what I've done, how could I assume that you're still waiting for me, right?" he faked a laugh.

"Idiot," Hyunki said as she hits Myungsoo's head lightly.

"Mianhae," the guy apologized again.

"What do you mean by you have nothing to offer?" Hyunki asked as she pretended to be angry.

"N-neh..?" the guy is currently speechless.

"I'm not your fan. I don’t value you as a singer. I've fall in love with you even before you left for your training. Do you think I care if you're not popular?" Hyunki asked as she wrapped her arms around her body, pouting too.

"I.. well.." Myungsoo tried to explain himself, but it seems that Hyunki is winning the argument.

"Pabo," she gave Myungsoo's shoulder a light push, and the guy did nothing to respond to her.

"This.." she said as she punches the guy lightly on his chest, the area where his heart has been beating for the sole girl since forever is located, "is more than enough.." she finishes her sentence. And without any delay, Myungsoo pulls her into his arms, embracing her close to his chest. Close enough to for them to count each other's heartbeats.

That act of his shocked the girl so much, but she then, wraps her arms around the other's body too soon after that.

They stayed like that for a while since they've been missing each other so much, for years. They only broke their embrace when Hyunki suddenly took a step back as she remembers Karam who is now waiting for her.

"Ah, well.." Myungsoo started a conversation again after he clears his throat.

"Shall we go now?" he asked, taking Hyunki's hand in his.

"Where to..?" Hyunki asked, tilting her head.

"To Somerset Palace Seoul, your parents are there," Myungsoo said as he grabbed the house key from Hyunki's hand and locks the door.

"What? What are they doing there? How did you know? They don't even tell me where they're going just now," Hyunki asked so many questions at a time out of curiosity.

"They're there with my parents," Myungsoo said as he walks Hyunki to his car right in front of the gate. He opened the door for Hyunki and was about to motion the girl into the car when the girl suddenly stopped him.

"What are my parents doing with your parents there?" she asked, and Myungsoo thought she looks so cute when she's curious.

"Discussing our marriage, what else?" he replied as he palms Hyunki's face.

"M-mariage..?" Hyunki stuttered.

"I promise you that one day I'll ask for your hand from your parents, right? Today is the day," Myungsoo replied as he leans down a bit and kisses Hyunki's forehead.

Hyunki closed her eyes as Myungsoo did so, tears started to fill her eyes knowing that this guy never forget the promise he made.

"Don't cry," Myungsoo said as he wipes her tears with his long finger, and Hyunki suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck, and their lips met for the first time. He is a little shocked at first, but Myungsoo hugs the girl tightly as they kissed.

"Now.. you said just now you're late for something, right? Is someone waiting for you?" Myungsoo asked after they broke their kiss, trying to act cool.

"Ah, yes.." Hyunki covered her blushed cheeks with her palms, nodding.

"Maybe you should gave him a call or something, since we're going to our parents now?"

Attend the dinner, for 'yes'. Ignore the dinner, for 'no'.

"It's okay. Let's go now. He already got the answer," Hyunki said smiling.

Rejecting a good guy, again. But deep inside, she knows Myungsoo is the one for him. And yes, the cupid said both of them are meant to be together.

Hyunki had realized by now that back then, no matter how many times she said she hates Myungsoo, she's lying to herself. Because there's a fine line in between    love and hate. And the feelings she has for Myungsoo, is obviously not hate.



And finally I am done with this short fic ^^! Nghee. I am so happy because another work of mine has come to and end. Don't just leave! A few words from you will make me happy ^-^ Thank you everyone for reading! -bows-

If you're interested, I have another two fics in this series. One Wish [feat. Hoya] and Kryptonite [feat. Dongwoo] ^-^

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Chapter 5: Really, myungsoo is such a jerk. But... we all love that jerk anyways xD
Chapter 5: Really, myungsoo is such a jerk. But... we all love that jerk anyways xD
aliainfinite #3
Chapter 5: so sweet..i'm happy when i read this:)
-natsukim #4
Chapter 5: so sweet! i kept smiling when i read this! totally romantic and touching! when i saw the word "just hobae of Epik High" my heart sank and hurt. Infinite has grown up to be real men, real stars! that shine us. I'm inspirit from the start and i proud to read your story.
good job then, author-nim!
-when they were six-

hyunki is so cute with that rabbit plush ^^
myungsoo, not nice glaring at girls like that ><
bad myungsoo. pink is nice! lol
such a strong word for a 6-year-old girl to use, poor hyunki

-when they were twelve-
omg myungsoo did what? play pranks on hyunki now? lol
.____. those pink slippers are cut into 4 ><
hah! got you! you're so dead, myungsoo lol

-when they were fifteen-
lol myungsoo is not invited, poor boy but it's for the good XD
nam woohyun and his smile >< -dies-
what is this? myungsoo is leaving? noooooo!! ><
he did leave! and he didnt hide anything from hyunki, he thinks hyunki is special ;____;

-when they were seventeen-
yay! hyunki did great in her exam ^^ and she's going to Seoul University, same city as myungsoo and they'll bump into each other. or maybe not lol
omg woohyun likes her! what about myungsoo? ><
oh myungsoo texted! and and he's proposing! i mean the promise that he'll propose hyunki someday sobs ;_____;
it must be hard to be hyunki for receiving one or two texts in a month and cant even reply or call ><

-when they were eighteen-
oh they debuted, yay!
hyunki called, so brave.
myungsoo what?! after letting the girl believing and hold onto that one promise ><
i can feel the pain ;__;

-after a year-
it must be so hard on her to forget about myungsoo and move on
how can she manage to score in her study? ><
Karamie! he sounds like a nice guy ^^
omg myungsoo is here in front of her door! D:
he played the guitar and sang their unreleased song ;__;
he is indeed a pabo ><
hyunki doesnt want all those from you
and he kept his promise. they are getting married! <3

Yay, happy ending! me love happy endings XD love this fic <3
YIXING_lia_MINHO #6 time to read FL!!!!
myungsoo!! u keep your promise!! *thumbs up!!!!