2nd Shot

Fine Line


When they were fifteen..

Hyunki went down the stairs in her pink dress, and everybody cheers for her. It was her birthday and many people were there to celebrate it with her.

Myungsoo was not invited of course.

He was so annoying, Hyunki knows not inviting him was the right decision. She was talking to her friends when she saw a senior in her school that she had liked since last year.

The senior, Nam Woohyun quickly made his way to her with a charming smile flashed on his face.

"Saeng il chukka e, Hyunki," he said as he handed the girl a medium sized box wrapped in pink; Hyunki's favourite colour.

"Komawo, oppa.." Hyunki blushed as she took the box from Woohyun's hands.

Both of them took their seats at the corner of the house, and keep on talking to each other. Hyunki fell so awkward though, so the conversation didn’t go well. She fell nervous, maybe because she admired Woohyun so much.

That night, Hyunki was about to climb on her bed when she saw a card in pink envelope, on top of her mountain of gifts. She planned to opened them tomorrow, but somehow she was so curious about the envelope, so she opened it carefully.

Inside, she saw a pink birthday card. She was a little surprised when she saw the handwriting inside. Myungsoo scribbled so many things in her notebook, on her window since forever, there is now way she can't recognized his handwriting.

"Happy Birthday. I'm sorry for everything I've done. I'll miss you."

Hyunki thought she was going to puke. Myungsoo and nice words do no get along. And never will.

"This must be another prank of his," Hyunki muttered as she turned off the light and went to bed.

The next morning, she went to school as usual. The only thing missing was Myungsoo's annoying face. Usually he will wait at a corner, behind a gate, or anywhere he can hide himself for awhile and play different kind of pranks on Hyunki.

"Weird," Hyunki muttered to herself.

Indeed. And his absence continued the whole day; Hyunki didn’t meet him even once.

"What could had happen to him?" she asked, more to herself.

What was happening at that time keeps on being weirder since Myungsoo is still no where to be seen until the next day. So Hyunki decided to ask his classmate.

"Myungsoo? He moved to another school in Seoul," one of them said, and not knowing why, Hyunki's heart suddenly fell hurt upon hearing the sentence.

That evening, she walked back alone. She has many friends, but none of them were staying in the same neighborhood. The only school mate she has from the same neighborhood was Myungsoo. She fell so stupid for not realizing she already lost one neighbor.

"B-but.. yesterday.. I saw his parents.." Hyunki suddenly remembered. That was the reason why she was not alert at all about Myungsoo's absence. How could he move to Seoul without his parents?

She quickly ran to Myungsoo's house, and luckily his parents were in the garden when she reached there.

Myungsoo's mother invited her inside when the girl asked them about Myungsoo.

"Did he go there alone?" Hyunki asked as she took her seat. Impatient, yes.

"Well, this is actually something that we're hiding. But our made an exception, only if it is you.." Myungsoo's father started.

The puzzled girl stared at both of them, waiting for them to tell her what was actually happening.

"If Hyunki asked about me, please don't hide anything from her. She might not ask, though,"

Myungsoo said that before he left, according to Myungsoo's mother. Hyunki suddenly feels so special, she wished Myungsoo was still there.

A 30 minutes conversation with his parents was enough for Hyunki to learn everything. Myungsoo passed an audition with Woolim Entertainment, and was now a trainee under the said company.

"He always wanted to be a singer," Hyunki told herself. And only then she realized how much she knows about the boy, whom she always thought was annoying.

"Well, he IS annoying!" she said again, stressing on the word 'is'. But then her heart ached.

"I hate you, Myungsoo.." she whispered as she closed her eyes, lying on her bed, trying to imagine what will happen tomorrow. Things were not going well.

Deep inside her heart, she feels a little bit relieved since Myungsoo's parents were still in the neighborhood. That means, during vacation, Myungsoo will come back here for his parents. But things were never going well for Hyunki and Myungsoo when his parents finally moved to Seoul the next week, so they can be closer to their only son.

"Stupid Myungsoo, I hate you!" Hyunki said again as she punched her pillow, imagining it to be Myungsoo's face. She kept on saying she hates Myungsoo, but she herself was not really sure of it.

Days went by, and Hyunki's heart was still aching.

Because she was missing the boy so much.



I already wrote their memories when they were six, twelve, and now they are fifteen in this chapter.
More memories to come, I promise ^-^
Do you think Hyunki and Myungsoo will meet again?
Thank you for subscribing and and comments, I <3 you guys!

much love, PYNK

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Chapter 5: Really, myungsoo is such a jerk. But... we all love that jerk anyways xD
Chapter 5: Really, myungsoo is such a jerk. But... we all love that jerk anyways xD
aliainfinite #3
Chapter 5: so sweet..i'm happy when i read this:)
-natsukim #4
Chapter 5: so sweet! i kept smiling when i read this! totally romantic and touching! when i saw the word "just hobae of Epik High" my heart sank and hurt. Infinite has grown up to be real men, real stars! that shine us. I'm inspirit from the start and i proud to read your story.
good job then, author-nim!
-when they were six-

hyunki is so cute with that rabbit plush ^^
myungsoo, not nice glaring at girls like that ><
bad myungsoo. pink is nice! lol
such a strong word for a 6-year-old girl to use, poor hyunki

-when they were twelve-
omg myungsoo did what? play pranks on hyunki now? lol
.____. those pink slippers are cut into 4 ><
hah! got you! you're so dead, myungsoo lol

-when they were fifteen-
lol myungsoo is not invited, poor boy but it's for the good XD
nam woohyun and his smile >< -dies-
what is this? myungsoo is leaving? noooooo!! ><
he did leave! and he didnt hide anything from hyunki, he thinks hyunki is special ;____;

-when they were seventeen-
yay! hyunki did great in her exam ^^ and she's going to Seoul University, same city as myungsoo and they'll bump into each other. or maybe not lol
omg woohyun likes her! what about myungsoo? ><
oh myungsoo texted! and and he's proposing! i mean the promise that he'll propose hyunki someday sobs ;_____;
it must be hard to be hyunki for receiving one or two texts in a month and cant even reply or call ><

-when they were eighteen-
oh they debuted, yay!
hyunki called, so brave.
myungsoo what?! after letting the girl believing and hold onto that one promise ><
i can feel the pain ;__;

-after a year-
it must be so hard on her to forget about myungsoo and move on
how can she manage to score in her study? ><
Karamie! he sounds like a nice guy ^^
omg myungsoo is here in front of her door! D:
he played the guitar and sang their unreleased song ;__;
he is indeed a pabo ><
hyunki doesnt want all those from you
and he kept his promise. they are getting married! <3

Yay, happy ending! me love happy endings XD love this fic <3
finally..got time to read FL!!!!
myungsoo!! u keep your promise!! *thumbs up!!!!