4th Shot

Fine Line

When they were eighteen..

INFINITE finally debuted.

They were not as successful as other halyu groups at that time. Many were saying INFINITE was too underrated, but that doesn’t stop the fangirls to spazz on Myungsoo like crazy, especially when he’s the face of the group. He’s very good looking, Hyunki always know that.

Hyunki just smiled if her friends squeal their lungs out for that guy. She was missing him so much, but their weird relationship sometimes made her question herself. Will Myungsoo really keeps his promise.


Come to think of it, it had been quite awhile since the last time Myungsoo mentioned his promise in his texts, unlike before.

“It was .. last five months,” Hyunki muttered as she lied on her bed. Yes, that was the last time when Myungsoo talked about his promise. Since then, he never mentions his promise anymore.

Hyunki still received texts from him once or twice a month, but his texts were getting shorter and shorter from time to time.

She started to get worried, so one day when she received a text from Myungsoo, she quickly dialled the number eventhough Myungsoo once told her to not reply any of his texts. Fortunately, someone did pick up her call.

“Who.. who’s this?” Hyunki suddenly stuttered her words.

“Hyunki?” she heard a guy’s voice.

“Myungsoo..?” she asked.


Hyunki’s heart beats so fast when she heard the respond from Myungsoo. She just realized how much she is missing him and his voice since he left the town last three years.

“Why did you call? I told you not to reply, right? I was about to hand this phone to my friend back just now,”

Hyunki can’t help but to feel a little disappointed. Three years, and finally they got the chance to talk to each other, and he asked why did she call?

“Do you still remember your promise?” with full confidence, Hyunki quickly asked. She closed her eyes, counting her heart beats as she waited for his reply.

There was quite a long silence on the other line when finally she heard him took a deep breath.

“Things came up, Hyunki..”

Not knowing why, tears started to fill in her eyes.

“I hate you. Don’t contact me anymore,” she said before she ended the call. It has been three years since she said that sentence. But Hyunki never hate Myungsoo as much as now in her whole life. No, never. That guy disappoints her so much, Hyunki went to bed with swollen eyes that night. She feels like an idiot for believing Myungsoo’s words all this while. She was blaming herself for still believing that both of them will have a happy ending despite of their weird relationship these three years.

That night, Hyunki told herself to forget him.



This fic will end in the next chapter :) Wait for it, ne? -love to all readers-

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Chapter 5: Really, myungsoo is such a jerk. But... we all love that jerk anyways xD
Chapter 5: Really, myungsoo is such a jerk. But... we all love that jerk anyways xD
aliainfinite #3
Chapter 5: so sweet..i'm happy when i read this:)
-natsukim #4
Chapter 5: so sweet! i kept smiling when i read this! totally romantic and touching! when i saw the word "just hobae of Epik High" my heart sank and hurt. Infinite has grown up to be real men, real stars! that shine us. I'm inspirit from the start and i proud to read your story.
good job then, author-nim!
-when they were six-

hyunki is so cute with that rabbit plush ^^
myungsoo, not nice glaring at girls like that ><
bad myungsoo. pink is nice! lol
such a strong word for a 6-year-old girl to use, poor hyunki

-when they were twelve-
omg myungsoo did what? play pranks on hyunki now? lol
.____. those pink slippers are cut into 4 ><
hah! got you! you're so dead, myungsoo lol

-when they were fifteen-
lol myungsoo is not invited, poor boy but it's for the good XD
nam woohyun and his smile >< -dies-
what is this? myungsoo is leaving? noooooo!! ><
he did leave! and he didnt hide anything from hyunki, he thinks hyunki is special ;____;

-when they were seventeen-
yay! hyunki did great in her exam ^^ and she's going to Seoul University, same city as myungsoo and they'll bump into each other. or maybe not lol
omg woohyun likes her! what about myungsoo? ><
oh myungsoo texted! and and he's proposing! i mean the promise that he'll propose hyunki someday sobs ;_____;
it must be hard to be hyunki for receiving one or two texts in a month and cant even reply or call ><

-when they were eighteen-
oh they debuted, yay!
hyunki called, so brave.
myungsoo what?! after letting the girl believing and hold onto that one promise ><
i can feel the pain ;__;

-after a year-
it must be so hard on her to forget about myungsoo and move on
how can she manage to score in her study? ><
Karamie! he sounds like a nice guy ^^
omg myungsoo is here in front of her door! D:
he played the guitar and sang their unreleased song ;__;
he is indeed a pabo ><
hyunki doesnt want all those from you
and he kept his promise. they are getting married! <3

Yay, happy ending! me love happy endings XD love this fic <3
finally..got time to read FL!!!!
myungsoo!! u keep your promise!! *thumbs up!!!!