3rd Shot

Fine Line

"Fine Line" is the first story for my Gorgeous-7 Saga.
I will write one story for each of the gorgeous members of INFINITE.
I started the second story yesterday to celebrate Hoya's Birthday.
CLICK HERE if you feel like reading ^-^





When they were 17..

Hyunki passed her entrance exam with flying colours, as everybody expected from the school’s best student. She just received an offer letter from the university she chose before, Seoul University and she is very eager to start her life as a university student.

“Hyunki, are you done packing your things?” she heard her mother’s voice from down stairs.

“Not yet, omma! I’m still packing it,” she answered as she walked to her window to close it. The night breeze is making her cold.

It was then when she saw the house on the opposite of hers.

Myungsoo and his family used to live there. But since he left to become a trainee under Woolim Entertainment two years ago, she never heard anything from him.


“Why am I still thinking of him..?” Hyunki muttered to herself as she threw herself on her bed, grabbing her mobile phone when she heard a loud beep, marking the new incoming text.

She smiled to herself when she saw the name of the sender.

It’s her favourite sunbae since forever, Woohyun.

Her cheeks heated when she saw what Woohyun wrote for him.

“It’s been awhile since you have my heart. I won’t ask you to return it. I just want to ask you something. Will you take care of it forever?”

Hyunki and Woohyun were really close to each other, but she never thought Woohyun had this kind of special feelings for her.

“What.. what should I replied him..?” she asked herself as she stood up. At that moment another text came in. She opened it as she rambled alone.

“Why is he texting again~ I still don’t have the right answer for.. for..” Hyunki didn’t get to finish her sentence when she read the new message. It is not from Woohyun. It is from an unknown number.

“Sorry for my long absence. Do you have a boyfriend now? If you don’t, it’s all good. But if you have one, please break up with him right this instant. One day, I will ask for your hand from your parents. I promise. – Myungsoo”

Hyunki’s heart leaped with joy, and without hesitate, she opened Woohyun’s text just now and replied him.

“I am really sorry, sunbae. I truly am.”

Since then, once or twice in a month, she will receive a text from Myungsoo, but with different numbers. From what that dream boy of hers told her, she understands that the trainees were not allowed to have mobile phones. So Myungsoo sometimes borrowed his friends’ phones to text Hyunki. He always reminded her not to reply any of his texts too since he was extremely busy with his training, he didn’t get to spend too much times with Hyunki. So each time he texted her, he will return the phone back to the owner.

Myungsoo's heart beats for Hyunki.

And his dream to be successful in his career is as important, too. That's why he is working really hard.

His texts to Hyunki were all random. He asked Hyunki to always take care, and keeps on saying he will keep his promise.

Their weird relationship went on like that for another year when both of them were 18.

Hyunki doesn’t know if that relationship is one sided since she never replied the texts from Myungsoo. Furthermore, she will only get one or two texts from him in a month.

Yet, she never thought of forgetting him.

She never thought of accepting the confessions she’s getting from guys, since she had grown up into a very beautiful girl.

Hyunki believes in Myungsoo’s promise.

What could have gone wrong, right?

That’s what she thought, when things actually turned out wrong for them.


To be continued ..

This is supposed to be a 3shot, but I didn't get to finish it within three updates, LOL. So maybe the next update will be the last. Please wait for it, ne?

Love, PYNK


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Chapter 5: Really, myungsoo is such a jerk. But... we all love that jerk anyways xD
Chapter 5: Really, myungsoo is such a jerk. But... we all love that jerk anyways xD
aliainfinite #3
Chapter 5: so sweet..i'm happy when i read this:)
-natsukim #4
Chapter 5: so sweet! i kept smiling when i read this! totally romantic and touching! when i saw the word "just hobae of Epik High" my heart sank and hurt. Infinite has grown up to be real men, real stars! that shine us. I'm inspirit from the start and i proud to read your story.
good job then, author-nim!
-when they were six-

hyunki is so cute with that rabbit plush ^^
myungsoo, not nice glaring at girls like that ><
bad myungsoo. pink is nice! lol
such a strong word for a 6-year-old girl to use, poor hyunki

-when they were twelve-
omg myungsoo did what? play pranks on hyunki now? lol
.____. those pink slippers are cut into 4 ><
hah! got you! you're so dead, myungsoo lol

-when they were fifteen-
lol myungsoo is not invited, poor boy but it's for the good XD
nam woohyun and his smile >< -dies-
what is this? myungsoo is leaving? noooooo!! ><
he did leave! and he didnt hide anything from hyunki, he thinks hyunki is special ;____;

-when they were seventeen-
yay! hyunki did great in her exam ^^ and she's going to Seoul University, same city as myungsoo and they'll bump into each other. or maybe not lol
omg woohyun likes her! what about myungsoo? ><
oh myungsoo texted! and and he's proposing! i mean the promise that he'll propose hyunki someday sobs ;_____;
it must be hard to be hyunki for receiving one or two texts in a month and cant even reply or call ><

-when they were eighteen-
oh they debuted, yay!
hyunki called, so brave.
myungsoo what?! after letting the girl believing and hold onto that one promise ><
i can feel the pain ;__;

-after a year-
it must be so hard on her to forget about myungsoo and move on
how can she manage to score in her study? ><
Karamie! he sounds like a nice guy ^^
omg myungsoo is here in front of her door! D:
he played the guitar and sang their unreleased song ;__;
he is indeed a pabo ><
hyunki doesnt want all those from you
and he kept his promise. they are getting married! <3

Yay, happy ending! me love happy endings XD love this fic <3
finally..got time to read FL!!!!
myungsoo!! u keep your promise!! *thumbs up!!!!