Flashback #1

Falling For You

Yuri could still feel and picture the searing lights from the stage, the heated encore from the crowd, and the pounding of the drum kit within her reach. Yet during the entire night after her performance, the young girl was never able to get a stupidly amazing Unnie off of her mind. Specifically, a jaw dropping raven haired girl that had a knack for dancing. 


Yuri might’ve rocked the drums well that night- but Yena was the one that rocked her world


It was near the first few months of her year at P48. She got along well with her roommate Minju and so far her classes went smoothly. Since she was a first year(and not much of a social butterfly), she wasn’t aware of the huge event that was slowly approaching. 


The Annual Performance Concert. 


It would have been a full day of no classes, just performances from any of the Music Majors/Minors and any performance clubs. P48 University may have had a small student body involved in their music programs, but they did have a surprisingly ridiculous large amount of clubs. And Yuri could still remember the painfully desperate look her Oppa’s gave her the day before the specifc grand event. 


“Please Yuri, we heard from Minju that you had some experience on the drums. Mind you, we never even knew you could play the drums?”


“Our Hajoon got into an accident and he wont be able to perform tomorrow.”


“You don’t even have to show your face! You can wear a face mask if you want too.”


I wasn’t even aware of this event happening? Wow, I’m not surprised neither me or Minju heard about this. I really wanted to go watch other performances though....


Kim Woosung the vocalist of the band then stated a tempting offer to Yuri. “We can give you and a friend VIP seats to sit at the front of the venue after we play. We’re only the opening act for the evening- so you guys could watch the other performers. A complimentary gift from your Sunbae’s- for you, our heroic Hoobae.” 


This offer instantly sealed the deal for Yuri. VIP tickets for the highly acclaimed event were hard to find. She wouldn’t let her chance at away. 


“I’ll be in your care then. Guess I’ll be your Lee Hajoon for a day.”




Yuri twirled the drum stick in her hands as she rolled her wrists. She had brought Minju with her to the bands practice room, and was currently giving her upper body a rest as the 3 members of the band packed up. Her fingers were slightly exhasuted as she almost dropped the sticks as she spun the sticks around her idex finger. She had practiced for a decent chunk of 2 hours with the band, and they were quite satisfied with Yuri’s skills. 


They bid the two girls goodbye(while handing Minju the VIP tickets) and reassured Yuri that she was a life saver. Once they exited the room Yuri placed headphones on and watched the video. The drum patterns she had to learn weren’t too intricate, but they were slightly more advanced than your simply rock beat. Thankfully most of the songs weren’t too intense and weren’t as physically demanding as she had originally expected. After a while, out of the corner of her eye she saw Minju’s figure shift and head towards the door. Minju simply smiled and mouthed words of encouragement as she exited the room to sleep. 


You’ll do great Yuri. You’ll be fine. 


And Minju was right. 




To say Yuri was shocked would have been an understatement. She was almost utterly terrified at the amount of students that filled the venue that night. 


Holy , this event really is a big deal isn’t it. 


A gentle hand patted her on the back and another slightly ruffled her hair that was kept in a ponytail. She turned around to see the band decked out in their signature shirts with their band logo on it. 


Dojoon(the bands flexible guitar/keyboardist) gave her a stiff smile in an attempt to reassure her. Jaehyeong on the other hand continued to ruffle her hair. 


“Yah, stop it Oppa!”


“Sorry Yuri. Hahaha, it just looked like you need to loosen up.” Jaehyeong then handed her a white face mask. “Here’s the face mask. I’m assuming you’re still not to much of a big of a fan with attention.”


Yuri nodded in thanks and placed the mask on. 

Mask equipped? Check. 

Drum sticks in hand? Check. 

Extra drum sticks in the spare low tom bag? Check. 

Minju safely seated in the front row of the venue? Check. 

Her confidence?


She nodded grimly as she wiped her clammy hands and drum sticks on her jacket. 


Yeah I don’t even think I had that to begin with. 


The members of the band suddenly motioned for Yuri to follow them. She quickly followed and sat at her position at the back of the band. The throne she sat on was quite comfortable and Yuri had to admit that Hajoon had a pretty good taste in drum equipment. She gripped the drum sticks with an Iron grip as the MC’s for the night greeted the audience. 


“And without firther ado. Give it up for P48’s own rock band- The Rose!”


It’s now or never. 




Yuri could horrifically recall how messy and tense her count in started. She can remember how she was almost off beat for the entirety of the first song. She was able to remember how fire coursed through her veins as she stopped worrying about the crowd. 


I’m just a fill in. All this attention won’t even last. I’m a ghost with no name- and no outsider would know me anyways. 


One of the most memoriable moments was when Yuri recalled the cheers of support that echoed throughout the venue as the crowd slowly realized that the grey sweatered, mask clad drummer was surprigly a female. The twitch of excitement and music surged through her body for the entirety of the band’s performance. Every beat synchronized with her and heart and Yuri tried to burn the rush of feelings and excitement into her memory. 


She was living in the moment, enjoying herself. 


She felt so free. 




Eunbi was pleasantly listening to The Rose backstage while she watched her members fool around. Well all of the them except for Yena? The young duck like member stood near the stage keeping a watchful eye on what appeared to be a performer. Specifically the drummer. Eunbi approached the rowdy group and gently elbowed Yujin and pointed in Yena’s direction. “What’s up with Yena?”


“I’m not sure actually. She didn’t really say much when I asked her.” Yujin shrugged. “She did say something about the drummers eyes being familiar to her though?” 


“She always thinks everything’s familiar to her though.” Chaewon piped up. 


Chayeon stretches her arms as she stated  a crucial point about Yena’s actions. “Yeah, but she typically doesn’t stare at a person for almost the entire duration of their set performance.”


They all just worriedly stared at their little duck, hoping that Yena would cheer up a bit. An overly serious Yena was a rare Yena.




The MC’s were interviewing the members of The Rose as Yuri snuck into the reserved chair beside Minju.


“I knew you’d do great!” Minju chuckled as Yuri left out an exhausted sigh right beside her. “I bet you stole some hearts tonight.”


Yuri only rolled her eyes and proceeded to get herself snug into her seat. “I clearly doubt that. Anyways who’s up next?”


Minju scanned the paper pamphlet she was handed when she entered the venue. Her eyes looked for the second name in on the list for the evening performances. “Ah, the next performers are a dance group called ECYCY.” Minju paused in thought. “I believe that they might be that really popular dance group with music majors and minors? I heard their leader is a 5th year student that’s crazy scary.”


Yuri nodded in agreement. She too had heard rumours regarding the “scary Unnie” of the dance crew. She had also heard about how the group had the so called “3 princes” in the group. A group of girls in her Vocal Arts Major class never ran out of topics to converse about when it came to the "3 princes". Never less she was curious about what genre the group would dance too. 


The entire venue hushed into an almost silent whisper as the lights dimmed down. A soft purple glow of the stage lights above illuminated the stage, while the stage lights at the sides motioned horizontally to cast an almost gentle white ethereal glow upon the stage. 5 girls clad in striking black lace outfits slowly strutted onto the stage and into their positions. A catchy riff then flowed out from the speakers and began the groups enchantment of the audience. 


“You’re toxic you sink into me. You play with my heart, I fall for you again.”


Yuri was then able to identify and confirm that yes, the group was indeed mic’d. A wave of amazement washed over her as she watched the group dance and sing their performance. She spared at quick glance to her right and witnessed Minju full blown jaw dropped. Yuri couldn’t blame her- the 5 girl’s practically oozed charisma. The song itself had a catchy instrumental and the dancers smoothly pulled off the dance moves. She unconsciously kept watching a specific high ponytailed girl. 


“Burn all the rumours about you. I’m running towards you fearless, don’t stop me.”


Yuri felt her jaw drop slightly. She definitely didn’t expect the high ponytailed girl to rap- especially in a vocal quality that suited the rap part. 


“Why are you making me pathetic like this. I just hate everything.”


A grin grew on Yuri’s face as she witnessed the unexpected rapper to include a growl mid-rap. It was pretty adorable, she thought. 


“Stop avoiding me, Everything is gonna be alright.”


Yuri swore that they had eye contact at that moment- after all she was in the front row in her VIP seat, it wasn’t impossible. To her right Minju was starting to fan herself as she watched the performance. 


“How do I look at you from now on tell me. Show me your heart baby.”


Yuri was now sold. She’d learn this performers name or die trying. It wasn’t everyday she witnessed a fine arts student who could slay both a vocal and a rap line while dancing. 


As the song neared it’s last few bars Yuri elbowed Minju(who elbowed her back) in excitement. Once the music died down the spell broke and the crowd went wild. 


“Is it just me or is it suddenly hot in here?” Minju asked as she fanned herself, trying to rid the soft pink tint that covered her face. 


“If anything it’s them,” Yuri gestured to the members of ECYCY. “It’s them who are hot.”


They both thoughtfully agreed and directed their attention back to the performers who were going to introduce themselves. 


“Good evening, were ECYCY. One of the many dance clubs in P48’s University. My name’s Kwon Eunbi and I hope you enjoyed our performance tonight.”


Eunbi gestured for the other members to greet the crowd and introduce themselves. 


“Hello I’m Lee Chayeon and I can speak Japanese.”


“Hello I’m Ahn Yujin- your honorary junior prince.”


“Hello I’m Kim Chaewon, your local little fairy.”


“Nice to see you all. I’m Choi Yena, P48’s resident duck!”


Eunbi gave her members a deadpan stare and gave a sigh in disappointment. “Anyways I hope you all enjoy the rest of the performances for tonight!” She then walked off the stage. 


Instead of following their leader off of the stage the 4 girl’s approached the front row and gave fan service. Chayeon proceeded to dance to Kpop choreography for the few who sat at the far right of the front row. Beside her Minju was a gay panic as both Chaewon and Minju kneeled in front of her and complimented her. 


Yena too kneeled in front of Yuri. “Hey, you wouldn’t mind if I grabbed your hand right?”


Oh my god her natural voice is pretty damn husky, Yuri thought. “Ah no I-I wouldn’t mind. Go ahead.”


Yena gave her a blinding grin and proceeded to gently lift Yuri’s hand up to her lips. Keeping eye contact with Yuri she placed a gentle kiss upon the back of her hand and winked at the younger girl. 


Eunbi finally then stormed into the front row and dragged her disobedient members with her. Yuri felt her entire face burn and she knew Minju was the same. 


Correction we’re both a gay Panic. 




After a almost endless rant from Eunbi the group went their separate ways to enjoy the other festivities the day had left to offer. Yena locked herself into the practice room in hopes of cramming for another music theory test. Yet the visual of her earlier fan service victim kept intruding her thoughts. 


She let out a sigh and let out a disgruntled groan.  


Her eyes looked so familiar. Yet I’m sure I’ve never seen her before?


A wave of nostalgia hit Yena as the memory of that girls eyes seared itself into her memory. The way her bangs framed her face, the way was almost slack jawed in surprise, the way a light blush began to dust her cheeks, but most of all- the way her eyes gravitated towards her. 


Yena swore she would have gotten lost into those beautiful orbs if she had kept the eye contact any longer. Those eyes brought Yena a mellow tune of faded memories from her junior high days.


The days that inspired her to peruse a career in music- that gave her hope that she could meet her again.





I tried to make this chapter a little longer than what I usually write to celebrate White Day. I cri im still not sure how to write some of my ideas yet so oof.

On the sad side, future updates are probably gonna be a bit slower now? Its music festival season and ima bout to kms over all these jazz solos.



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Guess who’s going to be updating slowly again?Sadly me :( 🙇‍♀️
Music Festival Season is finally over, but now we have to prepare for Provincials..... so I promise to make the next update a little bit longer with more fluff and a sprinkle of humour?


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Ukebau5 #1
Chapter 4: I love this story concept! And dont worry about going OOC. It's a cute and fun read and who knows they may act just like this if it were their reality lol. Btw my vote is 2kim since theres never enough of them :( But thank you for your hard work!
Fate008 #2
Chapter 4: 2kim and Annyeongz!!
imoveryou #3
Chapter 4: 2kim!!
Chapter 4: 2kimm
Silvercopper #5
2kim pleaseeeee
Chapter 4: 2kimmmmm
Chapter 3: Hi. Omg i love ur story ily thanks
Bubb1eGum #8
Chapter 2: Damn it really is hard choosing between jinjoo/annyeongzz and jinjoo/2kim. But yeshhhh rise was a bop jajxjskxjdjwid
Chapter 2: Jinjoo please??