Chapter II - DO I know you?

The Prince and The Pauper

“ this meeting is called upon for an urgent matter.”

Urgent matter. I winced as I hear that word. This is not urgent at all. Urgent is when my grandmother, the Queen is rushed to the hospital. Urgent is when that drug problem my brother tries to stop spreading in this country just won’t stop. Urgent is war and terrorist threats to out country. Urgent is the man I have been looking for, right infront of me and I want to say something but I am tongue tied and afraid.

Urgent is not this.

This meeting only to discuss the latest letter and photo I got from my stalker. It’s disconcerting, I must admit, but this whole meeting is unnecessary. They are making this stalker stronger for what they are doing. That person wants the attention and we are fueling it. I have a feeling he will be bolder if this continues. If he sees that he can affect us. Add the fact that the last letter was found inside my locker.

It’s not a big deal. But the content of the letter made them set off.

Prince jinki,

Can I call you onew? I’ve been watching you from afar and taking pictures of you. Sometimes, I watch you sleep and I want to talk to you but I can’t. what would I say? But one day, I will come to you. I will come up to you and tell you everything. I will sacrifice anything for you, even kill for you. I know you hate your life with those royals and I will take you away from them. We will live together happily.

Would you like that?

Please smile more. I love you. I really do. Your guards can do whatever they want; but they will not catch me.

Your love makes me strong, I will get you.

Yours truly.

Jinu is clearly irritated with what is happening. He is being pressured to find the stalker or simply stop the letters from coming. I stay silent as he asks question after question. I am startled as Key started to talk.

“ I will shadow him, don’t worry.” He says calmy and Jinu is abou to say something but I cut him off.

“ Yes, he will. I will stay out of trouble. After this opening parade, I won’t be in the public too much.”

“ what opening parade? You won’t be coming- too many people and we cannot protect you- ”

My eyes darkened at that. They cannot cage me, they cannot stop me from what I want to do. I have a responsibility for the eagle house and nothing can change that..

“ we’ve talked about this, even before I went to this university. I will live the life a normal student, -”

“ but you are not normal student! You are a Prince. Everyone knows who you are,” it is rare that Jinu raises his voice towards me. Aside from being my bodyguard, he is also a friend and like an Uncle to me. He can scold me when he seems fit, but right now I am too stubborn to care.

I look over at Key who is looking a bit concerned. What does he think about me? God. Someone must hate me right now. I have this stalker, the parade and top it all off, Key. I will die if this does not stop.

“ I need some time alone.” I say finally. The Opening parade is tomorrow and I have a lot of meetings to attend.

“Okay, Onew, I know that this is important for you but there is someone who wants to hurt you and I cannot let that happen. ’

I sigh and leave the room. I want to get this opening parade over so I can finally talk to Key. I want to know more about him without looking like a creep. He will be working closely with me and it will come out sooner or later. What if he has someone in his life right now?

Making my way towards the Common room of the eagle house, I see Kangta motioning for me to come over. He is pretty busy talking on the phone and I see papers everywhere, probably for the party. He has lot of help, but unlike me, he does not have a stalker.

“ that bad?” he asks and hands me a bottle of water.

“they want me to pass up on the parade,” I spat out, Kangta seems apologetic.

“ Look, you have done a good job in planning it. Don’t worry, we can do this. You have to think about your safety first. It would mean a lot for the eagle house to have you to lead the parade.” He nods at him and places his hand in mine. “ but it would look a lot of worst if something bad happened to you while inside the house or even a parade that was supposed to be fun. ”

I chance a look at him. I feel embarrassed. I am his VP and I am surely disappointing him. I do not want him to regret taking me and minho under his wing. The first day we came here, no one wanted the prince to be in their house. Because of the tight security and random checks. Plus the paparazzi and fans don’t help either.

But he took one look at us and recognized us. He was already pretty popular as a soccer player so no one complained about us getting into eagle.

“ thanks. Don’t worry, I will be fine. Nothing will happen, how about that party?” I ask. I am pretty excited about the party. I am fan of bands and getting together with friends. Eagle students are close to me.

“ this new band is playing, it’s called Eisley. I think you’ll love them.” He assures me and I feel like the weight on my shoulder is leaving.

“ god, I did not know this can be so stressful. ”

“ not as stressed as those kids who will participate in the initiation.” Another voice comes and I don’t have to look up to see that it’s minho. He is incharge of the parade as well. Seeing as he is a popular athlete. Everyone is bound to follow him.

“ oh, the girls over at rosewood gives their thanks. ” Kangta smiles at me and I laugh.

“ did they really? I mean, it should be mutual. Rosewood applicants are not really an eyesore.”

I can almost see it now. The prim and proper girls of rosewood marching down the parade. With their flower petals and doves. I just wish they stop that act and hold machine guns- that seems more fitting for them actually. Every year, the first part of their initiation is the same. All the girls need to dress in their highest heels and long gown. Having to endure that walk. While the members wear sneakers and the officers of the house ride a designed float. It’s cruel but fitting actually. The men from the entire school will cheer them on and by the end of the night, will be fighting for their phone numbers and class schedule.

“ I hear Taemin is going for Leavesdale,” Minho asks.

“ Yes, he is. I think it fits him. Taemin is an idealist, he will fit right in. ” I say this and Kangta seems to be staring at someone.

“ why is that kid from Stanley here?” he comments and passes me some papers to sign and a few leaflets to pass around.

“ jonghyun? He comes here everyday, you should get used to it. He’s been doing that years ago,”

Kangta shakes his head. “ no, this new transfer kid from Stanley.” He states and sit up, looking around. “ you know, buddy holly glasses- plaid clothes and blonde hair? Curly blonde.”

“ Key-”

“ You know him?” Minho looks at me and I only nod.

“ Yes, sort of. You saying he’s from Stanley house? With Jonghyun? ”

“ He came in a week ago, I saw him doing the tour with one of the professors. He is a theatre major, I think. Why? ”

Trying my hardest not to dance and scream in happiness, I only stay silent and mumble something like ‘nothing. He seems nice’. But truly, I want to head over to Stanley house right now and ask jonghyun. Jonghyun knows everyone in this huge university. All the more, the people in his house. If not, I we can look at his school file.

I don’t want to ask from Jinu. He will suspect and he might remove Key from my case. I can’t have that.

“ food and drinks for the party are already set and the dj,” Minho speaks up and Kangta is interested. I say a quick goodbye and leave them to planning more for the party. I have to get to Stanley now.

Jonghyun is not picking up his phone. Which means he is either studying, talking to some girls or busy practicing singing or doing some songwriting tutorial. I hurry over to Stanley, which is a ten minute walk.

Bad idea.

Everyone I pass by is looking at me and probably thinking up ways to get close and talk to me. That’s okay, but this is different. I am all alone. I know a guard is following me but is till can’t get used to this attention.

I try to smile at those who catch my eyes and quickly make my way to Stanley.

I recognize a few of them and I was easily allowed to enter as I said I’m here to see Jonghyun. Seeing his door, I see a whiteboard with a lot of messages scrawled on it. One that catches my eye.

The least you can do is call me –J.

Interesting. I must remember to ask him about that. Seeing as this is a surprise visit, I immediately open the door and thankfully, he is learning some song on a guitar. As he looks up, he does a double take before grinning.

“ and what do I owe this royal visit?” he mocks and stands up. “ by any chance, do you want to take my invitation on meeting people? ”

I frown and punch him lightly.

“ No, what do you know about Kim Kibum?” I ask quickly. “ he’s called Key. I think.” I hope I’m not blushing so Iook away and pretend to be interested in his sheet music.

“ Oh. Key, he’s s friend actually.” He says nonchalantly and my eyes almost popped out.

“ FRIENDS?” I am incredulous and Jonghyun is surprised by my action.

“ what? Is he bothering you?”

“ No-” I counter. “ but answer my question, what do you know about him? ”

“ He is a theatre major, on scholarship. Transferred a week ago. He is really friendly, he dances really well and I think he will be joining a dance crew in here,” he explains and I am relieved.

“ you hang out often? ”

“ we talk in here, and he is good to be around. He does not get intimidated easily. Plus, I think I want to join the dance crew – I need to learn to dance as well you know.” He says and I stay quiet. I need to go now. This is futile. What did I want to know? If Key has a secret crush on the prince?

It’s not like he can tell anyone that he is a student and part of the royal guard as well. He signed a contract for secrecy.

“ why are you asking anyway?” the tone of his voice changed into something that I don’t like. This tone means more teasing and he is trying to figure me out.

“ nothing- I- I ” Damn stutter. Jonghyun takes that as a cue to pat my back and place his arms on my shoulders.

“ if I didn’t know better- I would say, you want to bang him.”

I turned red and Jonghyun laughed full on now.

“ if you don’t stop, I will bang your head on the walls. ” I seethe and he whistles.

“ no need to get so touchy. I mean, man- Key is fit. I see where you’re coming from. He is strong as hell and masculine with his look. But when he dances, everyone in here swoons like a girl.”

What? I suddenly feel jealous, all those people who get to be close to him. Those who are able to get to know him on a personal level. Whereas I am reduced to just an employer that he needs to protect.

“ I can bring him over for coffee with us.” He says and I turn to leave.

“ No, I can ask him myself. We are friends as well. ” I tell him finally.

This is just so ed up.


Finally, the evening rolled on and everything for tomorrow morning’s parade is done. It will start at 11 am so I can read some more and think some more before I sleep. Minho is not here right now. He had to sleep off-campus to make sure that orders for the parties are being prepared well.

The shower felt good and I am just about to sit down when I am startled with the presence of someone on minho’s bed.

Not just anyone. Key.

“ what the hell are you doing here?” I demand an explanation, trying to create some semblance of authority.

“ why are you asking about me?” he counters and I am speechless.

“ what are you talking about? You shouldn’t be here. ” I say and he moves towards me.

“ I am your bodyguard, I can get close to you when I want.” I reminded of this tone and this voice. The same one he used before, when he is clearly pissed about something. And this time, it’s me.

“ well, not in my private quarters. ” I won’t let him have what he wants. Anger. I feel it towards him right now and I don’t care if it’s unfair. How dare he forget that night?

“ answer my question, why are you asking about me in Stanley?” he asks.

“ it’s not like I’m going around interviewing everyone about you. I just asked jonghyun, apparently you’re friends.”

“ Yes, I am. It’s none of your business.” He says and harshly and something in me clicks. This nasty little er. Who does he think he is?

“ excuse me? ” I snap at him and I see that he is startled. I rarely get angry or even show someone aggression but he is on thin ice now.

“ Do not use that tone with me, whoever you are. You are a royal guard and I am a prince – do not even think that you can have power over me.” I tell him and he nods.

“ I apologize your highness.”

“ You should be, and I will ask about you whenever I want. I do research on the guards they give me, I am extra cautious right now. I don’t trust anyone.” That seems like a plausible explanation and Key looks down on his feet.

I don’t care if he stirs up feelings in my heart that I thought was impossible. If his personality is this ugly, then no thanks. I plop down my bed and ignore him completely.

“ I’m sorry, Onew. ”

I continue to ignore him. This is just too hard. I want to get to know him and for us to go back to that night. To pick up where we left off. But he does not remember me. And the situation, this whole- prince and bodyguard thing is not enticing to say the least.

“ it’s just, this job is really taking a toll on me. I know, we haven’t even started yet. But everyone is expecting a lot from me. Jinu is helpful and he says you won’t be a bother. But you don’t understand, I have to prove myself. Even as a trainee.” He explains but I am still pissed.

“ trust me, as a prince being watched by millions all over the world. I know what it feels like to want to prove myself. But that’s no excuse for being a .” My words are pointed and it’s all directed at him. I don’t care if he gets hurt. I feel like I should just shove off this feeling I have.

“ Okay, Okay, I know I was wrong. I just don’t want people going behind my back like that- you can just ask me.” He says and sits down on my bed. This is so surreal. He is finally with me in my bed and in my room. I fight the urge to let this go, forgive him and continue mooning about him after.

“ I told you, I don’t trust anyone. ”

“ then please trust me. Onew, I am doing my best to protect you while studying and getting a degree. It’s hard for the both of us- we can try to be friends.”

“ is this how you treat friends? Attack and accuse them?” I snap. God. Why do I have to be so combative?

“ Look. I was wrong. I just- you’re a prince and I’m- I am me. Just me. ”

I sit up as I hear that. That was what they told him that night. No one cares about him cause he is poor. No one will look back and help him. Is he still carrying that notion with him? He looks defeated now. If I move closer and pull him close, I swear everything will be fine and I will be happy. But we cannot rush each other.

I thought the prince should have a beautiful love life. Filled with magic and happy ever afters. But this is turning into those dramas on TV I despise.

“ I do care you know. ” I say lightly and he looks at me. This is it. Finally, we are on the same page. I am not the only one bothered by this unlikely relationship.

“ we can be friends if you like. But I have to warn you, I obsess over things and word vomit on them. Plus, I can be a bit biting when I criticize.” I smile at him and he returns it.

“ I can handle that, I think we’ll get along.”

We shake hands and that buzz is still not gone. I wonder if I can just confess everything now or just ask him if he remembers. But I feel like he doesn’t. I did not change that much. Perhaps that night did not affect him as much as he did me. My heart constricts at that thought.

“ do you have a girlfriend?” he blurts out and I laugh. Just the thought of him being interested in my love life is reason to be happy.

“ No. No, don’t worry. And I don’t plan on getting one.” I wink at him and I stand up, leading him out of the room.

“ next time you want to ask something about me, just ask me.” He says truthfully.

I nod and before he leaves he speaks again,

“ I mean, you ask jonghyun about me? Jonghyun? Really?”

We both chuckle at that and as I close the door and lean my back against it I thank anyone who is making this possible. This will be hard as hell but I am willing to let this continue.

He matters to me. I do care.


This is it. Opening Parade. Damn it. The weather is chilly and I feel more sadistic as I see the freshmen hopefuls shed their coats down to their boxers. They have to stay like that. We still have to write words in their bodies. Members of the eagle house. Particularly the seniors are the ones who get to write.

“ sadistic bastard.” Minho says behind me and I pout.

“ I am not. I am a kind person who appreciates the beauty of the human body.” I tell him and he snorts.

“ tell that to someone who cares Onew. Those kids will suffer hypothermia in this weather. All this cold is weird,”

“ global warming.” I quipped and passed him the clipboard, it contains the route of the parade and the participants.

“ you will be coming with us right?”

“ yeah, but while you hold the torch and march infront- I will be in the back. Jonghyun told me to take pictures of him.”

I almost forgot. Next to us is Stanley house. I can almost see Jonghyun smiling and posing for cameras. That git enjoys the attention and he deserves it. For someone who looks like frodo’s long lost friend- his mindset is like that of Gollum. I told him this once and he threw a rock at me.

“ make sure you get his angle right.” Minho prepares his camera and takes a picture of me first before heading out.

The crowd is going crazy as we all assemble on the parking area where the parade will start. The freshmen are ready and I don’t look their way. Everyone knows this is my suggestion. Kangta is waiting for me in the front lines and tells me to come over.

“ they are too busy getting over the fact that they are walking beside the prince in their boxer shorts to be reminded that you are the evil brat who made this happen.” He greets and I look over at everyone. This is going to be great. I love this parade. It shows house pride, pride for our university and just putting yourself out there. The media is as usual, here to cover the event and all the more because I, the Prince will be leading one of the houses.

“ you ready?”

“ Yeah.”

I am handed the torch and the parade begins.

I feel confident and I waved and smiled at everyone. Then I hear fear down my spine. I cannot explain it. Like someone is looking at me. Even worst, pointing a gun at me. Jinu told me that nothing can beat human instinct when it comes to protection? I can be wired and wearing tracing devices, but nothing can trump my feel of the environment.

I am starting to get uncomfortable, as we pass the Rosewood house- I felt someone hold my hand pull me lightly.

“ Onew, it’s me.”

As I turn around, I can’t help but gasp. It’s Key. In his boxer shorts. What the . Who knew he was hiding this kind of body underneath those layers? His muscles are not well-defined, but his narrow waist and it’s as white as paper. His face is painted well enough to disguise him and permanent green hair color is on his hair. I gape at him and he nudges me to move forward.

“ are you okay? I had to join in on the parade to be closer. Jinu and the other can’t participate.”

My mind refused to function as I felt his skin against mine. Ugh.

“ yeah- yeah- but I feel someone is watching me. Aside from everyone and the media, it’s just a weird feeling I get. It’s probably nothing.”

“Jinu told me you have good instinct, go on, walk. ”

I stopped for a bit and let the others move forward.

“ here, have my coat- ” I hand it to him and see him freeze momentarily. Like he is not sure of what to do. Does he remember that I did the same for him?

“ no, they will be suspicious- you shouldn’t be helping initiation.”

“ well, you are not here for an initiation. You are from Stanley house.”

“ I know, but I am undercover.” He hisses.

“ whatever you say,” I tell him. And as we advance, he grits his teeth through the cold.

“ you are one sadistic bastard,” he states and I look at him, smiling.

“ that’s how we are in Eagle house. At my initiation, we had to learn to spit fire like those in circus acts.”

His eyes widen and I frown, “ I am not joking, that was in the news you know.”

He nods and as I look infront of us, a commotion is starting and I hear people shouting. The parade halted and we are about to enter a makeshift tunnel.

“ bomb!” I hear someone shout and all hell broke loose. Key moved towards me and shielded me, fast enough before we hear a huge explosion. It was like a firecracker, a particularly strong firecracker that was set off. O hear cries and smoke emanating from the tunnel. I stand up and Key is pulling me towards him, away from the tunnel but I refuse.

“ we must help the people first,” I argue.

“ I need to secure you first before I go and see the damage there.” He says and pulls my hand. But I am stronger than him and I escape from his grasp. I go in the opposite direction as everyone is and I go inside the tunnel.

“ the ! Whose prank is this?” I hear someone say, Kangta. Kangta and the rest of the officers are here. I was held back because I talked to Key.

It dawned on me. This was meant for me. I was supposed to be in that tunnel. Key is behind me and he puts a handkerchief towards me, to keep me from inhaling the smoke. Some are coughing and the other are hurt. This is a dangerous prank. Fireworks and pranks are not unusual for the opening parade. But this is different, people got hurt.

“ home made bomb, it’s not lethal, but to put it here, in a tunnel like this- with lots of people.” I hear Key say and I can make out Jinu entering the tunnel as well and members of the school police come and get the others. I try to help those close to me. Helping them up and moving them towards those who wear the uniform. I look around for key and I don’t have to wait anymore as I feel a person come up behind me.

Someone taps me and says, “ Onew, look up”.

I look above. I feel my whole body sudder as I see in red blood paint the words etched on those walls.

“ Welcome back Prince Jinki, this explosion is for you. Yours Truly. ”

1. Thank you for the warm welcome to this fanfic. I appreciate it so much. hello to the old/new readers of my fics.PLEASE COMMENT AND RECOMMEND THIS FIC to friends and fellow onkey ninjas. Okay. SUBSCRIBE!
2. Again, the posting schedule:
Chapter iii - Feb 17 2012
Chapter iv - Feb 22, 2012
Chapter v - Feb 27, 2012
3. I am enjoying writing this, cause I always do Key's point of view with my stories. it's nice to work in Jinki's view. Chapter IV will be in a third person point style but in Onew's perspective.
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i haven't gotten into it yet, but i am very fascinated so far! sounds like a great concept, and the introduction made me so curious~ can't wait to read more ^^
Chapter 9: So Key was in Paris all along?! XD

This is an amazing story and you’ve written it nicely :)
Chapter 8: I’m even surprised that he’s the stalket, I’ve kinda realised that he’s the bad guy since Jonghyun doesn’t like him from the time they met with no specific reason. It’s kinda the give away.
Chapter 7: Wait what? One second they’re confessing their love and making out then the next Key has resigned and has been kidnapped?!? O.O
Chapter 5: Almost Onkey . Damn that radio call is the ultimate er! XD
Chapter 2: Woah that was intense
aurorabby #7
Chapter 9: I love this story!!!!! The ending is good too. Thanks for writing it!
danicabozic #8
Chapter 9: Wow .... really the story is perfect, I like your way of writing. and this is one of the best stories I've ever read, the only thing I don't like is the end because you left it in half, I guess Onew should in that room to find Key but for example I'm a pessimist and I always think about the worst so I thought he'd find a dead Key or that Key will break up with him so that only the key objection to the story is the end, but otherwise the story is perfect. Thank you for writting
taopandalover #9
Why did i toke so long to find this awesome fic T^T loveeeee it ♡♡♡♡
I loved this sooo much. usually first person perspective make me cringe but THIS WAS AN EXCEPTION. You write very and oh my gosh I just loved it allllll!!!!!!!!!!!!! So great ( I'm a bit incoherent at the moment) thank you for thissss