Chapter 5 Pt.1

Being Yours Is Hard


Taemin’s pov


OMG hyungs why she is like that?, What happened?,we are the same like you taemin we don’t know “minho said”


Lets go down and let her take a rest “jonghyun said”


After 2 hours………


Key’s pov


AAAAAAAA…….. I hate this dirty world”I heard su-mi shouting “,I ran as fast as I could to her room,I saw everything was throwing away in her room and she was crying  while she hits her head with the wall,I went to stop her But…. DON’T TOCH ME, what happened tell me???,they took it,they took it”she said while crying”took what?” I asked nervously”,My….my… thing”she said even crying harder”, what?No,OMG”I said Shocking”

 Guys can you go down please? I wanna be alone “Su-mi said”

My bloode was boiling inside “I thought”, I went near her and I told her that everything is gonna be ok…… then we went down.


Taemin’s pov


I didn’t know what to do, it was breaking my heart to see her crying and in pain,if I only knew who did this to her,I swear I wont let him get away with this, hyungs why don’t we call yu-mi? ,she is her best friend she gets her more than us.


Taemin is rite lets call her “jonghyun said”


Yu-mi’s pov


I was with my friend song-ju when taeminshii called me.


Youboseyo? “I said weirdly”


Oh hi,yu-miah how are you?”taemin said”


Hi um good,you?” I asked”


Um actually Something happened to su-mi and I think you should come to her home”taemin said”


WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?? TELL Me taemin “I asked frightenly”


You just have to come bye”taemin said and hang up”

What is wrong with su-mi? tell me now now now”song –ju asked nervously”


I don’t know I will to her home now Bye”I said”


No wait iam coming”song-ju said”




Minho’s pov


Did you called her?


Yes I did she said she will be here”taemin said”


After 10 min……….




Taemin’s pov


I heard the door bell I quickly ran towards the door ,I opend and saw yu-mi,she was with some guy,I asked who is he?


This is song-ju taemin,but tell me where is su-mi?”yu-mi said”


Oh god this stupid id him?”I thought”,nice to meet you,she is in her room yu-mi,

Then yu-mi quickly ran upstairs.


What is goin on?”song-ju asked”


Well she got and so u know…. “ I said”


OMG,what the heck are you talking a bout?,who did it?”he asked again”


Um well we don’t know because when she went out she was by her own”I said”


I need to see her”song-ju said”


No,let her to be with yu-mi a lil,then go.”key said”


I honstley hate this dude”jonghyun whisperd in my ear”


Don’t feel like your alone iam with you”I whisperd back”


So how long you and su-mi know each other? “key asked”


Well sencie  her parents died,we are best friends and I took care of her”song-ju said”


AHA”key replied giving him a strange look”


Su-mi’s pov


I saw yu-mi coming inside I was still crying.


Su-miahh”I heard yu-mi say it”


Yu-miahh,,,,I said while tears coming down from my eyes like a waterfall.


What happened?”she asked with a worried expression”


They broke it…..M….My Glass,I just wanted to be a speciall moment butNo it was not……”I said while sobbing in her arms”


Oh MY God…., Su-miah iam sorry iam so sorry,iam to shocked to talk”she said while crying”


I just kept crying a lot more….


Evreything is going to be ok hunii don worry…..”she said comforting me”


Jonghyun’s pov


I saw yu-mi coming down,and her eyes were really wet,then I relized she cried too.


Iam gonna go and see her now”song-ju said again”


No don’t ,let her have some time alon she nneds it”yu-mi said”,you guys gonna stay here? “yu-mi asked”


Well she actually invited us to stay here,and we are not gonna let her to be alone here,And besides we have a week holiday”jonghyun said”


Ok then I will stay too”yu-mi said”


Me to”song-ju said”


No you go I will be here it is ok you can go”Yu-mi said”


Ok then if anything happened call me QUICKLY”song-ju said”


Ok bye”Yu-mi and all of us said”


Bye”song-ju said”


Onew’s pov


It was 2:00 Am in the morning none of us could sleep,because we wanted to stay up for su-mi,Aish my eyes are burning,Don you see it onew?, it is all red”jonghyun said”


Mine is the same,we really couldn’t hold more I didn’t remember a thing I just fell a sleep I think all of them did.


5 Hours later…….


Omo su-miah!!,I heard taemin saying”,Oh your awake?”I said worridley”


Iam ok,iam better, I mean I cant be so weak,iam strong and I am gonnaa pretend that nothing happened,from now on iam a new Su-mi”she said”


We all were so shocked because we didn’t except  she would say that,I was really happy when she said that,but at the same time when I saw her face expression I knew deep doen inside she still have some pain.


Oh yu-miah you’re here?”Su-mi asked”


Um yeah iam ,I stayed here tonight “yu-mi said”


Oh iam sorry to make you all worried just forget a bout that this happened ok?”su-mi said”




Oh it is my phone it is manger hyun, Yeoboseyo? Hey onew how are ya?,I wanted to tell you,you should come to SM today I need you”he said” Oh ok,I will come “I said”

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Kim-ni-yum #1
ok ooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmggggggggggggggg thats the best story ever thank god i have the best bestfriend ever love ya keep writting <br />
best wishes ,,oh i forgot looooooooooooovvvvvvvveeeeeeeeee yaaaaaaa
Kim-ni-yum #2
Omo.hehehe does she calls key umma??umma i miss u hehe .hope the best cnt wait til the next chapter
Kim-ni-yum #3
Nice im gonna love it