Shooting Day pt 2

Secret Dance

It was 30 minutes before shooting. Ljoe and Chunji sat obediently allowing the make-up artist to touch every part of their faces with cosmetics that seemed to already blend well with their skins while the stylist noona added up some touch-ups to her style creation for the boys.

Not having anything to do, Chunji took this chance to look up at Ljoe whom was focusing his eyes to the scriptbook held in his left hand. His posture was somewhat calm and relaxed like this whole heart-wrenching scene was not a burden at all to his shoulders. Chunji could only sigh in his own heart.

He reminisced the time of his past where as a child, he found a show on TV where Yunho-sunbae confesed his 'feeling' towards Jaejoong-sunbae. It wasn't a kind of jokes or anything. It was different. The atmosphere between them were full of affection and anything similar as Chunji interpreted. But he was well-informed that they were acting, not any different than what Teentop themselves were doing now.

Chunji witnessed the aftermath of that show. Fans grew to like YunJae very much and those two were stucked in that relationship until as long as he could remember. He knew, if this 'Chunji pairing with Ljoe' started, there would be no end in that because he himself couldn't find any reason for the fans to object against that.

And not that Chunji hated this kind of fan service, not that he liked it either. But he just had this uneasy feeling that 'Chunjoe' would lead HIM to no good someday. All his life had he thought of marrying his dream lady and have a wonderful family and he didn't want to demolish the dream he wished for. Simpy saying, he didn't want to be gay.


"Let's begin now." Director Na called out. Everyone took their positions, mostly behind the cameras.

The stylist noona wrapped a red muffler around Chunji's neck, adjusting its length to fit right with his outfit. The floor shrieked as Ljoe pushed his chair back to stand up straight while looking at the mirror. He corrected every tiny bits of his hair reassuring himself that he looked good.

Chunji smiled,"Ljoe-yaa, you look fine already."

Ljoe turned to the blonde hyung of his, "I do,don't I?" He smirked. Then, putting his hands on Chunji's shoulders, he added,"Chunji-hyung, let's give it all today." Ljoe put his mouth to Chunji's ear and whispered," Good luck~" he smirked again before leaving a stunned Chunji behind as he walked to the piano at the back of the dim-lit cafe.

Chunji's pulse raced like he just ran a 100m sprint. He smiled to himself, a sad smile ,"Chanhee-yaa, you're nuts."


"Teentop Secret Dance, Foam Kiss, take 1, cue!"


Ljoe fixed himself to a pianist stance, enough to show his professional side of playing this beautiful musical instrument.

At the other side of the room, a noona gave Chunji two cups of latte and signalled him an encouraging 'good luck' pose. Just then the director nodded at Chunji to tell him it was time for his entrance in the scene.

So there he was, standing a few feet away from the piano. Ljoe's fingers danced swiftly on the keyboard to the rhyme of his favourite all-time classical song. 

It took quite a few seconds before Chunji actually did register the blissful, melodious music into his mind. He was simply dazed by it as if it was the first time he ever heard Ljoe's piano play when it actually wasn't. He was assured that Ljoe played several times in their performances but here, Chunji felt something special in the music. Something he never felt. Something that caused his lungs tightened. Something special to him.

The endless thoughts kept drifting Chunji's mind away from reality that caused him to not know that Ljoe had stopped playing. "Chunji," Director Na's voice fished him back to the set. He raised an eyebrow ,"You're supposed to go near the piano."

"Huh?" Chunji startled. "Uh, okay okay. I'm sorry." 



The standing figure staggered to the piano, almost stumbling to the creak of the floor. All the while before he reached Ljoe, he tried so hard to find his breath.


"Oh wow wow.Just since when did you play piano so well?"

Chunji managed to spill his script out and that sentence, he kinda meant it. Really, it was the first time he ever felt like cheated by the beauty of Ljoe's melody.


"Well, actually I had never thought I'm very good at it and yet, I'm not the kind of guy who at something when I try."

"That's right.That's right. Here, drink this."

Chunji nodded  to Ljoe and hands him a cup of rich, foamy latte with shaking hands. His nerves rebelled against his mind's will to stop jittering more than they should.

"Whoa, you brought me this? How thoughtful~" 

Ljoe took a sip and looked up at his hyung with foam covering his upper lip.


Alright, here goes... The foamy kissing scene. Now Chunji's heart skipped almost 3 times every second. The heartbeats echoed like a base-drum, every beat too loud in his head. Anytime soon if he didn't calm himself his heart would surely explode!


After another few lines, Chunji finished his last words, "Come here," and lunged towards Ljoe. He did caught a flash of Ljoe's face - smirking.

Still shaking, Chunji brought his head close to Ljoe's and he could feel every uneven air Ljoe exhaled. Actually Ljoe was kinda nervous too but both of them kept the feelings burst only in the inside, not wanting to ruin the play.

This is it! Fear conquered Chunji, forcing his eyes to seal shut. His left hand trembling as it reached for the nape of Ljoe's neck. Goosebumps ran down his spine when he felt the supple grace of Ljoe's smooth pink hair between his fingers.

As he did what listed to do, Ljoe didn't stop any of Chunji's action, even when Chunji kept leaning closer and closer towards him.

Now their nose were rubbing against each other's lightly causing Ljoe to close his eyes too. He wasn't brave enough to face the blond, even he knew that they weren't gonna kiss for real.


Not long after,  an uninvited warmth greeted Ljoe's lips. To his own suprise, he was quite pleased by the sweet caress of the source of warmth to his-frozen by autumn air-lips. It was soft, squishy but a little bit stiff.

"Huh?!!" "Omo~"

But under his closed eyes, Ljoe could hear loud gaspings followed by a massive intense silence. A scenario clicked in his mind. No, it couldn't be?


"C-C-C-Cu-CUT!" Director Na stammered the one word as an almost gibberish talk. To that signal of stopping the play, Ljoe jerked his eyes open. Ljoe, as much as he hated to admit it, saw Chunji's face still in front of him. His eyeballs lingered lower to find out the ugly truth-Chunji's lips were pressed to his lips.

"Oh my God..." a voice spoke in Ljoe's mind.

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muso-ka_sonyeo #1
Chapter 8: T-T
I know that not all story have a happy ending,but I still prefer a happy ending..
I want chunjoe to be together..
But nice story author-nim!!
Chapter 8: OMG!!!! sequel juseyo????
O______o N-No C-Chunjoe.... TTT^TTT Awww :'/ I wanted Chunjoe:/ This was a sad ending *SOBBING FOREVER*
i thought there will be more! i liked the fanfic but the ending with no chunjoe, i can't seem to get over this! *cries*
but overall you did well author-nim =3
sxiang #5
Greetings everyone !!
Firstly, I apologize to have not make a ChunJoe ending..
It just happened to be that I always log in with not much idea and just started typing with no aim. and that ending was something I didn't plan either. I'm such a bad author >:(
What I'm trying to say is, if you don't really like this, check out the sequel. You can read it if you want.
i want sweet chunjoe D: not sad breakup!chunjoe D:
E-eh ? ;A;