An Old "Friend"

Vision: A Neo Era

“Tae Yong?”

The older stood frozen. And Ten knew it was him.

“Tae Yong,” He repeated once again, this time more of a statement. A confirmation.

But the other didn’t respond. Not like he had to, anyway, since Ten could recognize him even on the other side of the universe.

And judging from how Tae Yong still stood frozen at the foot of the door, eyes not daring to look up, Ten was guessing he could recognize him too. So, he waited a few seconds - a few seconds that felt like an eternity - for the other to do something: Move, breathe, anything.

And eventually Tae Yong did move; He spun around in his heels and walked right out the door, leaving Ten completely dumbfounded.

Had he really just ignored him and acted like he wasn’t there? Ten’s mouth was left agape; he was left in utter confusion. “Oh hell no, you don’t,” Ten muttered as he began to take his apron off before throwing it to the side and jumping over the counter and running out the door.

To say Ten was infuriated was truly an understatement. He was more than that. There was no possible human word that could describe how he was feeling in that moment as he ran out the door and chased after the guy who ran away.

“Tae Yong!” Ten yelled twice as he began to catch up to the other. It wasn’t very hard because it wasn’t like the other was running. He was mostly just walking very fast, acting like Ten didn’t exist and like his name wasn’t Tae Yong.

So, when Ten was finally able to catch up to him, he pulled him by the wrist and shoved him up against a wall in an alleyway not far from the ice cream shop.

“What the hell are you doing here?!” Ten immediately questioned.

Tae Yong didn’t answer at first. His eyes shifted around and Ten was certain he was trying to figure out a way to escape his hold. But the other eventually settled for answering, rather sarcastically, “Buying ice cream, duh.”

Ten blinked. Was this guy serious? Was he trying to make him madder than what he already was? Because that might as well have been impossible at this point. “I mean, what are you doing on Earth?!” Ten hissed rather loudly.

Instantly the older’s eyes went wide and he looked over to the side where people were walking by, sending the two some questioning glances. “Would you keep your voice down?!” Tae Yong hissed back, though he was quieter with his voice.

Ten rolled his eyes and brought his hand up and, with a flick of his wrist, an emerald green light shone from his wrist and his powers created a wall that would disallow anyone passing from seeing them. And not once did he break eye-contact while doing so.

“Wow, your powers have improved,” Tae Yong said, obviously trying to poke at the shorter guy.

“Oh you have got to be kidding me,” Ten scoffed, “We’re on the other side of the universe and you still find a way to make my life miserable?”

“Don’t be so dramatic, Ten,” Tae Yong said, finally stopping his teasing, “You know I never purposely tried to make your life miserable.”

“I’m going to ignore that, because if I didn’t we would be here for hours, but anyway, seriously, what the hell are you doing on Earth?” Ten asked once again, this time less angry, but still as demanding as before.

“Honestly, why do you think I’m here?” Tae Yong asked with a tone that indicated that the answer should have been the most obvious thing in the universe. Which it wasn't because Ten raised a questioning eyebrow.

“What the hell am I supposed to know?”

Tae Yong almost laughed in disbelief. “You really don’t know, huh?”


Tae Yong sighed, head leaning back against the brick wall. “I came here to find that damn crystal.”

Ten’s eyebrows raised and he took a step back, finally giving Tae Yong some space to breathe. His eyes shifted down and the older could tell he was taken back by the answer. “How did you know it was here, on Earth?”

“After your crash our planet did some research and estimates.” Tae Yong responded. “I honestly didn’t think you survived a crash like that.”

“I almost didn’t.” Ten looked up once again. He was no longer furious. Tae Yong couldn’t read how he was feeling, but he knew he was far from angry. “But that’s none of your business. The crystal is under our supervision, you have no reason to be here.”

“Ten, do you even know what the hell went down after your crash?” Tae Yong asked -- this time it was him who was growing furious.


“I don’t think you do.” It was more of a statement than an assumption. “So, let me tell you. Chaos, Ten. Like never before.”

“I already said, I know.” Ten spoke through gritted teeth, a sign that he was tired and irritated. And not to forget, he was feeling too guilty to listen to this story once again.

“No, you don’t, Ten. Our planets are no longer at peace. Trade has stopped not only around our solar system, but over all of our galaxy. Peace day is no longer a thing. There are some planets that are dying because no one is willing to help each other out because of all of the tension. Do you know why my planet has not attacked yours yet? Because I convinced them otherwise. I had to come here to stop a war from occurring. And you know what's worst? The rival galaxy found out. And they want to go to war with our entire galaxy because they know we are weak. And there are even troops of theirs out there looking for the crystal.”

Ten looked back up once again. There were tears in his eyes and Tae Yong almost felt bad for being the one to dump everything on the younger.

The thing about Ten and Tae Yong was that they went a long way back. Since they were kids, really. And with how ages worked where they were from, that meant they knew each other for a very long time. That wasn't necessarily a good thing, though. It only meant they had room for a lot of bad history.

See, in their galaxy, there were many solar systems -- but one remained superior and that was none other than their own. And in their own solar system, their two planets were the most advanced and most developed out of all (which meant a lot to be the best planet out of the best solar system in the galaxy). But there was one thing that made Ten's planet superior: The crystals.

One of which he had lost.

But before all of that ever happened, Ten and Tae Yong weren't on best terms anyway. Because of their rival planets (it was more of a friendly rivalry between allies), there were many occurrences where the two found themselves competing against one another as they grew older. And in the last years before the incident, one of their biggest rivalries revolved around the mere fact that they were both performers -- representatives of their own planets.

So, of course the two didn't get along. Even when the rivalry had mostly been one-sided on Ten's part, Tae Yong got irritated at some point and by now, the two truly should have been enemies.

But seeing Ten - the strongest being that Tae Yong had ever come across - in tears? It wasn't such a good feeling.

“You don't know what happened that day,” Ten muttered. At this point he was looking away, eyes blinking fast to avoid any tears from spilling as he grew embarrassed to be in such a weak state in front of someone he hated so much.

“So,” Tae Yong spoke, no longer sounding mad, “Why don't you tell me?”

“I don't owe you any answers.”

Tae Yong sighed, leaning back against the brick wall. He looked at the younger and scanned his face, eyes tracing every single line, every single wrinkle and-

“When was the last time you slept?” Tae Yong asked.

Ten glanced at the guy, a look of almost disgust on his face, before he turned around once again. “Our kind don’t need sleep.”

“To survive, no. But it does slowly wear us down if we don’t and you-” Tae Yong paused, scanning Ten’s face once again “-look worn down.”

Ten turned around once again, a new look of disbelief and offense crossing his face. “I do not -- Mind you, Winwin tells me I look fantastic all the time.”

“Winwin is here?” Tae Yong raised an eyebrow. “Is Kun too?”

“Yeah,” Ten nodded, “They’re part of the group that volunteered to come down here to help me along with Lucas, Xiao Jun, Yangyang, and Hendery.”

“Oh, tell them I said hi -- Who were the last three?”

“Xiao Jun, Yangyang, and Hendery?” Ten asked and the other confirmed with a nod. “Oh, they’re some kids trying to get their credentials or something. They talk a little too much for my liking and the mess they make is annoying because I have to clean after them, but they make things less lonely I guess.”

Tae Yong smiled. “Sounds like you found a group-”

“Don't say that,” Ten spoke with a roll of his eyes, “you know I work alone.”

Tae Yong closed his mouth, a pitying look crossing his face as he scanned Ten. “I haven't seen you in about five years, but you're still the same. Acting like it's you against the universe.”

“I don't do that!” Ten yelled defensively. “Anyway, changing the topic, are you the one behind the metal bracelets that Yuta was wearing?”

Tae Yong's eyes widened. “How do you know that?”

“Winwin met him by chance,” Ten shrugged, not willing to give away more information than necessary, “and we assumed there might be one of your kind on Earth. I didn’t imagine it would be you, though.”

Tae Yong nodded, processing the piece of information, before he turned back to Ten with a question of his own. “By any chance, are you Doctor Death?”

Ten scoffed at the suggestion. It was laughable, really. “Please, my powers may be similar to that guys, and I may be evil, but I wouldn’t use them to taunt a weak human like Captain J.”

“He isn’t weak,” Tae Yong spoke up, sounding more defensive than he intended.

Ten raised an eyebrow, growing intrigued by the new idea that came to mind. “Are you Captain J? Or…” Ten trailed off, a sudden thought coming up to his mind before he turned to the older with a flash in his eyes, “perhaps you’re working with a group of superheroes and one of them is Captain J? Is that it?”

Tae Yong didn’t respond, but the blank expression on his face was enough to let Ten know.

But the older did say something else. “You’re behind New Heroes, aren’t you?”

Ten also didn’t respond, rather answering the question with another question as well. “Are you going to use this superhero team to find the crystal?”

Tae Yong almost smiled, and Ten didn’t understand why until he said, “Up until you said that, I thought it was in your possession. But if it isn’t, then yes. I will find it before you can.”

Ten’s eyes narrowed and he took a step closer to the older, his tongue grazing over his teeth. But the other did not back down. “Good luck then, because we, WayV, will not back down.”

“127 won’t either,” Tae Yong spoke up, giving Ten the same look, “We will win this race.”

“Then it’s a bet.”



“That b*tch!” Ten yelled as soon as he walked into their home that night and slammed the door behind him as hard as he could, catching the attention of everyone in the room.

“What is it?” Hendery was the first to ask, pausing the game they had all been playing and setting down his controller to stand up from the carpet.

Ten didn’t respond and instead kicked the wall in frustration before growling loudly and stuffing his face into his hands.

“Ten, use words,” Kun spoke, walking up to the younger and placing a hand on his back, “tell us what happened?”

The younger backed away from the touch and looked at everyone in the room. Xiao Jun and Yangyang remained seated on the floor, almost horrified by the amount of frustration he exhibited; Lucas was on the couch, his control in hand and similar look on his face; Si Cheng was on the other couch, closing his book and sending him a very concerned look; and Hendery and Kun were both standing near him, almost as if they were prepared to do damage control in case he lost it again.

Ten sighed, saying only one thing as he walked over to the center of the room. “Tae Yong is on Earth.”

“Damn.” Was all Si Cheng said as he tossed the book to the side and leaned back in his seat as he crossed his arms.

“This can’t go well,” Kun said, walking over to the couch to sit besides Si Cheng, “Why is he here?”

“He’s after the damn crystal.” Ten gritted, starting to get frustrated all over again, “and he-”

Ten turned around, hands running through his hair before he kicked the couch and let out another frustrated growl. The next time he spoke his voice began to escalate. “He’s going to use his stupid superhero team to find the crystal! He practically threatened me saying he was going to win this stupid race and I accepted! He’s going to ruin all of our plans and he will use it against me and I-” Ten paused, taking a shaky breath. “I won’t be able to go back home.”

“He can’t do that,” Hendery spoke up, walking up to the older and placing a hand on his shoulder, “We already said we would do all it took to find the humans with the powers and restore them back to the crystal so we can go home.”

“Calm down, Ten,” Kun spoke from his seat where he seemed to be in deep thought, “we need to analyze everything clearly so we can formulate a plan.”

“But he threaten-”

“Kun is right,” Si Cheng spoke up, sending the older a glance, “You know Tae Yong. He’s always saying things to try and rile you up. He didn't mean it.”

“The superhero team was no threat,” Ten shook his head, “he has Yuta on his team, he let me know he’s working with Captain J, and who knows who else he might have recruited. Something tells me he has those kids that appeared on the television last time on his team too. And that guy in the iron suit? Him too. And we-”

“We have each other.” Everyone turned to Kun. “You know our powers are much stronger than those humans. Besides the younger ones, we have all trained and developed them to almost their full potential. We can find the crystal first.”

Ten had calmed down by then, hearing all the words his friends had told him and seeing all the reassuring looks on their faces. He sighed once more, starting to go into a deep thinking process as he paced around the room.

Meanwhile, Yangyang leaned in close to Kun and asked quietly, “Who is Tae Yong and why does Ten hate him?”

Xiao Jun frowned as he backed away from him in disbelief. “Are you serious? Tae Yong is the prince of the Gladiolus. He and Ten have been rivals for years as performers, and even before then.”

“Oh right!” Yangyang snapped as he remembered the old days. “I thought they were dating.”

Kun shook his head and Hendery leaned in to hear more, frowning at the younger’s words. “There were rumors that they were dating because they had so much tension.” Kun explained. “It wasn’t true, but even I had my suspicions that they secretly liked each other at some point.”

“That can’t be possible, they hate each other, don’t you see how worked up Ten is because of him?” Hendery spoke up quickly.

Kun and Si Cheng exchanged a look and both shrugged.

“Humans have this saying that you can’t hate someone that much without liking them.” Si Cheng said.

“Doesn’t make sense, but okay,” Hendery mumbled, but did not interject further.

“I got it!” Ten suddenly shouted, bringing all the attention in the room to him once again. “I have a plan.”

“What is it?” Lucas asked.

Ten looked over at Si Cheng and a sudden smile appeared on his face. One of his smiles. “Winwin is about to become our spy.”



“What’s on your mind?” Yuta asked when he walked into the living room only to find Tae Yong sitting on the couch, staring intensely at the turned off television, seemingly in deep thought.

Tae Yong snapped. His eyes flickered and his head turned to look at Yuta, a frown etched on his face as if he didn’t remember who he was or where he was. “Oh,” He spoke softly, turning back to the television, “I ran into an old friend today.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” Yuta asked, sitting down besides the older. “You always listen when I need someone to talk to.”

Tae Yong smiled at Yuta. “It’s nothing, really. I just-- perhaps I was too harsh with him.”


“I don’t know. Maybe it was because I haven’t seen him so long, maybe it was because he caused a lot of trouble while he was gone. Maybe I just missed fighting with him. But I fear I meant most of what I said even if I was mean.”

Yuta frowned, not really understanding what Tae Yong was getting at. But at that point it seemed like the older wasn’t trying to tell him what happened, but rather he was just using him as a means to sort out his thoughts. Which he didn’t mind, honestly.

“I need to speak with Johnny,” Tae Yong suddenly said. “Later, though.”

Yuta opened his mouth to say something. But Tae Yong was already asking him a question before he could. “Have you met anyone recently?”

Yuta’s eyebrows raised. “What do you mean?”

“I mean,” Tae Yong didn’t know how to ask the question without sounding intrusive, “I fear you only have us - which is great that you have us, don’t get me wrong - but after your loss, I fear you haven’t reached out much.”

Yuta swallowed and his sight landed on his hands. “I don’t reach out much. But-” He paused. He thought. “I guess I have met someone.”

“Tell me about this person.”

“He works at the coffee shop,” Yuta began, “but that isn’t where we met. I once saw him at the convenience store before that. He’s tall and pretty -- and there’s something strange about him. Something feels -- right.”

“Right?” Tae Yong frowned.

“Yeah. That day I went to the convenience store I wasn’t so sure why I felt the need to stop there, but when he walked in -- it felt right.”

Yuta bit his bottom lip. “It must sound ridiculous, huh?”

“No,” Tae Yong shook his head, “I get it. Do you know his name?”

“His nametag read Winwin, I think.” Yuta said.

Tae Yong almost sighed - almost groaned - hearing the name. He didn’t have anything against the younger, truly honestly, he loved the kid. Si Cheng had always been nothing but nice to him and they even shared some fun moments together in the past. But he was friends with Ten. And if he was on Earth working with him then -- all of this could be a scam on Yuta. And the boy had been hurt enough already.

But he didn’t want to believe that was the case. He wanted to trust Si Cheng. So, he forced a smile and said, “I hope it all works out for you.”

And those words couldn't have been any more sincere.



“Come on, Winwin, think about it,” Ten pleaded as he clung on to the taller, “we could have an in! And you’re a pretty good actor, so it would be believable.”

Si Cheng looked at Ten as if he were giving it some thought before he turned away once again and shook his head. “Tae Yong is working with Yuta and-” He stopped himself, not knowing what to say. He cared for Yuta? He didn’t want to betray and hurt Yuta? The older didn’t even remember him.

“I get it,” Ten said, understanding his best friend more than he thought he could, “but Tae Yong is trying to get that crystal and he has better chances than us. Also, if anything, it would be a betrayal to him rather than Yuta. Just think about it, okay?”

Si Cheng nodded and went into his room, not sparing him even a glance before he shut the behind him.

Ten was left alone sighing, staring at the door. He bit his bottom lip and turned around only to find himself startled when he saw Hendery standing right behind him, staring down at him with a frown.

“Oh my gosh,” Ten gasped as a hand went up to his chest, “you scared me.”

“Sorry,” Hendery said, “I just wanted to ask you something.”

“What about?” Ten raised an eyebrow.

Hendery bit his bottom lip before speaking. “Tae Yong.”

“Oh.” Ten glanced back, eyes landing on the door that led to his room. “Uhm, let’s talk in there.”

So, Hendery followed the older to his room.

It wasn’t often that Hendery stepped into the older’s room. Actually, It wasn’t often that anyone stepped into the older’s room for that matter. The only times anyone ever set foot in the room were whenever he had something important to discuss with someone. And that someone was usually Kun or Si Cheng, if anything ever even got that serious.

Ten was a private person. He liked to maintain his distance and the thing was, perhaps too safe of a distance. It was funny, because even though they had gotten closer, it always felt like Ten was only at arm’s reach. Close, but never close enough. Hendery wondered if it had anything to do with his past. He knew only bits of it, but he knew enough to believe Ten was scared of getting close to others. Attachment. Commitment.

So, the older maintained a distance.

A gap that Hendery kept trying to close.

“So, what do you want to know?” Ten asked, sitting at the foot of his bed.

Hendery stood awkwardly in the middle of Ten’s room, looking all around, trying to take it all in. The bookshelf, the stereo, the tall mirror, the door that led to the closest, the door that led to the shared bathroom with Si Cheng, and the sleek black desk that contained nothing more than some art supplies that had been gifted to him for his birthday that year.

“You can sit down,” Ten said, gesturing at the chair next to the desk.

Hendery did as told. And when he was seated, he took in a deep breath. “Don’t you think you’re being too much asking Winwin to spy on Tae Yong and his team?”

Ten frowned. That was definitely not what he expected to come out of the younger’s mouth. “What?”

“I mean,” Hendery’s eyes flickered down and he couldn’t bring them back up after that, “we all know he has some sort of attachment to Yuta, the human who has suffered enough. Sending Si Cheng to spy on them sounds like adding salt to the wound -- a human expression for-”

“I know what it means.” Ten cut the younger off.

Hendery still wouldn’t look up.

“I thought if anyone would agree with me, it would be you.” Ten said. He sounded disappointed.

Hendery really couldn’t meet his gaze after that. “It just sounds like, to me, that you’re forcing Si Cheng to do something he doesn’t want to do for your own personal reasoning.”

Ten frowned once again. “What do you mean, my own personal reason?”

Perhaps Hendery was regretting this, but that didn’t stop him. “If your goal was truly to get the crystal, there are many other ways we could go about it. But stalking Tae Yong? It sounds like-”

“You heard the rumors about me liking him?”

The question alone was enough to make Hendery look up once again. Ten’s eyes were sharp and Hendery was sure he was regretting this now. But he wanted to know what the older would say next.

“I can assure you,” Ten spoke, crossing a leg over another and placing his hands atop his knee, “I have never had feelings for anyone.”

Hendery was blank.

Ten pursed his lips, debating whether he should add the next part or not before deciding upon it.

“And I don’t think I ever will. For me, feelings as such are a weakness that I will never try.”

Hendery’s eyes flickered down once again. He stared at his hands. He nodded. “Okay,” He spoke with a nod. He then stood up, hands trailing from his thighs to his sides. “I will leave now.”

Ten didn’t say anything. He didn’t even look at him as he walked up to the door. Instead, he looked up, eyes landing on the mirror that stood across on the other side of his room. And his eyes remained on his reflection and - right as Hendery’s hand met the doorknob - Ten spoke up.


The younger stopped, head slowly turning around to face the older. Ten still didn’t look at him.

“Do you think I look worn down?” Ten asked, a hand trailing up his face until they met the wrinkles around his eyes. “Tae Yong said it looks like I lack sleep.”

Ten looked up at Hendery, eyes locking. “You know, our kind doesn’t need sleep to survive. But we sure need it to stay looking glowing.”

“Would you like to sleep?” Hendery asked.

Ten hummed, laying back down on his bed, eyes fluttering shut as he spoke softly, “Can you close the door on your way out?”




Ten couldn’t sleep. He hadn’t slept in what he assumed was five years. No - that was a lie.

There were times through those years on the planet that Ten had tried sleeping. His first year or so on Earth consisted mostly of sleep. But it wasn’t like it was on his own free will. No. Of course it wasn’t. Those days were horrible and perhaps one of the major reasons he did not sleep anymore.

But point was, the couple of times a year that Ten managed to sleep he would wake up in cold sweat with heavy breathing and a horribly thumping heart. He could never remember the nightmares-- and for that he was always grateful. But the horrible feeling he would get in his gut was perhaps worse.

And tonight he would experience one of those nightmares.

He would wake up in cold sweat with his breathing rapid and heavy - he was gasping for air - and he could hear the loud thumping of his heart ringing through his ears.

But what made this experience different from the last would be the remembrance. The traces of a nightmare. An image.

Without giving himself time to process anything, Ten shot up from his bed and walked into his shared restroom, opened the second door, and walked straight into Si Cheng’s room. He didn’t even have to wake up the younger for he was already sitting up on his bed, looking at him with a welcoming expression.

Ten climbed on Si Cheng’s bed and without any words spoken, he laid his head on his lap and allowed the younger to run his hand through his hair as that light began to illuminate once again. The white mystic light shone through his palm and formed into a string that wrapped around the older’s head as his breathing began to calm and his heart rate slowed down once again.

“Do you want me to help you sleep?”

“No,” Ten shook his head slightly, “not right now.”

Si Cheng nodded and they fell into silence once again.

Ten’s eyes flickered over to the alarm clock on the side of Si Cheng’s bed. It was three in the morning. And by how quiet the entire house sounded, he assumed the boys hadn’t stayed up late to play video games or watch TV that night.

“I remembered something this time.” Ten broke the silence this time.

Si Cheng hummed in response, waiting for him to explain.

Ten slowly got up and Si Cheng retracted his hand, watching as the older sat up besides him. He couldn’t make out his expression completely because the only light illuminating the older’s face came from the opened window and the clock, but Si Cheng was sure he looked alarmed. Worried. Hesitant. Urgent.

“Remember how - when I used to be stuck in that awful place - I was in this sort of tube the entire time?” Ten asked.

Si Cheng nodded.

“Well,” Ten took in a deep breath, “in my dream that’s where I was. It was all a blur, of course, but I remember something vague. Someone.”

Si Cheng frowned, leaning back the slightest in reflex to get a good look of Ten’s face. “Are you serious?”

Ten nodded. He took another shaky breath. “I don’t think this was just a dream - a nightmare - I think- I think there was someone else with me. In another tube besides mine.”

Si Cheng looked down as he began to process everything. If Ten hadn’t been the only one they had been conducting experiments on back then, what did this mean?

“Ten, do you think - perhaps - while they had both you and the crystal and were making all those different tests to see how you worked -- do you think they conducted experiments on a human to see if they would-”

Si Cheng didn’t even have to finish his sentence for the older to look even more alarmed than earlier.

“They could have a superhuman working for them. Working against us.”




Honestly, that wasn't even supposed to be a reference to Superhuman. I didn't even realize until I re-read the sentence.

Also, we actually wanted to update when Superhuman came out, but we got lazy.

Aaaaaand... Another poll! We want to make a few special chapters that give more background information and are told in a more flashback way, so we want to know what you guys would be more interested in seeing first. I mean, they will all come eventually, but we just want to know what you guys are most curious about.



We always vote and argue why the thing we voted for deserves it, so if you only see that two people have voted it's probably just us.

<3 Jet Lag


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Thank you!
We're not dead. Updates will come soon. Many drafts in the works. Thank you.

Which flashback story do you want to see the most?



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Spiritwarrior27 #1
Chapter 20: This chapter is good, can't wait to read the next chapter. I hope you update soon author-nim.
Chapter 20: You may have been away for a while but the long chapter makes up for it and Taeil is me when someone mentions exercise!!! Also Boom is Sooo good and so is the whole album tbh, but apart from all that I can't wait to read the next chapter!!!
laurashipssaida #3
Chapter 17: Lol I'm looking forward to Haechan and Mark working with 127
I think I'll catch up on the next chapters tomorrow :)
laurashipssaida #4
Chapter 16: woohoo, so much to read! And you probably know what I voted for, hehe
laurashipssaida #5
Chapter 15: "Taeyong?" aaaaaa
laurashipssaida #6
Chapter 14: "That sounds like an au" lol

xdhbsclhbdshvb Mark needs to wake up and realize his feelings aaaaaaaaa

This was a really entertaining chapter! And same I cried so hard watching Endgame haha
Spiritwarrior27 #7
Chapter 19: This chapter is good, i hope you update soon.
Chapter 19: So three things happened when I read this chapter (I think it might be one of my favorites):
1) Satisfaction- was checking off my list of theories that came true
2)Laughter- I snorted so hard with Jaehyun and Yuta as a dúo, specially magician Yuta ❤️ (Honestly my favorite moment, along with Yuta’s five dollars *sigh*)
3) Realization- I totally forgot about Gongmyung... he was under my nose this whole time I-
Also the dreamies are smarter than people think
ON a different note~
Happy Birthday Nae!!
Chapter 19: I really liked this chapter and I couldn't stop laughing when Jaehyun said that Dr.D winked at him, that's the best!!
Chapter 18: Oh no.... I'm out of chapters... :(