
Drabbles with YukiTo

"So, how's the roommate situation?" Hokuto asked Yuki one day as the two caught up at a nearby cafe for breakfast "Did you find anyone yet?"


"Yeah and she's actually moving in later today," Yuki replied. "To be honest, I'm nervous as hell. Not all roommates are considerate. What if I end up with someone who leaves their trash everywhere?"


"Did you ask her anything about herself? For example, what her age is or what she does for a living?"


Yuki nodded. "Yeah, she's a few years older than me and she works in the talent industry too. I just didn't get her name. Maybe she was just worried about her privacy?" 


"Most likely" Hokuto explained before scraping off the last bits of his fruitcake from the plate and with a full mouth, he complimented the dish. "This is actually pretty good!"


As soon as he finished chewing, he began again. "So what time are you supposed to meet this person?" 


"Around 12pm" 


"Isn't it already 12?" 


"What?!" Yuki exclaimed, scrambling for her phone. ", it's 12:10!" 


Hokuto immediately stood up and began walking to the counter. "Finish your drink. I'll get the bill then start the car." 


In less than a minute, the two were already on their way to her apartment. 


When they arrived, Yuki thanked her boyfriend and began to proceed towards the front door. However, after noticing that the car's engine turned off, she spun around to find Hokuto approaching her door too. 


"Huh? You're coming in too?" She asked in confusion. 


"What do you mean?" Hokuto chuckled, planting a kiss on her cheek. "I'm your new roommate." 


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