Chapter 5: Every beginning is difficult

TT: A story untold

"Just a two more days and the magic formation will be stable." The bear told Jihyo and the others the good news earlier that morning when they were having breakfast. 

"You're finally smiling." Dahyun poked Jihyo's cheek.

"What are you saying?" Jihyo turned to Dahyun. When did she ever stop smiling?

"You're smiles never reached your eyes these past few days. You seemed to worry about something." Dahyun laughed.

"Was I that obvious?" Jihyo sighed.

"You're like an open book! How can we not notice?" Momo, who had heard their conversation, teased.

"What are you guys chatting on about?" Nayeon who happened to have passed by them joined in.

"By the way, did you guys see Jeongyeon?" Nayeon asked. Nayeon started calling the puppet by her name not so long ago. Since then, Jeongyeon's pranks significantly decreased. 

"Why're you looking for me?" Jeongyeon, who was in her human form, came out of the bushes.

"Kuma wanted to talk to you but since she still have some things to do, she asked me to relay the message to you. You can talk to her later." Nayeon replied.

"Noted. So? What's the meeting about?" 

"It's not that important. I just told Jihyo that she looks livelier." Dahyun chucked.

"She did look stressed out." Nayeon commented. Being a princess must be tough was what Nayeon thought.


"There's nothing to apologize. Besides, we understand that you have your responsibilities." Jeongyeon assured Jihyo.

"Thanks…" Jihyo gave them a small smile.

"It's just that… I've never been out of the castle for this long… I'm not even allowed to step out of the castle… to see the world outside the castle walls was like a distant dream."

"But now you're outside! With no guards and all!" Momo cheered.

"That's right" Jihyo laughed.

"But I can't help but feel disturbed… The situation's just way too bizarre for me to understand." 

"…it's like something's going to happen?" Nayeon added.

"Exactly. When my parents gave their permission to let me help you guys, I knew something was amiss. It's like it was… just all an illusion." Jihyo couldn't help but feel guilty. Why didn't she realize that her parents would have never said something like that? 

"Wait…it felt like an illusion?" Jeongyeon paled. So that was why she felt weird when they were travelling towards Fuwa Fuwa Forest. 

"It did. Is there something wrong?" Jihyo couldn't help but ask.

"We need to get out of here…" Jeongyeon muttered.

"What are you saying?" Nayeon was confused.

Jeongyeon made an eye contact with Momo.

"Eh? Wait… you mean it might be their doing?" Momo seemed to have gotten Jeongyeon's message.

"Now hold on, what in the world are you guys talking about?" Nayeon was starting to get irritated. Not only did she not understand, she also knew that what they were talking about was really important.

"…you guys should know tha-"

An explosion then happened a few kilometers from where they are. 

"They're here." Jeongyeon gritted her teeth. 

"Dahyun!" The bear was hurriedly running towards them.

"Are you guys alright?!" 

"We are. Kuma what's happening?" 

"There's so much to explain but there's no time left. You guys need to go! The guardians of the forest will hold them back so run as far as you can." 

"Wha-what are you saying? I just can't leave!" Dahyun didn't understand all of this.

Another explosion happened, and was continuously followed by another one. It seems like a magical warfare was happening.

The bear clicked her tongue and faced Dahyun.

"Dahyun, I know you're reluctant to leave but we can handle this. We won't die child. Didn't I tell you that someday you'll have to start you're own adventure? Now's the time to leave the nest. There would be many ups and downs along the way but always remember that you have a home to go back to, friends to rely on and a strong heart that will endure all and will be victorious at the end of the day." The bear gently smiled. She didn't want to part with Dahyun, the child she raised, like this but time was running out.

"Go! You guys need to go. I believe the puppet and the fairy can explain what's happening."

The bear then sensed that the enemies were getting nearer. If Dahyun and the others escaped right now they won't cover that much of a distance and would still be caught. Their efforts would be in vain. The bear created a magic circle and chanted a spell.

"What are you doing?" Momo asked.

"You guys won't make it if you run…Enter the magic circle!" 

The girls did as what they were told.

"A teleportation spell?" Momo recognized the familiar magic pattern. 

"Kuma hop in!" Dahyun pleaded.

"You know I can't do that. Dahyun, no matter what happens, help your new found friends. I'm sure you'll have a great adventure with them. Fulfill your prophecy, my child. Remember, this forest would always be your home..."

The magic circle activated and it teleported the girls out to a far away place. Just in time, the enemies who wore black robes reached the place.

"We were too late! They've escaped!"

"So this is the infamous bear." A person that seemed to be in command spoke.

"I am and I'll show you not to mess with me!" The bear growled. This was the last thing she could do, protect the chicks that had just left the nest.

A chuckle was then heard.

"Stupid bear… you know who you're dealing with, right?"

"I'm not afraid of beings that wants to destroy the balance of this world." The bear transformed to her human form. Being a bear sealed her magical prowess and now that it had been released, it made some of the enemies shudder in fear.

"We'll see about that."


The five then fell on their butts. It created a tremor and books fell unto them. Dust also scattered around.

"Where are we?" Nayeon asked as she continuously coughed. Dust were not her thing especially Momo who was currently covered in it since she's small. Good thing she flew hurriedly when the books fell else she'd already have met her end. Written in her tombstone would be 'Died due to books… and due to being tiny.'. Momo shuddered at that thought.

"You're in my library." A soft voice answered Nayeon's question. A girl holding a book stood before them.

"Wh-Who are you?" Jihyo managed to ask.

The girl glanced at Jihyo, she then answered, never changing her poker face.

"Mina... Myoui Mina."


A.N. Hey guys! Hahaha I did my best to finish writing this. Though it's a bit late, I hope you guys have a great year!


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When you notice those authors that you follow had read your story uwu hahaha anyhow I'm still thinking bout the next chap😂😂 Who should be next~~


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FillDir 306 streak #1
Chapter 7: Hahaha I can totally imagine the house being a whole lot worse than before lol
Chapter 7: Huh, for a second I thought Mina was not "nice"
Chapter 6: Ooo that was pretty good.
Chapter 5: Happy borthday shashasha hehrhrheh
Chapter 2: Omg the ending bapabeoqneiwkheoqnroqpebpeq update ples
I'm glad you enjoyed it >.<
neccar 146 streak #8
Chapter 2: In honor of TT reaching 400M, I read this story. Gotta say, it's funny and quite enjoyable.