Chapter 33

happily ever after??

I'm in cooking lesson now, and it's supposed to be theory but i completed all my work and the teacher is letting us do whatever, so i will update, enjoy!


Soohyun pov~~


We finally calmed down and everyone was sitting on the couch in the living room in silence. Finally Kevin broke the silence himself, “Look hyung, I’m sorry for what I did, I really regret it and if I ever get the chance to see Bommie, I will apologise sincerely and promise that it will never happen again. I know Bommie and I will never happen but this time, I will fight for love fair and square with Chunji-shi and I will never ever take it out on Bommie again.”


I looked at him and he looked really upset because of all this. I sighed and told him that I’ve forgiven him. “A group hug!” Dongho suddenly shouted and I got pulled into a hug by Eli. I smiled and thought how nice the group members are. Suddenly my phone started to ring and we broke the hug. I quickly picked it up and saw it was Bommie.


“Who is it? Is it your girlfriend?” Eli teased but I was confused, “It’s Bommie, I wonder what she could be calling me now for…” I pressed the button and put the phone against my ear. “Yeobseo, what’s the matter Bommie?” My voice trailed off as I listened to her with wide eyes. The members realised something’s wrong and they stopped fooling around.


After I hang up the phone, I got up in a hurry. “Are you going to see Bommie?” Dongho asked innocently and I nodded with a serious face. Dongho cheered and began to walk out the front door. "I'm coming too!" The members grinned and nodded and walked with the bouncing Dongho with me to the door but i've kept a serious face. We got into the van with everyone looking at me weirdly. “Driver, please take us to the xxx hospital thanks.”


Bommie pov~~ 


After we were silent for a while, I snapped out of it suddenly and walked towards the room that Chanhee oppa’s in. I opened the door and looked inside. Walking slowly towards the hospital bed, my heart was beating really fast inside my chest. I stopped beside the bed and stared at the fragile Chanhee oppa and burst into tears. Then L.Joe oppa and the others arrived beside me and L.Joe put his arm around me but I didn’t push him off, I needed the comfort.


“Is… he going to be alright?” I asked L.Joe oppa and he faked smiled before nodding. I sat down beside Chanhee oppa and held his pale looking hand. “Please wake up Chanhee oppa, please wake up for me… I’m sorry for making you worry for me about yesterday and if I wasn’t so glum then you wouldn’t have planned to cheer me up and this wouldn’t have happened. So please wake up and forgive me…” I squeezed his hand tightly, trying to put some warmth into the freezing cold hand of his.


“It’s not your fault Bommie, please don’t be like this,” Changjo oppa said while trying to hold back the tears but I didn’t move or respond. Instead, I kept on whispering the same things over and over again to Chanhee oppa, hoping he would hear me and forgive me. Everyone didn’t know how to act but just stood there, watching us with sad eyes.


I got up, wiped my tears off and told the others I was going to call my brother and walked out of the room. I picked up my phone and called my brother. “Yeobseo, what’s the matter Bommie?” I burst into tears again and told him everything. He told me that he will be there shortly and I hung up. Then I went back into the room and sat down once again. “My brother’s coming,” That’s all I could say before holding Chanhee oppa’s hand tight once again and bursting into tears…



Kevin pov~~


When hyung told the driver to go to xxx hospital, we were all shocked. I started to panic, did something happen to Bommie? Why is she in the hospital? Even Dongho was quiet. We drove in silence but then Soohyun-hyung spoke up. “Just in case you are all wondering, Chunji had a car accident, now he is in a coma and the doctor said if he doesn’t wake up in a week or so, then he will be declared dead.” Our eyes widened as he spoke but he didn’t plan on stopping, “Bommie is heartbroken because Chunji mean a lot to her and apparently, he had the accident when he planning a surprise for Bommie to cheer her up from yesterday’s incident…” With that Soohyun-hyung looked at me deeply and I felt guilty.


This is entirely my fault; I shouldn’t have tried to pick the fight. If I hadn’t picked the fight, then Bommie wouldn’t have been upset and Chunji-shi wouldn’t have to try and cheer her up for all of this to happen. I buried my head into my hands and mumbled, “It was all my fault.” Eli heard me and patted my shoulder.


Now I’ve got her heartbroken, I thought as we arrived at the hospital and got off the van. We walked up to the entrance and there, stood a pale Bommie with extremely red and swollen eyes waiting for us. Soohyun-hyung immediately rushed to her and gave her a hug while she looked at me. Was it hatred I see?


Here it is, sorry if it's short, i will update once i get back from China, so this is the last chapter before that, i will miss you all and please look forward to the update next months when i get back, please remember to check if i've updated around the 25th of april thanks! Here's some pictures of SHINee in tribute to their new album 'Sherlock' and to show how sorry i am to be leaving you and not updating.


LOVE SHINee!!~~~~




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kpopfreak210 #1
kevin!!!! DDD': poor kevin. really good story though, lalmsndd poor poor kevin :(
THAT IS SO BEAUTIFUL! I just read the WHOLE story today and I LOVE IT! I feel sooo bad for L.Joe and Kevin cause honestly I was rooting for both of them AND YOU MADE THE STORY ABOUT MY BIASES!! I LOVE YOU! *tears up. It was just... sooooooooo... beautiful. *full out cries
Hanabelle #4
I love the tension in the story!!! You are such a rebel for doing these updates in class!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hanabelle #5
Update ASAP!!!! This story is getting interesting:):P:D
Hanabelle #6
This story is AMAZING!!!! don't give up and keep persevering:):P:D
yuxuan #7
Update soon
yuxuan #8
Update soon
yuxuan #9
Update soon