Chapter 08

You Will Find Me
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Chapter 08


The moment Taeyeon set foot on the living room, she was immediately met by her flatmate who seem to still be bitter about the events that took place earlier. She can tell Sunny has a lot to say judging by the heaviness of her sighs. She took a deep breath and took a seat on the well chair that was facing Sunny’s.


“You shouldn’t be hanging out with that woman Taeyeon, she’s bad news.” Sunny narrowed her eyes at her. “I don’t know what she told you but you have to stay awa—…”


“I know”




“I know who she is, I remember her okay.”


Sunny brows furrowed, “Since when!?”


“I’ve known for a while, I found out after we met. I had a dream about her and when you heard me scream and told you it was nothing—that was the day I became sure of my memories.” Taeyeon explained.


“Then what are you still doing with her Taeng!? She hurt you! If you do remember her like what you’re saying, you should know how much she had hurt you.” Sunny hissed.


Taeyeon smiled sadly at her friend, “I want you to calm down and listen to me. Before you remind me of the mistake Tiffany did, I’m going to tell you how I hurt her first.”


Sunny frowned, “What do you mean?”


“You want to know why I’m still standing next to her even though I remember our bitter past. It’s because she never let go of me even when I gave her so many reasons to do so.


Tiffany and I have known each other for so long and even lived together when we dated to the point where I was no longer the person she came to love.


You hate her because she told you what she did to me but she never told you what I did to her.” Taeyeon paused. “When we started living together everything was—fun. We were happy, I was happy. I guess it’s like that for everyone in the beginning because you enjoy being together and you get to know more about each other every day. You’re excited to come home, to spend time together and do whatever you have in mind, even dream of your future. You’re excited to sleep because you’ll have her next to you and wake up and she’ll be the first person you will see. Everything is just new that’s why it brings excitement but years later—the excitement died down.


At least, mine did.






Tiffany just came home from work, she’s had a long day and was hoping she could get some rest but all hopes got thrown out the window the moment she entered their home and saw how messy it was. Dirty dishes on the sink, empty soda cans and half eaten bags of chips in the living room along with some crumbs on the floor. Scattered clothes on the couch, the table and the bar counter. There’s also the used frying pan on the stove and some other cooking utensils that weren’t properly put away.


She sighed and went to the kitchen to grab a drink first but all the water bottles were empty. She shook her head and went to their bed room instead to change her clothes and just like the living room and kitchen it was also a mess.


There was only one person who makes this much mess at this time and it was none other than her girlfriend Kim Taeyeon. She wasn’t exactly sure when did it start but along the way in their relationship while living together, Taeyeon somehow changed. The woman who used to welcome her home with a warm dinner and excited smile turned to what she just witness as soon as she got home and the excited smiles turned to “Oh, you’re back.” Without even really sparing a glance at her.


She honestly doesn’t know what went wrong, why were their relationship suddenly going south when they used to be so happy and so in love despite knowing each other for a long time. “She’s just going through a phase” she told herself. She’s heard about how a long term couple goes through an ‘itch’ when they reach a certain milestone in their relationship and Tiffany believes it’s this.


But the problem is she doesn’t know how to mend it especially since Taeyeon has been shutting her out. The eyes that used to look at her filled with love has turned empty, the warm embrace and touches became cold, hell they don’t even sleep together anymore. Sometimes Taeyeon doesn’t even come home and she will just get a call from her girlfriend’s colleague asking her to pick up a drunk Taeyeon at some bar.


This is how it has become for them, she’s been cleaning up after Taeyeon and taking care of her from a distance because whenever she try to come close, Taeyeon would go berserk and yell at her. They even fight whenever she comes home first and they get to have dinner together and she would ask Taeyeon “How was your day?” And the woman would stop eating and curse at her for asking. “God! Can we just eat in ing peace and you shut the up!?” is what Taeyeon would only say.


Honestly? She’s tired. She knows their relationship isn’t healthy anymore but she wants to believe that somehow, somewhere deep inside Taeyeon’s heart, she still loves her even though she doesn’t show it anymore.


One day she came home to another messy house and this time Taeyeon was in the living room drinking. She was already half drunk but she still kept drinking, “Fany-ah! You’re home!” Taeyeon suddenly got up from her seat, slurring her words while trying to walk towards her without falling down.


“Taetae! You’re drunk.” Tiffany hissed and rushed towards Taeyeon.


“Why do you always go home so late? Did you like spending time with your boss? You know he likes you right?” Taeyeon laughed. “Wah! Must be why you love your job so much huh?” she said poking Tiffany’s chest.


“Taetae, give me that. Let’s get you cleaned up.” Tiffany sighed and tried to grab the bottle from Taeyeon’s hand but the latter kept moving it away.


“No, no. Get one on your own and have a drink with me instead.” Taeyeon hiccupped.

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thegloomy11 #1
Chapter 12: I come back here to reread this great story.
Thank you author-nim for making this story I hope I can read your another story too
Chapter 12: They really found each other... Nice story
czankx #3
Chapter 12: I've read a lot of TaeNy fanfics, and this one just clearly put up on one of my top lists, that was a good one author-nim.. taeny just built different, their love is just beyond the bond they have together, definitely soulmates
Chapter 12: this is so wonderful 🥹🥹🥹 thanks for making this great story
Chapter 8: thats life..this chapter is so good
Chapter 7: this is so sad 🥲 taeyeon knew it all along and still didn’t leave fany…this is become more interesting
Chapter 6: what a beauty family 🥹 if they become fam..
Chapter 5: that must be super hurt for taeyeon 😮‍💨😮‍💨
Chapter 4: what had u dine tiffany..this is become more interestingg
Chapter 2: i think ive read this story but kinda forgot so i re-read the story hahahha
this is so good author