Chapter 07

You Will Find Me
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Chapter 07


“Where the hell were you?” was the first thing Taeyeon heard as soon as she got home. Sunny was sitting on the couch watching T.V and not even sparing a glance at her but the tone of her voice is ordering her to answer the damn question.


“I was at coffee girl’s house.” Taeyeon responded.


Sunny averted her gaze at her, “Does this coffee girl not have a name?”


“She does, but her name isn’t available for you yet. I’ll introduce her to you in time.” Taeyeon grinned, making Sunny get up from her seat.


“Are you guys dating?”


Taeyeon shook her head, “No, well not yet.”


Sunny squinted her eyes at her, “You like her?” she asked and saw Taeyeon shrugged. “Oh my god! You do like her!! You’re finally getting a girlfriend!!” she squealed.


Taeyeon hissed, “Stop making it such a big deal and just because I like her doesn’t mean she likes me back too so tone down your excitement.”


“Has she not given you any signs that she likes you back too?”


“I’m not sure, we’re still getting to know each other okay. Just give us time.”


Sunny smirked, “Okay Taeng and should she reject you, I’m more than willing to drown in alcohol.”


“That only benefits you, you know I can’t really drink.” Taeyeon rolled her eyes and headed directly to her bedroom.




The weeks that followed just strengthened Taeyeon’s bond with Irene. She seem to have found herself driving to the kid’s school just to buy her snacks and treat her ice cream during the Irene’s recess. Sometimes she would eat lunch with her along with Tiffany who was also surprised at how close the two has become. She wasn’t complaining though, she’s happy that Taeyeon has given her daughter a spot in her heart but she fears the day Taeyeon would remember the awful thing she has done and might not want to see her again and it would break Irene’s heart to not have to see Taeyeon again. There are days when her own daughter would wake up in the middle of night and look for ‘Taetae’ or how at random times of the day she would ask her ‘When will Taetae come sleep here again?’ and ‘Mommy can Taetae stay here with us?’ She doesn’t know how to answer solely because she isn’t sure if there will ever come a time that Taeyeon would want to be with her and move in with them.


Aside from making time for Irene who has owned her heart, Taeyeon also found herself getting closer to Tiffany. She doesn’t want to assume but she can see them, the efforts the woman put in just to spend time with her or how sometimes when she visits Irene in pre-school, the kid is bringing her a sandwich that her mother made for Taeyeon herself. Other times, when she becomes busy at her studio the mother-daughter duo would bring lunch at her office to eat with her. Their coffee breaks also became different, from just sitting in a coffee shop to chat, sometimes they would walk around the park or have ice cream. She knows how busy the woman is but she feels touched that she could make time for her even if it’s only an hour in a day and sometimes they spend time longer whenever they’re with Irene.


Today is one of those days where Taeyeon has a lot to do in the studio so she won’t be able to go see Tiffany for their coffee break due to production errors. She needs to keep an eye on the set and make sure the concept she has in mind is perfectly arranged by her staff. There is a famous model coming in two hours for the shoot so she wants everything to be perfect. This is after all a photo shoot for a magazine.


She’s been in the staff room cleaning her camera lenses when she heard footsteps approaching her, thinking it was just Sunmi she didn’t pay much attention to it and kept her focus on her camera. Somehow she feels a strange presence on her side, as if someone was staring at her—curious, Taeyeon looked to her side to scold Sunmi should she be watching her instead of directing the set but to her surprise, she was met by a dazzling woman wearing her beautiful eye smile. “Hello Taeyeon-ah”


“T-Tiffany? Why are you here?” She asked, she knows the woman has a lot of work in the office today hence another reason why they couldn’t meet for coffee like what the woman texted her just a few hours ago.


Tiffany raised the coffee take outs she’s been holding, she also brought some for the staff and handed it to Sunmi just before she came to see Taeyeon in the staff room. “I came for our coffee break, you have time right?”


Taeyeon grinned, “Yeah, I just can’t leave the studio.” She chuckled pulling out a chair to sit near Tiffany.


“That’s fine, we can have coffee here.” Says the woman who handed her, her favourite iced Americano.


“Thank you” Taeyeon gladly accepted, “But I thought you were busy today?”


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thegloomy11 #1
Chapter 12: I come back here to reread this great story.
Thank you author-nim for making this story I hope I can read your another story too
Chapter 12: They really found each other... Nice story
czankx #3
Chapter 12: I've read a lot of TaeNy fanfics, and this one just clearly put up on one of my top lists, that was a good one author-nim.. taeny just built different, their love is just beyond the bond they have together, definitely soulmates
Chapter 12: this is so wonderful 🥹🥹🥹 thanks for making this great story
Chapter 8: thats life..this chapter is so good
Chapter 7: this is so sad 🥲 taeyeon knew it all along and still didn’t leave fany…this is become more interesting
Chapter 6: what a beauty family 🥹 if they become fam..
Chapter 5: that must be super hurt for taeyeon 😮‍💨😮‍💨
Chapter 4: what had u dine tiffany..this is become more interestingg
Chapter 2: i think ive read this story but kinda forgot so i re-read the story hahahha
this is so good author