Chapter 12

You Will Find Me
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“Our Wedding Day”


An open garden lawn followed by a rugged tall door with frosted rundown sidelights welcomes the sight of every guest who set foot in the venue followed by tall trees and flower bushes laced with vintage outdoor string lights, the open lawn decorated with a wooden low platform and bouquets of white and blush pink bridal piano roses attached to stock and greenery on each side of the aisle.


Tuscan-inspired cross-back chairs with a natural wood finish and the signature “X” on the back perfectly arranged on both sides of the platform aisle overlooking the round slightly higher wooden platform stage decorated with a bower on the entrance that was made of driftwood and twigs and decorated with more white roses and greenery completed the set up.


A mini orchestra divided into two groups arranged on the little far sides of the stage platform started to play as soon as the guests arrived setting the tone of the upcoming wedding.


Taeyeon frowned, looking in the mirror, looking at her reflection in white lace mermaid wedding dress. She took a deep breath. “This is it” she mumbled to herself.


A hand gently placed on her shoulder; she found her mother looking at her reflection in the mirror as well. “You look very beautiful Taeyeon-ah.” The older woman comments.


“Thank you, Eomma.” Taeyeon smiled. “I’m so nervous.” She frowned again.


Mrs. Kim chuckled, “That’s normal, but I want you to remember that all the people sitting down there are people who loves you and Tiffany. You meet them on the most normal parts of your life and you know that whatever you do, they love you. We love you.”


Taeyeon nodded her head, “I know, it just feels—like I’m going somewhere I’ve never been before?”


“It does, it is.” Mrs. Kim smiled, “Because marriage is an adventure with the love of your life, it is a story that only you and her knows and gets to live. It is your story to tell.”


Taeyeon faced her mother to hug her, “Thank you, eomma. For also forgiving Tiffany.” She whispered.


“We are not perfect Taeyeon-ah, the way she showed how sorry she was for her mistakes is what made it easier for us to forgive her.” Mrs. Kim explained. “And how could I not? She’s the love of your life and so as you to her.” She pulled back from the hug. “Now, I’ll see you down stairs?”


Taeyeon nodded her head.


Once her mother left, she took a deep breath and stepped out of her room fighting the urge to run to the other end of the hall to Tiffany’s room. She is honestly excited to see her, her dress, her hair and make up and just her overall look. They have decided to keep their dresses a secret from each other and just laid out a theme that would make sure that they wouldn’t look weird together.


She shook the urge once more and finally went downstairs to their wedding venue.


As soon as she took a step to the garden, she was immediately welcomed by Sunny, dressed in a beige long gown, hair tied in a messy bun decorated with baby’s breath.


“Wow Taeng! You look really beautiful” Sunny comments.


Taeyeon sighed, “I look okay right? Have you seen Tiffany’s dress? Do you think I should change? Are we not gonna look weird?”


Sunny rolled her eyes, “Trust me, you share the same brain cells so I guarantee you that you’ve worn the perfect gown.” She assured her.


“Oh, thank goodness.” Taeyeon sighed in relief.


“Stop being nervous, it’s gonna be perfect!” Sunny scolded. “Now let’s get in line, the wedding’s about to start!” she chirped excitedly.



And just on cue, the orchestra started to play “The Story – Midnite String Quartet's version”.


The entourage started with the officiator which Taeyeon and Tiffany chosen Yoona to do, the woman who had faith in them the whole time, which she gladly took and even took a certification to officiate a wedding.


Followed by Taeyeon’s parents, who walked side by side together. And took a seat on Taeyeon’s side of the venue


And then Tiffany’s father. Who then took a seat on Tiffany’s side of the venue where her brothers and sisters are already seated.


Followed by their Maid of Honors; Bora and Sunny


And then the bridesmaids: Sooyoung, Yuri, Hyoyeon and Seohyun. Wherein they took their respective side of the seats based on which bride they were chosen the role for.


Joohyun then entered as a flower girl, happily dropping rose petals along the way which made everyone chuckle at how adorable the little girl is.


Then came Taeyeon, by this time their parents already have tears in the eyes, watching the beautiful woman slowly walk down the aisle. Her eyes looking around and at every person in the venue whose eyes were all on her. She couldn’t help but smile, “This is it” she whispered to herself once again, trying to keep herself calm and enjoy what’s to come.


She was almost at the end of the altar when the rugged doors closed, it is a signal that Tiffany has arrived at the end of the door.


And in no time, Taeyeon finally finished her walk and stood at the end of the altar facing the door just like everyone else in the venue.


There was a moment of silence. Taeyeon was told that Tiffany had personally requested a song to play once she starts walking down the aisle.


She stood in anticipation until the orchestra started to play again, the moment she heard the song, she couldn’t help but chuckle. “A Whole New World – Midnite String Quartet (version)” began to play.


The rugged doors opened, and Taeyeon could feel her breath hitch the moment she saw Tiffany standing on the other side of that door wearing her own version of a white lace mermaid wedding gown ending with a beautiful train.


Her long hair was styled in "S curls" in which half were dipped in blonde. Mini loose braids were formed from the sides of her head to the back where her veil was also clipped.


In her hands she holds a bouquet of gypsophila mixed with daisies, the perfect symbol for their everlasting love and new beginnings.


When Tiffany took her first steps, her eyes were fixated on Taeyeon, her soon to be wife standing at the end of the aisle waiting for her with a smile plastered on her face but her eyes glistening in tears.


She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a few seconds, trying to calm her emotions down, so she averted her gaze on the people around her. From her friends to their parents and Joohyun, who were happily looking at her with tears in their eyes.


By this time Tiffany could feel her own tears forming in her eyes and it didn't help when her eyes landed on Taeyeon again whose tears are already streaming down her face.


Another step… and Tiffany knew, she can't hold back her emotions anymore, so she let her tears fall from her eyes.


Her vision has become a little blurry and the best she could do is blink a few more times to clear her eyes.


She could feel it, her heart that's being overwhelmed with love.


She knows, this moment is something she will take to her grave as her favorite one because this moment right here is where she could feel like all the happiness in this world is hers and hers alone, all thanks to her family, friends and that one person who loves her more than she could ever love herself, Kim Taeyeon.


No words could ever describe how she feel about Kim Taeyeon, because Kim Taeyon is beyond any word she knew, Kim Taeyeon is beyond everything she could ever wish for and Kim Taeyeon herself is beyond the love she could ever give.


How does she do that? How does person holds all your brokenness and make beautiful art with it? How does one person's love cure all the pain and ache that her soul feels? How does one person forgive such an unforgivable mistake?


If you were to ask her, she wouldn't know the answer either because only Kim Taeyeon can answer that.





For Kim Taeyeon, the only thing that goes beyond any pain, brokenness and mistake is love.


And today, she's looking at it. Her love.


The love that surpassed all the pain, the love that has forgiven all the mistakes and the love that fixed all the brokenness.


She didn't know it was possible to feel so completely whole again until she had Tiffany back in her life.


So when Tiffany started to take her steps towards her, she couldn't help but let her emotions take over. The feeling of love surpassing all odds that could not be explained with words were spoken through her tears.


And today she hopes Tiffany could feel that love even if she couldn't put it into words..


by the time her soon to be bride reached her, Taeyeon gently wiped Tiffany's tears stained face and escorted her to the stage where Yoona has been waiting.


“We gather gather here today with Taeyeon and Tiffany in the presence of family and friends to join this couple together in the bonds of marriage, and to share in a celebration of their undying love for one another. We have the honor to be here with them, to rejoice, to celebrate and witness this magical moment, as they stand here before us committing to one another forevermore. ” Yoona started.


"There is no love without forgiveness and there is no forgiveness without love" Yoona read, "this is a quote from Bryant McGill. Now I can stand here and pretend that I know a lot about this person enough to talk about him" the audience chuckled, "but I believe we would all prefer if I talk about

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thegloomy11 #1
Chapter 12: I come back here to reread this great story.
Thank you author-nim for making this story I hope I can read your another story too
Chapter 12: They really found each other... Nice story
czankx #3
Chapter 12: I've read a lot of TaeNy fanfics, and this one just clearly put up on one of my top lists, that was a good one author-nim.. taeny just built different, their love is just beyond the bond they have together, definitely soulmates
Chapter 12: this is so wonderful 🥹🥹🥹 thanks for making this great story
Chapter 8: thats life..this chapter is so good
Chapter 7: this is so sad 🥲 taeyeon knew it all along and still didn’t leave fany…this is become more interesting
Chapter 6: what a beauty family 🥹 if they become fam..
Chapter 5: that must be super hurt for taeyeon 😮‍💨😮‍💨
Chapter 4: what had u dine tiffany..this is become more interestingg
Chapter 2: i think ive read this story but kinda forgot so i re-read the story hahahha
this is so good author