Chapter 02

You Will Find Me
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Chapter 02


“She called me Taetae” Taeyeon repeated for the nth time to Sunny who kept shaking her head at her. “Where did she even get that? She’s a four year old who can speak straight, she didn’t have to call me ‘Taetae’”


Sunny launched herself on the couch groaning, “And like I said, children likes giving nicknames. I was once called ‘Bunny’ by a child.”


Taeyeon frowned, “But she called me Taetae, the woman in my dream calls me Taetae”


“So what’s your point exactly? That the child you met and the woman in your dreams are the same?”


“No, I don’t know. It’s just weird.”


“It’s not weird, you’re just thinking too much. Anyone can call you Taetae just because your name is Taeyeon. It sticks to it.”


Taeyeon sighed, “You know what, you’re probably right. I’m just thinking too much.”  She dropped her body on the couch still thinking about the incident and how it just felt like it wasn’t just a random coincidence at all.


Sunny has been watching Taeyeon’s reactions and she too felt puzzled by the encounter, ‘Could it be Joohyun? But they’re in Korea, it’s impossible for them to be staying here.’ She thought to herself.




“Mommy” Irene ran towards her mother in her office and gave her a hug.


“Joohyun” Tiffany got off her chair and welcomed her daughter with open arms. “How was your day sweetie?” she asked looking at her excited child.


“We took pictures and we draw and painted” Irene exclaimed.


Tiffany smiled, “That’s great honey” she then looked up and saw Bora standing just a few steps away from them. “Thanks for picking her up. I got caught up in a meeting.”


“No problem Tiff. You were lucky I wasn’t doing anything.” Bora chuckled.


“I know, thank you. Did you guys eat?”


The duo shook their heads. “No but I have to go, my boyfriend’s waiting for me at the lobby.”


Tiffany stood up while Irene took a seat on her mother’s chair looking at the photo frame on the table. “Mommy I saw Taetae” the child exclaimed catching both Bora and Tiffany’s attention.


“What did you say?” Tiffany’s brows furrowed.


Irene looked at her mother with a grin, “I saw Taetae at school, she was taking pictures”


Tiffany looked at Bora who was wearing the same expression as hers. “Trust me this is the first time I’m hearing this” the tanned woman explained.


“Are you sure sweetie?”


Irene smiled, “Yes, I saw this! Taetae!” she said pointing at the woman in the photo on her desk.


Tiffany walked towards the table and grabbed the photo frame that contained a photo of her and Taeyeon way back when they were still together. “You saw this?” she asked, pointing at Taeyeon’s face.


“Yes, Taetae is Taeyeon.” Says the kid.


Tiffany didn’t know what to make out of it, “Where is Taetae now?”


“I don’t know, she was at school. She took pictures.” Says the kid.


Tiffany nodded her head and looked at Bora, “She’s been here all along. I need to find her.”


Bora frowned, “I don’t think that’s a good idea Tiff, you didn’t exactly end in a good note.”


“I have to explain, she never knew the reason why. We weren’t able to talk, maybe—just maybe, she can forgive me.” Tiffany’s eyes turned solemn remembering the one person she truly loved the most.


“It’s been five years, isn’t it too late for that? I’m pretty sure she moved on.” Bora sighed, “And you seriously have to stop displaying your photos. Taeyeon’s not coming back Tiff, you have to let her go.”


Tiffany stayed silent for a while and stared at the photo in her hands caressing the face on the photo that she had missed so much. “You’re right, I don’t want to be selfish.” She sighed putting the frame down. “Thanks again for today.”


Bora nodded her head, “Anytime, I’ll see you later. Bye Joohyun” she waved at the child who has taken interest on her mother’s phone.


“Bye unnie” the kid waved back.


Bora left Tiffany’s office and fished out her phone calling a friend she hasn’t contacted in a long time. “Hello?”


“You didn’t tell me you moved to California” Bora hissed.


“We had an understanding not to tell each other’s whereabouts to keep ourselves from lying to Taeyeon and Tiffany.” The voice responded.


Bora groaned, “Slight problem, Joohyun met Taeyeon today and she told Tiffany about it.”


“… ”


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thegloomy11 #1
Chapter 12: I come back here to reread this great story.
Thank you author-nim for making this story I hope I can read your another story too
Chapter 12: They really found each other... Nice story
czankx #3
Chapter 12: I've read a lot of TaeNy fanfics, and this one just clearly put up on one of my top lists, that was a good one author-nim.. taeny just built different, their love is just beyond the bond they have together, definitely soulmates
Chapter 12: this is so wonderful 🥹🥹🥹 thanks for making this great story
Chapter 8: thats life..this chapter is so good
Chapter 7: this is so sad 🥲 taeyeon knew it all along and still didn’t leave fany…this is become more interesting
Chapter 6: what a beauty family 🥹 if they become fam..
Chapter 5: that must be super hurt for taeyeon 😮‍💨😮‍💨
Chapter 4: what had u dine tiffany..this is become more interestingg
Chapter 2: i think ive read this story but kinda forgot so i re-read the story hahahha
this is so good author