Chapter 03

You Will Find Me
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Chapter 03


Taeyeon has been tossing and turning on her bed all night, her encounter with the woman at the coffee shop is still bugging her. There was something about Tiffany that felt so familiar to her, she’s got this feeling of warmth and a sense of coldness to it. She can’t quiet put a finger on it but Tiffany made her feel a lot of things, she wasn’t sure if she liked the girl or dislike her and she’s got no reason for both except for the fact that Tiffany is gorgeous.


“Never fall for gorgeous women, they’re cursed.” She scolded herself. “Besides I only met her once and it was an accident, so yeah. I better forget her.” She nodded in enthusiasm. She closed her eyes and forced herself to fall asleep.





“Yah! Kim Taeyeon!” Taeyeon turned her gaze to the woman she’s been waiting for by the stairs of the building.


“Hey! You’re done?” She asked, getting up from the steps, walking to her girlfriend who seems to be glaring at her. “What’s wrong?” She asked once she’s standing in front of her.


“I saw that.” Her girlfriend frowned.


Taeyeon’s brows met in the middle, “Saw what?”


“You were staring Hyuna.” Her girlfriend hissed.


“Hyuna who?” Taeyeon tilted her head to the side.


The woman took a deep breath, “The woman who passed by in front of you! I saw the way you we’re eyeing her from head to toe.”


Taeyeon let out a nervous chuckle, “Oh, I just like her clothes.”


“Uhuh, so would like to see me wear a crop top and cheek showing denim shorts?”


“N-no, I admit that she’s pretty hot but I only love you.” She grinned and tried to wrap her arms around her girlfriend who immediately rejected her.


“Whatever! I’m going home and you can go follow that chic and do whatever.” She sulked and started to storm away.


Taeyeon immediately ran after her girlfriend and grabbed her wrist stopping her from going any further. “Yah!! I’m sorry okay, I swear that meant nothing I was just looking. There’s no reason to be jealous.”


Her girlfriend rolled her eyes, “Who said anything about being jealous? As if!”


“Really? You’re not jealous?” Taeyeon smirked.


“Of course not!” She swatted her wrist out of Taeyeon’s hold.


“Then why are you so mad if you’re not jealous?” She challenged.


“Because you’re annoying!”


“What did I do to annoy you?” She raised a brow. She knows her girlfriend is just in denial of being jealous.


The woman glared at her and started to storm away again, “Yah! I thought you said you weren’t jealous? Then why are you acting up?”


That stopped her from her track, “Because—“ she paused to take a deep breath. “You were looking at other women.” She frowned.


Taeyeon walked towards her and gently cupped her face. “Fany-ah, no matter how many women I look at, you’ll always be the most beautiful one in my eyes. I was just bored and I had nothing to do. I looked at everyone who passed by. And just because she was sort of hot doesn’t mean I like her. I only like you, I only love you. She was just a passerby.”


Tiffany pouted, “But you said she’s pretty hot.”


“I take it back! She’s ugly! Ugh a sight for sore eyes!! God! Why did I even look at her.” She pretended to gag making Tiffany laugh. “Stop being insecure, you’re perfect.”


“You’re only allowed to look at me do you understand!?” She hissed.


Taeyeon grinned, “Yes, love.” She chuckled and stole a peck from her girlfriend’s lips.




“You seem so out of it today.” Taeyeon snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her colleague Sunmi, who was packing her camera on the table next to hers. “You okay?”


“Huh.. yeah, I’m fine. Just— thinking.” She managed to say.


Sunmi smirked at her, “That’s one deep thinking, what’s bothering you?”


Taeyeon leaned back on her seat and frowned, “I met a girl a few days ago at the cafè and now she appeared on my dream as the person I’ve been having dreams about— you know, the dream ‘girlfriend’ I once told you about.”




“What do you mean ‘and’?”


“What makes you overthink about it?”


Taeyeon furrowed her brows, “Isn’t it weird? I just saw her once.”


Sunmi chuckled, “Is she pretty?”




“The girl you met, is she pretty?”


Taeyeon pondered for a moment, “She’s— gorgeous.”


A nod, “There’s your answer.”


“I don’t get it.”


“You met a ‘gorgeous’ stranger, you probably have a crush on her OR the encounter was something significant to you that’s why you managed to take her with you in your dreams.”


“You don’t think it’s like the universe telling me she’s like a soul mate or something?”


Sunmi laughed, “If you want to date her just ask! Don’t use your dream as an excuse for it. She just happened to be a significant moment to you that day. That’s probably it.”


Taeyeon sighed, “You’re right, I’m just thinking too much.” She said and stood up from her seat. “I’m going to get coffee, want anything?”


“No thanks, but if you happen to meet your ‘dream’ girl again maybe you should get her number.” Sunmi teased.


“Later Sunmi.” Taeyeon waved her hand and left the office.


She drove to the coffee shop again and ordered a strong coffee to keep herself alert, she doesn’t want to keep spacing out during work, especially now that they’re working on the albums they’re gonna print for the kindergarten. She took her time in that coffee shop, choosing a seat on the far corner to relax. The smell of coffee has always been one of her favourit

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thegloomy11 #1
Chapter 12: I come back here to reread this great story.
Thank you author-nim for making this story I hope I can read your another story too
Chapter 12: They really found each other... Nice story
czankx #3
Chapter 12: I've read a lot of TaeNy fanfics, and this one just clearly put up on one of my top lists, that was a good one author-nim.. taeny just built different, their love is just beyond the bond they have together, definitely soulmates
Chapter 12: this is so wonderful 🥹🥹🥹 thanks for making this great story
Chapter 8: thats life..this chapter is so good
Chapter 7: this is so sad 🥲 taeyeon knew it all along and still didn’t leave fany…this is become more interesting
Chapter 6: what a beauty family 🥹 if they become fam..
Chapter 5: that must be super hurt for taeyeon 😮‍💨😮‍💨
Chapter 4: what had u dine tiffany..this is become more interestingg
Chapter 2: i think ive read this story but kinda forgot so i re-read the story hahahha
this is so good author