Intro: Cops


(Streets of Seoul)

Nayeon, Momo, Sana, and Mina were girls and worked at an police station. They loved to work there because of the action and excitement, and they absolutely loved helping people the most. The 4 girls were part of a team. Nayeon was the leader, Momo and Sana were the head investigation, and Mina was head of forensics and backup. Nayeon and Momo were the first one's to joing the team about a year ago. Sana joined 1 month after followed by Mina that joined 2 months after that. Momo, Sana, and Mina were Japanese and so they bonded a lot and  they're close friends. 

The team was formed by their superior, Park Jisoo, the group 4 of them were close to Jisoo both in and out of work, so they were chosen to be part of the group. The group was formed specifically to solve the case of the 'Phantom Thieves' a group of 4 tieves that stole from the rich, regardless of the victims backgrounds. They've been on the thieves case since the group was formed, but so far they haven't gotten anywhere close to catching them, much less finding out who they are. 

It was around 5.45pm and the group had gotten off their regular shift. The 4 of them decided to check out this cafe that Jisoo recommended them, Park cafe. They've never checked it out before but they've heard good things about it. They went to the cafe and by the time they reached it was already 6pm and the cafe was closed.

"Sana, when does the cafe open again?" Mina asked, a little grumpy from being tired

"It days on the sign that it open agains at 8am in the morning" Sana replied.

"Well... You wanna go to the cafe over there again?" Mina asked

"Yeah, let's go" Momo said

They had dinner at the other cafe, SM cafe. The food there was great, but it was never to the 4 cops taste. After they finished their dinner, it was already 8pm. Once all of them left the cafe, their walkie-talkies went off

"It's the phantom thieves again, meet me in my office now" Jisoo said from the walkie talkie

"Their always interrupting something" Mina growled

"Let's go" Nayeon said as got in the car and drove to Jisoo's office.

(Jisoo's office)

The 4 of them were sitting in Jisoos office getting briefed about the oncoming case

"A tip has recently told us that the phantom thieves will be at Seoul Museum of Art tonight, this may be the first time you come into contact with them so be careful, we ave no idea how dangerous they are" Jisoo warned

"It's fine chief, we'll be alright" Nayeon said

At that moment, an alarm went off at the Seoul Museum of Art, the 4 cops immediately got into their car and drove as fast as they could to the crime scene. 

(Seoul Museum of Art)

"FREEZE!! POLICE" Nayeon said through the speaker of the police car.

Nayeon, Momo, Sana, and Mina got out of the car and saw 4 figures standing on the roof of the buiding. They took out their guns and pointed it at them. The 4 cops were scared but didn't let it show. This was actually the first time that the cops had even seen the thieves despite being on their case for a year. The 4 thieves were almost identical, the only difference being their height, the colour of their outfits, and the weapons on their backs. The second shortest, navy coloured theif seemed to be scolding the shortest, charcoal theif. The second tallest, black theif who seemed to be the leader stopped them as the tallest ash theif just stood by and watched

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP IN THE AIR!!" Nayeon shouted at the thieves.

The thieves looked down slowly raised their hands. Then the theif with the black mask snapped her fingers and they jumped off the building while withdrawing their weapons from their backs, landing right in front of the cops and attacking them. As soon as the thieves jumped, the 4 cops opened fire on them, all the bullets missing the theives and soon the cops were fighting the theives.

Mina was fighting a theif with the short charcoal thief. The theif took out a bo staff and started hitting her joints while maintainig her from a distance, not letting her get close. Mina to collapse in pain and as soon as she was on the ground, the theif jumped on her and out. Sana fought the tallest, ash theif. The thief towered over Sana and it scared her. The thief then started continuously puncing her, her punches all extremely hard hitting and painful and Sana soon out. Momo fought the second shortest navy theif, the theif took out her tactical sword and sliced at Momo, Momo seemmingly managed to dodge all of the swings but was eventually backed into the car, the theif took the chance and knocked her out with the hilt of her sword. Nayeon was fighting the second tallest black thief, the theif started slashing at the cop with her dagger, again, Nayeon seemingly managed to dodge it all. Nayeon then grabbed the thiefs wrist and bent her arm and the theif dropped her dagger.

"You're under arrest" Nayeon said as she pulled off the thief's hood and mask, revealing the theif's short hair, brown hair.

"!!" The theif groaned out, revealing her feminine voice

As Nayeon was about to be cuff the thieves leader, she was immediately held back by the 3 other thieves, the 3 others gripping her by the arms and neck

"LET ME GO" Nayeon shouted, but the thieves only tightened their grip

The leader then put her masks back on, picked up her dagger and hit Nayeon over the head with the hilt of the dagger, stunning her. The thieves released their grip on her and Nayeon collapsed to the ground, trying to snap out of her daze. She looked around and sasw that the thieves were gone and all her teammates regaining consciousness. Nayeon punched the ground in frustration before making her way back to Jisoo's office.

(Jisoo's office)

"I'm sorry chief, we underestimated them" The 4 cops said

"It's okay, at least you made progress, any idea on their identity?" Jisoo asked

"No, not yet, but their leader in black is a girl with short blonde hair, I didn't get to see her face though" Nayeon said

"Alright, Mina, look into it tomorrow, for now you're dismissed, get some rest" Jisoo said

"Yes chief" The 4 said before leaving the office.

(Streets of Seoul)

"Gosh, I feel bad" Sana whined

"Yeah, and I'm hungry" Momo said

"It's okay guys, we'll get 'em next time" Mina assured

"Anyway guys, let's worry about this another day, anyway what time is it?"

"Ohmygod, it's already 8.00am" Mina said

"Anyway, that Park Cafe opens soon, ya'll wanna go?" Nayeon asked

"Sure" The other 3 said

As they were outside the cafe, they saw 4 workers inside getting ready, one was cleaning the table, 2 were in the kitchen, and one was at the register. As they walked in, they were immediately greeted by the girl cleaning the table. The girl turned around, revealing herself to be a short, cute little girl with pigtails and a tiger print sweater.

"Hi! Welcome to Park... Cafe" The girl greeted with a wide smile

The cops stared at the little girl in confusion as her wide, beaming smile turned into an expression of nervousness and fear.

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Chapter 8: Ohhhh. Park Jihyo/Jisoo is a double spy? leading the Phantom Theives and at the same time the Boss of the Cops. hahahaahahaha. this is cute.
Chapter 30: A. MICHAENG
Chapter 30: A, MICHAENG
janecastillo1408 #4
Chapter 30: A! Michaeng pleaseeeee
Kristy060399 #5
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Chapter 30: a
Chapter 30: B please! Jenlisa will do, thank you (:
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