Would have, Could have, Should have

A er for Happy Endings
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“...Yeah, um…”

“Jendeuk’s still asleep, don’t wanna disturb…”

“I see…”

“Holy , are you--?!”


Jennie groaned softly, stirring from her slumber as she overheard a familiar voice whispering, although she couldn’t make out all the words as she had just woken up. Squinting, she saw her roommate’s blurry figure as her eyes had adjusted to the dimly lit room. The sun’s rays softly filtered through the curtains, and Jennie could tell that Jisoo was up way too early. Before she could even have the chance to ask what was keeping her up and pacing around, however, Jisoo’s voice rose in volume.


“Seulgi, I love you!”

“Yes, of course. I’ll be right there, okay?”


The sleepy girl was now wide awake as she harshly bit on her lip, watching her best friend do a little happy dance on the spot as she stared at her phone’s screen.


Jennie should’ve seen this coming this time around.


She felt like a fool.


Before any more agonizing thoughts could pollute her mind, Jennie quickly realized that Jisoo was turing towards her. Screwing her eyes shut, she pretended to be fast asleep. She felt like an intruder, an unnecessary witness to the events that had just occurred. It had seemed too intimate a moment for Jennie to just ask what was going on between them.


It wasn’t like Jisoo wouldn’t tell her the good news, anyway.


When Jennie felt a weight press against the mattress and a hand gently brushing through her hair, she held in a breath.


Why is she doing this?


Not long after, Jisoo seemed to have retreated as Jennie kept her eyes shut, fearful that tears might come out of it the moment she decided to open them.


Jisoo was going to see Seulgi today.


Jisoo was going to see Seulgi today.


Jisoo loves Seulgi.


Her mind echoed. Deep down, Jennie wished that she was the one. But she wasn’t, and she would never be.


I would never be the one.


Her thoughts were painfully familiar, and with those thoughts came a painful stab to her chest. Jennie breathed deeply, hoping that Jisoo would stop walking around the room and just leave already.


Leave her, so she could cry until her head would ache more than her heart.


It was easier said than done when all Jennie wanted was for Jisoo to stay and choose her instead. But she would never do that, for she was her best friend. Jisoo never overstepped the boundary between the both of them, as she had always been the best friend Jennie could ever have. If Jennie had thought Lisa choosing Chaeyoung over her had hurt, she was terribly mistaken. The pain she felt before was nothing compared to how things were now, because Jennie never stood a chance because she was her best friend.


She is her best friend.


It was torture.


It was torture knowing that her best friend for years would see her less, in favor of seeing her lover. It was torture knowing that Jisoo’s attention would forever be divided. It was torture knowing that she’d have to entrust Jisoo to her new lover, to a stranger that could hurt her. It was tor

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Yay that's the end of that! Thanks for reading my sad attempt at trying to smash fluff and angst together :')


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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 9: Jensoo and Chaelisa fo the win. And red velvet!
Chapter 9: 😍😍😍😍 i miss jensoo 🥺
rainbowseulgi #3
Chapter 1: oh my god im crying
Chapter 5: If you really really love me, tell me
hangryeats #6
Chapter 9: uno game had me smiling like an idiot
578 streak #7
Chapter 9: My jensoo ♥️
dkdldb #8
Chapter 9: Ahhhhhh this was so good
KittenThief #9
This went from painful, to okish, to heart breakings and ended up beautifully!
Loved the last chapter! Black velvet mess in your area!