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A er for Happy Endings
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Jennie should’ve maybe probably (definitely) stopped herself from feeling these feelings earlier.


But no, the world had to rain on her parade once more and show her that nope, she doesn’t love you. At all. Well, maybe that was an exaggeration. Jennie was sure that Jisoo loved her, as her best friend.


That was the problem.


No, Jennie mulled over her thoughts again. She was the problem.


They were supposed to be best friends for life, not anything more. Jennie felt like an idiot for falling for Jisoo of all people. As much as she hated to think about it, sometimes she wished she remained head over heels for Lisa because even though they were friends, it was definitely less complicated that way. It was easy for Jennie to maneuver her feelings when it came to Lisa since Lisa didn’t know her like Jisoo did. And Jennie knew that Jisoo was starting to notice that something was off.


If Jisoo’s frequent asking of “Are you okay?” didn’t make it any more obvious, then her best friend spoiling her even more than usual did. It was as if Jisoo was trying to smother her until she got the answers she wanted. Her best friend would buy her ice cream, offer to give Kuma a bath, cook breakfast, and so much more.


It was maddening.


Jennie was pretty sure the butterflies in her stomach had evolved to some sort of tummy-eating monster because every time she saw Jisoo smile, she was a goner. The tiny little monsters inside her would freak out because Jisoo was simply too beautiful, too ethereal for this world, and constantly remind her that oh, she’s also gay.


Sometimes, it made her think she had a chance.


Which was funny, because Jennie was sure she didn’t. Not only because Jisoo was once in love with Rosé, someone who had an attitude and looks of an angel, (Because really, how could she even compete with that?) but also because Jisoo seemed to have taken a liking to one of Red Velvet’s members, if her best friend making time to just hang out with the said member wasn't obvious enough.


Jennie was simply out of her league.


Because honestly, who wouldn’t fall for Kang Seulgi?


Kang Seulgi was another angel on earth, an innocent ball of sunshine and goodness that the world didn’t deserve. Combine that with bewitching looks, charisma, and overflowing talent, anyone, regardless of gender, would’ve been a goner. Jennie was pretty sure any girl with gay tendencies had at least admired Kang Seulgi at some point. She was sure, because she wasn’t an exception from that either.


To add to that, Jisoo’s list of crushes clearly showed that she wasn’t her type. At all, if Chaeyoung and Seulgi were any indication. Her best friend seemed to love cute, pure, and innocent things. The only thing she had going for her was her cuteness, although if Jennie were to be honest with herself, she wasn’t that cute if she had to force a cute face out of her constant resting face. Seulgi had a naturally adorable face no matter what she did, while Jennie struggled to keep her face pleasant before anyone blasts her on social media for looking like a on camera. Seulgi didn't even have to act as she was naturally so full of aegyo, while Jennie had to pract

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Yay that's the end of that! Thanks for reading my sad attempt at trying to smash fluff and angst together :')


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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 9: Jensoo and Chaelisa fo the win. And red velvet!
Chapter 9: 😍😍😍😍 i miss jensoo 🥺
rainbowseulgi #3
Chapter 1: oh my god im crying
Chapter 5: If you really really love me, tell me
hangryeats #6
Chapter 9: uno game had me smiling like an idiot
578 streak #7
Chapter 9: My jensoo ♥️
dkdldb #8
Chapter 9: Ahhhhhh this was so good
KittenThief #9
This went from painful, to okish, to heart breakings and ended up beautifully!
Loved the last chapter! Black velvet mess in your area!