Don't go, just stay

A er for Happy Endings
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When Jennie had calmed down from crying, she had opened up to Lisa. She recounted the events from the moment she walked into the maknae making out with Chaeyoung on the couch, and how things had continued from there. Lisa listened intently, and did not interrupt the older— something Jennie was thankful for as she laid her heart out. She wasn’t expecting to tell Lisa any of this, but the maknae was stubborn and went out of the room only to come back with a plate full of food for her, and promised not to leave until Jennie ate a proper meal and get everything out of her chest.


“It’s not healthy to keep everything bottled up, unnie, and I swear I’ll listen  to everything you have to say, and I won’t judge you for it. I promise, Jennie unnie. ” Jennie recalled Lisa’s expression, begging for her trust.


Once Jennie had finished and admitted that there was definitely a time where she looked at Lisa like she was everything and nothing all at once, the maknae enveloped her in an embrace. In her strong arms, Jennie inhaled the scent of overpowering citrus, and squirmed slightly at the tight hold Lisa had on her. Telling Lisa how she felt had made Jennie feel somewhat lighter despite the dread that continued to eat at her. It felt refreshing that she was finally close that part of her life, and come to terms with the fact that she had moved on from Lisa. Completely, this time. She was thankful that the younger was such an understanding person.


Jennie briefly mused that Chaeyoung was truly lucky to have someone like Lisa.


In her mind she wished that they would last, and wished for nothing more than that.


She was finally and truly okay with not being the one for Lisa because the more Jennie looked at the maknae, the more she had realized that she wished that gentle arms encircled her instead, engulfing her with the scent of vanilla that she had grown to love. Lisa had the best intentions in mind, but she was too strong. Everything about her screamed too much, and perhaps her past self would have loved the idea of someone so strong protecting her and loving her, but Jennie found herself overwhelmed with Lisa’s affection.


She found herself wanting something— someone else instead.


Untangling herself from Lisa’s embrace, she picked up the stuffed toy that had been forgotten.


“You know, I always thought you and Jisoo were dating from the very beginning,” Lisa broke the silence, her voice a bit too loud for Jennie’s liking.


“Did Chaeyoung think that too?” Jennie decided to ask.


“Yeah, but she told me that Jisoo was quick to clarify that you guys were definitely not a thing. I didn’t believe her though…” Lisa trailed off as she averted her gaze to the bed, picking on a stray thread from the comforter.


“Why not?”


“Why not?” Lisa mimicked, her head shooting up to look at her unnie. Her expression was of utter confusion, and Jennie didn’t know what to make of it.


“Unnie, do you see the way you look at her? Do you see the way you look at each other?” Lisa asked, not waiting for a response as she continued.


“I can literally go on and on about how you guys are practically married with the way you always kind of

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Yay that's the end of that! Thanks for reading my sad attempt at trying to smash fluff and angst together :')


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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 9: Jensoo and Chaelisa fo the win. And red velvet!
Chapter 9: 😍😍😍😍 i miss jensoo 🥺
rainbowseulgi #3
Chapter 1: oh my god im crying
Chapter 5: If you really really love me, tell me
hangryeats #6
Chapter 9: uno game had me smiling like an idiot
578 streak #7
Chapter 9: My jensoo ♥️
dkdldb #8
Chapter 9: Ahhhhhh this was so good
KittenThief #9
This went from painful, to okish, to heart breakings and ended up beautifully!
Loved the last chapter! Black velvet mess in your area!