Through the Years

7 Years of Love

Your POV

Driving home from work, I switch on the radio and open the window for a breeze. I hum along with the songs and smile. Today the sky is a bright shade of cerulean blue and bright fluffy clouds are scattered everywhere.

Suddenly I hear a silky singing voice drift through the speakers. "We met for seven years. No one knew we could say goodbye like this, so easily." I freeze. It had been three years since I last heard him. The voice that could send shivers down my whole body and at the same time warm me up.

It makes me think of the past few years. I finally pull into my driveway and everything hits me. Memories start falling, pounding me with a waterfall of remorse.

I recall everything: his strong arms around me, his nose tickling mine, his warmth next to me, his soft lips, and mostly,  his angelic voice..

I remember our first kiss by the banks of the creek by his house, which was the moment we became more than best friends. The first year. 

I can hear his first performance, when I first heard him sing so passionately. The second year.

I laugh when I remember his expression when I actually beat him at a video game. The third year.

I still feel the cold night air as we sneak out to meet each other at college, the fourth year.

I think back to the time we baked cookies together, but he ate almost all the cookie dough before we could bake it. The fifth year.

I remember moving in with him, fading to sleep every night hearing his gentle voice singing a lullaby. The sixth year.

Finally, there's the audition. I was the one who encouraged him to go for it, but in the end it brought the end of us. That was the seventh year.

I was so proud of him when he came home one day and told me he'd gotten into a boy band called Super Junior, but then our little apartment felt lonely without him. I missed him every waking moment. Soon, it felt as if he completely forgot about me because he never called or came to see me once. It's been three years of me pushing him to the back of my mind. Now, I sit in my driveway, tears drenching my face, and think about about selfish I've been. Why did I have to do that? What made me think I could move on to someone else? I bury my face in my hands and collapse.


I hear the doorbell ring and drag myself to the door. It's Minji, my best friend. "you-ah, it's been days and you haven't returned any of my calls or came to work. What's wrong?"

"I guess I've just been experiencing some nostalgia, you know? I miss him..."

Instantly her expression softens. "I know it's hard, but everything happens for a reason. C'mon, I'll take you out and let's try to move on okay? being depressed won't help."

"Ne, that's sounds great actually," I smile, hoping it will distract me from him.

"That's the spirit!" she exclaims with a grin. "Where do you want to go?"

"Hmm... let's just browse around the city like we used to. Like, browsing around the stores and of course, visiting the café with the cashier you're so obsessed with," I laugh, pulling on a hoodie.

"Hey! I swear I just go there for the mochas," she retorts as we step out into the warm spring air. I take a deep breath, feel new energy pulse through me and practically skip down the street. You can get over him. I cheer myself on. You can do it!

It's great finally getting to hang out and forget about Kyuhyun for a few hours. We buy new outfits, visit the hair and nail salon, and just relax. The perfect spring weather also adds to the happy mood. Of course, we stop by at Dream Beans and chuckle when I see Minji flirting with Hajoon as he takes our order. A pang of hurt hits me though, as I think wryly "I hope her love life turns out better than mine." I mentally slap myself and tell my to feel happy for her. We continue looking around the shops until the sun fades and the colorful light flicker on. Minji drives us to her house for dinner and a movie marathon.

"You should stay for the night, you."

I nod in agreement. "This day has been amazing, Minji. Hopefully I'm ready to move on from him now, but I know that will take longer than this. But thank you for comforting me through this. You're an amazing friend." 

She pulls me into a hug. "Hey, hey. I'm always here for you, no matter how long this'll take. Don't worry about him. I'm sure there's someone out there just for you."

We chat for a for another half hour. Minji tells me a hilarious story that makes me laugh harder than I have in weeks. Her exaggerated facial expressions and voice imitations made it so much more realistic and that much more amusing. What would I do without a friend who cheer me up as well as her? Tired but still giggling, we finally set up sleeping bags in her living room and get ready for sleep.

However, I feel restless and I can't drift off. I frown as I think back to what she said about finding someone better for me. I'd fallen for Kyuhyun harder than anyone else. He treated me like his princess and never did anything wrong. And yet, I left him crying on the street because I was selfish and didn't realize how hard he worked and how much he wanted to be a singer. The tears start to fall again, and I'm determined to find him out there, to apologize for what I've done and that it wasn't his fault after all.



Oh my gosh -_- that chapter probably made no sense...

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Chapter 3: Chapter 8: Such a coincidence...the name of the character in this story is the same name I used for my username...anyways, love this story though! Can't wait for you to update!
Chapter 8: This is a great story~ Keep up the good work! ^^
hellojazzii #3
Chapter 8: i absolutely LOVE the bit about kangin torturing eunhyuk, yesung talking to his turtle, ryeowook singing and cooking, heechul talking to himself in the mirror and leeteuk trying to calm everyone down, bahaha. true suju moment there. and siwon's adorable religious self. but awuh, this is such a cute story! i love kyuhyun, and hope you update soon!
99618894 #4
nooo :(
poor Kyuhyun...
ewitsmaryy #5
OMG. from the first chapter I actually wanted to cry ;___;
Bro. this is AMAZING!!!
I wanted to bang my head against a wall, but it was awesome!
I would've banged my head on the nearest wall, but there are pictures on the other side and the walls really thin so they would've fallen dow -.-" So, instead I face palmed! :3
I love the story, it almost made me cry it was so sad TT^TT
Don't feel offended or like you did a bad job, I'm an emotional hardass :P
Tihlee #7
i had to stop myself from cheering because my grandma was right behind me. LOL! it was amazing. XD
omg! im a first time reader :) its so sweet i cried :) awesome job!
How sweet the way you described her feelings, the kiss, him ... Very nice and well done!! ^^
Happy birthday Kyu-baby!!!
They saw each other again how thrilling!!!
It's her!! It's him!!
How wonderful!! <3