Cinnamon roll

Hi Meets World

Entering the classroom with chanhyuk, she heard their classmates busy buzzing about yesterday's impromptu one man fashion show. Hayi paid no mind to the lively gossip and settled at her seat, preparing for first period. 


She was explaining a math question to Doyoung when came in Jennie and Joy, calling for the class' attention. 


"Make way for Miss Tyra Banks y'all," Jennie announced as she made some fancy hand gestures, presenting Hanbin to the class like he’s some art piece. Hayi looked at him for a second before she continued explaining the formula to doyoung who wasn’t really bothered by the frenzy students. Well, it is a usual occurrence.  


At the cheers and whistling, Hanbin gave a half hearted smile and timidly waved. Heart pounding rapidly, he was shy and embarrassed that Hayi actually looked at him. 


"Finally found your pants, I see." MsJung teases the star of the school as she walks in, halting the little fan meeting. She ordered them to get seated and began her class. 


Again, Hayi is having lunch with Chanhyuk and the others. She figured that this was gonna be a regular thing, eating and joking around together. The group of friends is going to be a constant in her new chapter. 


Today, hanbin wasn’t too busy dressing himself like a botched barbie doll to join his gang for lunch break. Having analysed the perfect spot, he shoved chanhyuk away and sat next to Joy where he could see Hayi perfectly. 


Hayi is seating between Jennie and Doyoung, right across hanbin. She brought out the cinnamon rolls Chaerin had baked for her, offering some to Jennie before taking a bite for herself. 


Cute. My cinnamon roll is eating a cinnamon roll. Hanbin unintentionally giggled at the thought. 


“Dude, why are you giggling and looking at Hayi all weird?” The snarky girl questioned him accusingly. Pulling the innocent Hayi into her arms protectively. 


Being friends for years now, Jennie knew Hanbin is harmless but dang did he look creepy with his mouth agape watching the girl eat and giggling ??? Creep alert 🚨 


“Ehhh~ Hanbin, cat got your tongue?” The rest of the gang cooed mischievously as the man in question stood silent. 


“D-do you want one?” Hayi cautiously offered Hanbin her lunch box after sensing the tense atmosphere. Doyoung had kindly explained to her about the bet between hanbin and chanhyuk right after he left but she was still wary of him. 


His first impression left her more disturbed than it amused her and Jennie’s question certainly did not help in improving his image in Hayi’s mind. 


“H-huh, ah... yeah. Yeah cinnamon rolls, I was giggling at cinnamon rolls,” he answered and laughed awkwardly as he took a big hungry bite. Well, it was partly true. 


The rest of the gang especially Jennie looked at him suspiciously. This was too out of character of him. Giggling by himself like a lunatic? Eating the ball of carbs? Hanbin never eats carb. He’s always yapping about his low carb diet every chance he got. 


“OH YEAH LEE CHANHYUK YOU STILL OWE ME MONEY!” He suddenly exclaimed and lounged himself to the surprised dude in a desperate attempt to change the topic. 


Joy and Doyoung glanced at the shocked girl and then to Jennie. The three of them sharing the same thought. Something is fishy. 



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Blue006 #1
Please update authornim!!
Mammami #2
Chapter 5: Yessssss
Chapter 2: okay I'm positive it's way to go to the end of the story. so I'll be looking forward to the next chap then? anyway I like they way to write your story, it's neat, short yet easy to understand.