If It Was Written In Our Star
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For the past one week working with Poppy, Jungkook had learned a few things about her on the way. Her job –she was a writer– , her hometown, her writing career and how she ended up in LIFE’s magazine, and her relationship with Vincent. Well, that was the most interesting part.

“how did you know Vincent?” Jungkook asked as they both took a break for a while after a long walk at the park. Poppy wanted him to picture real people spending time at the park because she said she loves to see people there.

“since third grade. Vincent was a smart boy in the class and he would always help me. But he didn’t have any friend…. And I just felt I owe him a favor so I friend with him… and it just went like that,” she explained.

“you guys…. Never dated?” he couldn’t help but to curious about their relationship since she was…. Well she was very committed to him. And for a girl who always gave half of her times dedicated to a boy; that could only be explained by one thing; love.

“why do you care?” Poppy asked him in return. She felt it very odd for her to tell someone about things in between her and Vincent. On the other hand, she thinks it was not important for him to know her dating life. But this guy, was very innocent. And he sure apologized too much; which make her suddenly changed her mind.

“I’m sorry, you’re right, it was none of my business,  I’m sorry, my bad, won’t happen again,”

Jungkook looked at her weirdly as she suddenly chuckled. His brow knitted and arched in confusion as she looked annoyed a minute ago when he brought up the question, but then she suddenly changes.

“you apologize too much,” she said in between her small chuckle, “no never,”

“was it ‘never’ but it will happen in the future or ‘never’ because you’ve tried once and it didn’t feel right so you guys just back to being friends?”

“why are you so curious?” she wondered, looking at him. “and you sounded like an auctioneer, always,”

It was his habit to talk really fast when he was curious, and he just couldn’t help it.

“no I just, well you know-

“what, you don’t believe a guy and a woman could be friends and not dating each other?”

“I think it was ridiculous,” Jungkook defended.

“and why is it like that?” Poppy asked him.

“I think, a guy and a girl can never be just friends, that’s an utter bull. One way or another, you’re going to have a feeling on each other, it’s just either you or him. But you guys tend to just ignore it,”

She looked at him in disbelief and exclaimed, “unbelievable,”

“so you’re saying, a guy an

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