

“Hye Mi?! What are you doing here?” curious Yoseob asked Hye Mi.

Hye Mi did not respond to him instead she ran off.

“HEY! HYE MI! WAIT!!!” Yoseob chased after her, but stopped as he lost sight of her.

Hye Mi’s POV

I ran and ran without knowing where I am heading to. I was furious, so all along he was with a girl. Wait… That’s not right, why am I feeling like this? I have no right to be angry with him but why? Why am I getting so worked up at him with a girl? My legs took me back to my home, I lied on the bed and fall into a deep slumber.

Yoseob’s POV

“AISHHHHHH!” I sighed in frustration and turned to face Min Su.

“Argh, she might think you’re my girlfriend!!! When you’re actually my cousin…… Eotteoke?!” I run my fingers through my hair.

“Hmmmmm, don’t worry… I shall explain it to her tomorrow, how about that? Chill man, you like her don’t you?” Min Su smirked at me.

“No , just shut up! Let’s go home…” I quickly hide my embarrassment and began walking back home.


Sorry! This is a really really short chapter... Truthfully, this story is leading towards nowhere. -O- I'm not so sure if we would still continue this as we are both busy in our studies and such. I'm really really really really x100 sorry to all you. :'(

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Great story :)
pinkypn #2
hyemi relationship w/her brothers is cute.
ForeverFive #3
Grrrrrr. Update more. Love it
ForeverFive #4
Grrrrrr. Update more
Great storry : )<br />
Please Keep Writing ^^*
sunnyvpz #6
plzz update....ur storyz really good ^ ^
Starbucket #7
Please update!!! The story's really good