

Weeks passed, and the bond between Yoseob and Hye Mi was getting stronger.

When Yoseob had some free time, he would visit Hye Mi at Block D. He always looked forward to lessons ending or the break time between lessons.

“Hyung! Where’re you going? You promised to teach us Chemistry!” Jintae shouted.

“Sorry guys! Perhaps tomorrow? I’m feeling a bit……tired right now. I need to take a break. ” Yoseob said while he faked an exhausted expression.

“Well Hyung...You have been missing our study group sessions for the past few weeks and you know it’s very important since we don’t often get together and revise for work because of our after-club-activities right…? Baek Hyun retorted.

Yoseob felt guilty. Yes. He’s supposed to be their ‘leader’ of the group. He’s supposed to teach them everything they don’t know. Even though Yoseob was an elite student in his school, he would offer to stay back after school ended to tutor his classmates. He was the one who organized the “Study Group”. But right now, he felt like he was not setting a good example.

“Hey! Alright, actually I’m not really very tired. I guessed I can stay back for a while…”

>>>>>>>>>> Meanwhile>>>>>>>>>>

Hye Mi’s POV

‘Why isn’t he here yet? Today is…Friday.’

Hye Mi checked her watch.

‘It’s five-thirty…’

Hye Mi looked out of one of the mildly transparent windows.

‘Silly me.. I don’t think he’s coming..Maybe I should just head home, right?’

Narrator’s POV

Since the first day they met, Yoseob and Hye Mi had already known each other for 2 months. 2 months might not be a long time however they both knew something about each other even though they had never said it themselves. Just like 2 best friends, great minds that think alike.

Hye Mi was not frequently seen at school because she was studying for the scholarship of Music. Although academically she did well too, she chose to pursue her dream, to be a violinist. That was why she only attended lessons that had to do with Music. Actually she could have chosen the easier path, to study at the Royal Music School in England however her family was poor and her father had colon cancer too. Being a filial daughter, she decided to stay in Seoul to help take care of her 2 younger brothers and her parent.

Hye Mi’s friends were stunned when they first heard she was going to stay in Seoul. They persuaded her and asked her to think thoroughly, because they knew how much she wanted this. Hye Mi was a stubborn child. Whatever decisions she made, she would not change it. Her friends had no choice but to wish her luck.


*2 hours passed…*

‘That’s all for now, I guessed? Aren’t you guys tired? I mean… Look at the time now! It’s…7PM!’ Yoseob exclaimed.

Almost all the classmates were still present and burying their heads into the books. Yoseob was not surprised by how hardworking his classmates were since the final year examinations are coming up soon.

He knew how serious his buddies were when it comes to studies. Sometimes he wished they were not as serious and he would not be so clever to suggest a “study-group” session! Ironic enough, he felt blessed to be in this class. Even if he wanted to laze around, his classmates would be there to cast a constant reminder for him.

‘Ahhhh! I guessed so! Thanks buddy. With your help, I think our class is going to be the best class again! HAHA!” One of the girl classmates, MinSu said.

‘HAHA! Just thank me when that time comes okay? Don’t forget to….”

“Revise, revise and revise!” The rest of the class laughed.

Yoseob smiled and went over to his table to pack his books, pencil case and some files.

“Yo, are you going home now? Can I walk with you?” Min Su asked.

“Sure, why not? It’s getting pretty late actually. It will be dangerous for a girl to walk home alone! Moreover, we lived near each other”

With that, Yoseob, MinSu and other classmates that were getting ready to leave bid their farewells to the rest of them.

Min Su and Yoseob were chatting happily and both enjoyed each other’s company. However it seems that Yoseob forgot something…or maybe somebody. Even though it was a busy day for him, Yoseob felt something missing. He felt like he missed out something. He tried to recall while having his conversation with Min Su.

The night is falling and because they wanted to get home faster, Min Su and Yoseob decided to take the short route via the alley behind the abandoned Basketball court, even though it’s darker and well, creepier.

“Psst, Yoseob… Do you feel like somebody is following us?” Min Su whispered.

“Dang, quit it Min… I don’t think there is?”

“Oh my god, what if it’s a robbery? Or …Or…Or…abduction?! Well our family is rich as you know... What if they...”

“Shh shh. Min, listen. Just walk straight, don’t turn back okay? I will protect you...” Yoseob whispered into her ear.

“Hehe alright, don’t try to act hero because I know you will be the first to run off!” Min Su giggled to Yoseob’s ear as she tightened her arms around Yoseob’s.

Even though they fastened their footsteps, they could hear whatever was following them doing the same thing too.

Just a few more steps then they would be turning out of the alley…

“Gosh, this walk feels like I’m walking the Great walls of China!” Min Su muttered.

Finally they were out of the alley, welcomed by the busy street.

Yoseob wasted no time, he turned back and was getting ready to fight the thug…He raised his fist and just then…

“Wait no!!!!!!!” Min Su shouted.


Hey guys, sorry for the late update. :/ We were busy with things and didn't have the time to update.

Do comment please, it will be deeply appreciated! <3

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Great story :)
pinkypn #2
hyemi relationship w/her brothers is cute.
ForeverFive #3
Grrrrrr. Update more. Love it
ForeverFive #4
Grrrrrr. Update more
Great storry : )<br />
Please Keep Writing ^^*
sunnyvpz #6
plzz update....ur storyz really good ^ ^
Starbucket #7
Please update!!! The story's really good