It's not what they think.


“YAH! Yoseob! You’re ditching us again?!”

“Sorry Baek Hyun! Another time!” Yoseob shouted to Baek Hyun, while running towards the deserted block D which the infamous music room, “La Musique” is located at.

Many students avoided going to the room as there were rumors saying it was haunted by a girl playing a blue violin. One day, Yoseob was playing soccer with my friends. Jintae kicked the ball really hard, and it somehow got stuck on a tree which was facing towards “La Musique”. Nobody wanted to go up, afraid they will see the blue violin lady. Eventually, they played a small game of scissors, paper, stone. Yoseob lost the game, and slowly made his way up to the tree and before retrieving the ball, and out of curiosity, he glanced in the room and saw a goddess playing a striking blue violin. It was then a tree branch broke, he fell onto the ground and fainted.


After this incident, he started to go to the room frequently, just to see her playing her violin.

Her long brown hair adorns her porcelain-like face. She seemed the picture of perfection. Had she smiled, the world would sigh with contentment, but she wouldn’t smile. She’s Jin Hye Mi, the ice queen.

He slowed down my pace when he heard the beautiful violin sound. He hurriedly hide behind the wall, and secretly watch her play. He smiled to himself, as her hair seemed to flow like water from her head as she swayed with the melody that surrounded her.

“Friday, Saturday, Sunday... Woah uh uh uh uh uh!” Yoseob's phone started to ring. He quickly dug out my phone from my pocket and quickly rejected the call, not knowing that Hye Mi had abruptly stopped playing. He heaved a sigh of relief until he noticed a figure was walking towards me.

“Who’re you? What are you doing here? This is block D, if you don’t know... Nobody comes here.” Hye Mi looked at him.

“I..I... Me...? I’m Yoseob. Y..You don’t know? I, well...” he scratched my head, not knowing what to say.

“Well? I know... You were watching me playing violin, right?” she smiled slightly

“Do you know who I am? Do you know which piece of music am I playing on my violin? Are you a stalker? Hye Mi continued to bombard Yoseob with questions until she realised that the guy in front of her started to get irritated.

“Oh..Sorry....” Hye Mi’s tone dropped.

“No! It’s fine! I mean...Of course I know who you are...I should be apologising to you, my stupid phone rang and...”

“It’s okay. I am done with my practice anyway. You should be heading back home now.. You don’t want the ghost to come out and get cha right?” Hye Mi smirked.

But to Yoseob, her smirk doesn’t mean anything evil or cunning. Instead, he thinks it’s a beautiful smirk. Ever heard of a beautiful smirk? Maybe only to Yoseob . He finally got a closer look at Hye Mi and she turned out to be prettier than he thought.

“She doesn’t look as cold as people think she is...” pondered Yoseob.

After that, Hye Mi turned back and walked towards the Grand piano and picked up the violin casing which leans on the piano leg.  Placing her blue violin carefully inside the casing, treating it as her treasure, she carefully zipped up the casing and dusted off some dirt which may have accumulated on it. 

“Well... Why do you choose this room for practice? There are other music rooms for you to if you want, why here?” Yoseob asked.


The reason why he asked her this was because anyone who’s not blind would have seen how torn and tattered the grand curtains were. How dirty the floor and the walls were. Broken musical instruments like guitar, drum set, cello. Walls which had been vandalised by pranksters – including captions like “BLOCK D GHOST! STAY IF YOU DARE”, “CALL 9**-234*-434 if you guys wanna see the ‘real’ ghost “ etc..

However to Yoseob, he never believed in ghosts. Let alone a “Ghost who plays ablue violin

That was why he volunteered to retrieve the ball for his friends and he thought maybe he could get a sneak peek at the “ghost”.

True enough, he saw her.  Not a ghost.


P/S : Hey guys, please subscribe if you like this story :) Honestly, we are not sure how this story is going to be but we will try our best to write the most ideal story plot :)

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Great story :)
pinkypn #2
hyemi relationship w/her brothers is cute.
ForeverFive #3
Grrrrrr. Update more. Love it
ForeverFive #4
Grrrrrr. Update more
Great storry : )<br />
Please Keep Writing ^^*
sunnyvpz #6
plzz update....ur storyz really good ^ ^
Starbucket #7
Please update!!! The story's really good