An Overwhelming Touch


 “Hey! Where’re you going?”  He asked.

He watched her rearranging the chair and table that she used to place her music sheets and file on. How she swiftly tied up her long silky hair into a bun.  For a moment, Yoseob was so mesmerized by the beauty in front of him. Then, his thoughts got cut off by Hye Mi’s reply

“Me? Of course I’m going home. Oh and regarding about the question you asked me earlier on, I don’t know why I choose to come to this creepy and ‘haunted’ place too. It feels like paradise in here for me. The ambience, the atmosphere, everything! Even though sometimes I do feel lonely because I am alone and no one is there to listen to me. But….”

“But what?” 

“Nothing. I am going home now. And you should too.  Bye”

Without any delay, Hye Mi ran out of the Music Room. Leaving behind a puzzled Yoseob.

“What the? She’s not only cold but weird too! Does all Ice princesses have these kinds of symptoms?!” He muttered to himself.

Just as he stood up and stretched his tiring back. Something caught his eyes. There, on the table, a diary. He walked over and took a glance at it. But what caught his eyes were the ‘locks’ that were locking the diary! It was not ordinary locks, it looked kind of sophisticated…  And in order to open the locks, a key is required.

 ‘This girl... is there some kind of treasure inside or what? Do all girls nowadays do this to their diaries? This is ridiiiiiiculous~ But how should I give it back to her?  I am sure this is very important to her…’

After few moments of thinking, Yoseob figured out that Hye Mi must have not gone too far from the school... Maybe 1KM?  He’s a fast runner and he is confident that he will be able to catch up with her and return back the diary to its rightful owner.

Not wanting to waste any time, Yoseob grabbed his bag on the floor dashed out of Block D and ran as fast as he could to see if he could catch Hye Mi in his sight, clutching the diary. After minutes of running, Hye Mi was nowhere to be seen.  ‘Maybe I will return this to her next time, when I see her.’

Just as Yoseob had given up the chase and was sitting by the curb which leads to the school’s Dormitory, he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

W…what?’ a tired Yoseob turned back.

‘I see… You got my diary didn’t you? “The girl giggled.

Yoseob’s POV

I do not know why I wanted to chase after her just to return this diary back. Am I dying to see her face one more time? I could just left the diary on the table. No one is going to take it anyway since nobody goes there. But why am I being so helpful?  I even ran for her…Do I sound like an idiot? Maybe.  When the attempt to chase after her failed, I got so dejected. Sitting by the curb, looking pathetically tired. But all was worth it when she appeared right in front of me … again.

HyeMi’s POV

Oh my god, I must be crazy just now! I talked to him!! So, he was the one whom fell down from the tree I am glad he has recovered now. I didn’t mean to scare him or hurt him. People say I am the ‘Ghost’… I think that was why he fell when we looked into each other’s eyes.  He must be terrified because I look so pale…and ghostly.  He dared to talk to me. And not only that… He asked me questions. Questions which I, myself have been pondering the past few months since I entered this school. I was really angry at myself when I realized I left the diary on the table! Hopefully no one gets it and try to open it. There are secrets. Everyone has their own secrets, right? So, I backtracked to the school and just before I enter the School’s side gate, I saw him. He looked nervous. He was panting and perspiring. Why? Did something happen?

Yes, indeed.

My diary.

“Oh hey! There you are! I’ve been looking for you … Been chasing you around, you know? “ Yoseob smiled.

“Erm, I am sorry. But I believe you have what I am looking for, right?“ Hye Mi said as she pointed to the diary.

“Yea, this… Take it. Don’t lose it anymore!” Yoseob stretched out his arms to pass the diary back to Hye Mi.  Hye Mi must be so excited because when he stretched out his arms awaiting for Hye Mi to take it back, her palm overlapped his. This caused both of them to gasp and looked away.

“Right.. Thank you” Hye Mi blushed. (Although Yoseob couldn’t see it because he looked away too)

“Ha ha ha it’s alright.” Yoseob faced her and showed the best smile he has.

‘You have the greatest smile….That I’ve ever seen…’

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Great story :)
pinkypn #2
hyemi relationship w/her brothers is cute.
ForeverFive #3
Grrrrrr. Update more. Love it
ForeverFive #4
Grrrrrr. Update more
Great storry : )<br />
Please Keep Writing ^^*
sunnyvpz #6
plzz update....ur storyz really good ^ ^
Starbucket #7
Please update!!! The story's really good