If you love something, set it free...

Our Wives

A/N: So, I'm putting my Author's Note at the beginning of this chapter because I know I owe you guys an explanation for my brief disappearance. So, for those who were worried, I'm okay and alive! Work has been hectic, yes, but I was also busy with one other thing. I was taking part in a Ship Week for one of my other fandoms and when I committed to participate in it, I thought I could balance all the fanfics for those plus this one plus my work plus my other commitments (I made plans with a friend whom I haven't seen in THREE years and then I went to an Anime Convention). 

Suffice to say, I did NOT have time for all. Lol, so I pretty much bit off more than I could chew, so this fic sort of got pushed back in my list of priorities. However, I had no plans of abandoning it so I still wrote bits of it. So, then, I decided that maybe I should just post all the remaining 2 chapters and epilogue in close proximity to each other so that I wouldn't leave you guys waiting again! So, basically, I refused to post anything new until I finished all the chapters! I just have the Epilogue to work on but that won't take me too long.

So, Chapter 10 will get posted today/tonight. Since I'm going out of town again this weekend, I'll let you guys decide if you want me to post Chapter 11 tomorrow and the Epilogue on Sunday OR I can post Chapter 11 on Sunday and the Epilogue on Monday. Let me know in the comments!

So, without further ado, here's Chapter 10!



Leaning back in his office chair, Sunggyu slowly swung left and right, staring into thin air. On his desk, a stack of papers laid ready for his perusal but he didn’t quite feel like going through them.

His eyes landed on his phone, sitting there next to his keyboard. The screen was black and empty.

Pausing his chair, the CEO reached over and picked it up. Unlocking it, he scrolled through his contacts until his thumb landed on the same name it always landed on the last few weeks but never pressed: Woohyun-ah.

They hadn’t spoken in a month. One long month.

Sunggyu was too afraid. He knew he had been rejected that day on the bench. And it hurt. Big time. So much worse than his old roommate because this time, he thought that Woohyun might actually have felt the same way. But, then again, he couldn’t also help but blame himself for suddenly laying something as huge as feelings into their platonic relationship. Just because they slept together once didn’t mean that Woohyun automatically had feelings for him.

Opening up a text window, he typed: Woohyun, hyung is sorry.

His thumb hovered over the “send” button.

In the end, he deleted the text and tossed his phone back onto the desk.

He spent another ten minutes swinging on his chair, staring at the ceiling.



Metal chopsticks scraped at the bottom of the plate as Woohyun pushed bits of meat and rice around it. If his mother were around, she would yell at him for playing with his food, but Woohyun wasn’t feeling very hungry that day. He wasn't hungry much these days.

He was in his office, taking his lunch break and normally, he took this time to relax or go for a walk. But, he hadn’t felt like leaving the restaurant in the last few weeks except to go home or hang out with Dongwoo.

As he continued to whirl his food around, his eye caught sight of the phone next to his plate. His hand twitched and the next thing he knew, he was putting his chopsticks down and picking it up.

He turned it on and his and Chungha’s face stared back at him. He had been meaning to change his wallpaper but kept forgetting. Now was good as any. He scrolled through his photo gallery, looking for anything, really – nature, puppies, random food. 

He stopped at a photo, his heart aching with guilt and longing. It was a photo of him and Sunggyu at the JYJ concert months ago.

They hadn’t spoken in a month. Woohyun couldn’t blame him for not talking to him. For weeks, he had felt nothing but guilt and regret every time he thought about their last conversation. He had been so cruel to the older man, and he had been nothing but kind and supportive of Woohyun.

And what did Woohyun do? He broke Sunggyu’s heart. He could still remember the crestfallen look in the older’s face, the pain in his eyes inflicted by Woohyun. He was such an .

Before he was aware of what he was doing, he opened up a text: Hyung, I’m sorry.

A lump formed in his throat and Woohyun swallowed it down before deleting the text and dropping the phone onto the desk. Frustrated, he placed his elbows on the desk and his head dropped onto his arms.

He was such a coward.

As if it heard him berating himself, his phone ping-ed with a text. Woohyun raised his head to stare at him. Lazily, he picked it up to read the text and shot up in his seat.


Hi Woohyun. I know you’re mad at me. But, if you can, please meet me this Friday at 5pm at the place where we had our first dinner. I’ll wait for you.


Heart beating fast against his chest, Woohyun could only stare open-mouthed at the text.

It was the first time he had heard from the older man in weeks and it struck him how much he actually missed him. Sunggyu had become such a big part of his life in the last couple of months that when they stopped talking… everything felt empty.

However, Woohyun was a coward. When something terrified him, he ran away from it. So, he ignored the text.

He continued to ignore it while having drinks with Dongwoo after work. The phone in his pocket practically burned through the fabric of his pants, and not because it was overheated or anything. Dongwoo, though, wasn’t oblivious and kept asking him why he was so fidgety and jumped every time a phone went ‘ping!’ (even if it wasn’t his phone because he put it on silent).

But, when he got home and sat at the dinner table across from Chungha, he couldn’t stop turning his head towards the living room where he had left his phone on the coffee table.


He jumped before turning back to Chungha. “Hmm?”

His soon-to-be ex-wife (as soon as the papers were processed) flashed him a curious look.

“You’ve been distracted since you got home,” she stated. “What’s wrong?”


“Woohyun, us divorcing doesn’t mean I’ve stopped being your best friend. You know you can tell me anything.”

A few months ago, if you had told Woohyun that he would hear the word “divorce” and not flinch, he would be giving you a look of horror while insisting that he wasn’t going to let it happen. Yet, here he was just shrugging.

“It’s really nothing,” he insisted.

From her expression, Chungha didn’t believe him but the good best friend she was, she let it go and went back to her food. She knew Woohyun would tell her when he was ready.

“Your mom called again today,” she said, nonchalantly before taking a bite of her food.

“Oh? What did she want?”

Chungha swallowed before answering, “She offered us a couples package at a spa in Jeju for an entire weekend.”

At that, Woohyun laughed. “She and Appa should go on that instead of us.”

They had already broken the news to their families about their plans to divorce. Suffice to say, they weren’t happy and were still trying to get them to reconcile and fix their marriage. Woohyun’s mother kept encouraging him to take Chungha on a second honeymoon whereas Chungha’s parents kept sending her gifts in the form of seductive dresses and lingerie (she kept a few and sent back the others).

But, they had made their decision to let each other go. They didn’t mention Kyungmi or anything, but they had a feeling their family suspected a third party. Unfortunately, their meddling was really taking a toll on his and Chungha’s friendship, so they had opted to give each other some space, just until Chungha found a new place to move into.

For the rest of the dinner, Woohyun ignored his phone. But, when he settled into his futon in the living room (he opted to give the bedroom to Chungha), he couldn’t ignore it any longer.

Picking it up, he opened up Sunggyu’s text again and read it over and over again. It didn’t say anything about their… last encounter. Just an invitation to dinner.

Swallowing, Woohyun typed quickly sent his response before he could change his mind.

It was only one word yet, somehow, it felt like a giant commitment: OK.



Sunggyu fidgeted in his seat, his fingers busy fiddling with the edge of the tablecloth. He checked his watch for what was probably the fiftieth time in the last twenty minutes he had been waiting.

Woohyun wasn’t late. Sunggyu was simply early. He may have gotten a little too excited and then scared that he would be late for their meeting.

He hadn’t seen the younger in so long. And he missed him. And he hoped that he was no longer angry at him.


Sunggyu jumped up to his feet at the voice. “Woohyun. You came.”

The younger flashed him a small smile. “I said I would.”

He looked the same to Sunggyu. Same mop of dark hair. Same sparkling brown eyes. Same high nose and sharp jawline. And those lips… pouty as always.

Swallowing his nerves, Sunggyu gestured to the empty seat across from him.

Woohyun sat down and at first, there was only silence as they perused the menu. The waiter came around to pour the wine Sunggyu had ordered earlier and they placed their orders.

Once again, they were alone. Woohyun was looking at his water glass. Sunggyu kept his head down but took occasional peeks at the younger.

“Um… how are you?” Sunggyu finally managed, looking up as he did so.

Woohyun tore his gaze from the water glass. “Good. I’ve been good. You?”

“Good.” Sunggyu coughed. “Um… my divorce with Kyungmi is processing. Our family wasn’t exactly thrilled but there isn’t really anything they can do about it.”

“Oh. Ours too. Mine and Chungha’s divorce, I mean.”

Sunggyu’s eyes widened. Kyungmi never told him Chungha and Woohyun were divorcing too. Then, again, he rarely saw Kyungmi anymore ever since he moved out of their home and was temporarily staying at Jaejoong’s place. They really only saw each other to discuss their divorce and always in the presence of their respective lawyers. He figured it was best this way, just until they could get their life back together again and maybe, they can continue their friendship in a more normal way.

“I… didn’t know you were divorcing,” was all he managed to say.

Woohyun just shrugged and took a sip of his wine. “She wasn’t happy with me anymore,” he stated. “And… in a way… you were right.”

Sunggyu was surprised at that.

“I was holding on to her too tight,” Woohyun continued, gaze on the wine in his glass. “So tight that I didn’t even see how unhappy she was… how unhappy I was.” He sighed, softly. “I decided to let her go. So, we can both have a chance at happiness.” Finally, he looked up at Sunggyu and their eyes met. “You told me that I deserve to be happy too, right hyung?”

Sunggyu smiled and nodded. “You deserve it so much.”

Woohyun returned the smile but then it quickly faded, replaced with guilt. “Hyung, about the last thing I said to you… I’m sorry. I… I didn’t mean to and I know that I hurt you… So… I’m sorry. Can you forgive me, hyung?”

The sincerity in the younger’s tone made warmth bloom in Sunggyu’s chest. “Of course. I forgave you right after that, Woohyun. I should apologize, as well, for putting you in that position. I didn’t mean to pressure you at the time. I just… I…”

He couldn’t continue his words, not wanting to scare the younger off. Instead, he picked up his wine and took a sip.

Woohyun stared at him, waiting for him to continue but Sunggyu couldn’t work up the courage to do so.

Just then, their food arrived. Glad for the distraction, the two ate, making small talk. They avoided the previous topic, preferring the neutral topic of current events and work.

Sunggyu paid the bill, despite Woohyun’s insistence that he would pay for half.

As they left the restaurant, Woohyun turned to him with a grateful smile.

“It’s great to see you, hyung. I mean it.”

The smile on the younger’s face made Sunggyu’s heart flutter. He knew he was a goner.

He hadn't meant to fall in love with Woohyun. But, somehow, he did. The younger man was the very light he needed in his otherwise mundane existence. 

“I need to tell you something,” he said, softly. “Walk with me?”

Confused but compliant, Woohyun nodded.

Side-by-side, the two walked down the sidewalk, quiet except for the sounds of their footsteps and of those who passed them.

“Hyung? What did you want to tell me?”

Sunggyu stopped in his tracks, prompting Woohyun to stop too. Looking around, Sunggyu spotted an empty corner by an alley so he walked towards it, the younger man following at his heels.

Reassured that no one would be eavesdropping in their conversation, Sunggyu turned to Woohyun.

“Thank you for coming to meet me,” he began, trying to ignore the way his heart beat fast and hard against his chest. “I’m glad I’m able to see you again.”

Woohyun smiled a small smile, though he still looked confused. “Me too, hyung.”

Swallowing, Sunggyu took a step closer to the younger. “Woohyun… I’m… After my divorce is final… I’m… leaving for Japan.”

In front of him, Woohyun froze. “W-What?”

Regretfully, Sunggyu had to tell him the truth. “Our company’s Japanese branch will launch soon and they need someone to oversee everything. I… I volunteered to go.”

“F-For… For how long?”

Sunggyu swallowed the lump in his throat. “Six months… Maybe a year.”

For the longest time, neither said a word.

This was the main reason Sunggyu wanted to see Woohyun again. He knew he would be gone for a long time. And he needed to see the younger before that. He needed to let him know because he didn’t want him to think Sunggyu didn’t care enough to tell him. But, Sunggyu did care. And, he needed to go. Not just for his job, but also for himself. So many things were happening all at once. He was confused and overwhelmed by it all and he believed that a change in routine and scenery were what he needed.

And, furthermore, he didn’t know what Woohyun’s feelings were. Based on their last encounter, he probably didn’t feel the same way. And Sunggyu couldn’t take that.

He needed to get away and heal. He needed to heal his heart and get his life back together. So that maybe, someday, when he came back, he could properly live his life the way he always wanted and needed to.


“You’re running away.”

Sunggyu couldn’t say a word.

In front of him, Woohyun’s betrayed eyes shined with unshed tears, as he looked at him.

“Am I really that easy to give up on?” he said, accusingly.

Sunggyu’s eyes widened. “Woohyun, that’s not… it. I just… need to do this. But, that doesn’t mean I’m giving up on you. I just…”

Woohyun sniffled. “I understand, hyung. I mean, I didn’t exactly make it easy for you the last time we met up.”


He was silenced by Woohyun stepping closer to him and kissing his cheek.

“Take care of yourself, hyung.”

And with that, Woohyun his heels and for the second time, left a confused and heartbroken Sunggyu behind.



“Woohyun… Woohyun!”

He blinked and the plate of chicken in front of him came into focus. He looked up to see Chungha’s concerned look.

“Are you okay?” she asked. “You’ve been like this for days and I’m genuinely worried about you.”

“I’m… fine.”

“No, you’re not.” Chungha reached out and placed a comforting hand on his arm. “You know you can tell me anything.”

Of course, Woohyun knew that. He found it kind of strange to be talking about his raging thoughts about another person to his soon-to-be ex-wife. But, at the end of the day, Chungha was and would always be his best friend. She would understand.

“Kyungmi’s husband… Sunggyu… he’s leaving for Japan,” he began.

“Oh… I think Kyungmi might have mentioned it.”

“He… told me last night…when we went to dinner.”

Chungha’s mouth fell open in surprise. “You know each other?”

It occurred to Woohyun that he never really told her the true story. So, he finally did. He launched into how he stormed into Sunggyu’s office and demanded that his wife stayed away from Chungha. He talked about their various attempts to break up the two women. He recalled the number of times he and Sunggyu hung out simply for the sake of hanging out. He told Chungha about how their acquaintanceship had turned into true friendship until… that night in Pyeongchang.

“It’s like… there’s this weird tension between us now,” Woohyun narrated with a sigh. “And it's making me so confused.”

“So… Sunggyu-shii was that friend you always talked about with me.”

Woohyun nodded.

“Woohyun-ah… do you like him?”

Startled at the question, the man could only stare at her.

Chungha smiled, kindly, at him. “You know, the whole time you were talking about him, you just had this… sparkle in your eyes. You were the same when you used to talk about him and I figured, maybe you finally met someone that you might like more than me. And, I’ll admit, I was a little jealous. But, it sounds like he really makes you happy.”

“But, Chungha… these feelings… I don’t understand them…”

“Does being with Sunggyu-shii make you happy?”

“… Yes…”

“And does the thought of him being gone for a long time upset you?”

“… More than I thought it would…”

“I haven’t seen you this upset since Jongwan-sunbae.”

Groaning, Woohyun allowed his head to onto the table. His forehead hurt when it made contact with the hard surface, but it did nothing to clear his head and give him the answer to his questions.

“I don’t know if I… like him.” He swallowed. “All I know is that I don’t want him to leave me.”

“Did you tell him that?”

Woohyun’s breath hitched and his heart began to ache as he recalled his last encounter Sunggyu.

“No… I didn’t.”

Chungha sighed, loudly. A hand settled on the back of Woohyun’s head, caressing his hair, gently.

“You know I want you to be happy, Woohyun. And… there’s nothing wrong with trying to see if maybe… you might feel something for this man.”

Slowly, Woohyun turned his head so he could look at his best friend. “He told me that he felt a lot of things for me and it all confused him too. He asked me if I could find happiness with him.”

At that confession, Chungha broke into an excited smile. “He did? Then, Woohyun, that means that he likes you, for sure! He feels things for you, there’s no other explanation for him to say that!”

“What if… he only feels those things because of what happened in Pyeongchang? He could just be getting carried away in the moment and mistaking his feelings-.”

“Nam Woohyun, stop.”

He shut his mouth, knowing the tone that Chungha used meant that she wasn’t playing around.

She was frowning in disappointment at him now.

“You were like this with Jongwan-sunbae too. You doubted his feelings and ran away instead of facing them head-on. You liked sunbae, I know you did, but you were afraid, weren’t you? Because you didn’t understand what was going on. And I get it. Trust me, I completely get it. I was scared too when I started feeling things for Kyungmi. But, you know what? If I never took the chance, I would have never realized how happy she made me and how much I loved her.”

Chungha’s hand moved from his head to his cheek. “Woohyun, don’t run away this time. Sunggyu-shii will be leaving and you won’t see him for a long time. Wouldn’t you rather spend the remaining time he has in Korea with him? You’ve always plunged headfirst into many things but when it comes to love, you stay at the edge. Why not jump this time?”

Woohyun swallowed, fear gripping him again. “What if I fall too hard that it hurts?”

Chungha smiled. “Something’s telling me that Sunggyu-shii will catch you, anyway.”

And just like that, Woohyun felt a flicker of hope in his chest.



Sunggyu seriously believed that that night at dinner would be the last time he would see Woohyun. He was so sure that after that night, the younger would delete his number and pretend that they never met. He was ready to accept his fate of unrequited love and move to Japan.

That was why, to his astonishment, Woohyun texted him a few days later, asking if they could have dinner again. Sunggyu had never said “yes” faster to anyone else in his life.

They met at a simple family restaurant this time, opting for the furthermost corner booth.

As the meat cooked on the grill, Woohyun spoke.

“When are you leaving?”

Sunggyu swallowed. “In a month.”

He heard Woohyun loudly sigh. “So… we have a month left to figure out what’s going on between us.”

Sunggyu’s head shot up so fast that he almost felt his neck snap. “W-What?”

Woohyun flashed him a sweet smile. “I don’t know how I feel about you, hyung. I’m still confused. I never considered the possibility of ever… liking men. But… you make me happy. Whenever I’m around you, I feel like I can do anything. You make me fearless and scared at the same time and I don’t really know what to do with myself.” He sighed. “So… I want to see what this is between us. I… don’t want to run away from you anymore, Sunggyu-hyung.”

To say that Sunggyu was happy was an understatement. Because the feelings he was bombarded with when Woohyun said those words was indescribable. He felt like he was on top of the world and falling at the same time. He wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. It was too many feelings at once and he was overwhelmed.

Instead, he opted to slide his hand across the table, open palm. Almost shyly, Woohyun placed his hand on top of it, linking their fingers. To Sunggyu’s delight, a faint blush appeared on Woohyun’s cheeks.

And their next couple of meetings were just like that. Woohyun never called their meet-ups anything but in Sunggyu’s head, he called them dates. Call him naïve and ridiculous, but he didn’t care. He finally had a name for these feelings he had for Woohyun.

They went to the mall, had dinner dates, watched movies, and even took late night walks at the park. It was a whirlwind of shy smiles, flirtatious words, and longing glances. No kisses were shared but there were brief touches and brushing of hands as they walked side-by-side.

It felt like they were teenagers who had confessed their feelings to each other for the first time.

And, in a way, they were.

Everything was new to them. Fresh. And, frankly, Sunggyu didn’t know what to expect either. But, he would be damned if he wouldn’t savor the moments.

Sunggyu was so enamored with this new… thing… with Woohyun that he never felt the passage of time.

Finally, his divorce became final. He entered the courthouse married and left it single. 

And before he knew it, the day of his departure to Japan drew near.

The night before he left, he invited Woohyun out for dinner and drinks. Sunggyu could see through the younger’s forced smiles and laughter. His mood was deflated and not even Sunggyu’s corny jokes could diminish the sadness in the Woohyun’s eyes.

Dinner ended too soon for their liking and though they tried to eat dessert as slow as possible, the time to leave still arrived.

They were in Sunggyu’s car, with the older getting ready to drive him home, when Woohyun spoke.

“I don’t want to go home.”

Sunggyu paused, fingers gripping the key as he was about to turn the ignition on.

Woohyun continued, “Can we go somewhere?”

Knowing the younger needed it, Sunggyu obliged. He couldn’t deny that he needed too.

They both needed more time. But, they were running out.

Woohyun gave him directions to a location on the outskirts of the city, but not too far that they would be leaving Seoul. He drove up a barely paved hill and arrived on a grassy meadow, surrounded by short trees. Across the way, they could see the Han river and the bright lights of the city.

He parked under a tree and killed the engine.

For a moment, they sat in the car, just watching the view and taking in each other’s presence. It was a comfortable silence, one they were now used to.


“Yes, hyung?”

“Will you miss me?”

“… Yes… so much… Will you?”

Sunggyu turned to the younger, who was now looking at him with eyes twinkling with unshed tears and unparalleled sadness.

“More than you know,” Sunggyu answered.

Woohyun’s lips trembled. “Do you really have to go?” he asked in a soft voice.

It broke Sunggyu’s heart and he wished he could give Woohyun the answer he wanted. But, he couldn’t.

“I have to do this, Woohyun,” he answered, unable to keep his own sadness out of his voice. “For me and… for you. We both need to heal from everything that happened to us. So you can figure out how you really feel for me. Because I know exactly how I feel for you.”

He reached out to cup Woohyun’s cheek. “I think… I’m in love with you, Woohyun.”

The younger’s breath hitched at the confession, eyes wide in shock.

Sunggyu could only smile. The younger’s silence only meant one thing: he had no answer for Sunggyu.

“You don’t have to answer me now,” he continued, gently Woohyun’s cheek with his thumb. “When I come back, I’ll ask you again. And, by that time, do you think you’ll have an answer for me?”

A tear fell from Woohyun’s eye and slid down his cheek but nonetheless, he nodded at Sunggyu.

Smiling, Sunggyu leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the younger’s forehead.

“I’ll be back before you know it, I promise,” he whispered.

Then, he kissed the bridge of Woohyun’s nose. Then, his lips went down to the warm cheeks, pecking each one with care and gentleness.

He hesitated at Woohyun’s lips, only a breath away. He lifted his eyes to connect with Woohyun’s shining brown ones, conveying his question.

Woohyun answered by moving forward and capturing Sunggyu’s lips in his.

And, just like that, warmth exploded in Sunggyu’s chest and spread all over his body.

His hands moved on their own, cupping Woohyun’s face, caressing his cheeks before they slid down to the younger’s waist, wanting to bring him closer.

Without breaking the kiss, Woohyun shot up from his seat and settled into Sunggyu’s lap, his hands immediately finding their way to Sunggyu’s hair, pulling gently. His back accidentally hit the horn in the process, but neither paid it any mind.

They were too immersed in each other, wanting no space between them.

For a brief moment, Woohyun broke their kiss, allowing both to catch their breath.

“Don’t leave me tonight, hyung,” he pleaded, chest heaving. “Please.”

Sunggyu obliged by pulling him back into a kiss, never wanting to let go.



When Woohyun woke up, his body was aching from the strange position he slept in and his eyes were dry from all the crying. Outside, the sun was already half in the sky, signaling the early morning. The dashboard clock read 8:45am.

An arm tightened around his waist, pressing his back closer to a hard chest.

Woohyun smiled, snuggling further into the warmth.

The last time he woke up like this, in Sunggyu’s arms, he had been confused and . But, right now, he was content and fully-dressed.

He and Sunggyu spent all night making out in the driver’s seat like teenagers and frankly, Woohyun couldn’t recall the last time his lips had been so busy and felt like they were on fire. They eventually had to move to the backseat where they laid down, talked, kissed in between, and fell asleep.

Slowly so he wouldn't wake Sunggyu, he turned in the older’s arms so he could look up at his sleeping face.

The older man looked peaceful, his hair in disarray and a bit of drool leaking from the side of his mouth.

Yet, Woohyun found himself mesmerized by how handsome he was. He wanted to kiss him again, feel those soft lips moving against his. He wanted to see him smile at Woohyun and laugh at his jokes.

He wanted to embed this picture into his mind so he wouldn’t forget.

Woohyun didn’t know how long he stared at the older but eventually, Sunggyu’s eyes fluttered open and he yawned.

He blinked several times until his gaze focused on Woohyun.

The younger smiled. “Good morning, Sunggyu-hyung.”

Returning the smile, Sunggyu leaned in and softly pecked his lips. “Good morning, Woohyun.”

The way he looked at Woohyun was filled with so much warmth and affection and… love. He couldn’t look away.

And, right in that moment, he had the answer to Sunggyu’s question.

I like you, hyung. I like you a lot. I’m sorry I didn’t realize so soon. I like you, hyung.

He wanted to say those words out loud. He wanted to scream them to the world.

But, he couldn’t. Sunggyu was leaving that day. And if he said those words, Sunggyu would hesitate and doubt and second-guess his departure.

Woohyun didn’t want to hurt him any more than he already had. He didn’t want him to confuse him with a difficult choice. He didn’t want to be selfish and keep him to himself just because he only just realized his own feelings.

And, besides, these feelings… they were still all so new to him. And like Sunggyu said, he needed to heal first. They both did.

This time, he wanted to be sure of his feelings. This time, he wanted this to be the real thing. This time, he wanted to do it right.



Woohyun kissed him deeply, conveying all the words he wanted to say.

When he pulled away, he buried his face into Sunggyu’s chest, inhaling his scent, wanting to remember every inch of him.

“Just five more minutes. Please.”

And, like always, Sunggyu obliged with his wishes, pulling him close.

He would miss him so much, but he would wait for him to come back. He would wait for as long as it takes and when the time comes, he would tell him.

But, for now, he would savor this.


A/N: Ahhhh, so many things happened in this chapter! 

As much as I want them to be together, these two have gone through so much heartache. They need to heal themselves first before entering a new relationship with each other.

Sigh, it's almost over. Just one more chapter and an Epilogue!

I just want to take this time to thank everyone for their love and support for this fic! It has been such an emotional coaster ride with this and it was really fun to write!

Let me know in the comments if you want the next chapter posted tomorrow and the Epilogue on Sunday OR post the new chapter on Sunday and the Epilogue on Monday. I'll see what's the majority and make my decision from there.

Also, don't forget to support our Woohyunnie on his upcoming solo comeback!

'Til the next one!

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665 streak #1
Chapter 12: made my heart melt 🫠
Chapter 12: the idea itself was interesting and this was also so well written and worth reading!! Thank you so much!
Simran20 #3
Chapter 12: Its such a pure jem of a story...it will ways be one of my favourites ❤️❤️
weojjaijjeoreen #4
Chapter 12: I’m so glad I read this fic of yours last night because another fic I’ve read pissed me off so much so I wanted to read a lighter one. Your foreword was interesting. Are you Filipino btw? Because I’ve seen the movie you got the inspiration from. I like how you put your own twist to it and how everything worked out in the end in a realistic manner. I know this is implied topgyu & I rarely read topgyu fics but yours are an exception since I love the way you write Sunggyu & Woohyun. I even read Congratulations a year or so ago iirc although idk if I ever left a comment? So yeah thank you for this fic. <3
Chapter 12: Authornim, you did a good Job here.. I liked the rare concept of the story. It was something new and refreshing from the mainstream fics. The way you portrayed all the characters' feelings and struggles gave the story a nice depth. I would have love to read a bit more about Woogyyu's life together after their confession just the way you added their ex-wife's life in the epilogue. But other than that I liked this story. Thanking you for sharing this story with us! I hope to read more of your works!
p.s I enjoyed reading the long author notes.
Chapter 12: Thank you for this story,it was so sweet ;w; I love it <3
Chapter 12: This story is amazing. Initially I had planned on leaving a comment on every chapter but the whole thing just drew me in and I couldn't breathe waiting for the next chapter to load! ^^~ The timing, the lines, the feelings, everything about this was so perfect! Thank you, author-nim. I absolutely adore this.
peychee457 #8
Chapter 12: oh wow.. this was a different kind of ride.. i've seen this story here for months but only now did i decide to give it a try.. and i'm glad i finally did!! i'm no stranger to same relationships (heck i read woogyu all the time) since i hear a lot about it at work, but this kind of gave me a different perspective, maybe because of the love that sprout between two girls.. thoughts like, "ah that's right, stuff like this can really happen irl".. just wanted to let you know i liked this so much and i truly enjoyed reading it!
Chapter 12: Authornim, I have to say this is really a great masterpiece. I laughed, cried and smiled while reading the whole 12 chapters. I really love it a lot, the plot is interesting and the emotions are well-conveyed. I like how Sunggyu went to Japan for a year and I think the break in between is necessary before they jump into a relationship after they divorce. I really love this story, thank you so much for writing. As usual, you wrote another awesome story again <333 Good job, authornim! I’m so sorry to hear that it’s been rough for you since December, I hope you are better now?