Chapter 3 (3&4 double update)

Dark Prince

Kyungsoo had a sinking feeling for the past two weeks that he was being followed. Everytime he left the house it felt like he was being watched. That feeling would only go away if he was with Kai, which had only been 3 times since the cafe. He hadn’t seen the person watching him but he was sure that there was one.


“Hey dude, that guy over there is looking at us I think.” Baekhyun said quietly while tapping Kyungsoo’s shoulder.


Kyungsoo’s eyes got really big, “What?” He carefully turned his head around and saw a figure turned towards him, conveniently in the shadows so he couldn’t see who was staring at him. The person was tall and intimidating but Kyungsoo couldn’t see his face. There was an air of arrogance around the man but no one else seemed to notice him. “Baekhyun, I think we should go.”


Baekhyun threw his arms protectively around his food, “Oh come on! You don’t even know if he is actually staring at you! I just happened to notice because was looking in our general area!”


“Baekhyun. I'm serious.”


Baekhyun sighed in defeat and took another bite of his food before standing up. Kyungsoo grabbed his jacket and started to walk to the door, bumping into someone in the process. He apologized quietly as he looked up and saw Kai, staring at him expressionlessly. His eyes widened.


“You should watch where you’re going, Kyungsoo.It isn’t nice to run into people.” Kai commented blandly, “Where are you in such a rush anyway?”


“Home.” Kyungsoo said bluntly, staring up at him, a slight edge to his voice.  


Baekhyun walked up and slung his arm around Kyungsoo, “Who’s this, Soo? I thought I was your only friend. Wait! Is this Kai?”


Kai turned his attention towards Baekhyun, “Yes, I am.”


“Oh wow!” Baekhyun side eyed Kyungsoo before looking back at Kai, “I have heard so much about you! It is good to finally meet you!”


Kyungsoo turned slightly red at that comment, “Shut up, you hoe.” He mumbled, which ended up getting ignored.


“I’m Baekhyun! I am pleased to make your acquaintance!” Baekhyun shot his hand out towards Kai, waiting for a handshake.


“Likewise.” Kai took his hand and shook it firmly, “Sorry, this might sound rude but I am kind of in a hurry. Kyungsoo, talk to you later?” His beautiful eyes looked behind the pair, noticeably looking for something.


“Sure. Let’s go, Baek.”


A few minutes after they left the small restaurant, Baekhyun broke the silence, “Okay, you said he was hot but what you said about him was the biggest understatement in the world! He is drop dead gorgeous!”


“Can you shut up?” Kyungsoo mumbled, his cheeks turning red, again.


“What? I am just stating the obvious!” Baekhyun looked at Kyungsoo, wiggled his eyebrows and announced, “You gotta go for it, my main man!”


Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and they continued walking to his apartment. When they got there Kyungsoo hung up his jacket and pulled his phone out of his pocket, checking if he got any texts. There was one from Kai,


‘Hey, you really should watch where you are walking.’


Kyungsoo laughed silently and then sent him a reply, ‘Yeah, you said that. But I’m sorry. I was trying to get out of there fast.’


His phone dinged almost immediately with another text, ‘Why?’


‘I have a feeling that someone is following me and I think I saw someone staring at me.’


Kai’s next replies seemed to come in even faster than his last, ‘We need to talk. Are you able to come over here?’

‘This isn’t good.’


His mind started reeling, many questions flooded his mind, ‘Why? Do you know something??’


The phone dinged again, ‘Please hurry. I can explain when you get here.’


At this moment Kyungsoo remembered the over-eccentric man digging through his fridge. He walked to his small kitchen and tapped Baekhyun on his shoulder. Baekhyun preceeded to jump and hit his head on the top of the fridge.


“Hey. I need to go out for a bit. I’m gonna go get some snacks at the convenience store, okay?”


“Hmmph” Baekhyun nodded, his mouth stuffed with a strawberry.


As Kyungsoo walked out the door, he texted Kai to send him his address. He sat outside his apartment for a minute before he got the address and headed off into the right direction. The entire time he was walking he felt like he was being watched again, his head darting everywhere to try and find who was looking at him.


Kyungsoo grew paranoid. He knew that something was up, and Kai seemed to know what it was, which worried him even more. His steps grew quicker as he thought about it and he sighed in relief when he reached the street Kai lived on. He started to feel calmer and the feeling of being watched went away, especially as he walked up to Kai’s house.


After he was inside, Kai started talking immediately, “This is going to sound like the most cliche thing in your entire life, but, you aren’t who you think you are. Your life is way more complicated than you think. I wanted to hold off on telling you this but things have just become more dangerous.”


“What do you mean?” Kyungsoo was back to slight panicking.


Kai pulled him out of the doorway and into the living room. He then gestured for Kyungsoo to sit down, seating himself right across from him.


Kai took a moment, arranging his words carefully, “You aren’t from Earth.”


Kyungsoo laughed, “What the hell are you smoking?” He looked at Kai who seemed to be really serious. His smile faded, “Okay, if you’re being serious, just tell me what you mean.”


“You are from an alternate world similar to Earth, but different. I am from there too, I am the one who brought you here when you were a baby.” Kai paused, gauging Kyungsoo’s reaction, which seemed to be very neutral at that point, before continuing, “I was ordered to being you here and protect you because your parents were murdered and we had to get you away from there to protect you. You may think I am absolutely crazy right now but I can prove it. You just need to trust me okay?”


“I still don’t really understand or believe you but okay,” Kyungsoo nodded slowly, trying to believe what Kai was saying my his mind kept telling him it was a joke. His eyes followed Kai as he got up and walked across the room. Kai held his finger up and all of a sudden disappearing, only to reappear right in front of Kyungsoo, startling him.


“Okay, how the did you do that?!” Kyungsoo stood up fast, bumping into Kai, knocking him back. “Oh, sorry.”


Kai laughed, “You have a power too, believe it or not. But we don’t know what it is. Your powers were suppressed when we were bonded. We had to make sure you couldn’t use them when you got to Earth, because if you could, you could have been found a lot easier. Using your powers gives off an energy that certain beings can follow. We needed you to be as safe as possible.”


“What do you mean by bonded?” Kyungsoo sat back down, shoulders relaxing.


Kai, once again, was thrown into a fit of laughter, “I tell you that you have magical powers and you don’t even want to know about that? Well, we were bonded because I was dubbed your protector. The bonding enchantment placed on the both of us basically tied a string between our souls. While the bond cannot induce romantic feelings, it makes us feel like we need to be around each other so I can protect you.”


Kyungsoo’s heart dropped. As soon as he had an explanation about how he was feeling, it was invalidated and now he was even more confused than he was before, “Okay. What about my powers?”


“Well your powers are a mystery right now,” Kai sat down again. “But since you are part of the royal family,” Kyungsoo gasped, “we do know they are most likely very strong.”


“I am part of the royal family?!”


Kai scoffed, “Yes, you are. If you weren’t we wouldn’t be going to such lengths to protect you to be honest. You are actually the Crown Prince, the only son and child of the late King and Queen.”


Kyungsoo stared at him for a long while, thinking, before a thought popped into his head, “Wait, you said you brought me here but you seem to be the same age as me. I highly doubt you could have brought me here while you were a baby.”


“No , Sherlock. Technically we stop aging when we are fully grown. But, like normal humans, we can be killed and get sick and die, so we aren't really immortal, but we do live very long lives most of the time.”


“Oh. And why are you telling me all of this now?”


Kai’s face suddenly grew worried, “That is because everything just got a lot more dangerous. I knew that someone was following you but if you have noticed it, that means they have become careless and they plan on striking soon. I need to stay closer to you until it is time to leave Earth so nothing happens. Now that you know everything, I need to send a signal to our home world so they can tell me when we can go back.”


An idea popped into Kyungsoo’s head and the thought was out of his mouth before he could stop himself, “Do you just want to move into my apartment with me?”


Kai looked around his house quickly before smiling, “That is actually a great idea. Then I wouldn’t be so far away if you get attacked! With the bond I can feel if you’re in distress, which is why I knew to go to that cafe. You were upset and I could feel it. I don’t have much so it will be easy too.”


That was when Kyungsoo looked around the small house. It was very bland and bare, the only things there were a few generic flower pictures on the walls and furniture. All of the walls were white and the carpet was an old cream color with not even a rug in sight.


He nodded at Kai and stood up awkwardly, “Okay. Well Baekhyun is at my apartment alone and when I left he was raiding my fridge so I need to go to the store. Thank you for telling me this.”


Right after he said that though, Kai grabbed his hand, “Let’s just go right now.” He said before Kyungsoo felt a quick rush of air and the world swirled before him as his brain tried to focus on what was now the convenience store before he out.


When he came to, both Baekhyun and Kai were watching him. Baekhyun had a eating grin plastered on his face. When he saw Kyungsoo open his eyes and look at him, he wiggled his eyebrows before side-eyeing Kai and then wiggled them again. Once Kai saw he was awake he smiled before getting up and walking into the other room, leaving Baekhyun and Kyungsoo in Kyungsoo’s bedroom.


“You’re letting him move in here?! Are you dating him?! Why didn’t you tell me?!” Baekhyun whisper-yelled at the man laying on the bed.


Kyungsoo groaned as he sat up, “He told you?” he put his head in his hand.


Baekhyun looked appalled, “That’s all you have to say for yourself? Why don’t you explain to me, your bestest friend,” Kyungsoo scoffed, “What the is going on here. And again, why didn’t you tell me?”


“He is having a hard time paying rent so I am letting him stay here. That is what we talked about when I left.” Kyungsoo said, looking at Kai who just re-entered the room. “It’s no big deal.”


Baekhyun laughed and stood up, “Big deal my . Anyway, I have to go, we work in the morning and your had to conveniently pass out and sleep until 11pm. See you tomorrow.” And with that Baekhyun nodded towards Kai and stalked out of the room very dramatically.


After Kai heard the front door click he looked over at Kyungsoo, shoving his spoon into his bowl of cereal, “That was the dumbest excuse I ever heard, ya know. Even I could have come up with something better.”


“Shut up. No one even asked you.”


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