Chapter 1

Dark Prince

Music pounded from outside of the club. The lights flashing from inside created weird patterns on the wet street outside. Kyungsoo wanted to go home but he had decided his hermit life was unacceptable. He could see people bouncing wildly to the beat, limbs flying everywhere. Just looking at the club drained his energy.


    He sighed and pulled the door open, stepping in front of the bouncer, “ID?” The bouncer gestured towards Kyungsoo to hurry up.


“Here.” He handed his ID to the man and tapped his foot.


“Okay, go on in.” He took his ID back and shoved it into his pocket, getting ready to wade through the mass of people.


    With his eye trained on the bar, he successfully made it through the ocean of people, only bumping into a few of them. He turned back and looked at all of the people, sighing in relief.


    “What would you like me to get you?” The bartender popped out of nowhere, startling Kyungsoo with his loud question.


    Kyungsoo pointed to one of the beer taps and set 3 bucks on the bar, “Keep the change… Thanks” He added when the bartender handed him his glass.


    He sat at the bar for a while, sipping slowly at his drink, looking around for someone in particular. Once he spotted him, he started to wade through the crowd.


    “Oh! There you are, I thought you weren’t going to show up.” A shrill voice called out over the heavy music.


    Kyungsoo sat down at the small table, “Baekhyun, For a little while I had thought you weren’t gonna show up. I was actually going to kill you. You know I don’t like this type of . Not my scene.”


    “Lighten up you egg. You are gonna enjoy this!” Baekhyun threw his arms up into the air, wiggling around a bit and then made his way up to the bar to get them drinks.


    “I might enjoy it until you get totally smashed, you damn alcoholic.” Kyungsoo muttered to himself, watching Baekhyun sway back and forth at the bar as he waited.


    Baekhyun heaved again, the alcohol in his stomach spilling into the toilet. He groaned and held his head. Kyungsoo leaned against the wall and crossed his arms.


    “I told you to not drink that much. But, of course, who listens to me right?” He chuckled.


    “Can you please shut the up, Kyungsoo.This isn’t funny.” Baekhyun lifted his head out of the toilet bowl and glared at the smug man.


    A laugh resounded through the small bathroom, clashing with the sound of bass vibrating the stall doors. “It is your fault that you’re like this though. I was just reminding you of that.”


    Baekhyun just sat up and made grabby hands at Kyungsoo, “Can you please just help me up and outside so I can get a cab?”


    After bringing Baekhyun outside, which was surprisingly more difficult than Kyungsoo thought it would be, and waved his hand out, trying to hail a cab.


    Once one pulled up he helped his friend into the back, making sure he had the money to pay the driver, “Don’t get into any trouble between the cab and your apartment, .”


    “We can go anytime now.” Baekhyun said to the cab driver and rolled his eyes at Kyungsoo as they pulled away from the curb, taking off down the street.


    “You’re welcome, !”


    He turned around and started to stroll down the street, back towards his house. Before he got passed the club though, he heard a laugh sound from the alleyway. He seemed to be drawn to it. A small gut feeling told him he should check it out so Kyungsoo decided to look down the alley at who he heard laughing.


    Kyungsoo saw a man, he seemed to be by himself. Kyungsoo walked further down the alley to get a closer look. The first thing he noticed was the fishnets sticking out from under the holes that decorated the entire length of the man’s jeans, the next, the smoke curling off the end of his cigarette. After that, it was your eyes. Wild, unforgiving, rebellious, two different colors. Kyungsoo didn’t want to stop staring at them.


He took another drag, chuckling as the toxic smoke spilled from his lips, staring at Kyungsoo with a malevolent look in his eyes. He dropped the cigarette, stepping on it with tattered converse.


“May I help you?”


“Oh. I just heard you laughing and I- uh- was curious.” Kyungsoo stuttered out, a slight pink washing over his face from embarrassment.


He laughed again, shaking his head. His sharp gaze never leaving Kyungsoo’s face, “Okay. Cool. I’m Kai.”  


“I’m Kyungsoo.”


“Cool name.”




Kai quickly pulled out his phone, checking the time. “Damn, I have to go. But, Kyungsoo,” The way he said his name send shivers down Kyungsoo’s spine, “Give me your number. We can continue this oh-so-interesting conversation later.”


He handed Kyungsoo his phone after pulling up an empty contact. Kyungsoo quickly typed in his details in a daze and handed back the phone, “Thanks, have a nice night.” Kai said and got into the car he was standing next to and drove off. Kyungsoo hadn’t even noticed it was running, his entire focus had been on Kai.


After he got home, he layed in bed and thought about Kai. Who he was, why he was so beautiful, why he wanted his number. The biggest thing Kyungsoo thought about though, was those beautiful eyes. One, bright blue and the other, a dark brown. The image in his mind, of Kai’s eyes, held his attention as he fell into a deep, but restless sleep.



A/N: I will hopefully have the 2nd chapter posted in the next couple of days

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