
Dark Prince

Chaos had ensued. The King and Queen were dead, their baby was found hidden in the maid’s quarters under a basket, crying and cold.


The news of the ruler’s deaths traveled fast, leaving many scared and confused. Masses of people headed towards the castle and its courts to get more information. Questions and assumptions swirled around, and new rumors, getting more ridiculous as time went on, surfaced.


“I have assembled this gathering today to clear your confusion!” The King’s advisor announced. Everyone in the hall became quite and still.


    “The King and Queen have been murdered.” Gasps sounded and sharp whispers spread through the hall. “We have not caught the murderer but we are still investigating. The prince is in good hands and will be protected.”


    The small prince, unaware of what was going on, babbled as he was carried away from a castle in an unsuspicious carriage.


    “So, where are we taking this young one?” The old coach called into the back of the small cab.


    “To the Penury district. Once we get there, you can go. I know the way from there.” The young sounding voice of a man covered in a thick robe answered as he watched over the tiny baby.


    The journey took a day and a half, and as teen and the baby stepped off of the carriage, he shook the hand of the coach and handed him a small sack full of coins. After watching the coach leave, teen turned to the city and began his short walk across the small village.


    He stopped at a small cottage and knocked on the door, stepping back and waiting for a reply. He heard rustling on the other side of the door before a young man opened the door, quickly gesturing the man inside when he saw the baby in his arms.


    “Thank you so much.” The teen said, taking off his cloak and discarding it on the floor. “We needed to get him safe and you were the first person I thought of. We need to bring him to Earth.”


    The old man nodded and placed his hand on the baby’s head, “You’re welcome, Sir. This is nothing compared to what you have done for me. This spell I am putting on him is like a cage. It will suppress his powers and make his life on Earth easier.”


After the man was done, he took his hand of of the baby and started to move quickly, darting around the room to gather the things he needed. After everything was in his hands he set it all down on the floor.


“Chalk, paper, water, dirt, matches and the baby. Looks like we have everything.” He mumbled to himself before drawing a large circle on the floor, sprinkling dirt and then pouring some water in the middle of it. “I need you to step in the circle, on the water. After that, I am going to put the paper on your boots and light it up, okay?”


    The young man nodded and stepped into the circle, holding the young prince tightly. The elder placed the paper down and started whispering something incoherent as he lit a match. “I could get into so much trouble for this.” He said quickly and then went back to his whispering, bringing the match to the paper and setting it on fire.


    Soon, the paper turned to ash and light lit up in the middle of the circle under the man’s feet and grew stronger and stronger until it engulfed him. He heard the old man yell to him to be careful as his world faded and Earth replaced it.


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