​​​​​​​​​​“I promise”

100 and more days — boblice stories

November 2015

It was difficult, but he couldn't help but do it anyway. Stand apart, watch from a distance, prevent his instinct to take over on what was right. He had sat away from her, had avoided her gaze for the entire duration of that meeting and the previous ones and had simply checked her reactions when she didn't look.

It was strange and it was annoying: he had never wanted to be near her so much before and never as now he couldn't do it. Come back to her wouldn't be right, nor a smart move, for any of them.


Few weeks before, Japan.

"Let's go dude, just few more steps" he grumbled, stumbling for the umpteenth time while trying to support the almost inanimate body of his friend along the way to the stairs.

They were in the parking lot of their hotel, returning from a night of drinking to celebrate Hanbin's birthday, the end of the tour and the conquest of a few days of well-deserved rest. Strangely, at the time of leaving, the only one to be still slightly sober and in possession of his senses was Jiwon - besides the younger ones, still underage - and it was their task drag the rest of the group - and also a couple of managers - to the elevator till their floor, all decidedly too drunk to be able to stand up on their own.

Since he wasn't really lucid himself, once reached the privacy of the internal parking lot of the building and after having come down from the van with Hanbin totally leaned on him, he had ended up staying several steps behind the rest of the group to which, after only a few momentes, he shouted to go ahead without them, 'cause they would've reach them slowly as soon as possible.

An "as soon as possible" that he feared wouldn't be so early, though.

After covering only a few meters of distance, in fact, he was forced to stop to catch his breath.

"Dude, I'll said it only now that you're dead drunk and you'll probably not remember a word... you are as heavy as an elephant" he muttered, forcing himself to gather some strength to walk again. But before he could take another step, Hanbin suddently moved back.

"Let go of me..." he murmured, trying to push him aside without much success, at least at the start. 

Surprised, Jiwon simply stared at him for a few moments, very confused.  

"I'll feel guilty if you fall on the ground, bro" he replied, raising an eyebrow. As he spoke those words, he looked at Hanbin who stubbornly kept trying to escape his hold until surprisingly it succeeded.

His escape wasn't long, though, since he was forced to slump against the side of a car only few moments after he got rid of Jiwon.

"Happy?" he asked, crossing his arms, now free and light. "Look, if it's about the elephant, just know that I was joking... You're heavy, but not that much..."

Hanbin initially didn't answer: out of breath and with a frowning look, he continued stare at the floor, perhaps in search of his senses or a way of balancing himself. Sighing, after giving him a few moments to study a plan alone, Jiwon approached him again, determined to continue to help him move.

"Come on, it's clear that it doesn't work. Don't stand on your pride and let me help you" he encouraged him, but when his fingers touched Hanbin's shoulder, he jerked away.

At first, Jiwon couldn't do nothing but stare at him, now really confused by his behavior. He was really drunk, that's true, and it was the first time he drink, but in some way he had the feeling that his attitude wasn't entirely due to alcohol. It was something else, something he wasn't sure he wanted know.

"Hanbin..." he called him, but just then he looked up at him. Once again, Jiwon confirmed how suitable it was to him his nickname: tigerbin. At that moment, while those eyes, proud despite the alcohol, stared at him, Jiwon was forced to stop himself from taking a step back.

"Why it's always you?" he suddenly said with a slurred voice. 


"Why it's always you?" repeated Hanbin, but his words couldn't even partially wipe out Jiwon's confusion. Perhaps he was so drunk to getting delirious, he couldn't know; the only thing he was sure of was that he had no idea what his best friend was talking about.

"You must feel worse than I thought..." he murmured, bringing a hand close to him to take his arm. "Let's go fast upstairs, someone will surely have something to make you feel better"

"Don't touch me!" he pushed him back again, almost losing his balance to escape his grip quickly.

"Hanbin, I don't understand what's happening to you... what's wrong with you?"

"Why..." he repeated for the umpteenth time, shifting his gaze straight in his eyes again. "Why, among all, have to be her?"

Hanbin took a step forward, but this time he could do nothing to avoid losing the precarious balance that alcohol gave him. He staggered forward, until he collapsed on Jiwon's chest, at that moment already ready to support him after the fall. Surprisingly, this time Hanbin didn't even try to escape his grip and slowly he even put his arms around Jiwon's shoulders to embrace him, tightly and warmly.

"Why, among all, have to be you and her?" he asked again, his voice this time faint and broken by the slight sobs that had begun to shake him.

Jiwon held him in turn, saying nothing. He gently his hair, then closed his eyes.

He had noticed all the signs, after all it was impossible not to see what was clearly happening in front of his look, but he'd decided not to care about, to delude himself to not see them: Hanbin's gaze perpetually on her, his strangly embarrassed attitude when she approached to him, the lyrics of his songs that seemed to describe her... He had noticed all these things, but had underestimated them believing, mistakenly, that they were nothing but consequences of a passing crush - more lasting than expected, actually, but still just a crush -, but what he had had no idea about during all that time, was the suffering that Hanbin must have felt whenever the closeness between him and her had become such to hurt him.

"Come on, brother" he whispered after a few moments, making an arm pass around his waist and putting his arm around his own shoulders. "It's time to get you to bed"

Hanbin didn't reply: after the unknowing outburst, his senses had returned foggy due the drunkenness. He nodded only, mumbled something that Jiwon couldn't understand, and then together they slowly began to walk up the stairs.

For the rest of the night, Jiwon didn't sleep a wink, despite all the alcohol swallowed that night, and just once the sun rose he finally seemed to make a decision.


That same night of November 2015

Standing behind the kitchen counter, he was staring from the chink in the door the figure that for days now was tormenting him. It was fun and cruel at the same time, as the door that he himself had closed badly, left him glimpse of what he had promised not to look at anymore.

Her laughter got onto him from the living room, loud as usual. Unlike the other times, however, this time Jiwon didn't smile after hearing it. 

He would have preferred to be immune to that sound, it would have been all much more simple.  

He closed his eyes and finally turned around. He had escaped in the kitchen with the excuse of grab some snacks for the night, but now several minutes had passed and he wouldn't have been surprised if his absence becamed suspicious to the others.


Hanbin's voice surprised him, almost making him jump. Jiwon turned to him and, for the first time in a few hours, he didn't have to fake a smile: his friend seemed radiant that day, happy and joyful as he rarely managed to see him.

"Do you need some help? We feared you were lost in the kitchen"

Pretending to know what he was doing, Jiwon opened the first piece of furniture that happened to be in front of him - the wrong one, of course, which did nothing but make the whole situation more suspicious since it was the kitchen of his own dorm - and shook his head.  

"No, don't worry, it's all right. I was just grabbing some snacks"

"In the pots' cupboard?" laughed Hanbin, marching to the pantry. "As long as you're there, hand me a bowl, we'll do it faster and we'll transport more things if we do it togheter"

Jiwon didn't protest and only nodded. Together, the two friends began to prepare snacks, chatting about this and that and then enjoying a relaxed - more or less - silence. At least until Hanbin decides to break it with one of Jiwon's most feared question.

"Hyung," he started, shotting to him a cautious, sidelong glance. "You and Lisa... did you fight by any chance?"  

Jiwon almost choked with his own breath, but recovered quickly.

"No," he replied, clearing his throat. "we didn't fight"

Hanbin stayed silent for a few moments, but before the friend managed to delude himself that he had appeased the other's curiosity, he spoke again.

"So what happened?"

Jiwon stopped for a moment to breathe. His lips instinctively opened to articulate a "nothing", determined to making it as convincing as possible, but the deep knowledge that Hanbin had of his best friend spared him the trouble of lying so shamelessly.

"And don't deny anything happened," he promptly warned him. "I know when you lie, so you better tell me the truth"

The snacks seemed to have become a source of great interest to Jiwon right after that sentence: he stood there, staring at them for a while, pretending to be extremely concentrated in their arrangement inside the bowl and it was only after he heard Hanbin sigh that he finally decided to speak. Taking a deep breath, he simply expounded the fixed thought that had tormented him for weeks.

"I know you're in love with her"

This time, it was Hanbin to risk choking with his own breath. When he turned to Jiwon, his eyes were wide open, frightened and clearly guilty.

"What?" he managed to ask anyway, even trying to pretend to be indifferent.

In front of his expression, Jiwon almost laughed. Almost.

"I know you're in love with her" he repeated, leaving alone the snacks to fix his gaze on him. "You told me it yourself few nights ago. While you were dead drunk"

"Oh my..." he started, but the words seemed to stall halfway. He looked away briefly, directed his gaze to the snack bowl, and when he finally raised it, Jiwon could clearly see the guilt in his eyes. "Hyung, I..."

Jiwon shook his head to interrupt him and once again he didn't have to fight his lips to convince them to bend into a smile.

"It's all right, you don't have to feel embarrassed" he tried to reassure him. "Actually, I'd already suspected that you'd a crush on her... but I didn't had understand until that night how much you like her... I have to admit that, despite the circumstances, I'm glad you told me it since, you know, it's the first time I hear you say you're really in love with a someone. I was beginning to worry..." he , at least partially succeeding in lighten Hanbin's expression.

"You neither have never confessed to me that you were really in love with a girl" he with a crooked smile. "Do I have to start worrying too?"

"I'm not the one in charge of writing the heartbreaking lyrics of our songs, so you can relax" grinned Jiwon, crossing his arms again.

"What a bastard!"

Hanbin scolded him - with a moniker that, given with the tone which he had pronounced it, seemed more like a loving epithet -, without being able to hold back a laugh.

Jiwon laughed in turn, but that sound couldn't match completely with light in his eyes. It was a distracted laugh, because there still was another question that pressed insistently on his lips to get out.

"So... how long has it been going on?" he asked him after a few moments, trying to keep a vague and disinterested expression. Hanbin seemed surprised by that question, but didn't mided very much about the reasons that had pushed his friend to ask it to him.

"For about a year, I think..." he answered after a little while. "Aish! Actually, for almost two" he sighed then, running his hand through his hair with embarrassment. "It's pathetic, isn't it? And a damn cliché... two years wasted loving a dear friend from afar..."

Jiwon didn't nod, although he found himself in those words more than Hanbin could ever imagine. Or rather, this is what he will think in the future, when he will remember this conversation. At that time, although he was already close enough to her to draw jokes and teasing from others, he wasn't yet fully aware of what was going on inside him, something that he would too late understand.

"No, it's not" he replied then, reaching out to place an hand on his friend's shoulder. "Well... actually yes, it's a little patethic, but..."

"You're not helpful at all" laughed Hanbin, hitting him jokingly.

It didn't take much, however, to make the expression of his face serious again. Although Jiwon had deluded himself that he had distracted him enough to make him forget the main reason for the start of that conversation, when Hanbin opened his mouth again he change his mind.

"So that's why you're avoiding her?" his gaze was probably much more eloquent than an answer would ever have been, because before Jiwon could say a word, Hanbin continued: "When we are all together, you two are always close, in one way in the other, and damn noisy. It's not difficult to notice such a sudden change and I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed it, anyway. Besides, you know, with almost two years of careful study behind me, I've become quite good at catching her mood"

At that point, Jiwon couldn't longer hope to manage to escape that conversation in any way. After rubbing an eye with irritation and crossing his arms, Jiwon sighed and nodded frankly.

"I'm really sorry" he said, looking at his friend. "I didn't knew that seeing us together made you suffer or that you could ever thought that there was something going on between us... I honestly didn't even thought it was strange or ambiguous. We are friends and she's like you, pretty clingy with anyone, you know that... it was just a natural thing for me to be near her, but since that evening I haven't been able to do it without feeling guilty"

When he stopped talking and looked at him, it took Jiwon a moment to understand why Hanbin's face had the last expression he would have expected to see on him in that circumstance: confusion.

"Listen," he suddenly started. "I have no idea what I told you while I was drunk, but you don't have to take my words too seriously. I was drunk, probably most were nothing but a delirium..." he shrugged slightly, then looked back to the snacks, suddenly embarrassed. "I can't deny it, I'm envious of the relationship you have with her... I don't know how managed to become so close to her like you, 'cause for some strange reason it's really hard for me to stay beside her without feeling nervous... But this is not the point. The point is that, although I sometimes want to be in your place, I still don't want you to stay faraway from her, especially if it's my fault. I prefer to feel bad a bit but continue to see both you and her smile, instead of seeing you trying to avoid her and she sad and worried 'cause she strives to understand why one of her best friends ignores her..."

"It's not okay to me hurt you, though. Not even just a little" it didn't take to Jiwon even just a few moments to formulate that answer: he simply let his lips release the truth, the only reason why, a few weeks before, he'd decided without hesitation to risk a friendship to save another one.

When he heard those words, Hanbin finally looked up again and in his eyes Jiwon could clearly understand what effect those words had on him: in Hanbin's gaze, in fact, now there was gratitude mixed with a hint of relief.

"None of us can do anything about it, hyung... Neither her nor you. The only one who can put an end to this situation, in one way or another, is me, but I confess that I don't feel ready yet to do it" he answered, shaking his head slightly. "Seeing you and her in this state, however, doesn't help me at all, rather it is the exact opposite. I appreciate your efforts and that you worry about me, believe me, but in this situation none of us can gains anything..."

Initially, Jiwon doesn't answer. He simply stared at his friend for a while, unconvinced by his words despite knowing that he meant be honest, and spend several seconds before he exhales another sigh.

"You're practically asking me to let the girl you like continue to be clingy with me and vice versa, as if nothing had happened... Are you a masochist or what?"

"I think I really are" said Hanbin, surprising him with a short laugh. "But I'm a musician, I have to take inspiration somewhere to write my heartbreaking lyrics, right?"

At that point, Jiwon couldn't help but laughing in turn and, in spite of himself, agree with him. After hearing Hanbin's laugh and his words, part of the weight he carried in his chest had eased and now seemed to be far easier to enjoy that moment of sharing with his best friend. Now that one of the few secrets that still existed between them had been revealed, he couldn't help but feel closer to him and understand him better. Lately, there were been numerous his strange reactions in various events that had involved all the three of them during the last few years and finally everything made a sense thanks to those feelings that Hanbin had kept hidden from him.

"Anyway," started Jiwon at some point, moving his gaze straight into his friend's eyes. "When you finally would to tell her, you know I'll be ready to support you and help you to win her over, brother. Remember it" he said, drammatically reaching out an hand to put it on his shoulder. "Even if..." he continued, slowly shaking his head. "You've choose a difficult prey to bet on, Hanbin, seriously"

"I know," he replied, with a deep sigh. "I think I really like suffer in this kind of thing. But I appreciate your unconditional support, hyung"

"No need" said Jiwon, giving him an another pat on the back to encourage him, before returning to the abandoned snacks, a smile on his lips and his mind finally relaxed.

For few moments neither of them spoke any other word and both dedicated themselves exclusively to their previous task, enjoying the newfound peaceful atmosphere. It was when Jiwon, once he'd place all the snacks in the bowl, started to leave that Hanbin decided to break the silence again, calling his attention before he could leave the room.

"Hyung?" he called him.

"Hm?" he turned.

"Are you in love with her?"

Jiwon couldn't help it: his heart leaped for a moment and, without even really knowing why, he felt guilty for just an istant. He couldn't hide it from himself, the doubts that lately he had about his own feelings but he had always refused to explore, frightened by what he could discover of himself if he had gone too deep. Someday, maybe he would be forced to face them, like it or not, but now more than ever he couldn't allow himself to deal with them and, like in every other occasion, he decided to just ignore them.

"No" he answered then, with firm voice.

If he was trying to convince himself more than his friend of that answer? It might seem strange, but even he didn't know it for sure.

"Don't lie to me, hyung. I told you that I can see it when you lie"

"I know" said Jiwon. "I'm not lying"

Hanbin knew him well, but Jiwon also knew his friend as well and he could say it with certainty even looking him from a distance: despite the conversation that they just had and the firmness in his voice, his words couldn't completely drive away his fears. So he spoke again, saying to him what he'd said to himself that night in Japan, right before take his decision.

"And even if that were the case, whether it's today or in the future, now that I know what you feel for her I could never do something like that to you" he replied, giving him a slight smile. "She's pretty, she's funny and she's my best friend, but that's it all. Any kind of bonding between me and her, Hanbin, will never be that strong to make me lose my mind and give up on you. Our friendship is the most important thing, so if one day you realize you can no longer tolerate this situation and you'll change your mind, I'll be ready to get away from her"

Hanbin opened his lips, perhaps on the verge of saying something, but after several moments no sound came out of his mouth. Jiwon's words seemed to have struck him much more than he had expected, leaving him so surprised he couldn't even make an answer. This inevitably made him smile.

"And then," he continued at that point, bending his lips in a sneer. "you know, I prefer targets much more simpler to conquer"

All of a sudden, Hanbin burst out laughing, evidently relieved.

"You know, you said you were on my side, but you don't do anything but stress how difficult this venture is" he , snatching a laugh to him too.

"It's the truth" he simply said, shrugging. "Let's go now. Your future girlfriend is starving, if we don't bring her food right away she'll end up eating us both"

"All right" laughed Hanbin, reaching him by the door. Before Jiwon could open it, however, he stopped him again, placing a hand on his arm. "Thank you, hyung" he told him and, once again, Jiwon felt himself moved by his expression.

"Don't even say that, brother" he smiled at him, then finally opened the door.


Believe it, he hadn't deluded himself that he could be forgiven so easily, but he would never have thought it would be so difficult to even get a glance or a word from her.

After weeks spent trying to avoid her, after the chat with Hanbin he was immediately returned to the place that often, sometimes without even noticing, occupied by her side. As soon as he was seated, however, it was immediately clear that the atmosphere between them was much heavier than he had thought.

Lisa hadn't even looked at him and all she'd said to him was a few words forcibly pulled from through the questions, mostly silly and useless, that he kept doing.

After about an hour of heavy silence and with Hanbin's worried glances on them, it became even more clear to Jiwon that she seemed to be much more interested in talking to anyone other than him, so he quickly decided that what he needed was figure out as soon as possible an alternative plan.  

The perfect opportunity came after so much time to put a strain on his nerves, but he still promptly succeeded in seizing it. When Lisa finally left the room to go to the bathroom, he waited a few minutes before doing the same with the excuse of grab something in his room. Not the perfect excuse, actually, but fortunately they were all too busy with their own business to pay attention to him.

He didn't feel completely comfortable waiting like an idiot in front of the toilet until the moment she would come out, but his unease was repaid when the door opened and he was able to take advantage of her surprise to move forward and make her move back, managing to get her back into the room.

"You watch too many movies" she simply told him, after recovering from a moment of surprise.

As he closed the door behind him, she folded her arms over her chest and, just as she had done during the entire evening, she directed her gaze away from him.

"I need to talk to you and with the others it would be impossible to find a way to stay alone for a while" he explained, taking a step forward. He was vaguely relieved not to see her move further away from him, although in a tight place like this she would never had the chance to put too much distance between him and herself anyway.

"You could simply ask me about it" she murmured and, surprisingly, the tone of her voice didn't seem as angry as he had feared, nor annoyed like it had been until few moments before.

"I was rather sure that you wouldn't have accepted if I'd just asked... or that you wouldn't have answered me at all"

"You still should have asked" she replied, but once again her voice surprised him.

Until then he had been convinced that her unusual attitude was due to anger, but now that he studied her better and without distractions, he realized that it must be something else to make her so elusive. He had seen her angry in other occasions and he knew that if that feeling had been the cause of her attitude, now she would face him openly, eyes frightfully burning focused on his face and words ready to attack. At that moment, however, her gaze were far away and, more than ready to fight, she seemed about to run away.

"Lisa," he said after a few moments, taking another step forward. "I'm sorry, I don't have any excuses for my behavior, nor do I expect you to forgive me so easily for trying to avoid you all this time..." his voice stopped for a moment to give the possibility to answer or, even better, to yell at him, but she remained cold, distant and silent, so he continued: "I'm really sorry, Lisa, tell me what I can do to make you forgive me and I'll do it"

"I don't care" she suddenly said, almost making him jump. Finally she turned to look at him and now the only thing he could read on his face was disappointment mixed with sadness.

"What?" he murmured and, he had to admit it, for a moment the thought of having pushed her to really cut all the bridges with him had frightened him.

"I don't care about your apology, I'm not angry... not that much, anyway. It's just..." she sighed and, lowering her arms, shrugged with resignation. "It's just that I don't know what I've done. I've spent the last few weeks wondering what I did wrong to pushed you to act like that and the last hour trying not to make the same mistake to keep you from leaving. But the point is that I still don't know what this mistake is... "

And at this point he needed to do a new admission: this was really the last thing he had expected to hear.

Before he could stop the muscles of his face, his eyes widened and his lips opened a little due to the astonishment. He had prepared for insults, prolonged indifference, even screams, but he hadn't never thought about something like that.

"You..." he began, but he honestly didn't know how to continue. Taking a deep breath, he took a second to remember how to speak Korean properly and then finally continued. "You didn't do anything, Lisa, I swear..."

"Oh, really?" now she seemed to be starting to get angry and even Jiwon couldn't tell if that was a progress or a step back; in doubt, he prepared to retreat in case of danger. "Then tell me what the heck was wrong with you until now because, really, for weeks I tried to understand it but I still can't find an answer"

"It's complicated to explain," quickly said Jiwon, while trying to put together a satisfactory excuse that didn't include the phrase "my best friend is in love with you". "but I swear, you have nothing to do with it. I am the problem, not you..."

For a long moment, Lisa said nothing and just stared at him, studying him carefully with a look that did nothing but make him even more nervous.

"Are you trying to apologize or dump me, exactly? 'Cause in the second case, I feel obliged to remind you that we are not a couple, so these ridiculous breaking phrases don't work with me" she suddenly said and Jiwon thought that he almost preferred her when she didn't speak to him. Or when she didn't speak korean at all.

"Okay, you're right. But believe me, this is the truth" he sighed, filling a large part of the distance that still separated them with another couple of steps. "I have... During the last weeks I have had to deal with certain matters and I think I have somehow released my stress on you despite I've promised myself not to do it... I'm really sorry, Lisa, you don't know how much, but really none of this is your fault. I have been an idiot, I know that, and I would tell more about it, but..." he said, and though his expression of pure regret wasn't fake, what he said was the result of mere invention. Initially he wasn't able to say for sure how convincing his words could have been, but soon it became clear really that they was been enough to hit the mark somehow.

"You're right" she answered, after a few more seconds of silence. "You're an idiot"

"I said, I've been" he pointed out, unable to hold back a smile after he saw hers on her lips.

"You should have said I am" she stubbornly replied, this time even with a deeper grin.

Fortunately, she wasn't the type to go too far into personal matters unless he confided it to her himself, so it wasn't hard to convince her of the sincerity of his apology - that was really sincere, though - even without giving her any other explanation.

"Okay, I believe you. And I will not ask you any more questions about it, unless you want to tell me what it is about. But for the future... you know that I don't like being in this kind of embarrassing and difficult situations, so please, if something like this happens again or I do something that bothers you, talk to me instead of trying to avoid me. Whatever it is, okay? Also to let off your stress... don't do it from afar, it's just even more irritating. If we are honest with each other we can solve anything, but in this way it's really hard for me, especially with you..."

Jiwon took a few moments to be able to put aside the burning sense of guilt that he was feeling towards Lisa, but when he finally succeeded and nodded to her, the implicit promise he was making was sincere.

"November isn't our lucky month" he joked then, managing to snatch to her a light laugh again.


"But last year it wasn't my fault" he said, raising an eyebrow.

Lisa's smile disappeared immediately, replaced by a kind of annoyed pout.

"I know, and that's why I made this promise to you, remember? I'm respecting it, now it's your turn" she told him, even pointing a finger at him. He nodded obediently, although it was really hard not to laugh.

"I'll do my best, I promise" he said, solemnly raising his hand to place it on his heart. "So... we are fine now, right?" he asked again, throwing a sidelong glance at her.

"Yes, we're fine" she answered, shaking her head slightly with a little smile. She gave him a last quick glance before walking away from him for a few steps and heading for the door, but in that look Jiwon could read the relief that she finally felt for the resolution of the matter. "But now we should leave this bathroom, if someone come looking for us, he would find this a very weird situation"

Laughing, Jiwon followed her and together they returned to the main room of the boys' apartment. Both were sure that at least some of their friends were asking themselves some questions about the sudden change in the atmosphere between the two, but fortunately no one dared to ask anything - perhaps too used to their quick way of arguing and their equally quick way of make up to pay too much attention to them - and only Hanbin expressed his relief for their newfound peace, launching an eloquent and satisfied look at his friend after their return.

The meeting continued quietly, between laughter and smiles, and for a long time, after that night, nothing important would have disturbed the harmony that had finally been created in that trio.

Only years later, however, Jiwon will realize that the two promises he had made that night to his best friends could never have been compatible and that one day he would have been forced to break one, in one a way or another.


  The author is here again! Hello! Hello! 

First of all, I want to say that writing this chapter was a pain. I love DoubleB with every part of me, they are my adorable babies, and writing the first part was tragic, a bit like the second one. 

  But for the sake of the plot I had to do it and... I hope you'll like it!

  I'll not go further - if I start to speak, I already know that it will be tragically verbose, so I'll stop here - and I'll pass on ritual apologies and thanks! 

Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart, to all those who have read this chapter and are follow my story, you are all so precious for me 💛and sorry as always for any mistakes in my English, this time I have to admit that some sentences were more difficult than usual to translate 🙏

That said, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and you will continue to follow my story💜

See you in the next update,

🤟 bye bye🤟    

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 8: My heart was racing, I thought they were going to start dating. They act more like a couple
kiyeujay #2
Chapter 8: omg, this story is so cute . <3
Chapter 8: "I'm sorry," was a mistake Bobby, you know...
Chapter 7: i need update :/
sinikka7 #5
Chapter 7: Omg it's such a pain too read this chapter. This story make me believe that happened in real life. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Chapter 7: the last paragraph :'(
mylismae #7
Authornim please update soon~~~~~im in love with the stories!!!
Chapter 1: I love your way of writing, and i just love this last chapter, i don't ship them but i think i do now and this is all because of this, no i mean YOU!
RinaBelle #9
Chapter 6: Aw, you got me dying from that very sentence “This is the real kiss.” Damn, I want one!
Chapter 6: omg this was unexpected and good! thank you♡