Chapter 8

Unpretty Romance

"What brings you here all of a sudden?"

Mr. Hong asked while paying his attention on Jihoon who was training the new gang member. They were at the balcony of Mr. Hong's room and they could see the members doing their stuffs in the patio.

"For this moment, forget about our leader and beta relationship. I want an advice from you as my guardian."

Mr. Hong wide eyed at Chanyeol when he said, he put the coffee cup down on the table and turned his body towards the said guy. He was quite shocked honestly as Chanyeol had locked up himself in his own world for the past several years and never opened up to someone until now.

"Our little Chanyeol is back after all these years."

"I am not a kid anymore."

Mr. Hong shrugged at his reply and picked up his coffee cup again, enjoying a sip of the expensive and tasty branded coffee before saying.

"You are always a kid in my eyes though. Well, what do you want to say?"

"Ahjusshi, I am turning 26 this year."

"I think I get what you are trying to tell me."


Chanyeol looked at Mr. Hong with confusion until he could read Mr. Hong's mischievous face which asked him, "Do you want to marry someone?"

It was Mr. Hong's first time to see Chanyeol avoiding eye contact in embarrassment. The taller rubbed his neck for no reason, turning his own neck red due to over friction but still, his eyes never returned to meet Mr. Hong's.

"Stop rubbing your neck or your skin will peel."

"It's not that I want to marry him because I want to."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I mean.. I don't want to marry but there is a situation that I must marry him."

"Is he pregnant or something?"

"No! How can a man get pregnant?"

"I am sure you are referring to that doctor."

Chanyeol went quiet again and Mr. Hong smiled, a smile filled with fatherly love for the grown up child who was ready to start a new life as a husband of someone.

"You are mature enough to build your own family. I know you can manage the situation no matter how difficult it is. But, what's the problem with your marriage? Do you want my permission to hold your wedding?"

"No. I just don't know how to tell him.."

"Of course you are a guy with zero romance. It is not strange if you don't know how to put it."

It was right but reality slapped him hard right in the face so that Chanyeol threw an intense glare at Mr. Hong for his wrong choice of words but the older did not seem he cared.

"Have you confessed him?"

"There goes a misunderstanding. Why do I have to confess him? I just need to marry him to get him out of this dangerous situation."

"Do if you have determined to do so but remember one thing. I don't think he is the type who can stay here. Look how fragile he is."

"But, it is the only way to save him."

"Try thinking for some more time and then, do what you decide for."

Chanyeol nodded and left the room quietly as he needed some time alone to think about it like Mr. Hong mentioned. 


*   *   *


"How did you two meet?"

Baekhyun asked Kyungsoo and the gang doctor chuckled lightly, and Baekhyun just noticed how the other's lips incredibly formed a heart shape when he smiled.

"Your lips are beautiful."

"That's what Jongin told me when we first met in front of the hospital I worked at."

Kyungsoo said and showed him their wedding ring on his left fourth finger. Just a simple golden ring with a diamond buried in the middle but it sparkled when the sunlight reflected on it.

"How sweet."

"We just bumped into each other. He was in hurry but he managed to tell me that one sentence and left."

"What happened next?"

"I think one or two days later, we met again at the same spot. But that time, I was so sleepy after my shift and he seemed like he had plenty of time, and he gave me a drive."

"Wow, it's pretty cool."

"You won't say it when you find out where he took me to."


"To a hotel."

It was Jongin who answered Baekhyun. They both laughed at the Byun boy's reaction when he realized that Jongin wasn't not so so innocent boy although he was young. All of a sudden, he wondered where Chanyeol would take him to if they were put into the same situation like the married couple in front of him.

"I took him there because he fell asleep on the way and I didn't know his address. Also, I didn't want to disturb his sleep so it was the only way."

Jongin's overflowing and noticeable affection for his husband made Baekhyun jealous of them. But sadly, he knew Chanyeol would never treat him the way Jongin did to Kyungsoo.

"Are you thinking of Chanyeol hyung?"

Jongin asked. A weak smile from Baekhyun might be an answer.

"He will come to see you soon."

Jongin said and Baekhyun shook his head.

"I know he wants me to stay away from him."

"I don't know what happened between you two but I am sure he doesn't mean it."

"No, he hates me. Because I caused him a lot of troubles."

Jongin was about to say something but Kyungsoo stopped him and dragged him out of the room.

"Jongin, I don't think it's time yet. Let Chanyeol settle this problem. We don't need to in."

The younger did not seem to have to same thought as his but he did not complain and just walked along the pathway slowly. Kyungsoo caught him up quickly and planted a soft kiss on Jongin's cheek.

"Let's believe in Chanyeol, okay?"


*   *   *


"Gather everyone in the hall within fifteen minutes."

It was what Chanyeol said when he came out of his room in the next morning after staying inside for the whole day. The gang member who was told quickly ran down along the stairs to gather them.

Chanyeol was different today. He hated tuxedos as he felt uncomfortable in them but he was wearing one right now. Well, others might look at Chanyeol with surprise because of his stylish image in the early morning but he did not care.

After checking his styled hair in the mirror beside the stairway, he turned his steps towards Mr. Hong's room. He needed to talk to him now.


"Come in."

Maybe Mr. Hong already knew that Chanyeol would come to him because he was waiting inside with a cup of tea which was Chanyeol's favorite brand.

"Well, so you have decided."


"I heard them chatting in the hall."

Mr. Hong motioned towards the flat TV showing the dudes who were already waiting for him in the hall. Indeed Phoenix's leader, he set cctv and voice recorders in all the places in the headquarter, though he wasn't sure if he set one in Jongin and Kyungsoo's room.

Chanyeol almost smiled on his own thought but he put his cool image on and left the room after saying, "So, see you at the hall."

To be honest, he was nervous. Slowly and carefully, he walked down the stairs while making himself a little bit calm down by counting numbers. He even found himself strange for acting weird unlike the Beta of Phoenix, Park Chanyeol.

He stopped before going in the hall and checked how many people were there. The place was already crowded and at the very first line stood Jihoon, Jongin and Kyungsoo together with Baekhyun.

"Is everyone here?"

The crowd went quiet when they heard Chanyeol's voice and Jongin looked around to check if someone was missing.

"Yes, that's all."

"I am sure you all are curious of the reason why you are here."

Chanyeol said and scanned everyone's face, when he was sure they paid attention completely on him, he grabbed Baekhyun's hand and pulled him to the front.

Baekhyun was in pajamas and his bed hair was cute.

"Did you wash your face?"

Chanyeol jokingly said and Baekhyun shyly wiped his face with his palms even though he had already washed his face and brushed his teeth.

"I did."

"Everyone, pay attention."

Chanyeol turned to the crowd again.

"It is so sudden but firstly, I want to introduce him to you all. This one here is Byun Baekhyun. Some of you may have already known."

"Nice to me- meet you all."

Introducing himself in front of the gangsters made Baekhyun quite nervous.

"Baekhyun," Chanyeol turned his face to Baekhyun again.

"Will you-," Chanyeol paused and Baekhyun gulped nervously while he expected something excitedly.

"Will you join the gang as the gang's private doctor?"

Baekhyun did not know why they all were cheering for but he felt stupid for hoping something which should not be expected. He could not hide the annoyance he had for his broken expectation while Chanyeol took something out of his pocket.


The cheering went dead and Chanyeol's hand remained in its place.

"I can't! Why do I have to join this gang? I am a doctor and I must be there for my patients instead of here."

Baekhyun heard something drop to the floor but he was too sensitive right now to care what dropped. He saw Chanyeol's gloomy eyes before he left him in front of the crowd.

"How dare you!"

As far as Baekhyun recalled, the said boy was Jihoon and Jongin stopped him from hitting Baekhyun.

"You all can go back to work now."

Jongin told the people and dragged angry Jihoon out of his sight while Kyungsoo smiled at him and led him to his room again.

"My hands are used to hit people while his hands are used to heal people. Honestly, I am so nervous. What if he refuses?"

It was what Chanyeol told Jongin and Kyungsoo last night when they visited the taller after hours of his absence in the mansion.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Baekhyun asked and Kyungsoo found no word to reply.


*   *   *




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Beau1996 1374 streak #1
Chapter 10: Good story!!
Chapter 12: It's so nice~~~
kathalina_kat #3
Chapter 12: This story is good. A lot is happening. It has so many scenes , that you can make an action movie. Like!
Aeri_rhea #4
Chapter 12: Oh god. I loved this soooo nuch?❤️
Chapter 12: Awwwwwwwwwww ♡♡♡♡♡
BabyFratellis #6
Sometimes a fanfic with only a few subsribers actually has a good story :). And your fic here is really good actually. Hope you will gain a lot of subscribers and continue writing, author-nim :)
BabyFratellis #7
Chapter 12: I love this story. It's really cute though i've expected some in it kekeke. And i hope for another special chapter >.<. I love Chanyeol and Baekhyun's character here hehe
Soora_sara #8
I love your story!!! I even followed you on wattpad hehehehehe