Chapter 5

Unpretty Romance

Baekhyun slowly opened his left eye and checked whether if Chanyeol was really asleep or not. His mission was marked as a success because Chanyeol did not return home and slept over at Baekhyun's home. The taller fell asleep beside him on the bed and Baekhyun decided to spend the whole night by staring at his crush instead of sleeping.

Chanyeol fell asleep while facing to the opposite side from Baekhyun so the shorter needed to get out of the bed quietly and sat on the floor in order to scan the taller's face.

He slowly removed the blanket and rolled towards the opposite edge of the bed. He took the last check at Chanyeol and when he believed that the other was sleeping soundly, he quickly got out of the bed. He walked to the other side of the bed and sat on the floor then quietly put his arms on the bed.

Chanyeol did not move much during his sleep and Baekhyun enjoyed learning Chanyeol's sleeping habits. He saw a small tattoo on the third finger of Chanyeol's left hand.

"What does it say?"

Baekhyun murmured and moved closer towards Chanyeol's hand to get a clearer vision.

"L..O.. E.. Y.."

Baekhyun took his phone and took a photo of the tattoo. He decided to get the same tattoo on the same place like Chanyeol's. His thought sounded kind of crazy and he could not help but fell in love with this bad guy.

"You are just too perfect."

Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol's face and put his chin on his arm. His man, he did not know if he had a right to call Chanyeol like this though, was just too perfect in his eyes.

Baekhyun had no idea how his crush managed to look good in every angle, every time and in everyone's view. With that thought, Baekhyun turned to check himself in the looking glass of the wardrobe.

His grayish brown coloured hair was pretty messy, the casual shirt he was wearing looked big on him and the big pants reached his calves. Without glasses, he could not differentiate things clearly but he knew he looked totally bad compared to Chanyeol.

He could not remember the last time he went to gym. He could not remember the last time he used a branded perfume. He could not remember the last time he dined at a western restaurant. Lately, he was living his life too simply with just back and forth between the hospital and home.

I need to get a boyfriend, too.

Baekhyun pouted and sat beside the bed again. He had determined to marry Chanyeol no matter what happened. He did not care what others said or did, he would only focus on getting Chanyeol as his property from now on.

"Remember that you are mine."

Baekhyun slightly touched Chanyeol's cheek and closed his eyes. He decided not to sleep but he fell asleep within a moment. When cute little snores came out, Chanyeol opened his eyes and slowly got out of the bed to carry Baekhyun onto the bed as he could not let the owner of the apartment sleep on the floor.

"Sleep well."

Chanyeol lay beside him and looked down to the boy who was nearly in his embrace. A small smile happened on his lips and he brushed the hair strands on Baekhyun's forehead.

"I don't even know what kind of relationship we are in right now."


+   +   +


"There is nothing in the refrigerator."

Chanyeol whined and threw a glance at Baekhyun who was sitting at the dining table with oversized shirt and long pants that reached the floor.


Baekhyun asked with surprise and walked towards the refrigerator while Chanyeol nervously stared down at Baekhyun's pants. The pants' length was longer than Baekhyun's legs and Chanyeol did not want to see Baekhyun trapping in those pants.

"Are you sure these are your pants?"

"What do you mean?"

Baekhyun innocently looked up to him and Chanyeol felt butterflies in his belly. As far as he knew, Baekhyun liked to wear big clothes at home.

"These are my dad's."

Baekhyun said.

"Don't trap in these pants and kiss the floor."

"I have a scar on my thigh which I got from falling down from the stairs while wearing these."

Baekhyun said out of blues and rolled up his pants. He just wanted to show Chanyeol the scar but he was somehow making the taller flutter to death.

"Ahem, I will go get some food at the market."

"Wait for me, I will come with you."

"You are sick."

"No, I don't want to wait alone at home."

"Make sure to wear hoodie so."

Chanyeol permitted and Baekhyun ran into the bedroom with joy then came out with a light yellow hoodie and blue jean pants.

"Come on."


*   *   *


Jongin rolled his eyes around in disappointment after he had spotted the Beta with his doctor in a supermarket choosing some good watermelons in front of the fruit counter. Chanyeol was out of contact since last night so Mr. Hong sent Jongin to take care of the doctor and that was why Jongin waited the whole night before the condo where the doctor's apartment exited, of course to protect Baekhyun from those gangsters.

But, he did not expect to see Chanyeol and Baekhyun coming out of the condo happily like a newly wedded couple and heading to the nearest supermarket. He had sent numerous messages to Chanyeol, warning him about the danger waiting for Baekhyun, but the taller had not seen them for sure.

Jongin looked around and found suspicious guys at the opposite corner to Chanyeol and Baekhyun, and he disappointed Chanyeol for not noticing them.

"Is he blinded or something?"

Jongin said and called his phone again but it said the phone was power off. He was the pretty sure that Chanyeol did not know his phone ran out of battery.

He thought whether he should distract the guys on his own but it was too dangerous that if unfortunate, he might get killed in one blink since he did not have any weapon with him now. He blamed himself for leaving Jihoon at headquarter.


He could have went to them and told details about the gangsters but Mr. Hong prohibited from letting Chanyeol know that he was sent to protect Baekhyun. Because the Beta hated it so much when Mr. Hong tried to in such kind of cases and save Chanyeol from any harm.

It was the first ever time for Jongin to pity himself.

"I shall report this to Mr. Hong."

He called the leader while scanning the situation carefully.


"Beta is with him now. I think he slept over at his home last night, too."

"How about those guys?"

"They are following them but Beta.. seems like he doesn't notice it."

"Let it be. As long as Chanyeol is beside him, they won't lay a finger on the doctor. You return HQ as soon as possible and prepare. Take Jihoon with you to watch the situation."

"I get it."

Jongin glared at them for the last time and sighed.

Love birds, damn.

Then, he left.


*   *   *


"What are you going to cook?"

"Pork cutlet!"

Chanyeol nodded and stepped back because he did not know how he could help Baekhyun with his pork.

"Just wait and see. You will love the pork cutlet for sure."

"Let's see."

Chanyeol sat at the dining table and watched the shorter preparing for the meal.

"Help me with these instead of sitting there and watching my back."

Baekhyun said annoyingly with a frown and Chanyeol obeyed him, getting to the sink and started rinsing the fresh salads they just bought. Baekhyun was quietly slicing the pork into small thick pieces and sometimes, he stole glances at the taller beside him who was completely absorbed in the green salads in front of him.

"Take the big glass bowl in the left drawer for me."

Baekhyun said and Chanyeol obediently took the big bowl with care, then put it on the table.

"There is the apron."

Baekhyun said with a cute mischievous smile and Chanyeol frowned, throwing confused stares at the shorter.


Baekhyun cutely begged and Chanyeol laughed out loud.

"Aegyo doesn't work, Baekhyun ssi."

It was an unexpected reply from Chanyeol and Baekhyun immediately pouted. He was embarrassed to be honest, he thought his aegyo would affect Chanyeol somehow so he threw it directly at him but the response was totally the worst.

He could not even stare at Chanyeol's eyes because of overwhelming embarrassment and he kept mixing the pork with the condiment he prepared.

His hand stopped when a pair of arms gently slid around his waist and the apron was tied in the moment he froze. He could feel Chanyeol's warmth from his back and he felt like there were only the two of them in the world.

"Ahem, it's not because of your aegyo though."

Chanyeol whispered into his ear and quickly went back to his work of washing the salads at the basin. He did not know but on the other hand, Baekhyun's big smile was too bright, even brighter than the sunshine.

Baekhyun continued mixing with a bright smile on his face and he was celebrating so happily in his mind.

Noted, my aegyo has a great effect on him.

However, the taller was total opposite to Baekhyun's condition, he knocked his head with his fist and kept asking himself why he did it. Well, Baekhyun's aegyo did not work on him but maybe those pouting lips of the shorter did.

"I.. I will go shower."

Chanyeol left the kitchen quickly which made Baekhyun chuckle quietly. Of course he knew that Chanyeol was shy after doing such thing.

"He is so cute."

Baekhyun said.


*   *   *


"Urgh, Park Chanyeol, please be with your soul!"

Chanyeol annoyingly told to himself while staring at his image which appeared on the looking glass in the bathroom. He ran the fingers through his wet hair and pushed his hair back, exposing the flawless forehead. Water dropped passing over the big tattoo on his forearm and Chanyeol turned off the shower.

After wrapping the towel on his waist, Chanyeol came out of the bathroom to see a pair of clothes on the bed. He knew Baekhyun took the biggest clothes from his wardrobe for him. His eyes landed on his phone on the bed and he realized that neither Mr. Hong nor Jongin contacted him in the past hours.

But he did not think much and unwrapped his towel before remembering that he brought no boxers with him. Embarrassment hit him in the face when Baekhyun teasing him last night flashed back in his mind.

"Aish, forget it."

Chanyeol shook his head and slipped into the pants quickly. He took a look at the mirror to check himself out in Baekhyun's biggest clothes and it wasn't bad except that the pants were a little short for him.

The smell coming from the kitchen told him that delicious meal was ready and Chanyeol could not ignore his empty stomach anymore so he came out of the room quickly.

"The pork cutlet is ready!"

Baekhyun in the apron was kind of cute but Chanyeol immediately shooed away that thought and tasted a piece of pork first.

"Uhm, it's not bad."

"Do you think I will kill you if you say it is delicious?"

"Who knows?"

Chanyeol mischievously grinned and put another piece of pork into his mouth. He sat on the seat and ate a spoonful of rice, he was so hungry right now.

"We are like a married couple."

Baekhyun's sudden words attacked Chanyeol hard that he choked on the pork cutlet in his pharynx. Baekhyun immediately handed a glass of water to him and he accepted it.

"You saw me kidnapping Senator Jang, right?"

Chanyeol put down the spoon and chopsticks, and said with a serious face. The shorter averted his gaze when he started about the topic.


"Yes, I saw but it has nothing to do with our relationship."

"Of course it does! You may know or not but I am a gangster who did a lot of bad things beyond the level which you can ever imagine."

"I don't care. I love you for just being you. I don't care how many people you killed, how many people you beat, how many bones you broke and how many scars you got. I only care how good you are in bed, how much you can love me, how long you take in shower, how you sleep at night and how often you say I love you to me."

Chanyeol just sighed when he saw hope in Baekhyun's eyes.

"Thanks for the meal."

He just left the dining room and took his things in the bedroom.

"Where are you going?"

Baekhyun ran after him and asked, his pretty fingers landing on Chanyeol's arm at the doorstep.

"I don't find a reason to stay here anymore."

Chanyeol squeezed Baekhyun's hand off of his arm and left, the shorter tried his best not to cry while looking at the taller's back. Seconds passed and turned to minutes but Chanyeol did not come back.

Baekhyun shed a tear and turned around to open the door but someone strongly slapped his nape and his vision went blurry.

Who are they..?

Baekhyun could not concentrate.

"He just left."

He just left..? Are they talking about Chanyeol?

He felt that he was put onto someone's shoulder.

Be safe, love.

That was all he could do right now.


*   *   *




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Beau1996 1374 streak #1
Chapter 10: Good story!!
Chapter 12: It's so nice~~~
kathalina_kat #3
Chapter 12: This story is good. A lot is happening. It has so many scenes , that you can make an action movie. Like!
Aeri_rhea #4
Chapter 12: Oh god. I loved this soooo nuch?❤️
Chapter 12: Awwwwwwwwwww ♡♡♡♡♡
BabyFratellis #6
Sometimes a fanfic with only a few subsribers actually has a good story :). And your fic here is really good actually. Hope you will gain a lot of subscribers and continue writing, author-nim :)
BabyFratellis #7
Chapter 12: I love this story. It's really cute though i've expected some in it kekeke. And i hope for another special chapter >.<. I love Chanyeol and Baekhyun's character here hehe
Soora_sara #8
I love your story!!! I even followed you on wattpad hehehehehe