Valentine's Special

Unpretty Romance




"Adam's apple."

It was still an early morning and Baekhyun woke up unusually but he was bored, also still too lazy to get out of bed in the cold morning, thus he enjoyed his time playing his finger on his husband's facial features. His index finger ran playfully on Chanyeol's bare chest for a couple of seconds until he mumbled, "Chest."

His finger continued traveling and reached Chanyeol's well built abdomen where abs were clearly seen. "Muscles," Baekhyun whispered under breath and decided to run down his finger to somewhere further, however, his naughty hand was grabbed by Chanyeol before he could reach the destined part.

"Are you having fun alone in the early morning?"

Chanyeol caught both of Baekhyun's hands together by wrists and asked after placing a morning kiss on the latter's forehead.

"It's so boring, isn't it?"

"Let's sleep more. You must be tired because even I am having a backache now."

"Didn't I tell you to stop it after two rounds, you lusty beast?"

Baekhyun pretended to hit Chanyeol's chest and said with judging eyes. The taller smiled and pulled him into his embrace. To be honest, Chanyeol was really sleepy right now, he needed to sleep but this talkative puppy was still energetic after a restless night.

"Let me sleep, Baek. I am really tired."

Chanyeol hugged him tightly and went back to sleep. His sleep was peaceful until Baekhyun decided to bite his chest, leaving a small scar on the left. However, as an experienced gangster he was, such negligible pain was easily ignored and drifted to the dream land again.


Baekhyun looked up to Chanyeol after biting for the third time and having no response. Chanyeol was really in deep sleep and he even felt sorry for disturbing him just because he was bored.

He cupped the taller's cheeks and kissed him on the lips softly before he also went back to sleep in Chanyeol's embrace, listening to the heartbeat of the heart which only beat that fast for him.


*   *   *


"Do you have any plans on 14th?"

Kyungsoo asked while wiping the glass of the window on the third floor. Both doctors did not have anything to do as no patient was there so they decided to clean the mansion by themselves.

"No, not yet. Probably, I will be spending all day with Chanyeol."

"Haven't you heard it?"

Kyungsoo said with surprise and he even put down the piece of clothes in his hand and turned to face Baekhyun completely. His eyes were sorrowful and Baekhyun thought he already knew what Kyungsoo was trying to say.

"Ah, will he have to follow Mr. Hong again?"

"Yes, I am sorry."

"It's okay because it's not your fault anyway."

"Actually, Chanyeol was replaced for Jongin's place for the trip."


"Jongin denied the trip because this 14th will be our first Valentine day together. And Chanyeol said he would help us."

Baekhyun could not blame Kyungsoo and Jongin but he felt bitter because of the fact that Chanyeol was willing to be away from him on such special day for a couple. What kind of person was his husband? He was really clueless for the moment.

"Excuse me."

Baekhyun left the place alone because he did not want to do the things which he wanted to do a while ago. He just went back to their room and locked the room before getting on the bed and hid himself under the mass of blanket. Chanyeol acted so cold upon him. It was not a misunderstanding anymore.

He would only show affection towards Baekhyun when he wanted to make love to him. At other times, he was nowhere to be found. Baekhyun didn't want this kind of married life and he bet nobody would want.

"Did he get tired of me?"

Was Baekhyun his little puppy which waited for him all day to come back from work and greeted him when he returned home?

Was he just a doll that had to stay in the glass case as long as it looked pretty?

He was a ing human who needed love and affection from his beloved man. He was a human built with blood and cells and genes, also born with a heart which could not only pump blood but also make him feel millions of feelings as time went by.

Well, nobody could know the scattered pieces of miserable feelings in his mind. It was the only time when he missed the old environment he used to live in as he needed to feel loved somehow. The love he received from his patients when he took care of them, the love he received from his coworkers when he agreed to substitute the night duties, the love he received from the security old man when he bought him a warm soup in the winter, he was loved in his past.

He missed it so much.


*   *   *


The 14th of February without Chanyeol beside him, just the imagination about it was terrible for Baekhyun. Yesterday, Baekhyun silently boycotted by staying inside the room all day without eating anything so he got a slight fever today but Chanyeol knew Baekhyun was angry with him and thus took him out for a date, which they never had before or after marriage.

A date, yes, it was a so-called-date at the firing range in the compound of headquarter and Baekhyun's anger doubled up when he realized Chanyeol just took him to watch the taller teaching others and titled it a date.


Baekhyun shouted out loud and everyone in the range went silent for a while. All of them stared at Baekhyun with confusion until they found out whom Baekhyun referred to. Chanyeol was also staring at him with wide eyes.

"A ing date you said!"

Baekhyun screamed again and ran away from the spot as fast as he could. People said that a marriage made two strangers become one. He believed there would be an unseen string between couples and that string attached their souls together so they could sense each other's mind.

"Where the hell is our string then?"

He knew he already ran out of the headquarter's compound but he did not have a thought to stop and go back to Chanyeol. As long as Chanyeol could not feel the string between them, he decided not to return home.

He pulled the hoodie tightly and sat down at the bus stop. His cheek turned red because of fever but he tried his best to keep alert because he did not want to be kidnapped like the last time. The wedding ring on his finger reflected the sunlight and shone brightly.

"Don't we have a string?"

The bus arrived and Baekhyun got on quickly. After taking a seat at the middle row, he called a number which he remembered exactly to hear the voice of his beloved friend.

"Hello, Tao!"


*   *   *


"Why did you take him there for a date, Hyung? Does it even make sense?"

Jongin's annoyance was completely written on his face and Kyungsoo held his hand to stop making Chanyeol's displeased situation worse. When they found Chanyeol running around in the mansion like a crazy old man, they never thought he was searching for Baekhyun.

The Beta broke down into tears when he was sure his husband left the place and his phone was powered off so they could not find his location.

"I wanted to teach him how to shoot. That's why I chose to go there but when we reached, I saw some of them practicing in wrong position so I couldn't stand it and corrected them. Well, I forgot him sitting there at the corner for a moment and focused in training them hard."

Jongin and Kyungsoo were speechless because they also knew what kind of person Chanyeol was. As a second gang leader who grew up with guns and bullets since young, the situation was also reasonable for him.

"What are you going to do?" Kyungsoo asked while calling Baekhyun's number that said it was powered off.

"I have to find him of course!"

"How? We can't even find his location."

"I will go to his home first, then to the hospital he worked."

"Then, we will try to chase the location if his phone is on."

Chanyeol nodded and went out of the mansion immediately, leaving the couple behind.

"If you acted like Chanyeol, I would leave you way before today."

Kyungsoo hugged the younger tightly and said. It was a relief that Jongin was born as Jongin for him.

"Yes, I would do that too."

They both laughed.


*   *   *


Tao did not change much since he last met him. He told Baekhyun how much the whole ward missed him, how the lead nurse Kim shed a tear when Baekhyun suddenly disappeared after sending a resignation letter to the hospital. They were now inside the junior doctors' room and there were only two of them.

"I am married, Tao."

The talkative friend even choked on the juice when Baekhyun actually said those words all of a sudden. The open anatomy book was stained with orange juice and Tao made a fuss childishly.

"I borrowed it from Minki sunbae! I am dead. I am dead! Damn! Wait a minute, what did you just say?"

"I am married."

"How dare you say nothing to me!?"

"It was so sudden and complicated that I didn't have a chance to tell you."

"So, who is your partner?"


Tao kept quiet for a while, recalling the memories and his eyes widened when he remembered exactly the 614 patient.

"What?! Really?"

"And, he is a gangster."

"Woah, it's cool!"

Baekhyun felt relief on Tao's reaction to Chanyeol's job and he smiled. It was great to hear that his friend accepted his husband's job.

"But we had a fight and I don't want to return home. If I go sleep at my place, he will find me so easily."

"It is normal for a married couple to fight. You can stay at my home if you want. But, you must guarantee of my safety, buddy."

Tao's phone rang and he answered it as it was from the reception. Then, he took a look at Baekhyun.

"What?" Baekhyun asked when Tao ended the call.

"I think your 614 is here. They told him where I am so he will probably be here in a few minutes."

"What? I need to hide. Tell me when he is gone."

Tao just watched Baekhyun opening the wardrobe and getting inside. The white little wardrobe was made to hang duty coats so it was small for people like Tao but Baekhyun just easily sat inside the wardrobe and closed it quickly.

"I will."

Tao replied and sat on the chair to pretend like he was reading the anatomy book which he just stained with juice. It was just two minutes later and Chanyeol showed up.

"You must be Huang Zitao."

"So, you are the 614 patient."

Baekhyun put his hands on mouth to keep him quiet and listened to them.

"Baekhyun contacted you, right?"

Chanyeol sounded so sure and Tao even hesitated to reply a fake answer.

"Well, will you believe me if I deny?"

Urgh, this idiot!

Baekhyun mentally cursed Tao and kept listening to them but nobody talked. Then he heard a quiet slam of the door. Did Chanyeol really believe what Tao said and leave?

"He is gone."

Tao's voice appeared and Baekhyun got out of the wardrobe immediately. He was really disappointed when Chanyeol took Tao's words seriously and left so easily.

"Why do you look so disappointed?"

"I am just.. tired."

"Then, rest for a moment. I will be back in a while."

Tao left the room and Baekhyun sat on the chair quietly. He did not want to admit but he unknowingly hoped Chanyeol to find him as soon as possible. However, it seemed impossible now.

"He needs to know that this is the only place I would go."

Baekhyun whined and cried at the same time.

"Loving you is hard, crazy bastard."

"Is it?"

Baekhyun startled when he heard Chanyeol whisper into his ears and felt a pair of arms wrapped his waist tightly. This time, he cried harder because of joy.

"Are you enjoying your time with your best friend after making me worry about you?"

Chanyeol bit Baekhyun's earlobe lightly which made the shorter get goosebumps all over the body. He held onto the taller's hand when Chanyeol kept planting small kisses along his nape.

"I won't go anywhere on 14th. I will spend the whole day with you."


*   *   *


They unexpectedly decided to spend their precious time together at Baekhyun's home. Chanyeol cooked dinner for him as he wrote down on the wishlist number one. It was not that delicious but edible. He praised Chanyeol for getting this taste on his first time cooking.

As a second wish, he asked Chanyeol to sing a song for him, it was now pending.

"My vocal isn't good though."

Chanyeol said and wrapped his hands around Baekhyun who was leaning his back against Chanyeol's chest, the whole body was completely in his embrace and Chanyeol had to spread his legs for Baekhyun to sit in between them.

"Until the day when the East Sea's waters and
Mt. Baekdu are dry and worn away,
God protect and preserve us.
Long live our nation!

Three thousand Li of splendid rivers and mountains,
filled with Roses of Sharon;
Great Korean People,
stay true to the Great Korean way.

The pine tree atop foremountain
stands firmly unchanged under wind
and frost as if wrapped in armour,
as is our resilient spirit.

Three thousand Li of splendid rivers and mountains,
filled with Roses of Sharon;
Great Korean People,
stay true to the Great Korean way.

Autumn sky is void and vast,
high and cloudless,
the bright moon is our heart,
undivided and true.

Three thousand Li of splendid rivers and mountains,
filled with Roses of Sharon;
Great Korean People,
stay true to the Great Korean way.

With this spirit and this mind,
give all loyalty,
in suffering or in joy,
love the country."

Baekhyun sighed and sang the last part together with Chanyeol.

"Three thousand Li of splendid rivers and mountains,
filled with Roses of Sharon;
Great Korean People,
stay true to the Great Korean way."

The song came to an end and Baekhyun pinched the taller's hand on his waist.

"You should sing a love song, not national anthem!"

"This is the only song I know."

Chanyeol pleaded and pinched Baekhyun's cheeks slightly. The shorter was not happy with Chanyeol's choice of song but he did not complain anymore and took his wishlist.

"Sing a song for me - done."

"What is next?"

"Give a thousand of kisses to me-"

"It's really easy for me. You can even add French."

Chanyeol playfully interrupted Baekhyun's words and carried him to head to the bedroom but the doctor gave him an evil smile.

"..while doing push-ups."

Chanyeol was speechless.

"You are really pure devil."

"The floor is okay."

Baekhyun pretended like he did not hear and commanded Chanyeol to put him down onto the floor. The taller shook his head as he surrendered and put Baekhyun down on the floor then stretched his arms to do push-ups.

"But a thousand of push-ups is too much."

Chanyeol whined as soon as he got into the position with arms straight out and looked down at Baekhyun who was under him, waiting for him to receive a kiss after each push-up.

"Are a thousand of kisses worthless?"

Baekhyun pouted.

"Don't make me lose my mind."

Chanyeol said and started doing push-ups.


Baekhyun counted and Chanyeol kissed him on the lips.





Chanyeol was panting heavily and sweat started to drip onto the floor which Baekhyun found y.

"90, done!"

Chanyeol's eyes widened when Baekhyun said and marked a tick beside number 3 on his wishlist.

"Wait, what?"

"Give a thousand of kisses to me while doing push-ups. That is the actual sentence but I love you so much and can't stand watching you exercising too hard in the middle of night so I added a sentence."


"After 90 push-ups, you can stop exercising and start kissing me. - This is what I added."

Chanyeol lay down on the floor and breathed heavily while Baekhyun changed the position and got onto him immediately.

"Nine hundred and ten kisses!"

Baekhyun announced before attacking Chanyeol by placing several kisses on the face, neck and along the arms, everywhere his skin was exposed.

"Let me take a shower first. I am sweating now."

Chanyeol laughed and pushed him aside but the doctor stuck on him like a super glue and bit his chest to earn a gentle smile from Chanyeol.

"I don't mind as we will be sweating a lot later."

Baekhyun kissed him and Chanyeol gave up. He just held his husband who was on top of him right now tightly and kissed him back passionately.

"By the way, what is number 4 on your list?"

"There is no number 4."


"Yes, because I don't know how long your nine hundred and ten kisses will take. It might turn another year so I will think about number 4 slowly."

Chanyeol's heart ached when Baekhyun hid his face and said those words. There went a small problem between them.

"What makes you think that way?"

"You are always busy everyday. We only have our special time together when we make love."

"I am working hard so I can retire very soon."

Baekhyun kept quiet and both locked in a quite long eye contact. To be honest, he never expected this situation. Was Chanyeol saying that he would quit the gang which he was loyal to the most?

"I requested Mr. Hong about retirement since we married. That is why I keep going on a lot of trips and can't come near you because you are my main distraction."

"So, does it mean I have been misunderstanding you since then without knowing anything about it?"

Baekhyun almost cried at the moment and Chanyeol kissed his forehead slowly, and softly.

"Will you marry me?" Chanyeol asked all of a sudden.

"What are you talking about? We are already married."

"Let's get married legally in foreign and do registration."

"I now know what to add as number 4 on my list."

"What is it?"

"No.4 - Change my surname."


*   *   *



A/N : This is really the end! No more special chapter for white day xD
To be honest, the national anthem part was to congratulate our Baekhyunee *clap *clap

The Christmas Special was too short so I wrote this for you all. Actually, I was supposed to write a special chapter for Love For Rent 😂

Well, whatever, enjoy your Valentines ^^

[And, happy birthday my beloved Valentine boy, Jaehyun.]

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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 10: Good story!!
Chapter 12: It's so nice~~~
kathalina_kat #3
Chapter 12: This story is good. A lot is happening. It has so many scenes , that you can make an action movie. Like!
Aeri_rhea #4
Chapter 12: Oh god. I loved this soooo nuch?❤️
Chapter 12: Awwwwwwwwwww ♡♡♡♡♡
BabyFratellis #6
Sometimes a fanfic with only a few subsribers actually has a good story :). And your fic here is really good actually. Hope you will gain a lot of subscribers and continue writing, author-nim :)
BabyFratellis #7
Chapter 12: I love this story. It's really cute though i've expected some in it kekeke. And i hope for another special chapter >.<. I love Chanyeol and Baekhyun's character here hehe
Soora_sara #8
I love your story!!! I even followed you on wattpad hehehehehe