Chapter 10 [FINAL]

Unpretty Romance

"What do you prefer, tea or coffee?"

"I am fine whatever."

Baekhyun was now in Mr. Hong's room. The last time he saw Chanyeol was three days ago and Kyungsoo told him that the taller was in the process of his mission so he would be back after it.

To be honest, he had no idea about getting summoned here all of a sudden.

"So, why do you call me?"

He asked when Mr. Hong sat down in front of him after handing him a cup of tea.

"Of course about Chanyeol."

"Did something happen to him?"

"No, he is all good but I know he will never tell you about it so I decided to tell you."

"About what?"

"About the marriage."

Baekhyun's eyes widened. He could not understand what Mr. Hong was trying to say.

"The ones who kidnapped you are our rivals and they want Chanyeol's failure. And they know you are his weakness so they targeted you."

"Why am I his weakness?"

"Chanyeol values the people around him so much. He doesn't want his close friends being targeted by gangsters because of him. He was trapped like the same way for a couple of times before and he almost died from saving his beloved ones."

Beloved ones, the words echoed in Baekhyun's mind and jealousy took him over.

"Did Chanyeol have a lover?"

"You better ask him personally. What I want to say is that Chanyeol is so precious for me and for the gang so there is no way I am going to let him risk his life again for the same problem."

Honestly, Baekhyun still did not get what he meant but he just kept quiet.

"This is why I am begging you to accept his proposal so they can't make Chanyeol find any difficulty."

"Huh? What proposal? I have never heard of it."

"I see, you misunderstood at that time so. Do you remember him asking you to join the gang?"

"Yes, but I rej.... by any chance, did it mean...."

"Asking someone to join the gang is known as a proposal here."

"Oh my god! Did I reject my crush?!"

Baekhyun uncontrollably let out his thought and Mr. Hong chuckled lightly.

"Ahem, whatever. Why is our marriage and the rivals related?"

"If you marry him, you are a part of our gang and if they dare touch someone who is a part of Phoenix, especially the second leader's husband, it means they are challenging the whole gang so it's obvious that they will be dead meat soon. But, if you reject him, you are just an outsider so we can't help Chanyeol if they do something bad to you."

Why was the world he never knew so complicated? Baekhyun sighed and he now knew why the gangsters reacted badly upon his rejection to join the gang when Chanyeol asked.

He now understood why Jihoon's reaction was too harsh, why Jongin did not come to talk to him as usual after it happened, why Kyungsoo acted weird. Everyone might have expected that Baekhyun would accept it but it turned out the opposite.

"Only if I know that it's a proposal...."

"You still have a chance to correct everything."

Mr. Hong smiled at him before continuing his words.

"Chanyeol is coming back on this Monday and it's his birthday so he will be happy to celebrate his wedding on his birthday."


*   *   *


Baekhyun thought it took a thousand years for Monday to reach. The taller was doing his mission so Baekhyun was not allowed to contact him in order to prevent further side effects resulted from distraction during operation.

"We don't have any couple selca. We don't have any romantic chat to re-read. I can't do anything to hear your voice through the line or see your face through the screen."

He mumbled alone and checked the calendar. He had to endure two more days before Chanyeol's arrival.

"Baekhyun, it's me. Can I come in?"

Kyungsoo's voice interrupted Baekhyun's thoughts and the latter quickly went to open the door. His one and only close friend in the mansion came inside with a photo album.

"What is this?"

"Mr. Hong told me to show you."

"Woah, isn't it Chanyeol!?"

It was a photo album of Chanyeol since his childhood till now and Baekhyun enjoyed the moment so much. Most of the photos showed that young Chanyeol was more serious than other children at his age.

"He got a perfect score for gun shooting. That's fantastic!"

It seemed like Mr. Hong forced him to take photos because Chanyeol wasn't smiling at all in the photos, he was staring intensely at the camera or completely ignoring the camera.

"I guess he hates taking photos."

"Jongin told me that he thought it as unnecessary thing."

"Of course it is necessary. We can put our memories in just one photo."

"Who knows? He will like to take photos if you convince him."

"Keke, I will give it a try."

"By the way, I heard from Mr. Hong that he told you to propose Chanyeol."

Baekhyun chuckled and nodded for a numerous times before showing Kyungsoo about the wedding rings he searched on internet.

"Help me in choosing one."

Kyungsoo agreed and he looked through the rings Baekhyun chose randomly. One of the designs caught his attention when he realized that it was really similar to the ones Chanyeol chose for proposing Baekhyun, but he heard that the taller lost one of the couple rings.

"This one is really similar to the ones Chanyeol chose but he lost it on the day of proposal."

Baekhyun took a look at the one Kyungsoo mentioned and he knew he had seen it somewhere but he couldn't remember where he saw.

"I think I saw it..."

He mumbled alone and Kyungsoo looked at him with confusion. Baekhyun closed his eyes and recalled the memories so hard, he was sure he saw the ring but he wasn't certain about the place.

During that moment while he was thinking hard, the barks of the dogs in the compound reached his ears.

Oh yes! I found it in the hall and even thought to give it to Kyungsoo to look for the owner of the ring.

"I saw it."

"Did you find the ring?"

"Yes, I found it in the hall."

"Really? It's a relief-"



"But I can't remember where I put it."

Kyungsoo did not know that coming to Baekhyun's room with a photo album would lead him to search for the ring for the rest of the day in the room together with Baekhyun.

Under the bed, beneath the bedsheets, in the drawers, on the table, in and out of the wardrobe, even in the bathroom - they had searched every corner inside the room but the two doctors could not find the lost ring.

"Wait a minute..."

Baekhyun widened his eyes when he remembered that he never took out the ring from his pants pocket.

"It must be in my pants pocket."

Kyungsoo just sighed and led to the laundry room, Baekhyun followed him with a small smile of relief. They spent almost an hour searching for the ring in the pockets of all the pants of the Byun which he sent for laundry but they could not find it either.

"Where the hell is the ring?"

Kyungsoo almost cried because he thought that the ring was really lost again while Baekhyun thought what he did on that day.

First, I put it in my pants pocket. Then... he saved me from the dogs. After that,... we kissed.. and... that room..

"Ah! I think it's there in that room!"

"That room?"

"Kyungsoo, there are the rooms for the gangsters in the hallway, right?"

"Yes, but why did you get inside?"

Baekhyun just awkwardly smiled because of their inappropriate action in a stranger's room, more particularly, on someone else's bed.

"You two.."

Kyungsoo guessed the reason right by scanning Baekhyun's reaction and he just shook his head.

"I never thought that Chanyeol is that ."

Actually, it was me who dragged him into the room.

Baekhyun thought but he did not let Kyungsoo know the secret. He followed Kyungsoo all the way to the rooms and the latter almost jumped in surprise when Baekhyun pointed to the room in which they made love.

"It is Park Jihoon's room and we will be dead if he finds out we sneaked into his room, and you will be dead if you let him know that you two did it on his bed."

Kyungsoo said and looked around but fortunately, the members were not back to the mansion yet.

"So, I will sneak inside and look for the room while you stand here and check if they return or not. Signal me when he comes back, okay? We don't have time."

Baekhyun said and opened the door before Kyungsoo had agreed.

"It might fall when he took off my pants."

Baekhyun said and crawled around to search for the ring. The lost ring which hid well was standing proudly at a corner under the bed and Baekhyun did not think twice to crawl under the bed to get it.

But he was too late to get out when he heard Kyungsoo's loud voice calling Jihoon's name.


*   *   *


"You only have him in your eyes."

Curiosity hit Baekhyun hard when he saw another guy came inside the room long after Jihoon arrived. Yes, he had been playing dead under the bed for almost three hours.

"Of course I have been admiring him since I first arrived here."

"But Beta is going to marry that doctor anyway."

Baekhyun's eyes widened when Chanyeol was mentioned in Jihoon and unknown guy's talk.

"I am not interested."

"But hyung-"

"Stop it right now. You are too young to think about affairs."

Baekhyun's heart jumped when the unknown boy sat on the chair right in front of the bed and their eyes met. He saw Baekhyun who was hiding under the bed but the latter immediately put a finger on his lips and begged him to stay quiet. However, the unknown boy averted the eye contact and called Jihoon.


I am dead for sure..

Baekhyun thought and gulped nervously.

"I have something to show you. Come on."

He stood up and dragged Jihoon out of the room, unexpectedly, he helped Baekhyun.

"Thanks god for sending this kind boy to help me."

Baekhyun quickly got out of the room and ran straight to his room, sending a million of thankfulness to the unknown boy.


*   *   *


Chanyeol thought it was the mission which took the longest time because he missed Baekhyun so much already. The hall was empty just like usual and Chanyeol just directly went to the Byun's room.

To be honest, he did not expect to see Kyungsoo instead of Baekhyun in Baekhyun's room.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Read it."

Kyungsoo handed him a paper card and when he opened it, Baekhyun's cute and small handwriting welcomed him.

Welcome back! You must stay in the room for half an hour from now on. After that, you can come to the hall. I will wait for you. - Your Baekhyunee

Chanyeol gave Kyungsoo a confused glare and the latter did not care it, he just pressed the stopwatch and started counting the seconds.

"What are you guys planning?"

"Wait and see."

Thirty minutes seemed like thirty hours for Chanyeol right now. A great gangster who always waited for the good timing to make a movement was now impatient to take a step out of the room.

"Done. You can go out now."

Kyungsoo showed him the stopwatch and the taller immediately ran out of the room to see Jongin waiting at the door with a blindfold, and a grin on his face.

"What is it again?"

"Let me put this blindfold on your eyes. Your boyfriend told me to do this."

Chanyeol could not help but smiled when he mentioned Baekhyun as his boyfriend. Flowers bloomed in his mind and he surrendered with a sigh, letting Jongin blindfold him.

"Here, hold on my shoulder. Your boy will kill me if you fall off from the stairs and lose a tooth."

"This is how you show your love to your Beta, huh?"

Chanyeol locked Jongin's head with his arm and the junior laughed out loud.

"Come on. He is waiting for you."

He had been wandering around the whole mansion since young so he did not make a slip even though he was blindfolded. And he knew that Jongin was not heading to the hall yet.

However, his heart was shaking so much not because of the darkness but because of Baekhyun's gift. He guessed that it was his birthday so Baekhyun planned to surprise him by throwing a birthday party.

"Welcome home, Chanyeol."

As soon as he heard Baekhyun's voice, also a pair of arms wrapped around his neck and he felt that his heart almost jumped off from his chest.

"Happy birthday."

"Ayy, what are you doing?!"

Chanyeol asked shockingly when he felt Baekhyun taking off his coat and ing his shirt. Then, Baekhyun clothed him with a new long sleeve shirt and a new coat which smelled nice.


Chanyeol felt his face burning when Baekhyun quickly pulled down his pants. He did not even know what was going on and now, his boyfriend was changing the clothes for him while he was blindfolded.

"Long time no see," Baekhyun teased Chanyeol by patting his bulge hidden under the boxer while he was changing the pants for Chanyeol and the taller covered his face in embarrassment.

"Baekhyun, can I remove this blindfold now? I miss you so much that I want to see your face as soon as possible."

"Endure for a minute and your wish will be fulfilled."

Baekhyun said and zipped the pants then clung tightly onto Chanyeol's arm and led him to the hall.

"Are you ready?"

Kyungsoo's voice sounded like it came from a microphone and Chanyeol frowned. He felt a soft touch of Baekhyun's finger around his ears and the blindfold was removed in a second, he opened his eyes and was amazed by how everyone managed to change the empty hall into a wedding hall decorated with white balloons and white rose petals scattered on the carpet within thirty minutes.

He turned to look at Baekhyun who was stunning in white suit and he remembered to check himself too. When he saw the same designed white suit on his body, tears filled up his eyes.

"Why are you crying?"

Baekhyun asked and Chanyeol hugged him tightly, hid his face on the shorter's shoulder and cried hard.

"Stop crying and exchange the rings!"

Jongin shouted and Chanyeol stopped crying but he worriedly held Baekhyun's shoulder and said,"But I lost the rings."

The giant Beta was acting like a lost puppy and the gang members chuckled. In confusion, Chanyeol threw a stare at them and his eyes widened when Kyungsoo came up with both rings staying pretty in an open red velvet box.

"Baekhyun found the lost ring and Jongin stole your ring. So, you lost both but we have both now."

Kyungsoo explained and Chanyeol smiled instead of getting angry.

"We did not have enough time so we can't get a Father here. But this wedding is legal for us."

Baekhyun said and put on the wedding ring on Chanyeol's ring finger. Chanyeol shed a tear and put the smaller ring on Baekhyun's finger.

"I am not romantic but you know I love you so much."

Baekhyun wrapped his arms around the taller's neck after he had said and kissed him softly.

"Ayy! I haven't told you to kiss!"

Jongin threw a joke and Chanyeol smiled during their kiss but he did not let go of Baekhyun's lips and even grabbed him closer by his waist.

Be safe in my embrace, love.


*   *   *



[ Started on 25th July, 2017
Finished on 27th November, 2017]


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 10: Good story!!
Chapter 12: It's so nice~~~
kathalina_kat #3
Chapter 12: This story is good. A lot is happening. It has so many scenes , that you can make an action movie. Like!
Aeri_rhea #4
Chapter 12: Oh god. I loved this soooo nuch?❤️
Chapter 12: Awwwwwwwwwww ♡♡♡♡♡
BabyFratellis #6
Sometimes a fanfic with only a few subsribers actually has a good story :). And your fic here is really good actually. Hope you will gain a lot of subscribers and continue writing, author-nim :)
BabyFratellis #7
Chapter 12: I love this story. It's really cute though i've expected some in it kekeke. And i hope for another special chapter >.<. I love Chanyeol and Baekhyun's character here hehe
Soora_sara #8
I love your story!!! I even followed you on wattpad hehehehehe