what will you see?

The reason. Jaejoong's birthday special mini-series

There might be something outside your comfort zone, but you would never see it. There might me somewhere else that going to hunt you, but your world was moveable. You were a coward, mean and selfish, an awful man that willing to kill people who don't follow what you want, and all the beauties with you were like venom, you inject it to one and every vein there was in us and push it through our holes, forcing it to dissolve in our body, making us, the weakling on beauty, faint, collide with the dirt and hail your name, watches your back and let you lead us, to the darkness of new light, to the road of another despair.

And I couldn't run away from your comfort zone either. You heartless man, you took my life hope, you took the right of my humanity, you took the beauty over my eyes, and you took the music in the middle of it epic part. You were always dragging me to one of your darkest corner, the collection of your desperation, the coffin for my happy thought. And you would watches over me, for everyday, every hour; you keep me in your pocket and crush me every time you think you need to. I was your one and only puppet to play with, running your errands and did dirty things you ask me to. From stealing information to stealing life, from killing pest to killing pets, from taking away thrash till taking away jewel, its all my doing, under your command, under your enchant, under your breath.

In this comfort zone, I swore to myself that one day I'll burn all your comfortable along with your devilish beauty, the devious look behind we all, ty human enchanted by beauties. I would burn your one and every memory like when you hook the entire lovely away from my brain. Your brain will splatter around the fire and there it's all beautiful again, life became interesting again, and view would not be only you anymore, prepare the new world for the new coming.

And 5 years ago, I did it all, my dream, my wish, my sinful thought all become reality. It all happens, without hesitation I hugged your tiny form, your bony hands, your skinny shoulder, and the figures that I love the statue of my longing. Without hesitation I loved you. Without questioning you welcomed me. You thought I loved you. You thought we want you. It was all yours thought, I don't love your face any longer, I won't crave your words anymore, I won't ever touch you.

"Why?" those melodically scary voice still haunt me in my dream. Those shaking voice when the flame start your fingers, embracing your hand with my warmth.

"Because we can not love…"

Thus, I leave your soul forever and watch the hail of your sorrow. The pain of the powerful, the regretful comfort I've been swimming in. that was it, the beauty and the terrible feeling of you… and my eyes.

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Ok, so Yoochun was three.
Omo~ that was sad T^T I can't believe he did that just to kill himself at the end >.<
He did kill himself at the end right? ^^"
The third chapter was Yoochun or Yunho?
What did Jaejong do five years ago? >.<
Min killed Jae? >.< What did he do that made them hate him?
Omo~ did Xiah stab himself :O I hope not >.<