What does it like?

The reason. Jaejoong's birthday special mini-series


The main-woman-role was walking around in despair, waiting for the love of her life that will take her away to hell, but she didn't know he would… her steps were so light and she looked like dancing instead, humming happily while holding a bouquet, this is what will be when a lesbian-butch getting straight with a gay-uke . And behind my watch, my brain flew away from the seat, I was thinking of you… If you were here, sitting beside me, watching this crappy play, you'll be ranting about the anti-gravity she gave which made her character became faintly weak and innocent while she supposed to be strong and sinful.  The main-man-role wasn't good either, I'd rather say his acting quality was worst than an ant could be, but he got the charm, the charm of failure, the charm of desperate, and the charm of being a ditched out man, the charm which was needed by people like me to stand and told myself that I'm a ing awesome dude.
This is the end of my plays, been 5 years since the first time I planned to see the end of what I've always start, but this time is really the end… it's not a plan but a reality, I'm not going to lie to myself like I did all those useless year, being paranoid and having him following me in thought, I'm going to do this right and straight and real.
5 years ago I made you pay it all, pay it all the cost you took from me, pay the entire price you drop from me. For what you did to me, and all I've done to you. You won't get what you suppose to get, no longer life, no longer faith, because I end it all in your eyes.

Do you ever remember how I send your dream burning in hell, your life explodes with alcohol and your ambitions drown in vinegar? How the blood soaked your body and the maggots rot your flesh? I held your soft whiter arms and kiss you on the lip, and that greedy tongue of you collide to the pill that I've prepare for you, as your ty tongue battle with mine in greed to gulp all my saliva down, I push it in until you dissolve it until one and every bit of it absorbed by your dirty blood and washed to your entire body, so you will at last rest from all the exhausting life you commit and will never wake up. Just you and your darkest time of death, everything was perfect for me, for my soul to witness and for my life to live in.

I sighed and stand on the stage. I'm a script-writer, I wrote plays that you want, I wrote dialogues that you want to hear, I worked it because you told me.  And now it must be the end, when I get down from the stage everything will come to an end, no more you no more us, no more plays, no more lies. Because you're no longer following me.

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Ok, so Yoochun was three.
Omo~ that was sad T^T I can't believe he did that just to kill himself at the end >.<
He did kill himself at the end right? ^^"
The third chapter was Yoochun or Yunho?
What did Jaejong do five years ago? >.<
Min killed Jae? >.< What did he do that made them hate him?
Omo~ did Xiah stab himself :O I hope not >.<