
Deep Waters





The mind is never satisfied with what they have, always breaking away from its present moment, and drowning itself in schemes to satisfy their thirst and hunger. Much like a skyscraper one may not hope to make it up to the top but rather succeed through a series of unbalanced thoughts and schemes. 








Taecyeon’s POV

I brushed away the fake tears off my eyes and smirked to myself triumphantly. Who would have thought that Yoona would have been so gullible and so easy to bend? Donghae couldn’t even make his so called best friend believe him, how embarrassing. I had temporarily cracked their relationship but I knew that this would soon heal. I needed to break it, to rip it apart until Yoona hated Donghae and hated the sight of him. That was my goal right now.

Wooyoung was right. Playing dirty was good. It felt so good.

And I deliberately made Donghae see that I was putting on a show for Yoona. He’s probably going to be convincing her all day what kind of person I was and telling her not to believe me. But really the joke was on him because he would just settle in the salt and make her think that he’s jealous and deliberately trying to break our friendship. While I look innocent he’s just digging a deeper hole for himself.

Soon everything will be complete and Yoona will be mine.

I reached into my left pocket and took out my mobile dialling the number that would connect to my family’s personal secretary. I looked around making sure that I was completely alone before speaking once the call had connected.

“I need you to check the background of a guy called Lee Donghae. I want every single detail about him... I want to know everything about his childhood up until now and all the people he knows. And intercept his emails and online accounts or whatever he has... I have a feeling he’s hiding a tonne of ,” I ordered.

“Sir... if somebody finds out... this might get very serious.”

True, interfering with somebody’s private life was serious, it was illegal.

But did it look like I actually give a ?

“You’re my secretary. I pay you to do stuff for me. Get it? Don’t tell me what I don’t or can’t do. You’re just doing a simple background check on him. How serious can it get?” I replied steely.

“But sir... you’re telling me to... hack his account... that’s umm illegal.”

This secretary had been with us for almost ten years and was still so damn annoying. “How about you figure out how to not make it illegal? How does that sound? And by the way don’t tell my brother about this. Got it?”

“Umm... yes sir.”

I closed my phone and smiled slyly. All I had to do was now play the waiting game and let the prize come to me. There were a lot of things that even a person would hide from their own best friend. If my suspicions of Donghae were right then I would let Yoona know every single detail about it. Whatever it was anyway. As long as it was bad.


Donghae’s POV

It was a silent walk back to my car with Yoona walking a few metres ahead of me. I wondered what she was thinking to herself at this very moment. That I was a liar? That I was a jealous friend who didn’t like the fact that she had made a new one? That her own best friend had lied to her for the very first time? All of these were so untrue yet they were twisted so much that they had become the truth to her. All because of Taecyeon... I knew at the beginning from my inner gut feelings that he was not to be trusted.

But why would that even matter now? Yoona believed him.

We both got into the car silently and I glanced at her as she pulled the seatbelt over. I felt so hurt... and I wanted to blame Yoona for it but I couldn’t because I loved her so much. This was entirely Taecyeon’s fault... he had manipulated the entire situation so well that she would even believe him. All the blame was shifted away from himself and directed to me. I tried to open my mouth to say something to her but she looked away gazing out the window.

I sighed and quickly rotated the steering wheel driving out of the parking area.

I glanced again at Yoona. “Hey...”

She didn’t reply. Her eyes were still transfixed to the scenery outside as it rushed past her vision. And then my mind had lost it or maybe it was just my urge to convince Yoona that I was telling the truth. I pulled over at the curb and stopped the car to a halt and I breathed heavily wondering how to start the conversation.

“Are you really going to believe him? How long have you known him and how long have you known me? Does it really look like I would lie to you?” I asked quietly.

She turned her face towards me giving me a blank expression. “I don’t know what to believe.”

“I swear that he never talked to me about anything like that yesterday... you have to trust me.”

“Then what did he talk to you about yesterday? Why won’t you tell me? I asked you before and you still haven’t replied to the question... I’m not saying that I don’t believe you... but you’re looking suspicious when you’re keeping things away from me...” She whispered.

I swallowed. I was trapped into a situation that I couldn’t break away from. Taecyeon had so craftily manipulated the situation in forcing me to reveal that he had feelings for her. And the thing was that I didn’t want to say it because I also had feelings for her as well. What was I going to do? Let Taecyeon have the upper hand and help him confess to her?

I repeated the lie that I had said yesterday. “We just got to know each other more... that was it.”


Yoona’s POV

I stared at him expressionless. He was lying, I could just tell.

Why was he doing it? He knows he’s not good at lying yet he’s still doing it. I would have believed it yesterday but now it was a totally different story. I had asked him the same question just then yet he didn’t even reply. If he was telling the truth then it would have come out automatically.

“You’re lying,” I said simply.

 “I’m not.”

“Just stop... you know it yourself.”


I sighed irritated. “Stop... could you start driving? I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

I watched as he took his hands off the steering wheel letting me know that he wasn’t going to comply. He stared at me and sighed as he leaned back onto his seat. I didn’t get how this situation had got so dramatic. Taecyeon had lied about changing himself and I fully understood. Nobody can change instantly. But he had also told Donghae about it and I wouldn’t have believed him because Donghae never lied. But here he was doing the exact same thing.

He took a deep breath. “We’re... not going home until we settle this.”

“What do you want me to say? That you’re saying the truth when you’re clearly not?”

I tried to open the door but I felt his hand holding onto my arm tightly.

“Why are you pushing me into a corner? Whatever I say right now you wouldn’t believe me! So what’s the point?” He exclaimed helplessly.

“I asked you to tell me the truth. How hard is it?!” I replied angrily wrenching my arm off him.

He closed his eyes and sighed as though suffocating. “Fine! Taecyeon likes you! He wants to confess to you but now I’m doing it for him! Happy?”

I stared at him shocked. It sounded farfetched but it also didn’t sound like he was lying. Why was he getting so angry? I didn’t get it and it just raised more questions in my mind. I didn’t understand why he didn’t tell me this at the first place. Anyway I didn’t and wouldn’t look at Taecyeon in that way.

And if Donghae was telling the truth and this was what they were talking about yesterday. Then would that mean that Taecyeon was the one lying? Donghae started the car and drove out of the curb. The drive back home was silent and we didn’t exchange a single word after that.


* * *


“I don’t know what to do... things just got so out of hand... I’m so confused... Yuri tell me what to do,” I pleaded as I looked at my computer screen.

That night I was having a quiet webcam conversation with Yuri. She was my other best friend and usually I didn’t talk about serious things because she was a real joker but I had no choice. Donghae didn’t talk to me for the rest of the night all the way from the drive back to now. He was in his room and I wondered if I should go up and apologize to him. But what did I do wrong?

I sighed... everything was so confusing right now.

“Isn’t it strange how all this drama started after you met that Taecyeon guy?” Yuri asked.

I looked at her giving me an intent look. “So you’re accusing him as well?”

“Well I’m just saying... everything was fine before you started knowing that guy.”

I didn’t know what to say. Yuri was right to some extent... I never had a fight with Donghae before up until now.

“Yoona... remember Nickhun?” Yuri asked and I slowly nodded.

How could I not forget that jerk? He asked me out during secondary school when I was still living in Korea. I remember agreeing instantly to him and we had gone out for almost a month and Donghae would always tell me to be careful of him saying that he wasn’t to be trusted. At that time I didn’t believe him thinking that Nickhun genuinely liked me. But I was so wrong and my attraction for him clouded the truth. He was a player who was dating multiple girls at the same time. Donghae was right and I never believed him. Was this the same situation?

“You didn’t believe Donghae and me when we both told you that Nickhun only gone out with you for your money. Don’t you feel like it’s déjà vu all over again?” Yuri continued.

“But Donghae was lying as well... and I just don’t get why he would do it... I don’t like Taecyeon yet he didn’t want to tell me that he had feelings for me... isn’t that strange?” I said quietly.

She laughed and looked at me with a curious glint in her eyes.

“Yoona there are a lot of things that you don’t know. Maybe you should go up to him and ask him if there’s anything he should tell you? I’m pretty sure he has a lot of things that he wants to tell you right now,” Yuri replied with the same weird glint in her eyes as though she knew something I didn’t.

“Umm... okay...” I said slowly getting up and walking out of my room feeling weird.

What did Yuri mean by all that?


Donghae’s POV

I rested my head on my pillow staring up at the ceiling thinking to myself. What was going on with me? I ignored Yoona for the whole night... I didn’t even look at her. Was I angry at her? Or was I just angry at myself? I wished I could turn back time so I wouldn’t have had that conversation with Taecyeon then none of this would have happened.

There was a sudden sound coming from my laptop and I raised my head to look at my screen. It was an instant message from Yuri. I sighed... I didn’t feel like talking to her or anybody for that matter. I reached for my laptop to see the message that she had written:

Hey... here’s your long awaited opportunity! ^^

I frowned wondering what she meant be that but before I could type a reply there was a soft knock on my door. I thought for a second who it would be but then I mentally slapped myself. It was Yoona of course... who else would it be? I closed my laptop and stood there frozen for a second wondering what to say to her and what she wanted from me.

I walked up to the door and opened it slowly to see her standing there. She stood there in her nightgown with her hair flowing down her shoulders. She was so beautiful and for a moment I wondered why I was so mad at her.

“Can I speak to you?” She asked softly.

I nodded letting her in.

“What’s up?” I said in a hoarse tone as I sat back down on my bed.

She sat down next to me making me a bit uncomfortable over the intimacy as her bare arms touched mine. “I wanted to say sorry. Are you still mad at me?”

I straightened up instantly in surprise. “No. Of course not. Why would I be mad at you?”

“You were angry... when you told me that Taecyeon likes me and I understand now...”

I gulped and look shocked... did she know that I have hidden feelings for her?

“Y-you do?” I stuttered as my heart pounded wondering if this was real or just a dream.

She nodded smiling softly. “You’re like my brother... you’re protective over me. It was like the time back then when I was going out with Nickhun and you kept telling me that he couldn’t be trusted. So I can see why you were mad when you told me that Taecyeon liked me. You were just trying to protect me. But... you don’t have to worry I don’t think I can see Taecyeon in that way... he will always just be a friend to me.”

My heart dropped. She was still oblivious over the fact that I loved her. She thought that I was mad because I was a brother to her trying to protect her from someone suspicious. She didn’t understand the fact that I was mad because I loved her so much and it pained me so hard that I was helping somebody confess their feelings to her.

Brother... that was all I was to her. Her loving brother like best friend. Nothing more, nothing less.

Brother. I hated that word.

My hopeful expression had slowly faded as I hugged her and then I said the thing that physically ripped me apart. “You’re right... you’re like my sister... I just... want you to be safe.”

We hugged for a long time and every passing second I felt a jab at my heart.

Yoona pulled apart and smiled at me happy that things were back to normal but they were far from it. I gave a fake smile and appeared joyful as well but inside everything was cracking apart.

“I thought you were going to keep ignoring me... I was so scared,” Yoona said tearfully.

I felt the urge to scream out that I loved her but my mind froze my lips together sending me a message that her reaction would be massive knowing that the person she saw as her brother actually loved her in a way which would shock her deeply. I didn’t want to take that risk.

She wiped her eyes gently. “Oh yeah... I just remembered... Yuri told me to ask you if there’s anything you want to say to me? I didn’t know what she meant by that but you know you can tell me anything right? Is there anything wrong?”

So this was the opportunity that Yuri was talking about.

But I had lost all hope now.

What opportunity? I couldn’t see it anymore.

I laughed half heartedly. “Nope... nothing... I’m just really happy that we’re back to normal again.”

She smiled. “I’m glad.”


* * *


I went to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water. It was almost midnight and Yoona was probably asleep now. I had lectures tomorrow so I should have slept already but I couldn’t because so many things had happened today. I stared out the window looking at the quiet and empty streets below as I sipped my water.

I didn’t know whether to be happy or sad. Yoona saying that she considered Taecyeon as her friend made me feel hopeful that I still had a chance to reveal my feelings for her. But the fact that Yoona considered me as her brother cancelled all my left over feelings of hope. Because what was the point of being hopeful when she stated outright that she only saw me as a brother?

I placed the empty glass into the sink quietly before walking back down the hallway to my room. I stopped as I got to Yoona’s room and silently opened her door. It was pitch dark inside and I knew that she was asleep. She had a day off college tomorrow so she was free tomorrow to sleep late if she wanted to. I closed her door and went into my room sitting down in front of my laptop.

“You are so sneaky you know that? Why did you tell Yoona to ask me if I had anything to tell her?” I whispered angrily at the computer screen in a low tone so Yoona wouldn’t wake up.

Yuri looked at me surprised and smiled evilly. “Well are you going to thank me now?”

“Thank you for what? I didn’t even tell her...” I muttered watching as her happy expression slowly turned stricken.

“Are you bloody kidding me Lee Donghae? I gave you the perfect opportunity to confess your feelings to her and you didn’t even tell her? Are you going to wait until she dies so that you can tell her that you love her? Is that what you’re going to do?” She said loudly and I lowered the speaker volume afraid that her voice would go pass Yoona’s room.

I hushed at her to be quiet. “Will you lower your voice? I don’t want Yoona to wake up okay?”

“Sorry but I won’t! I’m really angry and disappointed at you! If I was right next to you I would slap and punch you so hard. I mean the opportunity was once in a lifetime and you ruined it!” She exclaimed angrily.

“She only sees me as her brother okay? That’s all she sees me as.”

Yuri instantly shut up and gazed at me sadly. “Oh god... did she actually say that? I’m so sorry...”

“It doesn’t matter anymore... I knew that’s how she thought of me long before she told me,” I said quietly as Yuri listened intently.

“But... but what about the cake you made for her? I thought you were going to confess to her then? What happened?” She asked quickly.

“I threw it in the bin.”

Yuri sighed. “Look this is really complicated... but you can still change her perspective. It’s not impossible you know that right? Just because she sees you as a brother doesn’t mean she can’t see you as a potential boyfriend.”

“No point... she thinks that I’m just being overprotective like back then with her and Nickhun...”

We both stayed there in silence.

“Look... right now just try and avoid that Taecyeon guy... I really don’t like the sound of him... Yoona thinks he’s all innocent and crap but I doubt it... she’s too naive so you need to protect her... I’ll see if I have time to come to New York but right now I’m really busy with company stuff... god this is getting so dramatic... I told you like a gazillion times to confess to her but you kept making up stupid excuses... now look what you’ve done.”

Yuri was right... this was all my fault... everything I had done resulted to this. This wouldn’t have happened if I had stepped up my game to confess to her. Now it was probably too late. And I didn’t trust Taecyeon and I knew what kind of person he was now after what he had done. I had to make Yoona see through him and see what kind of person he was.


Taecyeon’s POV

I gazed down the midnight city of New York as I held a glass of champagne in the other hand. I was alone in the office of my company at the moment. I stared at the nameplate on the huge desk with my name etched on it. I was officially the chairperson and I was in full power now. I was going to fire anybody who had disagreed with me before. All those bastards that called me an incompetent drunk loser of a son were now cowering before me.

“So what have you found? Anything interesting?” I said gazing back down the window.

My secretary had come in through the door holding a folder with what appeared to be the details of Donghae’s background. “Lee Donghae... both his parents passed away from a car crash. His father worked for Im Soo-hyun and they were close friends-”

“Wait,” I interrupted holding out my hand. “Im Soo-hyun?”

“Err... yes that is Yoona’s father... their family own the Shinhwa Enterprise... so Donghae is pretty close with their family after his parents died... they bought him a house and payed for his scholarships and other stuff... he’s almost like their son... well I think they think of him in that way.”

“Okay enough with his ty background... have you found anything else interesting? Has he done any crimes or anything? Any past relationships?” I asked annoyed.

He shook his head making all my excitement fade and showed me the document containing numerous copies of various records under his name. “No... his history is pretty clean... no crimes... nothing of the sort... he’s a straight A student if you see here from his school records... but I did find something interesting relating to his relationships with other people but I’m not sure if it’s reliable...”

My eyes narrowed. “What?”

“Well I had some people intercept his emails... and he’s had quite a fair bit of conversation with a girl called Yuri... and the interesting thing is I found an online conversation they had with each other a few years ago and they talked about a girl called Jessica. I did a background check on her and she used to go to the same secondary school with him and Yoona and they had dated for a certain time...”

So Donghae had a previous girlfriend before?

“Do you have that online conversation? I want to read it...”

“Err yes... it’s right here... but I didn’t copy the entire conversation... only this certain part...” He replied handing me a paper with a copy and paste format of their past conversation:

[Yuri @ 18/2/10 @ 7:24pm] I have to say it’s pretty slack ==;;
[Donghae @ 18/2/10 @ 7:24pm] What do you mean?
[Yuri @ 18/2/10 @ 7:25pm] Well you only dated Jessica because you wanted to get over Yoona.
[Yuri @ 18/2/10 @ 7:25pm] Slack! ><
[Donghae @ 18/2/10 @ 7:25pm] Well it’s not like I cheated on her or anything. I thought I would be able to get over Yoona... but I couldn’t.
[Yuri @ 18/2/10 @ 7:25pm] Well now that you guys broke up... are you going to confess to Yoona? (:
[Donghae @ 18/2/10 @ 7:26pm] Not yet... she just broke up with Nickhun... I don’t want to rush things.


I smirked to myself as I read it over. So Donghae had dated a girl before. I wonder how awkward he would be if he saw her again. And he DID have feelings for Yoona. I doubted he ever confessed to her or he wouldn’t have been so nervous yesterday when I admitted that I liked her. Too bad for him though because I wasn’t going to let him take that chance to confess.

“Find Jessica for me,” I ordered and he nodded silently.

This was going to be very interesting. 



More schemes from Taecyeon makes in order to get Yoona. He is really becoming bad... almost evil but not to that point at the moment. What you need to understand right now is the fact that he feels insecure... his only real friend is Yoona and he sees her in a romantic light so knowing that she has a bestfriend is potential threat for him so he is forced in a way to eliminate him (Donghae). 

I don't know whether to hate him or feel sorry for him right now... but I would probably be leaning more towards hate.. because he should have a clear conscience of what's doing... he should know what's wrong and what's right. Loving somebody isn't through manipulation and schemes but this is exactly what Taecyeon is doing. More drama ahead. 

By the way, a new character Jessica who was Donghae's girlfriend in secondary school. Wonder what her role is in the story? (:

Please comment! It keeps me happy!


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[deepwaters] reuploading chapter 5... ceebs waiting for aff to restore the lost chapters. Will be updating chapter 6 later on.


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Chapter 8: Is there still a tiny seed of goodness in Taecyeon or is he completely consumed by 'evil'?
Chapter 8: Omg update soon! I love this story! <3
elis031089 #3
Chapter 8: please update soon!! and make it yoonhae please!!
Chapter 8: taecyeon really gone bad and he is also good in manipulating others it makes the story more exciting with jessica for donghae
o_yuri #5
can u make it to be taecyoon pLease!
maybe he can change his attitude or yoona can change her heart.pLease...
i hope Yoona end up with Donghae...:D
GSL1999 #7
Taecyoon please
Julettums #8
Damn...Stupid Teac. Just be good and LEAVE THEM ALONE.

It's pretty obvious that Yoona can get manipulated easily...Kind of dislike her for that though.

About the sneak peek with Jessica, it seems like she's mean but she isn't. She was hurt, so I understand...I think.

And for those to think that TeacYoon is Happening in the end, Read the Foreward.
s3car91 #9
great story line
n finally some drama..
please update soon
YoonHae Fighting :)
fantacy #10
I hope Yoona can help Taecyeon to be a better person..And they can end up as a couple..