
Deep Waters


Note from unforgettable

  • So we finally arrive at the chapter which plays a major theme in the change in Taecyeon. 
  • In a way his life is very curious, he was born a partyboy and never really cared for his family but he starts to change when his father ends up in hospital. In this chapter, he changes again... but would it be good? or back to bad? 
  • I found some very interesting comments and I thought I would address it here so that everybody could read it: 

    michiusa-"And then there's Donghae on the side lone. Whom I'm sure will be sulking and seething in jealousy because Yoona still hasn't figured out his feelings for her." 
    No, Donghae would never be the type to be jealous and sulking. If he was then that element would completely change the story. Taecyeon is evil because of his own experiences, I wouldn't want to change that by making Donghae jealous as a reason for Taecyeon's change. 

    "So that was Taec's past." 
    Not completely. I only described Taec's past in the introduction of chapter 2. The chapter gradually goes back to the present again. 

  • Oh by the way! I'm sorry when I said that Yuri was making an appearance, what I meant was that she is just playing a cameo. Because realistically in this story, Yuri lives in Korea and Donghae and Yoona are living in America. So it wouldn't make sense if Yuri made a "appearance". Sorry about the misinformation! And also there is another cameo with a new character I didn't reveal, It's MINHO (Shinee version). He will be playing the brother of Taecyeon. 
  • If you guys didn't notice the beautiful poster I have it's from Fateful Dreamer Graphic ShopCheck it out now! They do the loveliest posters! 


The life cycle of a butterfly;

The life of a butterfly is a rather curious thing. They hatch as an ugly and lazy grub, the caterpillar and they do nothing but eat but as soon as they emerge from their cacoon they become beautified. Much like reality there are certain experiences that make us born much like a caterpillar. We are born spoilt and lazy but maybe through our realisation we soon change… and that’s when we become a butterfly. But the thing about butterflies is that time is never your friend… because death is right at your doorstep. 








Yoona’s POV

I wish I knew what happened but I didn’t. One moment his face was relaxed and calm and then suddenly after the phone call his face had turned all dark. I watched as he slowly lowered his phone down from his ear. He stood there like a statue deep in thought, nothing about him moved except for the phone in his hand which was shaking so bad that he would have dropped it at any second.

I finally spoke.

“Taecyeon? Is something wrong?” I whispered quietly.

I was pretty sure he didn’t hear me because I had spoken in such a tone that it was barely audible. It was a scary experience for me as I stood there not knowing what to expect and not knowing what to do to help him. My heart sped up as he stirred; his head slowly rose up and turned towards me.

Our eyes met at that moment and all I could see was the darkness of his eyes. I thought it would be impossible to see past that blackness… but I could… somehow… and what came back to me was a look of pure despair and agony.

“My… my father… the hospital… they called me… they said… he… he might not make it,” Taecyeon murmured in a confused daze as though everything around him had stopped altogether.

I was speechless at the revelation; I could only imagine the trauma and fear that he was going through at the moment. I hated myself for standing there not knowing what to say or do to comfort Taecyeon before the sudden realisation…

“The hospital!” I burst out when the thought entered my head.

Taecyeon emerged from his thoughts in an instant giving me a stunned expression.

“The hospital!” He repeated to himself in a heavy breath upon the realisation.

“Taecyeon! Stop standing there! Your father is waiting for you! You have to hurry!”

“But… what if something happens?” He whispered to me.

I stared at him not knowing what to say. I had never been in this situation before… and I hoped that I would never will. Death was an event that I only saw in dramas and television… now it was reality… because I was slowly being part of it. I looked at Taecyeon and said the only thing that I thought would help.

“Nothing’s going to happen,” I whispered back to him fiercely.

But I was so wrong… because nothing in this life is a guarantee. Promises are never a guarantee. Love is never a guarantee. Friendship is never a guarantee. Nothing in this life has a guarantee or warranty because things will always turn out the way it wasn’t supposed to be. This is called fate.

“Will… you come with me? Please… I can’t go there by myself,” He pleaded.

I nodded silently. “Of course.”


Taecyeon’s POV

I could remember everything that happened that day as clear as water. Everything from the trees and buildings that we had passed was still vivid and fresh in my memory. The hospital was what I remembered the clearest, the air conditioning was harsh and all I could think of was that everything was cold around me. I had goose bumps as Yoona and I had rushed towards the receptionist desk.

“Yes? Can I help you?” The receptionist asked politely.

“The hospital just notified me that my father’s under a medical procedure. I’m his son, Ok Taecyeon, could you tell me where the operation is taken?” I asked hurriedly as I gripped the table tightly.

The receptionist gave me a nervous look once I had revealed my name.

That look told me everything.

“What happened? Is my father okay?” I burst out gripping the table harder.

“I’m… I’m so sorry,” She tried to say. “The… d-doctors did the best they c-could.”  

I was horrified as I staggered back. “What are you talking about? What happened to him? WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?!”

Everybody in the hospital had turned silent as they watched what was going on. I didn’t care… all I knew or cared was the fact that my father was still alive when they had called me… and now he was dead.

“Taecyeon…” Yoona pressed gently but I ignored her.

“So you’re saying… that my father is gone?” I whispered at the receptionist lethally.

The receptionist backed away fearfully. “Sir… I’m extremely sorry, the doctors had contributed-”

“Just shut the up… I don’t want to listen to your bull… just tell me where I can find my father,” I exclaimed as I closed my eyes putting my hand out to stop her babbling.

“W-ward 27… It’s on the 9th f-floor,” She stuttered back.    


Yoona’s POV

We were the only two on the elevator as it travelled up to the 9th floor and I was thankful for that. At least nobody else was on the elevator with us or they would have cowered away with fear. Taecyeon was muttering to himself and cursing out loud… he looked like he wanted to murder somebody. He was a completely different person and I was scared, I could feel the dark atmosphere that he was emitting, it was as if he was going to do something crazy. 

“Why the is this elevator taking so long? Hurry the up…” Taecyeon paced around restlessly.

I stood there in the corner giving him some space.


I raised my head to meet Taecyeon’s face. His eyes were swimming with hopelessness and despair but his face was hard as though he was trying not to give in to his emotions.

“Yes?” I replied gently.

“He… he’s going to be alright. Isn’t he?”

It was hard looking him straight in the eyes as I replied. I wanted to reassure him, to tell him that his father was alright but I couldn't open my mouth to say it. It was like there was a weight stuck dislogdged in my throat stopping my voice from sounding. 

“I... don't... know,” I breathed out not knowing for sure whether he had heard me or not.

The elevator started to slow down. A huge lump started to form in my throat as the message on the display showed that we had arrived on the 9th floor. I didn’t want to imagine what was going to happen once we entered the ward.


Donghae’s POV

I was suffering from separation anxiety… or something like that. No matter how many times I try to have fun without Yoona beside me it never seemed to work. I would always be bored, tired and moody. And somehow miraculously every time Yoona came back home my moodiness, tiredness and sleepiness seemed to drift away like air. Sure I could always go out and watch a movie with some friends… but everything seemed to lead back to Yoona. Something was always missing when I didn’t have her by my side. Maybe I really was suffering from separation anxiety.

“Donghae, you’re suffering from separation anxiety!”

I glanced at the laptop next to me and rolled my eyes at the girl speaking on the screen. Kwon Yuri, also known as one of my best friends, also known as the only person in the world who knew that I had feelings for Yoona. It was a shame that we were living in America at the moment and Yuri was on the other side of the world. I guess online video chatting was the only way to actually communicate nowadays.

“Yuri, shut up.” I said simply making her smile knowingly.

“Well you can’t deny it! Every time we video chat you’re always doing that bored face and checking the clock every minute,” Yuri replied defensively.

I smiled shaking my head. Yuri always noticed the littlest things about me… it bothered me sometimes how sharp her eyes were.

“Here we go! You’re doing that smile again!” Yuri burst out making me laugh embarrassed.

Yuri had told me a long time ago through her rather keen observation that I did a very unique smile. It was unique because it only happened when we were talking about Yoona except I never really noticed. Or maybe the smile just showed up automatically without me knowing.

I gazed at the laptop screen and pointed at Yuri’s face. “You know how I hate your observations. Most of them aren’t true anyway.”

“Most of them aren’t true anyway? Wow Donghae I just love your opinion about everything it really cracks me up,” Yuri teased.

I ignored her and focused on the cake I was making. I had spent the whole day making it after Yoona had left the house; it was going to be a surprise for her. I had my laptop beside me so I was chatting with Yuri at the same time although she wasn’t of much help in making cakes.

“Who’s the cake for?” Yuri asked innocently.

“Yuri I really hate you. Do you know that?” I asked making Yuri burst out laughing.

“Okay I’m sorry. We both know who that cake is for.”

I frowned as I pushed the cake closer to the laptop screen so that she could have a look. “Do you think I should add more strawberries? Or is this enough?”

But Yuri wasn’t looking at the cake; she was gazing intently at me.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked wiping my cheek in case there was flour or cream.

“Donghae… when are you going to tell her?” She asked seriously.

I looked away; my mood had turned a bit sour. “Yuri, we already talked about this before.”

“But is it really that hard? You’ve been bottling up your feelings for her since forever. Yoona is my best friend too and we both know that a lot of guys ask her out all the time.”

I sighed once my mood had completely dried off. “Yuri, what’s your point?”

She gazed at me worriedly. “I want you to be with her but the rate that you’re going… it’s just going nowhere. The longer you keep yourself from telling her the higher the chance she’s going to start seeing someone.”

“I don’t know how to tell her,” I said finally.

“Donghae… you are the biggest idiot I’ve met. Oh my god, now my mood is turning sour… I’m going to head down and eat something sweet. Anyway, just think to yourself seriously. If Yoona was back in Korea she would have guys lining up for her. Take the chance and tell her now.”

At that moment I wondered to myself if Yuri was right about everything.


Taecyeon’s POV

I rushed out of the elevator searching frantically for a sign or billboard indicating the location to ward 27. I scratched my head furiously when I couldn’t find the thing I was looking for but was relieved slightly when a nurse walked past me.

“Where’s ward 27?” I demanded.

 “It’s down the corridor in that direction,” She indicated raising her arm to her right.

Without thanking her I started to run with Yoona right behind me. My mind was boiling with both positive and negative thoughts. No matter how much I wanted to ignore those negative thoughts I couldn’t seem to get them out of my head. I slowed down as I approached the first ward…




I started to pick up pace again. As I ran I thought to myself about everything that I’ve always wanted to tell my father. But most of all I wanted to apologize for being an irresponsible son… for being a selfish son… for being an unloving son. I looked up hoping to see ward 27 but…




Tears started to well up in my eyes as I kept running. What if he really was… gone? Everything I had done would have gone down the drain. I changed myself for him… I was no longer the son that brought shame to his family… I was different now. But if he was gone… he would never see it. I gazed deeply at the ward number…




The tears that I tried so hard to keep in my eyes had rolled down my cheek. I was hoping, wishing and screaming in my head telling my father not to leave. At least give a glance at me… don’t leave me… I’ve changed my whole life around for you.

“Don’t go…” I mumbled closing my eyes as I slowly opened the door.

I walked in slowly not knowing what to expect but was hit by a horrifying sight in front of me that I thought would never happen. The first thing I saw was my brother, Minho whose head lay on the bed as he cried; his hands were tugging desperately on the body lying there. My eyes travelled fearfully to the body that lay on the bed… except it was covered entirely with a blanket.

And then it hit me so hard that I almost collapsed on the floor.

My father… was gone. He was dead.

But the thought of my father dead couldn’t get through my mind. I wouldn’t believe it until I had lifted the blanket to see if it was really him. Forcing myself slowly towards the bed, I brushed past Minho as my hand shook violently once I proceeded to lift the blanket away but in an instant a hand grabbed it stopping me.

“You don’t need to check… he’s gone,” Minho murmured quietly pulling my hand away.

I stumbled back in disbelief. “No! No… don’t lie! OFF!”

I proceeded to lift the blanket off the body but Minho pushed me away angrily.

“HE’S DEAD!” Minho roared.

The truth finally sunk into my mind and my whole body stopped functioning as I collapsed on a chair. My mind was racing with thoughts and everything was spinning out of control. I could feel my heart pound against my ear, there was a lump in my throat and I felt like I had melted away onto the floor.

I felt a hand press gently on my shoulder.

“I’m so sorry,” Yoona whispered as the hot tears started to brim in my eyes.

Everything inside me started to burn and boil… I was furious… I was angry… I started to kick the floor before kicking whatever was near me, the table, the wall, and the drawers. I thumped my chest in agony as the tears continued to pour out of my eyes. My movements had begun so violent that I had slid down the chair and fell on the floor. I punched the ground so hard that my knuckles had begun to bleed. But all the pain in my body couldn’t amount for the pain I felt for losing my father.

“You must be Taecyeon. I’m one of the surgeons from the operation. I’m deeply sorry about your loss.”

I raised my head and glared coldly at the man in front of me, the surgeon who was meant to save my father. The fury that was boiling inside me had exploded and all I could see in front of me was not a surgeon but a cold blooded murderer. I grabbed him by the collar violently and raised him up in the air.

“You were meant to save him. YOU WERE ING MEANT TO SAVE HIM!” I screamed at his face as Minho and Yoona rushed up to stop me. I threw the surgeon down on the floor as Minho wrestled me to the corner.

“W-we tried every m-method to s-save him,” The surgeon gasped for breath.

“IF YOU TRIED EVERY ING METHOD THEN HE WOULDN’T HAVE ING DIED!” I roared out as I tried to wrestle my way out of Minho.

“Calm yourself down Taecyeon!” Minho shouted.



Yoona’s POV

“Please just leave. My friend can’t calm down if you’re here. We appreciate everything you’ve done. But please just go before anything else happens,” I whispered frantically to the surgeon as I pulled him up and showed him to the door. The surgeon looked back apologetically and I could see that he wanted desperately to say sorry to Taecyeon.

“Please tell him I’m sorry once again,” The surgeon whispered back as he walked out of the room. I gave him a small nod once I had closed the door behind him.

“Why did my father have to go so soon?”

I turned around and gazed sadly at Taecyeon who was leaning against the wall in a daze.

“Why did he have to go so soon?” Taecyeon repeated to himself as he repeatedly bumped his head against the cold wall.

“Will you stop hurting yourself? Do you really want your father to see you like this?” I questioned.

Taecyeon stared at me and the tears had started to well up in his eyes again.

“I… never got to say to him that… I’m sorry. Just when I was changing myself… he just left… he didn’t even wait for me to come… he just left.”

I was speechless as my eyes started to well up. The sight of him so helpless, confused and traumatised was enough to make me choke on my own tears.

“I… feel pain… everything hurts… my head hurts… and here,” Taecyeon whispered to me as his hand clutched his heart.

I kneeled down until I was at eye level with him.

And then I hugged him.

“Everything’s going to be okay,” I replied simply.   


Sorry about the long wait everybody... I had already been writing this since Wednesday but the angsty parts of it had to rewritten quite a bit. So anyways, this chapter was quite a long chapter so I hoped that didn't bore you. As you can see through the death of his father, Taecyeon is just devastated... I mean he did so much to change himself... but his father never got to see him in the new light. 

That's the thing that really starts to kill him. I guess that's how I got the whole idea of the butterfly thing because it sort of symbolises two ideas. One is realistically the death of Taecyeon's father but the other is also methorically representing Taecyeon. He has emerged from his cacoon but through the death of his father he dies inside. Writing this chapter I actually felt really sorry for him. And I guess now Taecyeon only sees the one person who has seen his change and that is Yoona now. As a result, Yoona is quite a significant person to him because he has opened up everything to her. 

Stay tuned to the next chapter, I will probably start writing tonight because in actual fact I'm actually a very slow writer LOL. 

And thankyou everybody for subscribing, all 50 of you! (:



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[deepwaters] reuploading chapter 5... ceebs waiting for aff to restore the lost chapters. Will be updating chapter 6 later on.


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Chapter 8: Is there still a tiny seed of goodness in Taecyeon or is he completely consumed by 'evil'?
Chapter 8: Omg update soon! I love this story! <3
elis031089 #3
Chapter 8: please update soon!! and make it yoonhae please!!
Chapter 8: taecyeon really gone bad and he is also good in manipulating others it makes the story more exciting with jessica for donghae
o_yuri #5
can u make it to be taecyoon pLease!
maybe he can change his attitude or yoona can change her heart.pLease...
i hope Yoona end up with Donghae...:D
GSL1999 #7
Taecyoon please
Julettums #8
Damn...Stupid Teac. Just be good and LEAVE THEM ALONE.

It's pretty obvious that Yoona can get manipulated easily...Kind of dislike her for that though.

About the sneak peek with Jessica, it seems like she's mean but she isn't. She was hurt, so I understand...I think.

And for those to think that TeacYoon is Happening in the end, Read the Foreward.
s3car91 #9
great story line
n finally some drama..
please update soon
YoonHae Fighting :)
fantacy #10
I hope Yoona can help Taecyeon to be a better person..And they can end up as a couple..